2004-09-12 13:21:01 +00:00
< ? php // $Id$
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
// workshop.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2004013101)
2003-05-01 13:16:58 +00:00
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'absent' ] = 'Absent' ;
$string [ 'accumulative' ] = 'Accumulative' ;
$string [ 'action' ] = 'Action' ;
$string [ 'addacomment' ] = 'Add a Comment' ;
$string [ 'afterdeadline' ] = 'After Deadline: $a' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'ago' ] = " \$ a ago " ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'agreetothisassessment' ] = 'Agree to this Assessment' ;
$string [ 'allgradeshaveamaximumof' ] = 'All Grades have a Maximum of: $a' ;
$string [ 'allowresubmit' ] = 'Allow Resubmissions' ;
$string [ 'alreadyinphase' ] = 'Already in Phase $a' ;
$string [ 'amendassessmentelements' ] = 'Amend Assessment Elements' ;
$string [ 'amendtitle' ] = 'Amend Title' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'analysis' ] = 'Analysis' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'analysisofassessments' ] = 'Analysis of Assessments' ;
$string [ 'assess' ] = 'Assess' ;
$string [ 'assessedon' ] = 'Assessed on $a' ;
$string [ 'assessment' ] = 'Assessment' ;
$string [ 'assessmentby' ] = 'Assessment by $a' ;
$string [ 'assessmentdropped' ] = 'Assessment Dropped' ;
$string [ 'assessmentgrade' ] = 'Assessment Grade: $a' ;
$string [ 'assessmentnotyetagreed' ] = 'Assessment not yet agreed' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'assessmentnotyetgraded' ] = 'Assessment not yet graded' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'assessmentofresubmission' ] = 'This is an Assessment of a revised piece of the work. <br />The form here has been filled with your previous grades and comments. <br />Please amend these after looking at the revised work.' ;
$string [ 'assessmentofthissubmission' ] = 'Assessment of this submission' ;
$string [ 'assessments' ] = 'Assessments' ;
$string [ 'assessmentsareok' ] = 'Assessments are OK' ;
$string [ 'assessmentsby' ] = 'Assessments by $a' ;
$string [ 'assessmentsdone' ] = 'Assessments Done' ;
$string [ 'assessmentsexcluded' ] = 'Number of Assessments excluded for this $a' ;
$string [ 'assessmentsmustbeagreed' ] = 'Assessments must be agreed' ;
$string [ 'assessmentwasagreedon' ] = 'Assessment was agreed on $a' ;
$string [ 'assessor' ] = 'Assessor' ;
$string [ 'assessthissubmission' ] = 'Assess this submission' ;
$string [ 'assignmentnotinthecorrectphase' ] = 'Assignment not in the Correct Phase' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'attachment' ] = 'Attachment' ;
$string [ 'attachments' ] = 'Attachments' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'authorofsubmission' ] = 'Author of Submission' ;
$string [ 'averageerror' ] = 'Average Error' ;
$string [ 'awaitinggradingbyteacher' ] = 'Awaiting Grading by $a' ;
$string [ 'beforedeadline' ] = 'Before Deadline: $a' ;
$string [ 'calculationoffinalgrades' ] = 'Calculation of Final Grades' ;
$string [ 'closeassignment' ] = 'Close Assignment' ;
$string [ 'comment' ] = 'Comment' ;
$string [ 'commentby' ] = 'Comment by' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'comparisonofassessments' ] = " Comparison of Assessments " ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'confirmdeletionofthisitem' ] = 'Confirm Deletion of this $a' ;
$string [ 'correct' ] = 'Correct' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'count' ] = 'Count' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'criterion' ] = 'Criterion' ;
$string [ 'deadline' ] = 'Deadline' ;
$string [ 'deadlineis' ] = 'The Deadline is $a' ;
$string [ 'delete' ] = 'Delete' ;
$string [ 'deleting' ] = 'Deleting' ;
$string [ 'description' ] = 'Description' ;
$string [ 'detailsofassessment' ] = 'Details of Assessment' ;
$string [ 'disagreewiththisassessment' ] = 'Disagree with this Assessment' ;
$string [ 'displayoffinalgrades' ] = 'Display of Final Grades' ;
$string [ 'dontshowgrades' ] = 'Don\'t Show Grades' ;
$string [ 'edit' ] = 'Edit' ;
$string [ 'editacomment' ] = 'Edit a Comment' ;
$string [ 'editingassessmentelements' ] = 'Editing Assessment Elements' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'editsubmission' ] = 'Edit Submission' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'element' ] = 'Element' ;
$string [ 'elementweight' ] = 'Element Weight' ;
$string [ 'errorbanded' ] = 'Error Banded' ;
$string [ 'errortable' ] = 'Error Table' ;
$string [ 'excellent' ] = 'Excellent' ;
$string [ 'excludingdroppedassessments' ] = 'excluding dropped Assessments' ;
$string [ 'expectederror' ] = 'Expected Error Value if guessing: $a' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'fair' ] = " Fair " ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'feedbackgoeshere' ] = 'Feedback goes here' ;
$string [ 'generalcomment' ] = 'General comment' ;
$string [ 'good' ] = 'Good' ;
$string [ 'grade' ] = 'Grade' ;
$string [ 'gradeassessment' ] = 'Grade Assessment' ;
$string [ 'graded' ] = 'Graded' ;
$string [ 'gradedbyteacher' ] = 'Graded by $a' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'gradegiventoassessment' ] = 'Grade given to Assessment' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'gradeforassessments' ] = 'Grade for Assessments' ;
$string [ 'gradeforbias' ] = 'Grade for Bias' ;
$string [ 'gradeforreliability' ] = 'Grade for Reliability' ;
$string [ 'gradeforstudentsassessment' ] = 'Grade for Student\'s Assessment' ;
$string [ 'gradeforsubmission' ] = 'Grade for Submission' ;
$string [ 'gradeofsubmission' ] = 'Grade of Submission: $a' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'gradesforassessmentsare' ] = 'Grades for Assessments are out of $a' ;
$string [ 'gradesforstudentsassessment' ] = 'Grades for $a\'s Assessment' ;
$string [ 'gradesforsubmissionsare' ] = 'Grades for Submissions are out of $a' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'gradetable' ] = 'Grade Table' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'gradingallassessments' ] = 'Grading all Assessments' ;
$string [ 'gradinggrade' ] = 'Grading Grade' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'gradingstrategy' ] = 'Grading Strategy' ;
$string [ 'hidegradesbeforeagreement' ] = 'Hide Grades before Agreement' ;
$string [ 'hidenamesfromstudents' ] = 'Hide Names from $a' ;
$string [ 'includeteachersgrade' ] = 'Include Teacher\'s Grade' ;
$string [ 'incorrect' ] = 'Incorrect' ;
$string [ 'iteration' ] = 'Iteration $a completed' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'lax' ] = " Lax " ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'leaguetable' ] = 'League Table of Submitted Work' ;
$string [ 'listassessments' ] = 'List Assessments' ;
$string [ 'listofallsubmissions' ] = 'List of all Submissions' ;
$string [ 'liststudentsassessments' ] = 'List Student\'s Assessments' ;
$string [ 'loadingforteacherassessments' ] = 'Loading for $a Assessments' ;
$string [ 'mail1' ] = 'Your assignment \'$a\' has been assessed by' ;
$string [ 'mail10' ] = 'You can assess it in your workshop assignment ' ;
$string [ 'mail2' ] = 'The comments and grade can be seen in the Workshop Assignment \'$a\'' ;
$string [ 'mail3' ] = 'You can see it in your Workshop Assignment' ;
$string [ 'mail4' ] = 'A comment has been added to the assignment \'$a\' by' ;
$string [ 'mail5' ] = 'The new comment can be seen in the Workshop Assignment \'$a\'' ;
$string [ 'mail6' ] = 'Your assessment of the assignment \'$a\' has by reviewed' ;
$string [ 'mail7' ] = 'The comments given by the $a can be seen in the Workshop Assignment ' ;
$string [ 'mail8' ] = 'The assignment $a is a revised piece of work. ' ;
$string [ 'mail9' ] = 'Please assess it in the workshop assignment $a ' ;
$string [ 'managingassignment' ] = 'Managing the Assignment' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'maximum' ] = 'Maximum' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'maximumsize' ] = 'Maximum Size' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'mean' ] = 'Mean' ;
$string [ 'minimum' ] = 'Minimum' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'modulename' ] = 'Workshop' ;
$string [ 'modulenameplural' ] = 'Workshops' ;
$string [ 'movingtophase' ] = 'Moving to Phase $a' ;
$string [ 'namesnotshowntostudents' ] = 'Names not shown to $a' ;
$string [ 'newassessments' ] = 'New Assessments' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'newattachment' ] = 'New Attachment' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'newgradings' ] = 'New Gradings' ;
$string [ 'newsubmissions' ] = 'New Submissions' ;
$string [ 'noassessments' ] = 'No Assessments' ;
$string [ 'noassessmentsdone' ] = 'No Assessments Done' ;
$string [ 'nosubmission' ] = 'No Submission' ;
$string [ 'nosubmissionsavailableforassessment' ] = 'No Submissions available for assessment' ;
$string [ 'notavailable' ] = 'Not Available' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'notenoughexamplessubmitted' ] = 'Not enough Examples submitted.' ;
2004-09-12 13:21:01 +00:00
$string [ 'noteonassessmentelements' ] = ' Note that grading is broken down into a number of \ ' Assessment Elements\ ' .< br />
This makes the grading easier and more consistent . As teacher you must add these < br />
Elements before making the assignment available to students . This is done by < br />
clicking on the assignment in the course , if no elements are present you will be asked < br />
to add them . You can change the number of elements using the Edit Assignment screen , < br />
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
the elements themselves can be amended from the & quot ; Managing Assessment & quot ; screen . ' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'noteonstudentassessments' ] = '{Grade from Student / Grading Grade for Assessment}' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'notgraded' ] = 'Not Graded' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'notitle' ] = 'No Title' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'notitlegiven' ] = 'No Title Given' ;
$string [ 'numberofassessmentelements' ] = 'Number of Comments, Assessment Elements, Grade Bands, Criterion Statments or Categories in a Rubric' ;
$string [ 'numberofassessments' ] = 'Number of Assessments' ;
$string [ 'numberofassessmentschanged' ] = 'Number of Assessments Changed: $a' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofassessmentsdropped' ] = 'Number of Assessments dropped: $a' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofassessmentsofstudentsubmissions' ] = 'Number of Assessments of Student Submissions' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofassessmentsweighted' ] = 'Number of Assessments (weighted): $a' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofassessmentsofteachersexamples' ] = 'Number of Assessments of Examples from Teacher' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofattachments' ] = 'Number of Attachments expected on Submissions' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofentries' ] = 'Number of Entries' ;
$string [ 'numberofnegativeresponses' ] = 'Number of Negative Responses' ;
$string [ 'numberofsubmissions' ] = 'Number of Submissions: $a' ;
$string [ 'on' ] = 'on $a' ;
$string [ 'openassignment' ] = 'Open Assignment' ;
$string [ 'optionaladjustment' ] = 'Optional Adjustment' ;
$string [ 'optionforpeergrade' ] = 'Option for Peer Grade' ;
$string [ 'optionsusedinanalysis' ] = 'Options used in Analysis' ;
$string [ 'overallgrade' ] = 'Overall Grade' ;
$string [ 'overallocation' ] = 'Over Allocation' ;
$string [ 'overallpeergrade' ] = 'Overall Peer Grade: $a' ;
$string [ 'overallteachergrade' ] = 'Overall Teacher Grade: $a' ;
$string [ 'ownwork' ] = 'Own Work' ;
$string [ 'percentageofassessments' ] = 'Percentage of Assessments to Drop' ;
$string [ 'phase' ] = 'Phase' ;
$string [ 'phase1' ] = 'Set Up Assignment' ;
$string [ 'phase1short' ] = 'Set Up' ;
$string [ 'phase2' ] = 'Allow $a Submissions' ;
$string [ 'phase2short' ] = 'Submissions' ;
$string [ 'phase3' ] = 'Allow $a Submissions and Assessments' ;
$string [ 'phase3short' ] = 'Both' ;
$string [ 'phase4' ] = 'Allow $a Assessments' ;
$string [ 'phase4short' ] = 'Assessments' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'phase5' ] = 'Show Final Grades' ;
$string [ 'phase5short' ] = 'Show Grades' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'pleaseassesstheseexamplesfromtheteacher' ] = 'Please assess these Examples from the $a' ;
$string [ 'pleaseassessthesestudentsubmissions' ] = 'Please assess these $a Submissions' ;
$string [ 'pleaseassessyoursubmissions' ] = 'Please assess your Submission(s)' ;
$string [ 'poor' ] = 'Poor' ;
$string [ 'present' ] = 'Present' ;
$string [ 'reasonforadjustment' ] = 'Reason for Adjustment' ;
$string [ 'reassess' ] = 'Re-assess' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'regradestudentassessments' ] = 'Re-grade Student Assessments' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'removeallattachments' ] = 'Remove All Attachments' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'repeatanalysis' ] = 'Repeat Analysis' ;
$string [ 'reply' ] = 'Reply' ;
$string [ 'returnto' ] = 'Return to' ;
$string [ 'returntosubmissionpage' ] = 'Return to Submission Page' ;
$string [ 'rubric' ] = 'Rubric' ;
$string [ 'savedok' ] = 'Saved OK' ;
$string [ 'saveleaguetableoptions' ] = 'Save League Table Options' ;
$string [ 'savemyassessment' ] = 'Save my Assessment' ;
$string [ 'savemycomment' ] = 'Save my Comment' ;
$string [ 'savemygrading' ] = 'Save my Grading' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'savemysubmission' ] = 'Save my Submission' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'saveoverallocation' ] = 'Save Over Allocation Level' ;
$string [ 'scale10' ] = 'Score out of 10' ;
$string [ 'scale100' ] = 'Score out of 100' ;
$string [ 'scale20' ] = 'Score out of 20' ;
$string [ 'scalecorrect' ] = '2 point Correct/Incorrect scale' ;
$string [ 'scaleexcellent4' ] = '4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale' ;
$string [ 'scaleexcellent5' ] = '5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale' ;
$string [ 'scaleexcellent7' ] = '7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale' ;
$string [ 'scalegood3' ] = '3 point Good/Poor scale' ;
$string [ 'scalepresent' ] = '2 point Present/Absent scale' ;
$string [ 'scaleyes' ] = '2 point Yes/No scale' ;
$string [ 'select' ] = 'Select' ;
$string [ 'selfassessment' ] = 'Self Assessment' ;
$string [ 'showgrades' ] = 'Show Grades' ;
$string [ 'specimenassessmentform' ] = 'Specimen Assessment Form' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'standarddeviation' ] = 'Standard Deviation' ;
$string [ 'standarddeviationofelement' ] = 'Standard deviation of Element $a:' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'standarddeviationnote' ] = 'Elements with standard deviations of zero or very small values can distort the analysis.<br /> This Element has been excluded from the analysis.' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'strict' ] = " Strict " ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'studentassessments' ] = '$a Assessments' ;
$string [ 'studentgrades' ] = '$a Grades' ;
$string [ 'studentsubmissions' ] = '$a Submissions' ;
$string [ 'studentsubmissionsforassessment' ] = '$a Student Submissions for Assessment' ;
$string [ 'submission' ] = 'Submission' ;
$string [ 'submissions' ] = 'Submissions' ;
$string [ 'submissionsnolongerallowed' ] = 'Submissions no longer allowed' ;
$string [ 'submissionsused' ] = '$a Submissions used in this table' ;
$string [ 'submitassignment' ] = 'Submit Assignment' ;
$string [ 'submitassignmentusingform' ] = 'Submit your Assignment using this Form' ;
$string [ 'submitexampleassignment' ] = 'Submit Example Assignment' ;
$string [ 'submitrevisedassignment' ] = 'Submit your Revised Assignment using this Form' ;
$string [ 'submitted' ] = 'Submitted' ;
$string [ 'submittedby' ] = 'Submitted by' ;
$string [ 'suggestedgrade' ] = 'Suggested Grade' ;
$string [ 'teacherassessments' ] = '$a Assessments' ;
$string [ 'teacherscomment' ] = 'Teacher\'s Comment' ;
$string [ 'teachersgrade' ] = 'Teacher\'s Grade' ;
$string [ 'teachersubmissionsforassessment' ] = '$a Teacher Submissions for Assessment' ;
$string [ 'thegradeis' ] = 'The Grade is $a' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'thegradeforthisassessmentis' ] = 'The grade for this assessment is $a' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'theseasessmentsaregradedbytheteacher' ] = 'These Assessments are graded by the $a' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'thisisadroppedassessment' ] = 'This is a dropped Assessment.' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'timeassessed' ] = 'Time Assessed' ;
$string [ 'title' ] = 'Title' ;
$string [ 'typeofscale' ] = 'Type of Scale' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'ungradedassessments' ] = '$a Ungraded Assessments' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'ungradedassessmentsofstudentsubmissions' ] = '$a Ungraded Assessments of Student Submissions' ;
$string [ 'ungradedassessmentsofteachersubmissions' ] = '$a Ungraded Assessments of Teacher Submissions' ;
2004-09-27 14:35:18 +00:00
$string [ 'uploadsuccess' ] = 'Upload Successful' ;
2004-09-07 16:19:27 +00:00
$string [ 'verylax' ] = " Very Lax " ;
$string [ 'verypoor' ] = " Very Poor " ;
$string [ 'verystrict' ] = " Very Strict " ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'view' ] = 'View' ;
$string [ 'viewassessmentofteacher' ] = 'View Assessment of $a' ;
$string [ 'viewotherassessments' ] = 'View other Assessments' ;
2004-09-12 13:21:01 +00:00
$string [ 'warningonamendingelements' ] = ' WARNING : There are submitted assessments . < br /> Do NOT change the number
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
of elements , the scale types or the element weights . ' ;
$string [ 'weight' ] = 'Weight' ;
$string [ 'weightederrorcount' ] = 'Weighted Error Count: $a' ;
$string [ 'weightforbias' ] = 'Weight for Bias' ;
$string [ 'weightforgradingofassessments' ] = 'Weight for Grading of Assessments' ;
$string [ 'weightforpeerassessments' ] = 'Weight for Peer Assessments' ;
$string [ 'weightforreliability' ] = 'Weight for Reliability' ;
2004-03-12 16:34:45 +00:00
$string [ 'weightforteacherassessments' ] = 'Weight for Teacher Assessments' ;
2004-02-02 12:13:50 +00:00
$string [ 'weights' ] = 'Weights' ;
$string [ 'weightsusedforfinalgrade' ] = 'Weights used for Final Grade' ;
$string [ 'weightsusedforsubmissions' ] = 'Weights used for Submissions' ;
$string [ 'workshopagreedassessments' ] = 'Workshop Agreed Assessments' ;
$string [ 'workshopassessments' ] = 'Workshop Assessments' ;
$string [ 'workshopcomments' ] = 'Workshop Comments' ;
$string [ 'workshopfeedback' ] = 'Workshop Feedback' ;
$string [ 'workshopsubmissions' ] = 'Workshop Submissions' ;
$string [ 'yourassessments' ] = 'Your Assessments' ;
$string [ 'yourassessmentsofexamplesfromtheteacher' ] = 'Your Assessments of Examples from the $a' ;
$string [ 'yourfeedbackgoeshere' ] = 'Your Feedback goes Here' ;
2003-05-01 13:16:58 +00:00