2005-01-25 06:05:21 +00:00
< ? php
About validateUrlSyntax () :
This function will verify if a http URL is formatted properly , returning
either with true or false .
I used rfc #2396 URI: Generic Syntax as my guide when creating the
regular expression . For all the details see the comments below .
Usage :
validateUrlSyntax ( url_to_check [, options ])
url_to_check - string - The url to check
options - string - A optional string of options to set which parts of
the url are required , optional , or not allowed . Each option
must be followed by a " + " for required , " ? " for optional , or
" - " for not allowed .
s - Scheme . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " s? "
H - http :// Allows " +?- " , defaults to " H? "
S - https :// ( SSL ) . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " S? "
E - mailto : ( email ) . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " E- "
F - ftp :// Allows " +?- " , defaults to " F- "
Dependant on scheme being enabled
u - User section . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " u? "
P - Password in user section . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " P? "
Dependant on user section being enabled
a - Address ( ip or domain ) . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " a+ "
I - Ip address . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " I? "
If I + , then domains are disabled
If I - , then domains are required
Dependant on address being enabled
p - Port number . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " p? "
f - File path . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " f? "
q - Query section . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " q? "
r - Fragment ( anchor ) . Allows " +?- " , defaults to " r? "
Paste the funtion code , or include_once () this template at the top of the page
you wish to use this function .
Examples :
validateUrlSyntax ( 'http://george@www.cnn.com/#top' )
validateUrlSyntax ( 'https://games.yahoo.com:8080/board/chess.htm?move=true' )
validateUrlSyntax ( 'http://www.hotmail.com/' , 's+u-I-p-q-r-' )
validateUrlSyntax ( '/directory/file.php#top' , 's-u-a-p-f+' )
if ( validateUrlSyntax ( 'http://www.canowhoopass.com/' , 'u-' ))
} else {
Last Edited :
December 15 th 2004
Changelog :
December 15 th 2004
- Added new TLD ' s - . jobs , . mobi , . post and . travel . They are official , but not yet active .
August 31 th 2004
- Fixed bug allowing empty username even when it was required
- Changed and added a few options to add extra schemes
- Added mailto : ftp :// and http :// options
- https option was 'l' now it is 'S' ( capital )
- Added password option . Now passwords can be disabled while usernames are ok ( for email )
- IP Address option was 'i' now it is 'I' ( capital )
- Options are now case sensitive
- Added validateEmailSyntax () and validateFtpSyntax () functions below < br >
August 27 th , 2004
- IP group range is more specific . Used to allow 0 - 299. Now it is 0 - 255
- Port range more specific . Used to allow 0 - 69999. Now it is 0 - 65535 < br >
- Fixed bug disallowing 'i-' option .< br >
- Changed license to GPL
July 8 th , 2004
- Fixed bug disallowing 'l-' option . Thanks Dr . Cheap
June 15 , 2004
- Added options parameter to make it easier for people to plug the function in
without needed to rework the code .
- Split the example application away from the function
June 1 , 2004
- Complete rewrite
- Now more modular
- Easier to disable sections
- Easier to port to other languages
- Easier to port to verify email addresses
- Uses only simple regular expressions so it is more portable
- Follows RFC closer for domain names . Some " play " domains may break
- Renamed from 'verifyUrl()' to 'validateUrlSyntax()'
- Removed extra code which added 'http://' and trailing '/' if it was missing
- That code was better suited for a massaging function , not verifying
- Bug fixes :
- Now splits up and forces '/path?query#fragment' order
- No longer requires a path when using a query or fragment
August 29 , 2003
- Allowed port numbers above 9999. Now allows up to 69999
Sometime , 2002
- Added new top level domains
- aero , coop , museum , name , info , biz , pro
October 5 , 2000
- First Version
Intentional Limitations :
- Does not verify url actually exists . Only validates the syntax
- Strictly follows the RFC standards . Some urls exist in the wild which will
not validate . Including ones with square brackets in the query section '[]'
Known Problems :
- None at this time
Author ( s ) :
Rod Apeldoorn - rod ( at ) canowhoopass ( dot ) com
Homepage :
http :// www . canowhoopass . com /
Thanks !:
- WEAV - Several members of Weav helped to test - http :// weav . bc . ca /
- There were also a number of emails from other developers expressing
thanks and suggestions . It is nice to be appreciated . Thanks !
License :
Copyright 2004 , Rod Apeldoorn
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at
your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc . ,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
To view the license online , go to : http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html
Alternate Commercial Licenses :
For information in regards to alternate licensing , contact me .
// BEGINNING OF validateUrlSyntax() function
function validateUrlSyntax ( $urladdr , $options = " " ){
// Force Options parameter to be lower case
// DISABLED PERMAMENTLY - OK to remove from code
// $options = strtolower($options);
// Check Options Parameter
if ( ! ereg ( '^([sHSEFuPaIpfqr][+?-])*$' , $options ))
trigger_error ( " Options attribute malformed " , E_USER_ERROR );
// Set Options Array, set defaults if options are not specified
// Scheme
if ( strpos ( $options , 's' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 's' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 's' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 's' ) + 1 , 1 );
// http://
if ( strpos ( $options , 'H' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'H' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'H' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'H' ) + 1 , 1 );
// https:// (SSL)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'S' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'S' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'S' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'S' ) + 1 , 1 );
// mailto: (email)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'E' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'E' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'E' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'E' ) + 1 , 1 );
// ftp://
if ( strpos ( $options , 'F' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'F' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'F' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'F' ) + 1 , 1 );
// User section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'u' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'u' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'u' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'u' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Password in user section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'P' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'P' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'P' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'P' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Address Section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'a' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'a' ] = '+' ;
else $aOptions [ 'a' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'a' ) + 1 , 1 );
// IP Address in address section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'I' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'I' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'I' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'I' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Port number
if ( strpos ( $options , 'p' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'p' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'p' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'p' ) + 1 , 1 );
// File Path
if ( strpos ( $options , 'f' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'f' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'f' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'f' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Query Section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'q' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'q' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'q' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'q' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Fragment (Anchor)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'r' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'r' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'r' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'r' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Loop through options array, to search for and replace "-" to "{0}" and "+" to ""
foreach ( $aOptions as $key => $value )
if ( $value == '-' )
$aOptions [ $key ] = '{0}' ;
if ( $value == '+' )
$aOptions [ $key ] = '' ;
// DEBUGGING - Unescape following line to display to screen current option values
// echo '<pre>'; print_r($aOptions); echo '</pre>';
// Preset Allowed Characters
$alphanum = '[a-zA-Z0-9]' ; // Alpha Numeric
$unreserved = '[a-zA-Z0-9_.!~*' . '\'' . '()-]' ;
$escaped = '(%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})' ; // Escape sequence - In Hex - %6d would be a 'm'
$reserved = '[;/?:@&=+$,]' ; // Special characters in the URI
// Beginning Regular Expression
// Scheme - Allows for 'http://', 'https://', 'mailto:', or 'ftp://'
$scheme = '(' ;
if ( $aOptions [ 'H' ] === '' ) { $scheme .= 'http://' ; }
elseif ( $aOptions [ 'S' ] === '' ) { $scheme .= 'https://' ; }
elseif ( $aOptions [ 'E' ] === '' ) { $scheme .= 'mailto:' ; }
elseif ( $aOptions [ 'F' ] === '' ) { $scheme .= 'ftp://' ; }
if ( $aOptions [ 'H' ] === '?' ) { $scheme .= '|(http://)' ; }
if ( $aOptions [ 'S' ] === '?' ) { $scheme .= '|(https://)' ; }
if ( $aOptions [ 'E' ] === '?' ) { $scheme .= '|(mailto:)' ; }
if ( $aOptions [ 'F' ] === '?' ) { $scheme .= '|(ftp://)' ; }
$scheme = str_replace ( '(|' , '(' , $scheme ); // fix first pipe
$scheme .= ')' . $aOptions [ 's' ];
// End setting scheme
// User Info - Allows for 'username@' or 'username:password@'. Note: contrary to rfc, I removed ':' from username section, allowing it only in password.
// /---------------- Username -----------------------\ /-------------------------------- Password ------------------------------\
$userinfo = '((' . $unreserved . '|' . $escaped . '|[;&=+$,]' . ')+(:(' . $unreserved . '|' . $escaped . '|[;:&=+$,]' . ')+)' . $aOptions [ 'P' ] . '@)' . $aOptions [ 'u' ];
// IP ADDRESS - Allows to
$ipaddress = '((((2(([0-4][0-9])|(5[0-5])))|([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.){3}((2(([0-4][0-9])|(5[0-5])))|([01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))' ;
// Tertiary Domain(s) - Optional - Multi - Although some sites may use other characters, the RFC says tertiary domains have the same naming restrictions as second level domains
$domain_tertiary = '(' . $alphanum . '(([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62})' . $alphanum . ')?\.)*' ;
// Second Level Domain - Required - First and last characters must be Alpha-numeric. Hyphens are allowed inside.
$domain_secondary = '(' . $alphanum . '(([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62})' . $alphanum . ')?\.)' ;
/* // This regex is disabled on purpose in favour of the more exact version below
// Top Level Domain - First character must be Alpha. Last character must be AlphaNumeric. Hyphens are allowed inside.
$domain_toplevel = '([a-zA-Z](([a-zA-Z0-9-]*)[a-zA-Z0-9])?)' ;
// Top Level Domain - Required - Domain List Current As Of December 2004. Use above escaped line to be forgiving of possible future TLD's
2006-09-27 12:57:33 +00:00
$domain_toplevel = '(aero|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|mobi|museum|name|net|org|post|pro|travel|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|az|ax|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cs|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|eh|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|um|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw)' ;
2005-01-25 06:05:21 +00:00
// Address can be IP address or Domain
if ( $aOptions [ 'I' ] === '{0}' ) { // IP Address Not Allowed
$address = '(' . $domain_tertiary . $domain_secondary . $domain_toplevel . ')' ;
} elseif ( $aOptions [ 'I' ] === '' ) { // IP Address Required
$address = '(' . $ipaddress . ')' ;
} else { // IP Address Optional
$address = '((' . $ipaddress . ')|(' . $domain_tertiary . $domain_secondary . $domain_toplevel . '))' ;
$address = $address . $aOptions [ 'a' ];
// Port Number - :80 or :8080 or :65534 Allows range of :0 to :65535
// (0-59999) |(60000-64999) |(65000-65499) |(65500-65529) |(65530-65535)
$port_number = '(:(([0-5]?[0-9]{1,4})|(6[0-4][0-9]{3})|(65[0-4][0-9]{2})|(655[0-2][0-9])|(6553[0-5])))' . $aOptions [ 'p' ];
// Path - Can be as simple as '/' or have multiple folders and filenames
$path = '(/((;)?(' . $unreserved . '|' . $escaped . '|' . '[:@&=+$,]' . ')+(/)?)*)' . $aOptions [ 'f' ];
// Query Section - Accepts ?var1=value1&var2=value2 or ?2393,1221 and much more
$querystring = '(\?(' . $reserved . '|' . $unreserved . '|' . $escaped . ')*)' . $aOptions [ 'q' ];
// Fragment Section - Accepts anchors such as #top
$fragment = '(#(' . $reserved . '|' . $unreserved . '|' . $escaped . ')*)' . $aOptions [ 'r' ];
// Building Regular Expression
$regexp = '^' . $scheme . $userinfo . $address . $port_number . $path . $querystring . $fragment . '$' ;
// DEBUGGING - Uncomment Line Below To Display The Regular Expression Built
// echo '<pre>' . htmlentities(wordwrap($regexp,70,"\n",1)) . '</pre>';
// Running the regular expression
if ( eregi ( $regexp , $urladdr ))
return true ; // The domain passed
return false ; // The domain didn't pass the expression
} // END Function validateUrlSyntax()
About ValidateEmailSyntax () :
This function uses the ValidateUrlSyntax () function to easily check the
syntax of an email address . It accepts the same options as ValidateURLSyntax
but defaults them for email addresses .
Usage :
validateEmailSyntax ( url_to_check [, options ])
url_to_check - string - The url to check
options - string - A optional string of options to set which parts of
the url are required , optional , or not allowed . Each option
must be followed by a " + " for required , " ? " for optional , or
" - " for not allowed . See ValidateUrlSyntax () docs for option list .
The default options are changed to :
s - H - S - E + F - u + P - a + I - p - f - q - r -
This only allows an address of " name@domain " .
Examples :
validateEmailSyntax ( 'george@fakemail.com' )
validateEmailSyntax ( 'mailto:george@fakemail.com' , 's+' )
validateEmailSyntax ( 'george@fakemail.com?subject=Hi%20George' , 'q?' )
validateEmailSyntax ( 'george@' , 'I?' )
Author ( s ) :
Rod Apeldoorn - rod ( at ) canowhoopass ( dot ) com
Homepage :
http :// www . canowhoopass . com /
License :
Copyright 2004 - Rod Apeldoorn
Released under same license as validateUrlSyntax () . For details , contact me .
function validateEmailSyntax ( $emailaddr , $options = " " ){
// Check Options Parameter
if ( ! ereg ( '^([sHSEFuPaIpfqr][+?-])*$' , $options ))
trigger_error ( " Options attribute malformed " , E_USER_ERROR );
// Set Options Array, set defaults if options are not specified
// Scheme
if ( strpos ( $options , 's' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 's' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 's' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 's' ) + 1 , 1 );
// http://
if ( strpos ( $options , 'H' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'H' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'H' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'H' ) + 1 , 1 );
// https:// (SSL)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'S' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'S' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'S' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'S' ) + 1 , 1 );
// mailto: (email)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'E' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'E' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'E' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'E' ) + 1 , 1 );
// ftp://
if ( strpos ( $options , 'F' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'F' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'F' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'F' ) + 1 , 1 );
// User section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'u' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'u' ] = '+' ;
else $aOptions [ 'u' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'u' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Password in user section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'P' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'P' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'P' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'P' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Address Section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'a' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'a' ] = '+' ;
else $aOptions [ 'a' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'a' ) + 1 , 1 );
// IP Address in address section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'I' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'I' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'I' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'I' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Port number
if ( strpos ( $options , 'p' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'p' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'p' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'p' ) + 1 , 1 );
// File Path
if ( strpos ( $options , 'f' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'f' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'f' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'f' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Query Section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'q' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'q' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'q' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'q' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Fragment (Anchor)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'r' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'r' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'r' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'r' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Generate options
$newoptions = '' ;
foreach ( $aOptions as $key => $value )
$newoptions .= $key . $value ;
// DEBUGGING - Uncomment line below to display generated options
// echo '<pre>' . $newoptions . '</pre>';
// Send to validateUrlSyntax() and return result
return validateUrlSyntax ( $emailaddr , $newoptions );
} // END Function validateEmailSyntax()
About ValidateFtpSyntax () :
This function uses the ValidateUrlSyntax () function to easily check the
syntax of an FTP address . It accepts the same options as ValidateURLSyntax
but defaults them for FTP addresses .
Usage :
validateFtpSyntax ( url_to_check [, options ])
url_to_check - string - The url to check
options - string - A optional string of options to set which parts of
the url are required , optional , or not allowed . Each option
must be followed by a " + " for required , " ? " for optional , or
" - " for not allowed . See ValidateUrlSyntax () docs for option list .
The default options are changed to :
s ? H - S - E - F + u ? P ? a + I ? p ? f ? q - r -
Examples :
validateFtpSyntax ( 'ftp://netscape.com' )
validateFtpSyntax ( 'moz:iesucks@netscape.com' )
validateFtpSyntax ( 'ftp://netscape.com:2121/browsers/ns7/' , 'u-' )
Author ( s ) :
Rod Apeldoorn - rod ( at ) canowhoopass ( dot ) com
Homepage :
http :// www . canowhoopass . com /
License :
Copyright 2004 - Rod Apeldoorn
Released under same license as validateUrlSyntax () . For details , contact me .
function validateFtpSyntax ( $ftpaddr , $options = " " ){
// Check Options Parameter
if ( ! ereg ( '^([sHSEFuPaIpfqr][+?-])*$' , $options ))
trigger_error ( " Options attribute malformed " , E_USER_ERROR );
// Set Options Array, set defaults if options are not specified
// Scheme
if ( strpos ( $options , 's' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 's' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 's' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 's' ) + 1 , 1 );
// http://
if ( strpos ( $options , 'H' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'H' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'H' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'H' ) + 1 , 1 );
// https:// (SSL)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'S' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'S' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'S' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'S' ) + 1 , 1 );
// mailto: (email)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'E' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'E' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'E' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'E' ) + 1 , 1 );
// ftp://
if ( strpos ( $options , 'F' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'F' ] = '+' ;
else $aOptions [ 'F' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'F' ) + 1 , 1 );
// User section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'u' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'u' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'u' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'u' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Password in user section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'P' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'P' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'P' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'P' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Address Section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'a' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'a' ] = '+' ;
else $aOptions [ 'a' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'a' ) + 1 , 1 );
// IP Address in address section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'I' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'I' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'I' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'I' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Port number
if ( strpos ( $options , 'p' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'p' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'p' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'p' ) + 1 , 1 );
// File Path
if ( strpos ( $options , 'f' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'f' ] = '?' ;
else $aOptions [ 'f' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'f' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Query Section
if ( strpos ( $options , 'q' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'q' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'q' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'q' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Fragment (Anchor)
if ( strpos ( $options , 'r' ) === false ) $aOptions [ 'r' ] = '-' ;
else $aOptions [ 'r' ] = substr ( $options , strpos ( $options , 'r' ) + 1 , 1 );
// Generate options
$newoptions = '' ;
foreach ( $aOptions as $key => $value )
$newoptions .= $key . $value ;
// DEBUGGING - Uncomment line below to display generated options
// echo '<pre>' . $newoptions . '</pre>';
// Send to validateUrlSyntax() and return result
return validateUrlSyntax ( $ftpaddr , $newoptions );
} // END Function validateFtpSyntax()
2006-09-27 12:57:33 +00:00