2022-11-24 14:25:11 +07:00
# OpenSpout
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2023-03-22 12:53:16 +01:00
OpenSpout is a community driven fork of `box/spout`, a PHP library to read and write spreadsheet files
(CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scalable way. Unlike other file readers or writers, it is capable of processing
very large files, while keeping the memory usage really low (less than 3MB).
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## Documentation
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Documentation can be found at [`docs/`](docs).
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2023-03-22 12:53:16 +01:00
## Upgrade from `box/spout:v3` to `openspout/openspout:v3`
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1. Replace `box/spout` with `openspout/openspout` in your `composer.json`
2. Replace `Box\Spout` with `OpenSpout` in your code
## Upgrade guide
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Version 4 introduced new functionality but also some breaking changes. If you want to upgrade your OpenSpout codebase
please consult the [Upgrade guide](UPGRADE.md).
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## Copyright and License
This is a fork of Box's Spout library: https://github.com/box/spout
Code until and directly descending from commit [`cc42c1d`](https://github.com/openspout/openspout/commit/cc42c1d29fc5d29f07caeace99bd29dbb6d7c2f8)
is copyright of _Box, Inc._ and licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
Code created, edited and released after the commit mentioned above
is copyright of _openspout_ Github organization and licensed under MIT License.