
98 lines
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2006-02-08 06:00:42 +00:00
$string['action'] = 'Action';
$string['add'] = 'Add entry';
$string['addafield'] = 'Add a Field';
$string['addtemplate'] = 'Add Template';
$string['ascending'] = 'Ascending';
$string['atmaxentry'] = 'You have entered the maximum number of entries allowed!';
$string['autogenallforms'] = 'Generate all default templates';
$string['availablefromdate'] = 'Available from';
$string['availabletags'] = 'Available tags';
$string['availabletodate'] = 'Available to';
$string['browse'] = 'Browse';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['checkbox'] = 'Checkbox(es)';
$string['comments'] = 'Allow comments?';
$string['configenablerssfeeds'] = 'This switch will enable the possibility of RSS feeds for all databases. You will still need to turn feeds on manually in the settings for each database.';
$string['confirmdeletefield'] = 'You are about to delete this field, are you sure?';
$string['confirmdeleterecord'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?';
$string['dateentered'] = 'Date entered';
$string['descending'] = 'Descending';
$string['deletefield'] = 'Delete an existing Field';
$string['menu'] = 'Menu (Single-selection)';
$string['menuchoose'] = 'Choose...';
$string['emptyadd'] = 'The Add template is empty, generating a default form...';
$string['emptyaddform'] = 'You did not fill out any fields!';
$string['entrysaved'] = 'Your entry has been saved';
$string['example'] = 'Database module example';
$string['fieldadded'] = 'Field added';
$string['fielddeleted'] = 'Field deleted';
$string['fieldname'] = 'Field name';
$string['fields'] = 'Fields';
$string['fieldupdated'] = 'Field updated';
$string['file'] = 'File';
$string['footer'] = 'Footer';
$string['generatedefault'] = 'Generate default template';
$string['header'] = 'Header';
$string['headeraddtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface when adding new entries';
$string['headerlisttemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for multiple entries';
$string['headerrsstemplate'] = 'Defines appearance of entries in RSS feeds';
$string['headersingletemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for a single entry';
$string['insufficiententries'] = 'more entries needed to view this database';
$string['intro'] = 'Introduction';
$string['invalidfieldname'] = 'Please choose another name for this field';
$string['invalidurl'] = 'The URL you just entered is not valid';
$string['listtemplate'] = 'List Template';
$string['maxentries'] = 'Maximum entries';
$string['modulename'] = 'Database';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Databases';
$string['multientry'] = 'Repeated entry';
$string['multimenu'] = 'Menu (Multiple-selection)';
$string['multipletags'] = 'Multiple tags found! Template not saved';
$string['namecheckbox'] = 'Checkbox Field';
$string['namemenu'] = 'Menu Field';
$string['namemultimenu'] = 'Multiple-selection Menu Field';
$string['namefile'] = 'File Field';
$string['nameradiobutton'] = 'Radio Button Field';
$string['nameurl'] = 'URL Field';
$string['nametext'] = 'Text Field';
$string['nametextarea'] = 'Textarea Field';
$string['namepicture'] = 'Picture Field';
$string['newentry'] = 'New entry';
$string['newfield'] = 'Create a new field';
$string['nofieldindatabase'] = 'There are no fields defined for this database, please add some';
$string['nolisttemplate'] = 'List template is not yet defined';
$string['nosingletemplate'] = 'Single Template is not yet defined';
$string['nomaximum'] = 'No maximum';
$string['numberrssarticles'] = 'RSS articles';
$string['numrecords'] = 'Records';
$string['noaccess'] = 'You do not have access to this page';
$string['nomatch'] = 'No matching entries found!';
$string['norecords'] = 'No entries in database';
$string['optionaldescription'] = 'Short description (optional)';
$string['optionalfilename'] = 'Filename (optional)';
$string['pagesize'] = 'Entries per page';
$string['participants'] = 'Participants';
$string['picture'] = 'Picture';
$string['radiobutton'] = 'Radio Buttons';
$string['recorddeleted'] = 'Record Deleted';
$string['requireapproval'] = 'Require Approval?';
$string['requiredentries'] = 'Required entries';
$string['requiredentriestoview'] = 'Entries required before viewing';
$string['rsstemplate'] = 'RSS Template';
$string['save'] = 'Save';
$string['savetemplate'] = 'Save template';
$string['singletemplate'] = 'Single Template';
$string['teachersandstudents'] = '$a->teachers and $a->students';
$string['templates'] = 'Templates';
$string['text'] = 'Text';
$string['textarea'] = 'Textarea';
$string['type'] = 'Field type';
$string['updatefield'] = 'Update an existing field';
$string['url'] = 'Url';
$string['viewfromdate'] = 'Viewable from';
$string['viewtodate'] = 'Viewable to';