2004-09-12 21:43:59 +00:00
<?php // $Id$
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
2004-06-18 19:01:44 +00:00
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
require_variable($id); // Course Module ID
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $dialogue = get_record("dialogue", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
2004-06-23 14:16:30 +00:00
2004-01-31 15:22:04 +00:00
add_to_log($course->id, "dialogue", "view", "view.php?id=$cm->id", $dialogue->id, $cm->id);
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
if (! $cw = get_record("course_sections", "id", $cm->section)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
2004-06-23 14:16:30 +00:00
// set up some general variables
$usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor();
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
$strdialogue = get_string("modulename", "dialogue");
$strdialogues = get_string("modulenameplural", "dialogue");
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
print_header_simple("$dialogue->name", "",
"<a href=\"index.php?id=$course->id\">$strdialogues</a> -> $dialogue->name",
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
"", "", true,
update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strdialogue), navmenu($course, $cm));
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
// ...and if necessary set default action
if (!isguest()) { // it's a teacher or student
if (!$cm->visible and isstudent($course->id)) {
$action = 'notavailable';
if (empty($action)) {
$action = 'view';
else { // it's a guest, oh no!
$action = 'notavailable';
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
/*********************** dialogue not available (for gusets mainly)***********************/
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
if ($action == 'notavailable') {
print_heading(get_string("notavailable", "dialogue"));
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
/************ view **************************************************/
elseif ($action == 'view') {
print_simple_box( format_text($dialogue->intro) , "center");
echo "<br />";
// get some stats
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
$countneedingrepliesself = dialogue_count_needing_replies_self($dialogue, $USER);
$countneedingrepliesother = dialogue_count_needing_replies_other($dialogue, $USER);
$countclosed = dialogue_count_closed($dialogue, $USER);
// set the pane if it's in a GET or POST
if (isset($_REQUEST['pane'])) {
$pane = $_REQUEST['pane'];
} else {
// set default pane
$pane = 0;
if ($countneedingrepliesother) {
$pane = 2;
if ($countneedingrepliesself) {
$pane =1;
2004-08-07 14:16:20 +00:00
// override pane setting if teacher has changed group
if (isset($_GET['group'])) {
$pane = 0;
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
// set up tab table
$tabs->names[0] = get_string("pane0", "dialogue");
if ($countneedingrepliesself == 1) {
$tabs->names[1] = get_string("pane1one", "dialogue");
} else {
$tabs->names[1] = get_string("pane1", "dialogue", $countneedingrepliesself);
if ($countneedingrepliesother == 1) {
$tabs->names[2] = get_string("pane2one", "dialogue");
} else {
$tabs->names[2] = get_string("pane2", "dialogue", $countneedingrepliesother);
if ($countclosed == 1) {
$tabs->names[3] = get_string("pane3one", "dialogue");
} else {
$tabs->names[3] = get_string("pane3", "dialogue", $countclosed);
2004-09-11 19:47:29 +00:00
$tabs->urls[0] = "view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=0";
$tabs->urls[1] = "view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=1";
$tabs->urls[2] = "view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=2";
$tabs->urls[3] = "view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=3";
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
$tabs->highlight = $pane;
2004-09-11 19:47:29 +00:00
echo "<br />\n";
2004-08-07 14:16:20 +00:00
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
switch ($pane) {
2004-08-07 14:16:20 +00:00
case 0:
if (isteacher($course->id)) {
/// Check to see if groups are being used in this dialogue
/// and if so, set $currentgroup to reflect the current group
$changegroup = isset($_GET['group']) ? $_GET['group'] : -1; // Group change requested?
$groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm); // Groups are being used?
$currentgroup = get_and_set_current_group($course, $groupmode, $changegroup);
/// Allow the teacher to change groups (for this session)
if ($groupmode) {
if ($groups = get_records_menu("groups", "courseid", $course->id, "name ASC", "id,name")) {
print_group_menu($groups, $groupmode, $currentgroup, "view.php?id=$cm->id");
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
if ($names = dialogue_get_available_users($dialogue)) {
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
echo "<form name=\"startform\" method=\"post\" action=\"dialogues.php\">\n";
2004-09-12 22:23:51 +00:00
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\"value=\"$cm->id\"/ />\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"openconversation\"/ />\n";
2004-09-11 19:47:29 +00:00
echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\"><tr>\n";
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>".get_string("openadialoguewith", "dialogue").
" : </b></td>\n";
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
echo "<td>";
2004-06-28 19:41:24 +00:00
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
choose_from_menu($names, "recipientid");
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".get_string("subject", "dialogue")." : </b></td>\n";
echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxsize=\"100\" name=\"subject\"
2004-09-12 22:23:51 +00:00
value=\"\" /></td></tr>\n";
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><i>".
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
get_string("typefirstentry", "dialogue")."</i></td></tr>\n";
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">\n";
helpbutton("writing", get_string("helpwriting"), "moodle", true, true);
echo "<br />";
echo "</td><td>\n";
2004-06-23 14:16:30 +00:00
print_textarea($usehtmleditor, 20, 75, 630, 300, "firstentry");
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"".
2004-09-11 19:47:29 +00:00
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
echo "</table></form>\n";
} else {
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
print_heading(get_string("noavailablepeople", "dialogue"));
case 1:
// print active conversations requiring a reply
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
dialogue_list_conversations_self($dialogue, $USER);
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
case 2:
// print active conversations requiring a reply from the other person.
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
dialogue_list_conversations_other($dialogue, $USER);
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00
case 3:
2004-08-21 20:20:58 +00:00
dialogue_list_conversations_closed($dialogue, $USER);
/*************** no man's land **************************************/
else {
error("Fatal Error: Unknown Action: ".$action."\n");
2003-10-06 12:00:28 +00:00