$string['addcapabilitytousersdescription']='Users should have two capabilities - webservice:createtoken and a capability matching the protocols used, for example webservice/rest:use, webservice/soap:use. To achieve this, create a web services role with the appropriate capabilities allowed and assign it to the web services user as a system role.';
$string['createservicedescription']='A service is a set of web service functions. You will allow the user to access to a new service. On the <strong>Add service</strong> page check \'Enable\' and \'Authorised users\' options. Select \'No required capability\'.';
$string['createserviceforusersdescription']='A service is a set of web service functions. You will allow users to access to a new service. On the <strong>Add service</strong> page check \'Enable\' and uncheck \'Authorised users\' options. Select \'No required capability\'.';
$string['deleteserviceconfirm']='Deleting a service will also delete the tokens related to this service. Do you really want to delete external service "{$a}"?';
$string['deletetokenconfirm']='Do you really want to delete this web service token for <strong>{$a->user}</strong> on the service <strong>{$a->service}</strong>?';
$string['disabledwarning']='All web service protocols are disabled. The "Enable web services" setting can be found in Advanced features.';
$string['enableprotocolsdescription']='At least one protocol should be enabled. For security reasons, only protocols that are to be used should be enabled.';
$string['errornotemptydefaultparamarray']='The web service description parameter named \'{$a}\' is an single or multiple structure. The default can only be empty array. Check web service description.';
$string['erroroptionalparamarray']='The web service description parameter named \'{$a}\' is an single or multiple structure. It can not be set as VALUE_OPTIONAL. Check web service description.';
$string['checkusercapabilitydescription']='The user should have appropriate capabilities according to the protocols used, for example webservice/rest:use, webservice/soap:use. To achieve this, create a web services role with protocol capabilities allowed and assign it to the web services user as a system role.';
$string['missingcaps_help']='List of required capabilities for the service which the selected user does not have. Missing capabilities must be added to the user\'s role in order to use the service.';
$string['onesystemcontrolling']='One system controlling Moodle with a token';
$string['onesystemcontrollingdescription']='The following steps help you to set up the Moodle web service for a system to control Moodle. These steps also help to set up the recommended token (security keys) authentication method.';
$string['resettokenconfirm']='Do you really want to reset this web service key for <strong>{$a->user}</strong> on the service <strong>{$a->service}</strong>?';
$string['restrictedusers_help']='This setting determines whether all users with the permission to create a web services token can generate a token for this service via their security keys page or whether only authorised users can do so.';
$string['selectedcapabilitydoesntexit']='The currently set required capability ({$a}) doesn\'t exist any more. Please change it and save the changes.';
$string['testauserwithtestclientdescription']='Simulate external access to the service using the web service test client. Before doing so, login as a user with the moodle/webservice:createtoken capability and obtain the security key (token) via My profile settings. You will use this token in the test client. In the test client, also choose an enabled protocol with the token authentication. <strong>WARNING: The functions that you test WILL BE EXECUTED for this user, so be careful what you choose to test!</strong>';
$string['testclientdescription']='* The web service test client <strong>executes</strong> the functions for <strong>REAL</strong>. Do not test functions that you don\'t know. <br/>* All existing web service functions are not yet implemented into the test client. <br/>* In order to check that a user cannot access some functions, you can test some functions that you didn\'t allow.<br/>* To see clearer error messages set the debugging to <strong>{$a->mode}</strong> into {$a->atag}<br/>* Access the {$a->amfatag}.';
$string['testwithtestclientdescription']='Simulate external access to the service using the web service test client. Use an enabled protocol with token authentication. <strong>WARNING: The functions that you test WILL BE EXECUTED, so be careful what you choose to test!</strong>';
$string['userasclientsdescription']='The following steps help you to set up the Moodle web service for users as clients. These steps also help to set up the recommended token (security keys) authentication method. In this use case, the user will generate his token from the security keys page via My profile settings.';
$string['usernotallowed']='The user is not allowed for this service. First you need to allow this user on the {$a}\'s allowed users administration page.';