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2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
<?PHP // $Id$
// Graph size
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
$SURVEY_QTYPE = array (
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
"-3" => "Virtual Actual and Preferred",
"-2" => "Virtual Preferred",
"-1" => "Virtual Actual",
"0" => "Text",
"1" => "Actual",
"2" => "Preferred",
"3" => "Actual and Preferred",
// STANDARD FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function survey_add_instance($survey) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
// will create a new instance and return the id number
// of the new instance.
if (!$template = get_record("survey", "id", $survey->template)) {
return 0;
$survey->questions = $template->questions;
$survey->timecreated = time();
$survey->timemodified = $survey->timecreated;
return insert_record("survey", $survey);
function survey_update_instance($survey) {
// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
// will update an existing instance with new data.
if (!$template = get_record("survey", "id", $survey->template)) {
return 0;
$survey->id = $survey->instance;
$survey->questions = $template->questions;
$survey->timemodified = time();
return update_record("survey", $survey);
function survey_delete_instance($id) {
// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
// this function will permanently delete the instance
// and any data that depends on it.
if (! $survey = get_record("survey", "id", "$id")) {
return false;
$result = true;
if (! delete_records("survey_analysis", "survey", "$survey->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("survey_answers", "survey", "$survey->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("survey", "id", "$survey->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function survey_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $survey) {
if ($answers = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_answers WHERE survey='$survey->id' AND user='$user->id'")) {
$lastanswer = array_pop($answers);
$result->info = get_string("done", "survey");
$result->time = $lastanswer->time;
return $result;
return NULL;
function survey_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $survey) {
global $CFG;
if (survey_already_done($survey->id, $user->id)) {
echo "<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/survey/graph.php?id=$mod->id&sid=$user->id&type=student.png\">";
} else {
print_string("notdone", "survey");
function survey_print_recent_activity(&$logs, $isteacher=false) {
$content = false;
$surveys = NULL;
foreach ($logs as $log) {
if ($log->module == "survey" and $log->action == "submit") {
$surveys[$log->id] = get_record_sql("SELECT, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM survey s, user u
2002-09-22 03:57:56 +00:00
WHERE = '$log->info' AND = '$log->user'");
2002-09-22 03:58:41 +00:00
$surveys[$log->id]->time = $log->time;
$surveys[$log->id]->url = $log->url;
if ($surveys) {
$content = true;
print_headline(get_string("newsurveyresponses", "survey").":");
foreach ($surveys as $survey) {
$date = userdate($survey->time, "%d %b, %H:%M");
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=1>$date - $survey->firstname $survey->lastname<BR>";
echo "\"<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/survey/$survey->url\">";
echo "$survey->name";
echo "</A>\"</FONT></P>";
return $content;
// MODULE FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
function survey_already_done($survey, $user) {
return record_exists_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_answers WHERE survey='$survey' AND user='$user'");
function survey_get_responses($survey) {
return get_records_sql("SELECT a.time as time, count(*) as numanswers, u.*
FROM survey_answers AS a, user AS u
WHERE a.answer1 <> '0' AND a.answer2 <> '0'
AND a.survey = $survey
AND a.user =
GROUP BY a.user ORDER BY a.time ASC");
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
2002-08-01 04:54:23 +00:00
function survey_count_responses($survey) {
if ($responses = survey_get_responses($survey)) {
return count($responses);
} else {
return 0;
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
function survey_print_all_responses($survey, $results) {
global $THEME;
echo "<TR><TD>Name<TD>Time<TD>Answered</TR>";
foreach ($results as $a) {
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD><A HREF=\"report.php?action=student&student=$a->id&id=$survey\">$a->firstname $a->lastname</A></TD>";
echo "<TD>".userdate($a->time, "%d %B %Y, %I:%M %p")."</TD>";
echo "<TD align=right>$a->numanswers</TD>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
function survey_get_template_name($templateid) {
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
global $db;
if ($templateid) {
if ($ss = $db->Execute("SELECT name FROM surveys WHERE id = $templateid")) {
return $ss->fields["name"];
} else {
return "";
function survey_get_analysis($survey, $user) {
global $db;
return get_record_sql("SELECT notes from survey_analysis WHERE survey='$survey' and user='$user'");
function survey_update_analysis($survey, $user, $notes) {
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
global $db;
return $db->Execute("UPDATE survey_analysis SET notes='$notes' WHERE survey='$survey' and user='$user'");
function survey_add_analysis($survey, $user, $notes) {
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
global $db;
return $db->Execute("INSERT INTO survey_analysis SET notes='$notes', survey='$survey', user='$user'");
function survey_shorten_name ($name, $numwords) {
$words = explode(" ", $name);
for ($i=0; $i < $numwords; $i++) {
$output .= $words[$i]." ";
return $output;
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00
function survey_print_multi($question) {
GLOBAL $db, $qnum, $checklist, $THEME;
2002-08-12 17:54:13 +00:00
$stripreferthat = get_string("ipreferthat", "survey");
$strifoundthat = get_string("ifoundthat", "survey");
echo "<P>&nbsp</P>\n";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=4><B>$question->text</B></FONT></P>";
$options = explode( ",", $question->options);
$numoptions = count($options);
$oneanswer = ($question->type == 1 || $question->type == 2) ? true : false;
if ($question->type == 2) {
$P = "P";
} else {
$P = "";
if ($oneanswer) {
echo "<TR WIDTH=100% ><TD COLSPAN=2><P>$question->intro</P></TD>";
} else {
echo "<TR WIDTH=100% ><TD COLSPAN=3><P>$question->intro</P></TD>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($options)) {
echo "<TD width=10% ALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE=1><P>$val</P></FONT></TD>\n";
echo "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->body\">&nbsp</TD></TR>\n";
$subquestions = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE id in ($question->multi) ");
foreach ($subquestions as $q) {
$bgcolor = survey_question_color($qnum);
if ($q->text) {
$q->text = get_string($q->text, "survey");
echo "<TR BGCOLOR=$bgcolor>";
if ($oneanswer) {
echo "<TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=top><P><B>$qnum</B></P></TD>";
echo "<TD VALIGN=top><P>$q->text</P></TD>";
for ($i=1;$i<=$numoptions;$i++) {
echo "<TD WIDTH=10% ALIGN=CENTER><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=q$P$q->id VALUE=$i></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=white><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=q$P$q->id VALUE=0 checked></TD>";
$checklist["q$P$q->id"] = $numoptions;
} else {
echo "<TD WIDTH=10 VALIGN=middle rowspan=2><P><B>$qnum</B></P></TD>";
2002-08-12 17:54:13 +00:00
echo "<TD WIDTH=10% NOWRAP><P><FONT SIZE=1>$stripreferthat&nbsp;</FONT></P></TD>";
echo "<TD WIDTH=40% VALIGN=middle rowspan=2><P>$q->text</P></TD>";
for ($i=1;$i<=$numoptions;$i++) {
echo "<TD WIDTH=10% ALIGN=CENTER><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=qP$q->id VALUE=$i></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->body\"><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=qP$q->id VALUE=0 checked></TD>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR BGCOLOR=$bgcolor>";
2002-08-12 17:54:13 +00:00
echo "<TD WIDTH=10% NOWRAP><P><FONT SIZE=1>$strifoundthat&nbsp;</P></TD>";
for ($i=1;$i<=$numoptions;$i++) {
echo "<TD WIDTH=10% ALIGN=CENTER><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=q$q->id VALUE=$i></TD>";
echo "<TD WIDTH=5% BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->body\"><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=q$q->id VALUE=0 checked></TD>";
$checklist["qP$q->id"] = $numoptions;
$checklist["q$q->id"] = $numoptions;
echo "</TR>\n";
echo "</TABLE>";
function survey_print_single($question) {
GLOBAL $db, $qnum;
$bgcolor = survey_question_color(0);
echo "<P>&nbsp</P>\n";
echo "<TR BGCOLOR=$bgcolor>";
echo "<TD VALIGN=top><B>$qnum</B></TD>";
echo "<TD WIDTH=50% VALIGN=top><P>$question->text</P></TD>\n";
echo "<TD WIDTH=50% VALIGN=top><P><FONT SIZE=+1>\n";
if ($question->type == 0) { // Plain text field
echo "<TEXTAREA ROWS=3 COLS=30 WRAP=virtual NAME=\"$question->id\">$question->options</TEXTAREA>";
} else if ($question->type > 0) { // Choose one of a number
2002-08-12 17:54:13 +00:00
$strchoose = get_string("choose");
echo "<SELECT NAME=$question->id>";
2002-08-12 17:54:13 +00:00
echo "<OPTION VALUE=0 SELECTED>$strchoose...</OPTION>";
$options = explode( ",", $question->options);
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\">$val</OPTION>";
echo "</SELECT>";
} else if ($question->type < 0) { // Choose several of a number
$options = explode( ",", $question->options);
notify("This question type not supported yet");
echo "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>";
function survey_question_color($qnum) {
global $THEME;
if ($qnum) {
return $qnum % 2 ? $THEME->cellcontent : $THEME->cellcontent2;
//return $qnum % 2 ? "#CCFFCC" : "#CCFFFF";
} else {
return $THEME->cellcontent;
2001-11-22 06:23:56 +00:00