$string['errorbeforecoursestart']='Cannot set event before course start date';
$string['errorinvaliddate']='Invalid date';
$string['errornodescription']='Description is required';
$string['errornoeventname']='Name is required';
$string['eventendtime']='End time';
$string['eventkind']='Type of event';
$string['eventsfor']='$a events';
$string['eventstarttime']='Start time';
$string['eventview']='Event Details';
$string['explain_lookahead']='This preference sets the (maximum) number of days in the future that an event has to start in in order to be displayed as an upcoming event. Events that start later in the future will never be displayed as upcoming. Please note that <strong>there is no guarantee</strong> that all events starting in this time frame will be displayed; if they are too many (more than the \"Maximum upcoming events\" preference) then the most distant events will not be displayed.';
$string['explain_maxevents']='This preference sets the maximum number of upcoming events that can be displayed. If you pick a large number here, it is possible that upcoming events displays will take up a lot of space on your screen.';
$string['explain_startwday']='This preference configures the way that all monthly calendars are displayed. Use it to make them be displayed in the way you are accustomed to.';