
134 lines
6.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) {
die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); /// It must be included from a Moodle page
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
require_once ($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/formslib.php');
class mod_glossary_entry_form extends moodleform {
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
function definition() {
global $CFG, $DB;
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform = $this->_form;
$currententry = $this->_customdata['current'];
$glossary = $this->_customdata['glossary'];
$cm = $this->_customdata['cm'];
$definitionoptions = $this->_customdata['definitionoptions'];
$attachmentoptions = $this->_customdata['attachmentoptions'];
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form'));
$mform->addElement('text', 'concept', get_string('concept', 'glossary'));
$mform->setType('concept', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->addRule('concept', null, 'required', null, 'client');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('editor', 'definition_editor', get_string('definition', 'glossary'), null, $definitionoptions);
$mform->setType('definition_editor', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->addRule('definition_editor', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
if ($categories = $DB->get_records_menu('glossary_categories', array('glossaryid'=>$glossary->id), 'name ASC', 'id, name')){
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$categories = array(0 => get_string('notcategorised', 'glossary')) + $categories;
$categoriesEl = $mform->addElement('select', 'categories', get_string('categories', 'glossary'), $categories);
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('textarea', 'aliases', get_string('aliases', 'glossary'), 'rows="2" cols="40"');
$mform->setType('aliases', PARAM_TEXT);
MDL-21695 Glossary module now uses new help strings AMOS BEGIN HLP glossary/aliases2.html,[aliases_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowcomments.html,[allowcomments_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowduplicatedentries.html,[allowduplicatedentries_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowprintview.html,[allowprintview_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment2.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/casesensitive.html,[casesensitive_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/defaultapproval.html,[defaultapproval_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/destination.html,[destination_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/displayformat.html,[displayformat_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/editalways.html,[editalways_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/filetoimport.html,[filetoimport_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/fullmatch.html,[fullmatch_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/globalglossary.html,[isglobal_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/linkcategory.html,[linkcategory_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/mainglossary.html,[glossarytype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rssarticles.html,[rssarticles_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rsstype.html,[rsstype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showspecial_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showalphabet_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showall_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalinkentry.html,[entryusedynalink_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalink.html,[usedynalink_help,mod_glossary] AMOS END
2010-05-03 09:51:47 +00:00
$mform->addHelpButton('aliases', 'aliases', 'glossary');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('filemanager', 'attachment_filemanager', get_string('attachment', 'glossary'), null, $attachmentoptions);
MDL-21695 Glossary module now uses new help strings AMOS BEGIN HLP glossary/aliases2.html,[aliases_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowcomments.html,[allowcomments_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowduplicatedentries.html,[allowduplicatedentries_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowprintview.html,[allowprintview_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment2.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/casesensitive.html,[casesensitive_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/defaultapproval.html,[defaultapproval_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/destination.html,[destination_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/displayformat.html,[displayformat_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/editalways.html,[editalways_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/filetoimport.html,[filetoimport_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/fullmatch.html,[fullmatch_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/globalglossary.html,[isglobal_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/linkcategory.html,[linkcategory_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/mainglossary.html,[glossarytype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rssarticles.html,[rssarticles_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rsstype.html,[rsstype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showspecial_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showalphabet_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showall_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalinkentry.html,[entryusedynalink_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalink.html,[usedynalink_help,mod_glossary] AMOS END
2010-05-03 09:51:47 +00:00
$mform->addHelpButton('attachment_filemanager', 'attachment', 'glossary');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
if (!$glossary->usedynalink) {
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'usedynalink', $CFG->glossary_linkentries);
$mform->setType('usedynalink', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'casesensitive', $CFG->glossary_casesensitive);
$mform->setType('casesensitive', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'fullmatch', $CFG->glossary_fullmatch);
$mform->setType('fullmatch', PARAM_INT);
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
} else {
$mform->addElement('header', 'linkinghdr', get_string('linking', 'glossary'));
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'usedynalink', get_string('entryusedynalink', 'glossary'));
MDL-21695 Glossary module now uses new help strings AMOS BEGIN HLP glossary/aliases2.html,[aliases_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowcomments.html,[allowcomments_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowduplicatedentries.html,[allowduplicatedentries_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowprintview.html,[allowprintview_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment2.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/casesensitive.html,[casesensitive_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/defaultapproval.html,[defaultapproval_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/destination.html,[destination_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/displayformat.html,[displayformat_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/editalways.html,[editalways_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/filetoimport.html,[filetoimport_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/fullmatch.html,[fullmatch_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/globalglossary.html,[isglobal_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/linkcategory.html,[linkcategory_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/mainglossary.html,[glossarytype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rssarticles.html,[rssarticles_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rsstype.html,[rsstype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showspecial_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showalphabet_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showall_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalinkentry.html,[entryusedynalink_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalink.html,[usedynalink_help,mod_glossary] AMOS END
2010-05-03 09:51:47 +00:00
$mform->addHelpButton('usedynalink', 'entryusedynalink', 'glossary');
$mform->setDefault('usedynalink', $CFG->glossary_linkentries);
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'casesensitive', get_string('casesensitive', 'glossary'));
MDL-21695 Glossary module now uses new help strings AMOS BEGIN HLP glossary/aliases2.html,[aliases_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowcomments.html,[allowcomments_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowduplicatedentries.html,[allowduplicatedentries_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowprintview.html,[allowprintview_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment2.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/casesensitive.html,[casesensitive_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/defaultapproval.html,[defaultapproval_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/destination.html,[destination_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/displayformat.html,[displayformat_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/editalways.html,[editalways_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/filetoimport.html,[filetoimport_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/fullmatch.html,[fullmatch_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/globalglossary.html,[isglobal_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/linkcategory.html,[linkcategory_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/mainglossary.html,[glossarytype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rssarticles.html,[rssarticles_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rsstype.html,[rsstype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showspecial_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showalphabet_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showall_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalinkentry.html,[entryusedynalink_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalink.html,[usedynalink_help,mod_glossary] AMOS END
2010-05-03 09:51:47 +00:00
$mform->addHelpButton('casesensitive', 'casesensitive', 'glossary');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->disabledIf('casesensitive', 'usedynalink');
$mform->setDefault('casesensitive', $CFG->glossary_casesensitive);
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'fullmatch', get_string('fullmatch', 'glossary'));
MDL-21695 Glossary module now uses new help strings AMOS BEGIN HLP glossary/aliases2.html,[aliases_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowcomments.html,[allowcomments_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowduplicatedentries.html,[allowduplicatedentries_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/allowprintview.html,[allowprintview_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment2.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/attachment.html,[attachment_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/casesensitive.html,[casesensitive_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/defaultapproval.html,[defaultapproval_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/destination.html,[destination_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/displayformat.html,[displayformat_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/editalways.html,[editalways_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/filetoimport.html,[filetoimport_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/fullmatch.html,[fullmatch_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/globalglossary.html,[isglobal_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/linkcategory.html,[linkcategory_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/mainglossary.html,[glossarytype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rssarticles.html,[rssarticles_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/rsstype.html,[rsstype_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showspecial_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showalphabet_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/shows.html,[showall_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalinkentry.html,[entryusedynalink_help,mod_glossary] HLP glossary/usedynalink.html,[usedynalink_help,mod_glossary] AMOS END
2010-05-03 09:51:47 +00:00
$mform->addHelpButton('fullmatch', 'fullmatch', 'glossary');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->disabledIf('fullmatch', 'usedynalink');
$mform->setDefault('fullmatch', $CFG->glossary_fullmatch);
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'cmid');
$mform->setType('cmid', PARAM_INT);
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
function validation($data, $files) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
$glossary = $this->_customdata['glossary'];
$cm = $this->_customdata['cm'];
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$id = (int)$data['id'];
$data['concept'] = trim($data['concept']);
if ($id) {
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
//We are updating an entry, so we compare current session user with
//existing entry user to avoid some potential problems if secureforms=off
//Perhaps too much security? Anyway thanks to skodak (Bug 1823)
$old = $DB->get_record('glossary_entries', array('id'=>$id));
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$ineditperiod = ((time() - $old->timecreated < $CFG->maxeditingtime) || $glossary->editalways);
if ((!$ineditperiod || $USER->id != $old->userid) and !has_capability('mod/glossary:manageentries', $context)) {
if ($USER->id != $old->userid) {
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$errors['concept'] = get_string('errcannoteditothers', 'glossary');
} elseif (!$ineditperiod) {
$errors['concept'] = get_string('erredittimeexpired', 'glossary');
if (!$glossary->allowduplicatedentries) {
if ($DB->record_exists_select('glossary_entries',
'glossaryid = :glossaryid AND LOWER(concept) = :concept AND id != :id', array(
'glossaryid' => $glossary->id,
'concept' => moodle_strtolower($data['concept']),
'id' => $id))) {
$errors['concept'] = get_string('errconceptalreadyexists', 'glossary');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
} else {
if (!$glossary->allowduplicatedentries) {
if ($DB->record_exists_select('glossary_entries',
'glossaryid = :glossaryid AND LOWER(concept) = :concept', array(
'glossaryid' => $glossary->id,
'concept' => moodle_strtolower($data['concept'])))) {
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
$errors['concept'] = get_string('errconceptalreadyexists', 'glossary');
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00
return $errors;
* Added setAdvanced functionality see * Added MoodleQuickForm method closeHeaderBefore($elementName); * Added moodleform method add_action_buttons(); see * is_cancelled method added to moodleform * added hidden labels to elements within groups such as the date_selector select boxes and other elements in 'groups' * quiz/mod.html migrated to formslib * glossary/edit.html migrated to formslib * extended registerNoSubmitButton() functionality to automatically add js to onclick to bypass client side js input validation. * added no_submit_button_pressed() function that can be used in a similar way to is_cancelled() as a test in the main script to see if some button in the page has been pressed that is a submit button that is used for some dynamic functionality within the form and not to submit the data for the whole form. * added new condition for disabledIf which allows to disable another form element if no options are selected from within a select element. * added default 'action' for moodleform - strip_querystring(qualified_me())
2006-12-19 07:03:08 +00:00