
484 lines
18 KiB
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2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
<?php // $Id$
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
// Allows a creator to edit custom scales, and also display help about scales
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
require_variable($id); // course id
optional_variable($scaleid); // scale id
optional_variable($action,"undefined"); // action to execute
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
optional_variable($name); // scale name
optional_variable($description); // scale description
optional_variable($scalescale); // scale scale
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) {
error("Course ID was incorrect");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$strscale = get_string("scale");
$strscales = get_string("scales");
$strcustomscale = get_string("scalescustom");
$strstandardscale = get_string("scalesstandard");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$strcustomscales = get_string("scalescustom");
$strstandardscales = get_string("scalesstandard");
$strname = get_string("name");
$strdescription = get_string("description");
$strsavechanges = get_string("savechanges");
$strchangessaved = get_string("changessaved");
$strdeleted = get_string("deleted");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strdown = get_string("movedown");
$strup = get_string("moveup");
$strmoved = get_string("changessaved");
$srtcreatenewscale = get_string("scalescustomcreate");
$strhelptext = get_string("helptext");
$stractivities = get_string("activities");
$stroptions = get_string("action");
$strtype = get_string("group");
/// init this here so we can pass it by reference to every call to site_scale_used to avoid getting the courses out of the db over and over again
$courses = array();
/// If scale data is being submitted, then save it and continue
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$errors = NULL;
if ($action == 'sendform' and confirm_sesskey()) {
if ($form = data_submitted()) {
if (empty($form->name)) {
$errors[$scaleid]->name = true;
$focus = "form$";
if (empty($form->scalescale)) {
$errors[$scaleid]->scalescale = true;
$focus = "form$";
if (!$errors) {
$newscale->name = $form->name;
$newscale->scale = $form->scalescale;
$newscale->description = $form->description;
$newscale->courseid = $form->courseid;
$newscale->userid = $USER->id;
$newscale->timemodified = time();
if (empty($scaleid)) {
$newscale->courseid = $course->id;
if (!insert_record("scale", $newscale)) {
error("Could not insert the new scale!");
} else {
$newscale->id = $scaleid;
if (!update_record("scale", $newscale)) {
error("Could not update that scale!");
$notify = "$newscale->name: $strchangessaved";
$focus = "form$";
} else {
if (!empty($scaleid)) {
$action = "edit";
} else {
$action = "new";
//If action is details, show the popup info
if ($action == "details") {
//Check for teacher edit
if (! isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only editing teachers can view scales !");
//Check for scale
if (! $scale = get_record("scale", "id", $scaleid)) {
error("Scale ID was incorrect");
// $scales_course_uses = course_scale_used($course->id,$scale->id);
// $scales_site_uses = site_scale_used($scale->id,$courses);
$scalemenu = make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
print_header("$course->shortname: $strscales", "$course->fullname",
"$course->shortname -> $strscales -> $scale->name", "", "", true, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");
echo "<p>";
echo "<center>";
choose_from_menu($scalemenu, "", "", "");
echo "</center>";
echo text_to_html($scale->description);
echo "<p>";
//If action is edit or new, show the form
if ($action == "edit" || $action == "new") {
$sesskey = !empty($USER->id) ? $USER->sesskey : '';
//Check for teacher edit
if (! isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only editing teachers can modify scales !");
//Check for scale if action = edit
if ($action == "edit") {
if (! $scale = get_record("scale", "id", $scaleid)) {
error("Scale ID was incorrect");
} else {
$scale->id = 0;
$scale->courseid = $course->id;
$scale->name = "";
$scale->scale = "";
$scale->description = "";
//Calculate the uses
if ($scale->courseid == 0) {
$scale_uses = site_scale_used($scale->id,$courses);
} else {
$scale_uses = course_scale_used($course->id,$scale->id);
//Check for scale_uses
if (!empty($scale_uses)) {
error("Scale is in use and cannot be modified",$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/scales.php?id='.$course->id);
//Check for standard scales
if ($scale->courseid == 0 and !isadmin()) {
error("Only administrators can edit this scale",$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/scales.php?id='.$course->id);
//Print out the headers
if (!isset($focus)) {
$focus = "";
print_header("$course->shortname: $strscales", "$course->fullname",
"<a href=\"view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</a>".
" -> <a href=\"scales.php?id=$course->id\">$strscales</a>".
" -> ".get_string("editinga","",$strscale), $focus);
print_heading_with_help($strscales, "scales");
if (!empty($errors) and ($form->scaleid == $scale->id)) {
$scale->name = $form->name;
$scale->scale = $form->scalescale;
$scale->description = $form->description;
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"scales.php\" name=\"form$scale->id\">";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<table cellpadding=\"9\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" class=\"generalbox\">";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
if (!empty($errors[$scale->id]->name)) {
$class = "class=\"highlight\"";
} else {
$class = "";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><p><b>$strname:</b></p></td>";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<td $class><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"50\" value=\"".s($scale->name)."\" />";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
if (!empty($errors[$scale->id]->scalescale)) {
$class = "class=\"highlight\"";
} else {
$class = "";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><p><b>$strscale:</b></p></td>";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<td $class><textarea name=\"scalescale\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"2\" wrap=\"virtual\">".s($scale->scale)."</textarea>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><p><b>$strdescription:</b></p>";
helpbutton("text", $strhelptext);
echo "</td>";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<td><textarea name=\"description\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"8\" wrap=\"virtual\">".s($scale->description)."</textarea>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
if ($scale->id) {
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
echo "<td align=\"right\">";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>".get_string("usedinnplaces","",$scale_uses);
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$course->id\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$sesskey\" />";
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"courseid\" value=\"$scale->courseid\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"scaleid\" value=\"$scale->id\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"sendform\" />";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"save\" value=\"$strsavechanges\" />";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<br />";
//If action is delete, do it
if ($action == "delete" and confirm_sesskey()) {
//Check for teacher edit
if (! isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only editing teachers can delete scales !");
//Check for scale if action = edit
if (! $scale = get_record("scale", "id", $scaleid)) {
error("Scale ID was incorrect");
//Calculate the uses
if ($scale->courseid == 0) {
$scale_uses = site_scale_used($scale->id,$courses);
} else {
$scale_uses = course_scale_used($course->id,$scale->id);
//Check for scale_uses
if (!empty($scale_uses)) {
error("Scale is in use and cannot be deleted",$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/scales.php?id='.$course->id);
//Check for standard scales
if ($scale->courseid == 0 and !isadmin()) {
error("Only administrators can delete this scale",$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/scales.php?id='.$course->id);
if (delete_records("scale", "id", $scaleid)) {
$notify = "$scale->name: $strdeleted";
//If action is down or up, do it
if (($action == "down" || $action == "up") and confirm_sesskey()) {
//Check for teacher edit
if (! isadmin()) {
error("Only administrators can move scales",$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/scales.php?id='.$course->id);
//Check for scale if action = edit
if (! $scale = get_record("scale", "id", $scaleid)) {
error("Scale ID was incorrect");
//Calculate the uses
if ($scale->courseid == 0) {
$scale_uses = site_scale_used($scale->id,$courses);
} else {
$scale_uses = course_scale_used($course->id,$scale->id);
//Check for scale_uses
if (!empty($scale_uses)) {
error("Scale is in use and cannot be moved",$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/scales.php?id='.$course->id);
if ($action == "down") {
$scale->courseid = 0;
} else {
$scale->courseid = $course->id;
if (set_field("scale", "courseid", $scale->courseid, "id", $scale->id)) {
$notify = "$scale->name: $strmoved";
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if (isset($_GET['list'])) { /// Just list the scales (in a helpwindow)
if (isset($_GET['scale'])) {
if ($scale = get_record("scale", "id", "$scale")) {
$scalemenu = make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
echo "<center>";
choose_from_menu($scalemenu, "", "", "");
echo "</center>";
echo text_to_html($scale->description);
echo "<br />";
if ($scales = get_records("scale", "courseid", "$course->id", "name ASC")) {
if (isteacheredit($course->id)) {
echo "<p align=\"center\">(";
echo ")</p>";
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
foreach ($scales as $scale) {
$scalemenu = make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
echo "<center>";
choose_from_menu($scalemenu, "", "", "");
echo "</center>";
echo text_to_html($scale->description);
echo "<hr />";
} else {
if (isteacheredit($course->id)) {
echo "<p align=\"center\">(";
echo ")</p>";
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if ($scales = get_records("scale", "courseid", "0", "name ASC")) {
foreach ($scales as $scale) {
$scalemenu = make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
echo "<center>";
choose_from_menu($scalemenu, "", "", "");
echo "</center>";
echo text_to_html($scale->description);
echo "<hr />";
/// The rest is all about editing the scales
2003-08-16 05:44:40 +00:00
if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only editing teachers can modify scales !");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
/// Print out the main page
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
print_header("$course->shortname: $strscales", "$course->fullname",
2004-09-12 12:21:27 +00:00
"<a href=\"view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</a>
-> $strscales");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
print_heading_with_help($strscales, "scales");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$options = array();
$options['id'] = $course->id;
$options['scaleid'] = 0;
$options['action'] = 'new';
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
echo "<p>";
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if (!empty($notify)) {
notify($notify, "green");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$scales = array();
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$customscales = get_records("scale", "courseid", "$course->id", "name ASC");
$standardscales = get_records("scale", "courseid", "0", "name ASC");
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if ($customscales) {
foreach($customscales as $scale) {
$scales[] = $scale;
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if ($standardscales) {
foreach($standardscales as $scale) {
$scales[] = $scale;
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
if ($scales) {
//Calculate the base path
$path = "$CFG->wwwroot/course";
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$data = array();
$incustom = true;
foreach($scales as $scale) {
//Check the separator
if (empty($scale->courseid) && $incustom) {
$incustom = false;
$line = "hr";
$data[] = $line;
$line = array();
2004-10-08 13:39:46 +00:00
$line[] = "<a target=\"scale\" title=\"$scale->name\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/scales.php?id=$course->id&amp;scaleid=$scale->id&amp;action=details\" "."onclick=\"return openpopup('/course/scales.php?id=$course->id\&amp;scaleid=$scale->id&amp;action=details', 'scale', 'menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=600,height=450', 0);\">".$scale->name."</a><br /><font size=\"-1\">".str_replace(",",", ",$scale->scale)."</font>";
if (!empty($scale->courseid)) {
$scales_uses = course_scale_used($course->id,$scale->id);
} else {
$scales_uses = site_scale_used($scale->id,$courses);
$line[] = $scales_uses;
if ($incustom) {
$line[] = $strcustomscale;
} else {
$line[] = $strstandardscale;
$buttons = "";
if (empty($scales_uses) && ($incustom || isadmin())) {
$buttons .= "<a title=\"$stredit\" href=\"$path/scales.php?id=$course->id&amp;scaleid=$scale->id&amp;action=edit\"><img".
2005-01-25 14:03:43 +00:00
" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
if ($incustom && isadmin()) {
$buttons .= "<a title=\"$strdown\" href=\"$path/scales.php?id=$course->id&amp;scaleid=$scale->id&amp;action=down&amp;sesskey=$USER->sesskey\"><img".
2005-01-25 14:03:43 +00:00
" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/down.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
if (!$incustom && isadmin()) {
$buttons .= "<a title=\"$strup\" href=\"$path/scales.php?id=$course->id&amp;scaleid=$scale->id&amp;action=up&amp;sesskey=$USER->sesskey\"><img".
2005-01-25 14:03:43 +00:00
" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/up.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
$buttons .= "<a title=\"$strdelete\" href=\"$path/scales.php?id=$course->id&amp;scaleid=$scale->id&amp;action=delete&amp;sesskey=$USER->sesskey\"><img".
2005-01-25 14:03:43 +00:00
" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
$line[] = $buttons;
$data[] = $line;
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00
$head = $strscale.",".$stractivities.",".$strtype.",".$stroptions;
$table->head = explode(",",$head);
$size = "50%,20%,20%,10%";
$table->size = explode(",",$size);
$align = "left,center,center,center";
$table->align = explode(",",$align);
$wrap = ",nowrap,nowrap,nowrap";
$table->wrap = explode(",",$wrap);
$table->width = "90%";
$table->data = $data;
print_table ($table);
2003-08-15 14:03:25 +00:00