
590 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Page to edit quizzes
* This page generally has two columns:
* The right column lists all available questions in a chosen category and
* allows them to be edited or more to be added. This column is only there if
* the quiz does not already have student attempts
* The left column lists all questions that have been added to the current quiz.
* The lecturer can add questions from the right hand list to the quiz or remove them
* The script also processes a number of actions:
* Actions affecting a quiz:
* up and down Changes the order of questions and page breaks
* addquestion Adds a single question to the quiz
* add Adds several selected questions to the quiz
* addrandom Adds a certain number of random questions to the quiz
* repaginate Re-paginates the quiz
* delete Removes a question from the quiz
* savechanges Saves the order and grades for questions in the quiz
* @package mod
* @subpackage quiz
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas and others {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/editlib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/addrandomform.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/category_class.php');
* Callback function called from question_list() function
* (which is called from showbank())
* Displays button in form with checkboxes for each question.
function module_specific_buttons($cmid, $cmoptions) {
2009-12-23 17:44:17 +00:00
global $OUTPUT;
$params = array(
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'add',
'value' => $OUTPUT->larrow() . ' ' . get_string('addtoquiz', 'quiz'),
if ($cmoptions->hasattempts) {
$params['disabled'] = 'disabled';
return html_writer::empty_tag('input', $params);
2007-08-09 21:51:09 +00:00
* Callback function called from question_list() function
* (which is called from showbank())
function module_specific_controls($totalnumber, $recurse, $category, $cmid, $cmoptions) {
global $OUTPUT;
$out = '';
$catcontext = context::instance_by_id($category->contextid);
if (has_capability('moodle/question:useall', $catcontext)) {
if ($cmoptions->hasattempts) {
$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$disabled = '';
2009-02-11 09:48:30 +00:00
$randomusablequestions =
$category->id, $recurse);
$maxrand = count($randomusablequestions);
if ($maxrand > 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= min(10, $maxrand); $i++) {
$randomcount[$i] = $i;
for ($i = 20; $i <= min(100, $maxrand); $i += 10) {
$randomcount[$i] = $i;
} else {
$randomcount[0] = 0;
$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
$out = '<strong><label for="menurandomcount">'.get_string('addrandomfromcategory', 'quiz').
'</label></strong><br />';
$attributes = array();
$attributes['disabled'] = $disabled ? 'disabled' : null;
$select = html_writer::select($randomcount, 'randomcount', '1', null, $attributes);
$out .= get_string('addrandom', 'quiz', $select);
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="recurse" value="'.$recurse.'" />';
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="categoryid" value="' . $category->id . '" />';
$out .= ' <input type="submit" name="addrandom" value="'.
get_string('addtoquiz', 'quiz').'"' . $disabled . ' />';
$out .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('addarandomquestion', 'quiz');
2007-08-09 21:51:09 +00:00
return $out;
2007-08-09 21:51:09 +00:00
// These params are only passed from page request to request while we stay on
// this page otherwise they would go in question_edit_setup.
$quiz_reordertool = optional_param('reordertool', -1, PARAM_BOOL);
$quiz_qbanktool = optional_param('qbanktool', -1, PARAM_BOOL);
$scrollpos = optional_param('scrollpos', '', PARAM_INT);
list($thispageurl, $contexts, $cmid, $cm, $quiz, $pagevars) =
question_edit_setup('editq', '/mod/quiz/edit.php', true);
$quiz->questions = quiz_clean_layout($quiz->questions);
$defaultcategoryobj = question_make_default_categories($contexts->all());
$defaultcategory = $defaultcategoryobj->id . ',' . $defaultcategoryobj->contextid;
if ($quiz_qbanktool > -1) {
$thispageurl->param('qbanktool', $quiz_qbanktool);
set_user_preference('quiz_qbanktool_open', $quiz_qbanktool);
} else {
$quiz_qbanktool = get_user_preferences('quiz_qbanktool_open', 0);
if ($quiz_reordertool > -1) {
$thispageurl->param('reordertool', $quiz_reordertool);
set_user_preference('quiz_reordertab', $quiz_reordertool);
} else {
$quiz_reordertool = get_user_preferences('quiz_reordertab', 0);
$canaddrandom = $contexts->have_cap('moodle/question:useall');
$canaddquestion = (bool) $contexts->having_add_and_use();
$quizhasattempts = quiz_has_attempts($quiz->id);
// Get the course object and related bits.
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $quiz->course));
if (!$course) {
print_error('invalidcourseid', 'error');
$questionbank = new quiz_question_bank_view($contexts, $thispageurl, $course, $cm, $quiz);
// Log this visit.
add_to_log($cm->course, 'quiz', 'editquestions',
"view.php?id=$cm->id", "$quiz->id", $cm->id);
// You need mod/quiz:manage in addition to question capabilities to access this page.
require_capability('mod/quiz:manage', $contexts->lowest());
if (empty($quiz->grades)) {
$quiz->grades = quiz_get_all_question_grades($quiz);
// Process commands ============================================================
if ($quiz->shufflequestions) {
// Strip page breaks before processing actions, so that re-ordering works
// as expected when shuffle questions is on.
$quiz->questions = quiz_repaginate($quiz->questions, 0);
// Get the list of question ids had their check-boxes ticked.
$selectedquestionids = array();
$params = (array) data_submitted();
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('!^s([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$selectedquestionids[] = $matches[1];
$afteractionurl = new moodle_url($thispageurl);
if ($scrollpos) {
$afteractionurl->param('scrollpos', $scrollpos);
if (($up = optional_param('up', false, PARAM_INT)) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$quiz->questions = quiz_move_question_up($quiz->questions, $up);
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
if (($down = optional_param('down', false, PARAM_INT)) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$quiz->questions = quiz_move_question_down($quiz->questions, $down);
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
if (optional_param('repaginate', false, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Re-paginate the quiz.
$questionsperpage = optional_param('questionsperpage', $quiz->questionsperpage, PARAM_INT);
$quiz->questions = quiz_repaginate($quiz->questions, $questionsperpage );
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
if (($addquestion = optional_param('addquestion', 0, PARAM_INT)) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Add a single question to the current quiz.
$addonpage = optional_param('addonpage', 0, PARAM_INT);
quiz_add_quiz_question($addquestion, $quiz, $addonpage);
$thispageurl->param('lastchanged', $addquestion);
if (optional_param('add', false, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Add selected questions to the current quiz.
$rawdata = (array) data_submitted();
foreach ($rawdata as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids.
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
quiz_add_quiz_question($key, $quiz);
if ((optional_param('addrandom', false, PARAM_BOOL)) && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Add random questions to the quiz.
$recurse = optional_param('recurse', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$addonpage = optional_param('addonpage', 0, PARAM_INT);
$categoryid = required_param('categoryid', PARAM_INT);
$randomcount = required_param('randomcount', PARAM_INT);
quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, $addonpage, $categoryid, $randomcount, $recurse);
if (optional_param('addnewpagesafterselected', null, PARAM_CLEAN) &&
!empty($selectedquestionids) && confirm_sesskey()) {
foreach ($selectedquestionids as $questionid) {
$quiz->questions = quiz_add_page_break_after($quiz->questions, $questionid);
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
2007-08-09 21:51:09 +00:00
$addpage = optional_param('addpage', false, PARAM_INT);
if ($addpage !== false && confirm_sesskey()) {
$quiz->questions = quiz_add_page_break_at($quiz->questions, $addpage);
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
$deleteemptypage = optional_param('deleteemptypage', false, PARAM_INT);
if (($deleteemptypage !== false) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$quiz->questions = quiz_delete_empty_page($quiz->questions, $deleteemptypage);
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
$remove = optional_param('remove', false, PARAM_INT);
if ($remove && confirm_sesskey()) {
// Remove a question from the quiz.
// We require the user to have the 'use' capability on the question,
// so that then can add it back if they remove the wrong one by mistake,
// but, if the question is missing, it can always be removed.
if ($DB->record_exists('question', array('id' => $remove))) {
quiz_remove_question($quiz, $remove);
if (optional_param('quizdeleteselected', false, PARAM_BOOL) &&
!empty($selectedquestionids) && confirm_sesskey()) {
foreach ($selectedquestionids as $questionid) {
if (quiz_has_question_use($questionid)) {
quiz_remove_question($quiz, $questionid);
if (optional_param('savechanges', false, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$deletepreviews = false;
$recomputesummarks = false;
$oldquestions = explode(',', $quiz->questions); // The questions in the old order.
$questions = array(); // For questions in the new order.
$rawdata = (array) data_submitted();
$moveonpagequestions = array();
$moveselectedonpage = optional_param('moveselectedonpagetop', 0, PARAM_INT);
if (!$moveselectedonpage) {
$moveselectedonpage = optional_param('moveselectedonpagebottom', 0, PARAM_INT);
2006-03-01 09:30:21 +00:00
foreach ($rawdata as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('!^g([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
// Parse input for question -> grades.
$questionid = $matches[1];
$quiz->grades[$questionid] = unformat_float($value);
quiz_update_question_instance($quiz->grades[$questionid], $questionid, $quiz);
$deletepreviews = true;
$recomputesummarks = true;
} else if (preg_match('!^o(pg)?([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
// Parse input for ordering info.
$questionid = $matches[2];
// Make sure two questions don't overwrite each other. If we get a second
// question with the same position, shift the second one along to the next gap.
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_INT);
while (array_key_exists($value, $questions)) {
if ($matches[1]) {
// This is a page-break entry.
$questions[$value] = 0;
} else {
$questions[$value] = $questionid;
$deletepreviews = true;
// If ordering info was given, reorder the questions.
if ($questions) {
$questions[] = 0;
$quiz->questions = implode(',', $questions);
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
$deletepreviews = true;
// Get a list of questions to move, later to be added in the appropriate
// place in the string.
if ($moveselectedonpage) {
$questions = explode(',', $quiz->questions);
$newquestions = array();
// Remove the questions from their original positions first.
foreach ($questions as $questionid) {
if (!in_array($questionid, $selectedquestionids)) {
$newquestions[] = $questionid;
$questions = $newquestions;
// Move to the end of the selected page.
$pagebreakpositions = array_keys($questions, 0);
$numpages = count($pagebreakpositions);
// Ensure the target page number is in range.
for ($i = $moveselectedonpage; $i > $numpages; $i--) {
$questions[] = 0;
$pagebreakpositions[] = count($questions) - 1;
$moveselectedpos = $pagebreakpositions[$moveselectedonpage - 1];
// Do the move.
array_splice($questions, $moveselectedpos, 0, $selectedquestionids);
$quiz->questions = implode(',', $questions);
// Update the database.
$DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
$deletepreviews = true;
// If rescaling is required save the new maximum.
$maxgrade = unformat_float(optional_param('maxgrade', -1, PARAM_RAW));
if ($maxgrade >= 0) {
quiz_set_grade($maxgrade, $quiz);
2006-03-01 09:30:21 +00:00
if ($deletepreviews) {
if ($recomputesummarks) {
quiz_update_grades($quiz, 0, true);
$questionbank->process_actions($thispageurl, $cm);
// End of process commands =====================================================
get_string('skipto', 'access', get_string('questionbank', 'question')));
get_string('skipto', 'access', get_string('questionsinthisquiz', 'quiz')));
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('editingquizx', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)));
$node = $PAGE->settingsnav->find('mod_quiz_edit', navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
if ($node) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Initialise the JavaScript.
$quizeditconfig = new stdClass();
$quizeditconfig->url = $thispageurl->out(true, array('qbanktool' => '0'));
$quizeditconfig->dialoglisteners = array();
$numberoflisteners = max(quiz_number_of_pages($quiz->questions), 1);
for ($pageiter = 1; $pageiter <= $numberoflisteners; $pageiter++) {
$quizeditconfig->dialoglisteners[] = 'addrandomdialoglaunch_' . $pageiter;
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('quiz_edit_config', $quizeditconfig);
2012-08-06 22:24:43 +02:00
$module = array(
'name' => 'mod_quiz_edit',
'fullpath' => '/mod/quiz/edit.js',
'requires' => array('yui2-dom', 'yui2-event', 'yui2-container'),
'strings' => array(),
'async' => false,
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('quiz_edit_init', null, false, $module);
// Print the tabs to switch mode.
if ($quiz_reordertool) {
$currenttab = 'reorder';
} else {
$currenttab = 'edit';
$tabs = array(array(
new tabobject('edit', new moodle_url($thispageurl,
array('reordertool' => 0)), get_string('editingquiz', 'quiz')),
new tabobject('reorder', new moodle_url($thispageurl,
array('reordertool' => 1)), get_string('orderingquiz', 'quiz')),
print_tabs($tabs, $currenttab);
if ($quiz_qbanktool) {
$bankclass = '';
$quizcontentsclass = '';
} else {
$bankclass = 'collapsed ';
$quizcontentsclass = 'quizwhenbankcollapsed';
2008-12-26 00:29:17 +00:00
echo '<div class="questionbankwindow ' . $bankclass . 'block">';
echo '<div class="header"><div class="title"><h2>';
echo get_string('questionbankcontents', 'quiz') .
'&nbsp;[<a href="' . $thispageurl->out(true, array('qbanktool' => '1')) .
'" id="showbankcmd">' . get_string('show').
'</a><a href="' . $thispageurl->out(true, array('qbanktool' => '0')) .
'" id="hidebankcmd">' . get_string('hide').
echo '</h2></div></div><div class="content">';
2008-12-26 00:29:17 +00:00
echo '<span id="questionbank"></span>';
echo '<div class="container">';
echo '<div id="module" class="module">';
echo '<div class="bd">';
$pagevars['cat'], $pagevars['recurse'], $pagevars['showhidden'],
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div></div>';
echo '<div class="quizcontents ' . $quizcontentsclass . '" id="quizcontentsblock">';
if ($quiz->shufflequestions) {
$repaginatingdisabledhtml = 'disabled="disabled"';
$repaginatingdisabled = true;
$quiz->questions = quiz_repaginate($quiz->questions, $quiz->questionsperpage);
} else {
$repaginatingdisabledhtml = '';
$repaginatingdisabled = false;
if ($quiz_reordertool) {
echo '<div class="repaginatecommand"><button id="repaginatecommand" ' .
get_string('repaginatecommand', 'quiz').'...</button>';
echo '</div>';
if ($quiz_reordertool) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading_with_help(get_string('orderingquizx', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)),
'orderandpaging', 'quiz');
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('editingquizx', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)), 2);
echo $OUTPUT->help_icon('editingquiz', 'quiz', get_string('basicideasofquiz', 'quiz'));
$tabindex = 0;
quiz_print_grading_form($quiz, $thispageurl, $tabindex);
$notifystrings = array();
if ($quizhasattempts) {
$reviewlink = quiz_attempt_summary_link_to_reports($quiz, $cm, $contexts->lowest());
$notifystrings[] = get_string('cannoteditafterattempts', 'quiz', $reviewlink);
if ($quiz->shufflequestions) {
$updateurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php",
array('return' => 'true', 'update' => $quiz->cmid, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$updatelink = '<a href="'.$updateurl->out().'">' . get_string('updatethis', '',
get_string('modulename', 'quiz')) . '</a>';
$notifystrings[] = get_string('shufflequestionsselected', 'quiz', $updatelink);
if (!empty($notifystrings)) {
echo $OUTPUT->box('<p>' . implode('</p><p>', $notifystrings) . '</p>', 'statusdisplay');
if ($quiz_reordertool) {
$perpage = array();
$perpage[0] = get_string('allinone', 'quiz');
for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; ++$i) {
$perpage[$i] = $i;
$gostring = get_string('go');
echo '<div id="repaginatedialog"><div class="hd">';
echo get_string('repaginatecommand', 'quiz');
echo '</div><div class="bd">';
echo '<form action="edit.php" method="post">';
echo '<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset">';
echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($thispageurl);
2009-01-02 10:36:25 +00:00
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
// YUI does not submit the value of the submit button so we need to add the value.
echo '<input type="hidden" name="repaginate" value="'.$gostring.'" />';
2010-02-11 10:03:28 +00:00
$attributes = array();
$attributes['disabled'] = $repaginatingdisabledhtml ? 'disabled' : null;
$select = html_writer::select(
$perpage, 'questionsperpage', $quiz->questionsperpage, null, $attributes);
2010-02-11 10:03:28 +00:00
print_string('repaginate', 'quiz', $select);
echo '<div class="quizquestionlistcontrols">';
echo ' <input type="submit" name="repaginate" value="'. $gostring . '" ' .
$repaginatingdisabledhtml.' />';
echo '</div></fieldset></form></div></div>';
if ($quiz_reordertool) {
echo '<div class="reorder">';
} else {
echo '<div class="editq">';
quiz_print_question_list($quiz, $thispageurl, true, $quiz_reordertool, $quiz_qbanktool,
$quizhasattempts, $defaultcategoryobj, $canaddquestion, $canaddrandom);
echo '</div>';
// Close <div class="quizcontents">.
echo '</div>';
if (!$quiz_reordertool && $canaddrandom) {
$randomform = new quiz_add_random_form(new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/addrandom.php'), $contexts);
'category' => $pagevars['cat'],
'returnurl' => $thispageurl->out_as_local_url(false),
'cmid' => $cm->id,
<div id="randomquestiondialog">
<div class="hd"><?php print_string('addrandomquestiontoquiz', 'quiz', $quiz->name); ?>
<span id="pagenumber"><!-- JavaScript will insert the page number here. -->
<div class="bd"><?php
echo $OUTPUT->footer();