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$string['addnewportfolio'] = 'Add a new portfolio';
$string['addtoportfolio'] = 'Add to portfolio';
2008-08-18 10:11:59 +00:00
$string['addalltoportfolio'] = 'Add all to portfolio';
$string['alreadyexporting'] = 'You already have an active portfolio export in this session. Please <a href=\"$a->finish\">complete that first</a>, or <a href=\"$a->cancel\">click here</a> to cancel it.';
$string['availableformats'] = 'Available export formats';
$string['callercouldnotpackage'] = 'Failed to package up your data for export';
$string['cannotsetvisible'] = 'Cannot set this to visible - the plugin has been completely disabled because of a misconfiguration';
$string['configexport'] = 'Configure exported data';
$string['configplugin'] = 'Configure portfolio plugin';
$string['confirmexport'] = 'Please confirm this export';
$string['confirmsummary'] = 'Summary of your export';
$string['configure'] = 'Configure';
$string['continuetoportfolio'] = 'Continue to your portfolio';
$string['deleteportfolio'] = 'Delete portfolio instance';
$string['disabled'] = 'Sorry, but portfolio exports are not enabled in this site';
$string['dontwait'] = 'Don\'t wait';
$string['err_uniquename'] = 'Portfolio name must be unique (per plugin)';
$string['enabled'] = 'Enable portfolios';
$string['enableddesc'] = 'This will allow administrators to configure remote systems for users to export content to';
$string['exporting'] = 'Exporting to portfolio';
$string['exportcomplete'] = 'Portfolio export complete!';
$string['exportqueued'] = 'Portfolio export has been successfully queued for transfer';
$string['exportedpreviously'] = 'Previous exports';
$string['failedtosendpackage'] = 'Failed to send your data to the selected portfolio system!';
$string['filedenied'] = 'Access denied to this file';
$string['filenotfound'] = 'File not found';
$string['format_file'] = 'File';
$string['format_html'] = 'HTML';
$string['format_image'] = 'Image';
$string['format_mbkp'] = 'Moodle Backup';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$string['instancedeleted'] = 'Portfolio deleted successfully';
$string['instanceismisconfigured'] = 'Portfolio instance is misconfigured, skipping. Error was: $a';
$string['instancenotsaved'] = 'Failed to save portfolio';
$string['instancenotdelete'] = 'Failed to delete portfolio';
$string['instancesaved'] = 'Portfolio saved successfully';
$string['invalidaddformat'] = 'Invalid add format passed to portfolio_add_button. ($a) Must be one of PORTFOLIO_ADD_XXX';
$string['invalidtempid'] = 'Invalid export id. maybe it has expired';
$string['invalidformat'] = 'Something is exporting an invalid format, $a';
$string['invalidinstance'] = 'Could not find that portfolio instance';
$string['manageportfolios'] = 'Manage portfolios';
$string['manageyourportfolios'] = 'Manage your portfolios';
$string['noavailableplugins'] = 'Sorry, but there are no available portfolios for you to export to';
$string['nocallbackfile'] = 'Something in the module you\'re trying to export from is broken - couldn\'t find a required file ($a)';
$string['nocommonformats'] = 'No common formats between any available portfolio plugin and the calling location $a';
$string['nopermissions'] = 'Sorry but you do not have the required permissions to export files from this area';
$string['nonprimative'] = 'A non primative value was passed as a callback argument to portfolio_add_button. Refusing to continue. The key was $a->key and the value was $a->value';
$string['notexportable'] = 'Sorry, but the type of content you are trying to export is not exportable';
$string['notimplemented'] = 'Sorry, but you are trying to export content in some format that is not yet implemented ($a)';
$string['nouploaddirectory'] = 'Could not create a temporary directory to package your data into';
$string['portfolio'] = 'Portfolio';
$string['portfolios'] = 'Portfolios';
$string['plugin'] = 'Portfolio Plugin';
$string['plugincouldnotpackage'] = 'Failed to package up your data for export';
$string['returntowhereyouwere'] = 'Return to where you were';
$string['save'] = 'Save';
$string['selectedformat'] = 'Selected export format';
$string['selectedwait'] = 'Selected to wait?';
$string['selectplugin'] = 'Select portfolio plugin to export to';
$string['someinstancesdisabled'] = 'Some configured plugin instances have been disabled either because they are misconfigured or rely on something else that is';
$string['somepluginsdisabled'] = 'Some entire plugins have been disabled because they are either misconfigured or rely on something else that is:';
$string['sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete \'$a\'? This cannot be undone.';
$string['wanttowait_moderate'] = 'Do you want to wait for this transfer? It might take a few minutes';
$string['wanttowait_high'] = 'It is not recommended that you wait for this transfer to complete, but you can if you\'re sure and know what you\'re doing';
$string['wait'] = 'Wait';