2009-05-27 09:52:25 +00:00
< ? php
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This script creates config . php file and prepares database .
* This script is not intended for beginners !
* Potential problems :
* - environment check is not present yet
* - su to apache account or sudo before execution
* - not compatible with Windows platform
* @ package moodlecore
* @ subpackage cli
* @ copyright 2009 Petr Skoda ( http :// skodak . org )
* @ license http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html GNU GPL v3 or later
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])) {
error_log ( " admin/cli/install.php can not be called from web server! " );
exit ;
2009-05-29 07:45:06 +00:00
$help =
" Command line Moodle installer, creates config.php and initializes database.
Please note you must execute this script with the same uid as apache
or use chmod / chown after installation .
Site defaults may be changed via local / defaults . php .
Options :
-- lang = CODE Installation and default site language .
-- wwwroot = URL Web address for the Moodle site ,
required in non - interactive mode .
-- dataroot = DIR Location of the moodle data folder ,
must not be web accessible . Default is moodleroot
in parent directory .
-- dbtype = TYPE Database type . Default is mysqli
-- dbhost = HOST Database host . Default is localhost
-- dbname = NAME Database name . Default is moodle
-- dbuser = USERNAME Database user . Default is root
-- dbpass = PASSWORD Database password . Default is blank
-- dbsocket Use database sockets . Available for some databases only .
-- prefix = STRING Table prefix for above database tables . Default is mdl_
-- admin - password = PASS Password for the moodle admin account ,
required in non - interactive mode .
-- non - interactive No interactive questions , installation fails if any
problem encountered .
-- agreelicense Indicates agreement with software license ,
required in non - interactive mode .
- h , -- help Print out this help
Example : \ $sudo - u wwwrun / usr / bin / php admin / cli / install . php -- lang = cs
" ; //TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
2009-05-27 09:52:25 +00:00
// Nothing to do if config.php exists
$configfile = dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ))) . '/config.php' ;
if ( file_exists ( $configfile )) {
2009-05-29 07:45:06 +00:00
require ( $configfile );
echo ( " Moodle already installed, please use admin/cli/upgrade.php if you want to upgrade your site. \n \n " ); // TODO: localize
echo $help ;
die ( 1 );
2009-05-27 09:52:25 +00:00
2009-05-29 07:45:06 +00:00
$olddir = getcwd ();
// change directory so that includes bellow work properly
chdir ( dirname ( $_SERVER [ 'argv' ][ 0 ]));
2009-05-27 09:52:25 +00:00
// make sure PHP errors are displayed - helps with diagnosing of problems
@ error_reporting ( E_ALL );
@ ini_set ( 'display_errors' , '1' );
// we need a lot of memory
@ ini_set ( 'memory_limit' , '128M' );
// Check that PHP is of a sufficient version
if ( version_compare ( phpversion (), " 5.2.8 " ) < 0 ) {
$phpversion = phpversion ();
// do NOT localise - lang strings would not work here and we CAN NOT move it after installib
echo " Sorry, Moodle 2.0 requires PHP 5.2.8 or later (currently using version $phpversion ). \n " ;
echo " Please upgrade your server software or install latest Moodle 1.9.x instead. " ;
die ;
// set up configuration
$CFG = new stdClass ();
$CFG -> lang = 'en_utf8' ;
$CFG -> dirroot = str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ )))); // Fix for win32
$CFG -> libdir = " $CFG->dirroot /lib " ;
$CFG -> wwwroot = " http://localhost " ;
$CFG -> httpswwwroot = $CFG -> wwwroot ;
$CFG -> httpsthemewww = $CFG -> wwwroot ;
$CFG -> dataroot = str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ))) . '/moodledata' );
$CFG -> docroot = 'http://docs.moodle.org' ;
$CFG -> directorypermissions = 00777 ;
$CFG -> running_installer = true ;
$parts = explode ( '/' , str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ))));
$CFG -> admin = array_pop ( $parts );
require ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/version.php' );
$CFG -> target_release = $release ;
//point pear include path to moodles lib/pear so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else
//the problem is that we need specific version of quickforms and hacked excel files :-(
ini_set ( 'include_path' , $CFG -> libdir . '/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get ( 'include_path' ));
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/installlib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/clilib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/setuplib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/textlib.class.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/weblib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/dmllib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/moodlelib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/deprecatedlib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/adminlib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/environmentlib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/xmlize.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/componentlib.class.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/upgradelib.php' );
//Database types
$databases = array ( 'mysqli' => moodle_database :: get_driver_instance ( 'mysqli' , 'native' ),
'pgsql' => moodle_database :: get_driver_instance ( 'pgsql' , 'native' ),
'oci' => moodle_database :: get_driver_instance ( 'oci' , 'native' ),
//'sqlsrv' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('sqlsrv', 'native'), // new MS sql driver - win32 only
//'mssql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mssql', 'native'), // FreeTDS driver
foreach ( $databases as $type => $database ) {
if ( $database -> driver_installed () !== true ) {
unset ( $databases [ $type ]);
if ( empty ( $databases )) {
cli_error ( 'No db drivers available!' ); // TODO: localize
reset ( $databases );
$defaultdb = key ( $databases );
// now get cli options
list ( $options , $unrecognized ) = cli_get_params ( array ( 'lang' => $CFG -> lang , 'wwwroot' => '' , 'dataroot' => $CFG -> dataroot , 'dbtype' => $defaultdb , 'dbhost' => 'localhost' ,
'dbname' => 'moodle' , 'dbuser' => 'root' , 'dbpass' => '' , 'dbsocket' => false , 'prefix' => 'mdl_' , 'admin-password' => '' ,
'non-interactive' => false , 'agreelicense' => false , 'help' => false ),
array ( 'h' => 'help' ));
$interactive = empty ( $options [ 'non-interactive' ]);
// set up language
$lang = clean_param ( $options [ 'lang' ], PARAM_SAFEDIR );
if ( file_exists ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/install/lang/' . $lang )) {
$CFG -> lang = $lang ;
} else {
if ( file_exists ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/install/lang/' . $lang . '_utf8' )) {
$CFG -> lang = $lang . '_utf8' ;
if ( $unrecognized ) {
$error = implode ( " \n " , $unrecognized );
cli_error ( " Unrecognized options: \n $error \n . Please use --help option. " ); // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
if ( $options [ 'help' ]) {
echo $help ;
die ;
$separator = str_repeat ( '=' , 79 ) . " \n " ;
//Print header
echo " Moodle $CFG->target_release command line installation program. \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
//Fist select language
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
$languages = install_get_list_of_languages ();
// fomrat the langs nicely - 4 per line
$c = 0 ;
$langlist = '' ;
foreach ( $languages as $key => $lang ) {
$c ++ ;
$length = iconv_strlen ( $lang , 'UTF-8' );
$padded = $lang . str_repeat ( ' ' , 28 - $length );
$langlist .= $padded ;
if ( $c % 3 == 0 ) {
$langlist .= " \n " ;
$default = str_replace ( '_utf8' , '' , $CFG -> lang );
$prompt = " Available languages: \n $langlist\nType language code or press Enter to use default value ( $default ) " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
$error = '' ;
do {
echo $error ;
$input = cli_input ( $prompt , $default );
$input = clean_param ( $input , PARAM_SAFEDIR );
if ( ! file_exists ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/install/lang/' . $input . '_utf8' )) {
$error = " Incorrect value, please retry. \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} else {
$error = '' ;
} while ( $error !== '' );
$CFG -> lang = $input . '_utf8' ;
} else {
// already verified
//We need wwwroot before we test dataroot
$wwwroot = clean_param ( $options [ 'wwwroot' ], PARAM_URL );
$wwwroot = trim ( $wwwroot , '/' );
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
if ( strpos ( $wwwroot , 'http' ) === 0 ) {
$prompt = " Type URL of your site \n or press Enter to use default value ( $wwwroot ) " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} else {
$prompt = " Type URL of your site " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
$error = '' ;
do {
echo $error ;
$input = cli_input ( $prompt , $wwwroot );
$input = clean_param ( $input , PARAM_URL );
$input = trim ( $input , '/' );
if ( strpos ( $input , 'http' ) !== 0 ) {
$error = " Incorrect value, please retry. \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} else {
$error = '' ;
} while ( $error !== '' );
$wwwroot = $input ;
} else {
if ( strpos ( $wwwroot , 'http' ) !== 0 ) {
cli_error ( " Error: \n wwwroot parametr value \" $wwwroot\ " in not correct . Please use different value . " ); // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
$CFG -> wwwroot = $wwwroot ;
$CFG -> httpswwwroot = $CFG -> wwwroot ;
$CFG -> httpsthemewww = $CFG -> wwwroot ;
//We need dataroot before lang download
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
$i = 0 ;
while ( is_dataroot_insecure ()) {
$parrent = dirname ( $CFG -> dataroot );
$i ++ ;
if ( $parrent == '/' or $parrent == '.' or preg_match ( '/^[a-z]:\\\?$/i' , $parrent ) or ( $i > 100 )) {
$CFG -> dataroot = '' ; //can not find secure location for dataroot
break ;
$CFG -> dataroot = dirname ( $parrent ) . '/moodledata' ;
$error = '' ;
do {
if ( $CFG -> dataroot !== '' ) {
$prompt = " Type Moodle data directory \n or press Enter to use default value ( $CFG->dataroot ) " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} else {
$prompt = " Type Moodle data directory " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
echo $error ;
$CFG -> dataroot = cli_input ( $prompt , $CFG -> dataroot );
if ( $CFG -> dataroot === '' ) {
$error = " Incorrect value, please retry. \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} else if ( is_dataroot_insecure ()) {
$CFG -> dataroot = '' ;
$error = " Directory may not be secure, please retry. \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} else {
if ( make_upload_directory ( 'lang' , false )) {
$error = '' ;
} else {
$error = " Can not create dataroot directory, verify permissions or create directory manually. \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
} while ( $error !== '' );
} else {
if ( is_dataroot_insecure ()) {
cli_error ( " Error: \n directory $CFG->dataroot may be directly accessible via web. Please use different directory. " ); // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
//download lang pack with optional notification
if ( $CFG -> lang != 'en_utf8' ) {
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
echo " Downloading latest language package from moodle.org... \n " ; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install
if ( $cd = new component_installer ( 'http://download.moodle.org' , 'lang16' , $CFG -> lang . '.zip' , 'languages.md5' , 'lang' )) {
if ( $cd -> install () == COMPONENT_ERROR ) {
if ( $cd -> get_error () == 'remotedownloaderror' ) {
$a = new stdClass ();
$a -> url = 'http://download.moodle.org/lang16/' . $CFG -> lang . '.zip' ;
$a -> dest = $CFG -> dataroot . '/lang' ;
cli_problem ( get_string ( $cd -> get_error (), 'error' , $a ));
} else {
cli_problem ( get_string ( $cd -> get_error (), 'error' ));
} else {
// install parent lang if defined
if ( $parentlang = get_parent_language ()) {
if ( $cd = new component_installer ( 'http://download.moodle.org' , 'lang16' , $parentlang . '.zip' , 'languages.md5' , 'lang' )) {
$cd -> install ();
if ( $interactive ) {
echo " ...finished lang download. \n " ; // TODO: localize
unset ( $CFG -> running_installer ); // we use full lang packs from now on
// ask for db type - show only drivers available
if ( $interactive ) {
$options [ 'dbtype' ] = strtolower ( $options [ 'dbtype' ]);
echo $separator ;
echo " Available database drivers \n " ;
foreach ( $databases as $type => $database ) {
echo " $type : " . $database -> get_name () . " \n " ;
echo " \n " ;
if ( ! empty ( $databases [ $options [ 'dbtype' ]])) {
$prompt = " Type driver short name \n or press Enter to use default value ( " . $options [ 'dbtype' ] . " ) " ; // TODO: localize
} else {
$prompt = " Type driver short name " ; // TODO: localize
$CFG -> dbtype = cli_input ( $prompt , $options [ 'dbtype' ], array_keys ( $databases ));
} else {
if ( empty ( $databases [ $options [ 'dbtype' ]])) {
cli_error ( " Error: \n dbtype parametr value \" " . $options [ 'dbtype' ] . " \" in not correct. Please use different value. " ); // TODO: localize
$CFG -> dbtype = $options [ 'dbtype' ];
$database = $databases [ $CFG -> dbtype ];
// ask for db host
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
if ( $options [ 'dbhost' ] !== '' ) {
$prompt = " Type database host \n or press Enter to use default value ( " . $options [ 'dbhost' ] . " ) " ; // TODO: localize
} else {
$prompt = " Type database host " ; // TODO: localize
$CFG -> dbhost = cli_input ( $prompt , $options [ 'dbhost' ]);
} else {
$CFG -> dbhost = $options [ 'dbhost' ];
// ask for db name
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
if ( $options [ 'dbname' ] !== '' ) {
$prompt = " Type database name \n or press Enter to use default value ( " . $options [ 'dbname' ] . " ) " ; // TODO: localize
} else {
$prompt = " Type database name " ; // TODO: localize
$CFG -> dbname = cli_input ( $prompt , $options [ 'dbname' ]);
} else {
$CFG -> dbname = $options [ 'dbname' ];
// ask for db prefix
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
//TODO: solve somehow the prefix trouble for oci
if ( $options [ 'prefix' ] !== '' ) {
$prompt = " Type table prefix \n or press Enter to use default value ( " . $options [ 'prefix' ] . " ) " ; // TODO: localize
} else {
$prompt = " Type table prefix " ; // TODO: localize
$CFG -> prefix = cli_input ( $prompt , $options [ 'prefix' ]);
} else {
$CFG -> prefix = $options [ 'prefix' ];
// ask for db user
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
if ( $options [ 'dbuser' ] !== '' ) {
$prompt = " Type database user name \n or press Enter to use default value ( " . $options [ 'dbuser' ] . " ) " ; // TODO: localize
} else {
$prompt = " Type database user name " ; // TODO: localize
$CFG -> dbuser = cli_input ( $prompt , $options [ 'dbuser' ]);
} else {
$CFG -> dbuser = $options [ 'dbuser' ];
// ask for db password
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
do {
if ( $options [ 'dbpass' ] !== '' ) {
$prompt = " Type database user password \n or press Enter to use default value ( " . $options [ 'dbpass' ] . " ) " ; // TODO: localize
} else {
$prompt = " Type database user password " ; // TODO: localize
$CFG -> dbpass = cli_input ( $prompt , $options [ 'dbpass' ]);
$hint_database = install_db_validate ( $database , $CFG -> dbhost , $CFG -> dbuser , $CFG -> dbpass , $CFG -> dbname , $CFG -> prefix , array ( 'dbpersit' => 0 , 'dbsocket' => $options [ 'dbsocket' ]));
} while ( $hint_database !== '' );
} else {
$CFG -> dbpass = $options [ 'dbpass' ];
$hint_database = install_db_validate ( $database , $CFG -> dbhost , $CFG -> dbuser , $CFG -> dbpass , $CFG -> dbname , $CFG -> prefix , array ( 'dbpersit' => 0 , 'dbsocket' => $options [ 'dbsocket' ]));
if ( $hint_database !== '' ) {
cli_error ( 'Can not open connection to database!' );
// ask for admin user password
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
$prompt = " Type requested password for user 'admin' " ; // TODO: localize
do {
$options [ 'admin-password' ] = cli_input ( $prompt );
} while ( empty ( $options [ 'admin-password' ]) or $options [ 'admin-password' ] === 'admin' );
} else {
if ( empty ( $options [ 'admin-password' ]) or $options [ 'admin-password' ] === 'admin' ) {
cli_error ( 'Requested administrator password must not be empty or easy to guess..' ); //TODO: localize
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
if ( ! $options [ 'agreelicense' ]) {
echo " Do you agree to Moodle license blah blah blah? \n " ; //TODO: localize and use real license
$input = cli_input ( 'Type yes or y if you agree, ctrl+c if not' , '' , array ( 'yes' , 'y' )); // TODO: localize including yes/y
} else {
if ( ! $options [ 'agreelicense' ]) {
cli_error ( 'You must aggree to license by specifying --agreelicense' ); //TODO: localize
// Finally we have all info needed for config.php
$configphp = install_generate_configphp ( $database , $CFG );
umask ( 0137 );
if (( $fh = fopen ( $configfile , 'w' )) !== false ) {
fwrite ( $fh , $configphp );
fclose ( $fh );
if ( ! file_exists ( $configfile )) {
cli_error ( 'Can not create config file.' );
} else if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
echo " config.php created \n " ;
// return back to original dir before executing setup.php chich changes the dir again
chdir ( $olddir );
// We have config.php, it is a real php script from now on :-)
require ( $configfile );
// show as much debug as possible
@ error_reporting ( 1023 );
@ ini_set ( 'display_errors' , '1' );
$CFG -> debug = 38911 ;
$CFG -> debugdisplay = true ;
$CFG -> version = " " ;
$CFG -> release = " " ;
// read $version adn $release
require ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/version.php' );
if ( $DB -> get_tables () ) {
cli_error ( 'Database tables already present, cli installation can not continue.' );
if ( ! $DB -> setup_is_unicodedb ()) {
if ( ! $DB -> change_db_encoding ()) {
// If could not convert successfully, throw error, and prevent installation
cli_error ( get_string ( 'unicoderequired' , 'admin' ));
if ( $interactive ) {
echo $separator ;
echo get_string ( 'databasesetup' ) . " \n " ;
// install core
install_core ( $version , true );
set_config ( 'release' , $release );
// install all plugins types, local, etc.
upgrade_noncore ( true );
// set up admin user password
$DB -> set_field ( 'user' , 'password' , hash_internal_user_password ( $options [ 'admin-password' ], array ( 'username' => 'admin' )));
// indicate that this site is fully configured
set_config ( 'rolesactive' , 1 );
upgrade_finished ();
// log in as admin - we need do anything when applying defaults
$admins = get_admins ();
$admin = reset ( $admins );
session_set_user ( $admin );
message_set_default_message_preferences ( $admin );
// apply all default settings, do it twice to fill all defaults - some settings depend on other setting
admin_apply_default_settings ( NULL , true );
admin_apply_default_settings ( NULL , true );
set_config ( 'registerauth' , '' );
echo " yay!!! \n " ;
exit ( 0 ); // 0 means success