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2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['mnet'] = 'Moodle Networking';
$string['net'] = 'Networking';
2007-01-04 06:19:56 +00:00
$string['requiresopenssl'] = 'Networking requires the OpenSSL extension';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['yourhost'] = 'Your Host';
$string['yourpeers'] = 'Your Peers';
$string['settings'] = 'Settings';
$string['hostsettings'] = 'Host Settings';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['mnetpeers'] = 'Moodle network peers';
$string['mnetservices'] = 'Moodle network services';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['trustedhosts'] = 'Trusted Hosts';
2007-01-04 06:13:20 +00:00
$string['trustedhostsexplain'] = 'Please enter a list of IP addresses or networks, one on each line. Some examples:<br />'.
'Your local host:<br />'.
'<br />'.
'Your local host (with a network block):<br />'.
'<br />'.
'Only the host with IP address<br />'.
'<br />'.
'Any host with an IP address between and<br />'.
'<br />'.
'Any host whatsoever:<br />'.
'<br />'.
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
'Obviously the last example is not a recommended configuration.';
$string['otherenrolledusers'] = 'Other enrolled users';
$string['hideremote'] = 'Hide remote users';
$string['showremote'] = 'Show remote users';
$string['hidelocal'] = 'Hide local users';
$string['showlocal'] = 'Show local users';
$string['hostcoursenotfound'] = 'Host or course not found';
$string['enrollingincourse'] = 'Enrolling in course $a[0] on host $a[1]<br />';
$string['nomodifyacl'] = 'You are not permitted to modify the MNET access control list.';
$string['recordnoexists'] = 'Record does not exist.';
$string['enterausername'] = 'Please enter a username, or a list of usernames separated by commas.';
$string['selectahost'] = 'Please select a remote Moodle host.';
$string['selectaccesslevel'] = 'Please select an access level from the list.';
$string['noaclentries'] = 'No entries in the SSO access control list';
$string['deleteaserver'] = 'Deleting a Server';
$string['nosite'] = 'Could not find site-level course';
$string['postrequired'] = 'The delete function requires a POST request.';
$string['hostdeleted'] = 'Ok - host deleted';
$string['reenableserver'] = 'No - select this option to re-enable this server.';
$string['nocurl'] = 'PHP Curl library is not installed';
$string['publish'] = 'Publish';
$string['subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';
$string['failedaclwrite'] = 'Failed to write to the MNET access control list for user \'$a\'.';
$string['receivedwarnings'] = 'The following warnings were received';
$string['reallydeleteserver'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the server';
$string['deleteuserrecord'] = 'SSO ACL: delete record for user \'$a[0]\' from $a[1].';
$string['invalidaccessparam'] = 'Invalid access parameter.';
$string['invalidactionparam'] = 'Invalid action parameter.';
$string['currentkey'] = 'Current Public Key';
$string['keymismatch'] = 'The public key you are holding for this host is different from the public key it is currently publishing.';
$string['invalidurl'] = 'Invalid URL parameter.';
$string['expireyourkey'] = 'Delete This Key';
$string['deletekeycheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to delete this key?';
$string['expireyourkeyexplain'] = 'Moodle automatically rotates your keys every 28 days (by default) but you have the option to '.
'<em>manually</em> expire this key at any time. This will only be useful if you believe this '.
2007-01-04 06:13:20 +00:00
'key has been compromised. A replacement will be immediately automatically generated.<br />'.
'Deleting this key will make it impossible for other Moodles to communicate with you, until you '.
'manually contact each administrator and provide them with your new key.';
$string['deleteoutoftime'] = 'Your 60-second window for deleting this key has expired. Please start again.';
$string['deletewrongkeyvalue'] = 'An error has occurred. If you were not trying to delete your server\'s SSL key, it is possible '.
'you have been the subject of a malicious attack. No action has been taken.';
$string['keydeleted'] = 'Your key has been successfully deleted and replaced.';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['is_in_range'] = 'The IP address &nbsp;<code>$a</code>&nbsp; represents a valid trusted host.';
$string['validated_by'] = 'It is validated by the network: &nbsp;<code>$a</code>';
$string['not_in_range'] = 'The IP address &nbsp;<code>$a</code>&nbsp; does not represent a valid trusted host.';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['testtrustedhosts'] = 'Test an address';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['testtrustedhostsexplain'] = 'Enter an IP address to see if it is a trusted host.';
$string['forbidden-function'] = 'That function has not been enabled for RPC.';
$string['forbidden-transport'] = 'The transport method you are trying to use is not permitted.';
$string['registerallhosts'] = 'Register all hosts';
$string['registerallhostsexplain'] = 'You can choose to register all hosts that try to connect to you. This means that a record will appear in your hosts list for any '.
2007-01-04 06:13:20 +00:00
'Moodle site that connects to you and requests your public key.<br />'.
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
'You have the option below to configure services for \'All Hosts\' and by enabling some services there, you are able to provide '.
'services to any Moodle server indiscriminately.';
$string['mnet_session_prohibited'] = 'Users from your home server are not currently permitted to roam to $a.';
$string['ssl_acl_allow'] = 'SSO ACL: Allow user $a[0] from $a[1]';
$string['ssl_acl_deny'] = 'SSO ACL: Deny user $a[0] from $a[1]';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['enabled_for_all'] = '(This service has been enabled for all hosts).';
$string['nosuchfile'] = 'The file/function $a does not exist.';
$string['nosuchfunction'] = 'Unable to locate function, or function prohibited for RPC.';
$string['nosuchmodule'] = 'The function was incorrectly addressed and could not be located.\nPlease use the mod/modulename/lib/functionname format.';
$string['nosuchpublickey'] = 'Unable to obtain public key for signature verification.';
$string['nosuchservice'] = 'The RPC service is not running on this host.';
$string['nosuchtransport'] = 'No transport with that ID exists.';
$string['phperror'] = 'An internal PHP error prevented your request being fulfilled.';
$string['wrong-ip'] = 'Your IP address does not match the address we have on record.';
$string['verifysignature-error'] = 'The signature verification failed. An error has occurred.';
$string['verifysignature-invalid'] = 'The signature verification failed. It appears that this payload was not signed by you.';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['mnetsettings'] = 'Moodle network settings';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['mnetservices'] = 'Services';
$string['mnetlog'] = 'Logs';
$string['issubscribed'] = 'The $a Moodle is subscribing to this service on your host.';
$string['ispublished'] = 'The $a Moodle has enabled this service for you.';
$string['version'] = 'version';
$string['id'] = 'ID';
$string['hostname'] = 'Hostname';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['last_connect_time'] = 'Last connect time';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['RPC_HTTPS_VERIFIED'] = 'HTTPS (signed)';
$string['RPC_HTTPS_SELF_SIGNED'] = 'HTTPS (self-signed)';
$string['RPC_HTTP_VERIFIED'] = 'HTTP (signed)';
$string['RPC_HTTP_SELF_SIGNED'] = 'HTTP (self-signed)';
$string['RPC_HTTP_PLAINTEXT'] = 'HTTP unencrypted';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['remotehosts'] = 'Remote hosts';
$string['remotemoodles'] = 'Remote Moodles';
$string['remotecourses'] = 'Remote Courses';
$string['courseson'] = ' courses on ';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['permittedtransports'] = 'Permitted transports';
$string['current_transport'] = 'Current transport';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['system'] = 'System';
$string['on'] = 'On';
$string['off'] = 'Off';
$string['strict'] = 'Strict';
$string['promiscuous'] = 'Promiscuous';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['aboutyourhost'] = 'About your server';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['invalidhost'] = 'You must provide a valid host identifier';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['moodleloc'] = 'Moodle location';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['addnewhost'] = 'Add a new host';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['addhost'] = 'Add host';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['never'] = 'Never';
$string['restore'] = 'Restore';
$string['warning'] = 'Warning';
$string['illegalchar-host'] = 'Your hostname contains the illegal character: $a';
$string['usersareonline'] = 'Warning: $a users from that server are currently logged on to your site.';
$string['illegalchar-moodlehome'] = 'Your Moodle location contains illegal characters';
$string['nonmatchingcert'] = 'The subject of the certificate: <br /><em>$a[0]</em><br />does not match the host it came from:<br /><em>$a[1]</em>.';
$string['noipmatch'] = 'The remote machine\'s address: <br /><em>$a[0]</em><br />does not match the one on record:<br /><em>$a[1]</em>.';
$string['reviewhostdetails'] = 'Review Host Details';
$string['reviewhostservices'] = 'Review Host Services';
$string['moodle_home_help'] = 'The path to the homepage of Moodle on the remote host, e.g. /moodle/.';
$string['hostnamehelp'] = 'The fully-qualified domain name of the remote host, e.g.';
$string['idhelp'] = 'This value is automatically assigned and cannot be changed';
$string['invalidpubkey'] = 'The key is not a valid SSL key.';
2007-01-04 06:13:20 +00:00
$string['nopubkey'] = 'There was a problem retrieving the public key.<br />Maybe the host does not allow Moodle Networking or the key is invalid.';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['last_connect_time_help'] = 'The time that you last connected to this host.';
$string['last_transport_help'] = 'The transport that you used for the last connection to this host.';
$string['transport_help'] = 'These options are reciprocal, so you can only force a remote host to use a signed SSL cert if your server also has a signed SSL cert.';
$string['https_verified_help'] = 'Permit connections using a verified SSL Certificate on the remote host.';
$string['http_self_signed_help'] = 'Permit connections using a self-signed DIY SSL Certificate on the remote host.';
$string['http_verified_help'] = 'Permit connections using a verified SSL Certificate in PHP on the remote host, but over http (not https).';
$string['https_self_signed_help'] = 'Permit connections using a self-signed DIY SSL in PHP on the remote host over http.';
$string['hostexists'] = 'A record already exists for that host and Moodle deployment with ID $a.<br />Click on <em>Continue</em> to edit that record.';
$string['publickey'] = 'Public key';
$string['expires'] = 'Valid until';
2007-01-15 22:00:28 +00:00
$string['expired'] = 'This key expired on';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['publickey_help'] = 'The public key is automatically obtained from the remote server.';
$string['couldnotgetcert'] = 'No certificate found at <br />$a. <br />The host may be down or incorrectly configured.';
$string['ipaddress'] = 'IP address';
$string['badcert'] = 'This is not a valid certificate.';
$string['couldnotmatchcert'] = 'This does not match the certificate currently published by the webserver.';
$string['forcesavechanges'] = 'Force Save Changes';
$string['serviceswepublish'] = 'Services we publish to $a.';
$string['serviceswesubscribeto'] = 'Services on $a that we subscribe to.';
$string['nohostid'] = 'This page requires a Host ID, which should be an integer.';
2007-01-09 12:31:09 +00:00
$string['networksettings'] = 'Network settings';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['helpnetworksettings'] = 'Configure inter-Moodle communication';
$string['mnet_concatenate_strings'] = 'Concatenate (up to) 3 strings and return the result';
$string['notPEM'] = 'This key is not in PEM format. It will not work.';
$string['notBASE64'] = 'This string is not in Base64 Encoded format. It cannot be a valid key.';
$string['usercannotchangepassword'] = 'You cannot change your password here since you are a remote user.';
2007-01-04 06:13:20 +00:00
$string['userchangepasswordlink'] = '<br /> You may be able to change your password at your <a href=\"$a->wwwroot/login/change_password.php\">$a->description</a> provider.';
2007-01-04 03:08:12 +00:00
$string['remotehost'] = 'Remote Hub';
$string['allow'] = 'Allow';
$string['deny'] = 'Deny';
$string['addtoacl'] = 'Add to Access Control';
$string['accesslevel'] = 'Access Level';
$string['ssoaccesscontrol'] = 'SSO Access Control';
$string['notpermittedtojump'] = 'You do not have permission to begin a remote session from this Moodle hub.';
$string['notpermittedtoland'] = 'You do not have permission to begin a remote session.';
$string['authfail_nosessionexists'] = 'Authorisation failed: the mnet session does not exist.';
$string['authfail_sessiontimedout'] = 'Authorisation failed: the mnet session has timed out.';
$string['authfail_usermismatch'] = 'Authorisation failed: the user does not match.';
$string['hostnotconfiguredforsso'] = 'This remote Moodle Hub is not configured for remote login.';
$string['authmnetdisabled'] = 'Moodle Networking authentication is disabled.';
$string['unknownerror'] = 'Unknown error occurred during negotiation.';
$string['nolocaluser'] = 'No local record exists for remote user.';
$string['databaseerror'] = 'Could not write details to the database.';