2010-05-02 11:28:11 +00:00
< ? php
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file contains all necessary code to define a wiki file table form element
* @ package mod - wiki - 2.0
* @ copyrigth 2009 Marc Alier , Jordi Piguillem marc . alier @ upc . edu
* @ copyrigth 2009 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya http :// www . upc . edu
* @ author Josep Arus
* @ license http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once ( 'HTML/QuickForm/element.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/lib/filelib.php' );
class MoodleQuickForm_wikifiletable extends HTML_QuickForm_element {
private $_contextid ;
private $_filearea ;
private $_fileareaitemid ;
private $_fileinfo ;
private $_value = array ();
function MoodleQuickForm_wikifiletable ( $elementName = null , $elementLabel = null , $attributes = null , $fileinfo = null , $format = null ) {
parent :: HTML_QuickForm_element ( $elementName , $elementLabel , $attributes );
$this -> _fileinfo = $fileinfo ;
$this -> _format = $format ;
function onQuickFormEvent ( $event , $arg , & $caller ) {
global $OUTPUT ;
switch ( $event ) {
case 'addElement' :
$this -> _contextid = $arg [ 3 ][ 'contextid' ];
$this -> _filearea = $arg [ 3 ][ 'filearea' ];
$this -> _fileareaitemid = $arg [ 3 ][ 'itemid' ];
$this -> _format = $arg [ 4 ];
break ;
return parent :: onQuickFormEvent ( $event , $arg , $caller );
function setName ( $name ) {
$this -> updateAttributes ( array ( 'name' => $name ));
function getName () {
return $this -> getAttribute ( 'name' );
function setValue ( $value ) {
$this -> _value = $value ;
function getValue () {
return $this -> _value ;
function toHtml () {
global $CFG , $OUTPUT ;
$htmltable = new html_table ();
$htmltable -> head = array ( get_string ( 'deleteupload' , 'wiki' ), get_string ( 'uploadname' , 'wiki' ), get_string ( 'uploadactions' , 'wiki' ));
$fs = get_file_storage ();
2010-07-03 13:37:13 +00:00
$files = $fs -> get_area_files ( $this -> _fileinfo [ 'contextid' ], 'mod_wiki' , 'attachments' , $this -> _fileinfo [ 'itemid' ]); //TODO: verify where this is coming from, all params must be validated (skodak)
2010-05-02 11:28:11 +00:00
if ( count ( $files ) < 2 ) {
return get_string ( 'noattachments' , 'wiki' );
//get tags
foreach ( array ( 'image' , 'attach' , 'link' ) as $tag ) {
$tags [ $tag ] = wiki_parser_get_token ( $this -> _format , $tag );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( ! $file -> is_directory ()) {
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this -> _attributes [ 'name' ] . '[]" value="' . $file -> get_pathnamehash () . '"' ;
if ( in_array ( $file -> get_pathnamehash (), $this -> _value )) {
$checkbox .= ' checked="checked"' ;
$checkbox .= " /> " ;
$icon = mimeinfo_from_type ( 'icon' , $file -> get_mimetype ());
2010-07-03 13:37:13 +00:00
$file_url = file_encode_url ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php' , " / { $this -> _contextid } /mod_wiki/attachments/ { $this -> _fileareaitemid } / " . $file -> get_filename ());
2010-05-02 11:28:11 +00:00
$action_icons = " " ;
if ( ! empty ( $tags [ 'attach' ])) {
2010-08-12 20:37:24 +00:00
$action_icons .= " <a href= \" javascript:void(0) \" class= \" wiki-attachment-attach \" " . $this -> printInsertTags ( $tags [ 'attach' ], $file -> get_filename ()) . " title= \" " . get_string ( 'attachmentattach' , 'wiki' ) . " \" ><img src= \" " . $OUTPUT -> pix_url ( 'f/pdf' ) -> out () . " \" alt= \" Attach \" /></a> " ; //TODO: localize
2010-05-02 11:28:11 +00:00
$action_icons .= " <a href= \" javascript:void(0) \" class= \" wiki-attachment-link \" " . $this -> printInsertTags ( $tags [ 'link' ], $file_url ) . " title= \" " . get_string ( 'attachmentlink' , 'wiki' ) . " \" ><img src= \" " . $OUTPUT -> pix_url ( 'f/web' ) -> out () . " \" alt= \" Link \" /></a> " ;
2010-08-12 20:37:24 +00:00
if ( $icon == 'image' ) {
2010-07-03 13:37:13 +00:00
$action_icons .= " <a href= \" javascript:void(0) \" class= \" wiki-attachment-image \" " . $this -> printInsertTags ( $tags [ 'image' ], $file -> get_filename ()) . " title= \" " . get_string ( 'attachmentimage' , 'wiki' ) . " \" ><img src= \" " . $OUTPUT -> pix_url ( 'f/image' ) -> out () . " \" alt= \" Image \" /></a> " ; //TODO: localize
2010-05-02 11:28:11 +00:00
$htmltable -> data [] = array ( $checkbox , '<a href="' . $file_url . '">' . $file -> get_filename () . '</a>' , $action_icons );
return html_writer :: table ( $htmltable );
private function printInsertTags ( $tags , $value ) {
return " onclick= \" javascript:insertTags(' { $tags [ 0 ] } ', ' { $tags [ 1 ] } ', ' $value '); \" " ;
//register wikieditor
MoodleQuickForm :: registerElementType ( 'wikifiletable' , $CFG -> dirroot . " /mod/wiki/editors/wikifiletable.php " , 'MoodleQuickForm_wikifiletable' );