2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
< ? php
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Language file for 'badges' component
* @ package core
* @ subpackage badges
* @ copyright 2012 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd { @ link http :// www . totaralms . com / }
* @ license http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @ author Yuliya Bozhko < yuliya . bozhko @ totaralms . com >
$string [ 'actions' ] = 'Actions' ;
$string [ 'activate' ] = 'Enable access' ;
$string [ 'activatesuccess' ] = 'Access to the badges was successfully enabled.' ;
$string [ 'addbadgecriteria' ] = 'Add badge criteria' ;
$string [ 'addcriteria' ] = 'Add criteria' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'addcriteriatext' ] = 'To start adding criteria, please select one of the options from the drop-down menu.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'addcourse' ] = 'Add courses' ;
$string [ 'addcourse_help' ] = 'Select all courses that should be added to this badge requirement. Hold CTRL key to select multiple items.' ;
$string [ 'addtobackpack' ] = 'Add to backpack' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'adminonly' ] = 'This page is restricted to site administrators only.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'after' ] = 'after the date of issue.' ;
$string [ 'aggregationmethod' ] = 'Aggregation method' ;
$string [ 'all' ] = 'All' ;
$string [ 'allmethod' ] = 'All of the selected conditions are met' ;
$string [ 'allmethodactivity' ] = 'All of the selected activities are complete' ;
$string [ 'allmethodcourseset' ] = 'All of the selected courses are complete' ;
$string [ 'allmethodmanual' ] = 'All of the selected roles award the badge' ;
$string [ 'allmethodprofile' ] = 'All of the selected profile fields have been completed' ;
$string [ 'allowcoursebadges' ] = 'Enable course badges' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'allowcoursebadges_desc' ] = 'Allow badges to be created and awarded in the course context.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'allowexternalbackpack' ] = 'Enable connection to external backpacks' ;
$string [ 'allowexternalbackpack_desc' ] = ' Allow users to set up connections and display badges from their external backpack providers .
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
Note : It is recommended to leave this option disabled if the website cannot be accessed from the Internet ( e . g . because of the firewall ) . ' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'any' ] = 'Any' ;
$string [ 'anymethod' ] = 'Any of the selected conditions is met' ;
$string [ 'anymethodactivity' ] = 'Any of the selected activities is complete' ;
$string [ 'anymethodcourseset' ] = 'Any of the selected courses is complete' ;
$string [ 'anymethodmanual' ] = 'Any of the selected roles awards the badge' ;
$string [ 'anymethodprofile' ] = 'Any of the selected profile fields has been completed' ;
$string [ 'attachment' ] = 'Attach badge to message' ;
$string [ 'attachment_help' ] = 'If checked, an issued badge will be attached to the recepient\'s email for download' ;
$string [ 'award' ] = 'Award badge' ;
$string [ 'awardedtoyou' ] = 'Issued to me' ;
$string [ 'awardoncron' ] = 'Access to the badges was successfully enabled. Too many users can instantly earn this badge. To ensure site performance, this action will take some time to process.' ;
$string [ 'awards' ] = 'Recipients' ;
$string [ 'backpackavailability' ] = 'External badge verification' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'backpackavailability_help' ] = ' For badge recipients to be able to prove they earned their badges from you , an external backpack service should be able to access your site and verify badges issued from it . Your site does not currently appear to be accessible , which means that badges you have already issued or will issue in the future cannot be verified .
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
##Why am I seeing this message?
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
It may be that your firewall prevents access from users outside your network , your site is password protected , or you are running the site on a computer that is not available from the Internet ( such as a local development machine ) .
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
##Is this a problem?
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
You should fix this issue on any production site where you are planning to issue badges , otherwise the recipients will not be able to prove they earned their badges from you . If your site is not yet live you can create and issue test badges , as long as the site is accessible before you go live .
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
##What if I can\'t make my whole site publicly accessible?
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
The only URL required for verification is [ your - site - url ] / badges / assertion . php so if you are able to modify your firewall to allow external access to that file , badge verification will still work . ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'backpackbadges' ] = 'You have {$a->totalbadges} badge(s) displayed from {$a->totalcollections} collection(s). <a href="mybackpack.php">Change backpack settings</a>.' ;
$string [ 'backpackconnection' ] = 'Backpack connection' ;
$string [ 'backpackconnection_help' ] = ' This page allows you to set up connection to an external backpack provider . Connecting to a backpack lets you display external badges within this site and push badges earned here to your backpack .
Currently , only < a href = " http://backpack.openbadges.org " > Mozilla OpenBadges Backpack </ a > is supported . You need to sign up for a backpack service before trying to set up backpack connection on this page . ' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'backpackdetails' ] = 'Backpack settings' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'backpackemail' ] = 'Email address' ;
2013-04-29 10:15:30 +12:00
$string [ 'backpackemail_help' ] = ' Email address associated with your backpack .
If backpack connection is established , this email address is used instead of your internal email address to push badges to your backpack . ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'backpackimport' ] = 'Badge import settings' ;
$string [ 'backpackimport_help' ] = ' After backpack connection is successfully established , badges from your backpack can be displayed on your " My Badges " page and your profile page .
In this area , you can select collections of badges from your backpack that you would like to display in your profile . ' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'badgedetails' ] = 'Badge details' ;
$string [ 'badgeimage' ] = 'Image' ;
$string [ 'badgeimage_help' ] = ' This is an image that will be used when this badge is issued .
To add a new image , browse and select an image ( in JPG or PNG format ) then click " Save changes " . The image will be cropped to a square and resized to match badge image requirements . ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'badgeprivacysetting' ] = 'Badge privacy settings' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'badgeprivacysetting_help' ] = ' Badges you earn can be displayed on your account profile page . This setting allows you to automatically set the visibility of the newly earned badges .
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
2013-04-29 10:15:30 +12:00
You can still control individual badge privacy settings on your " My badges " page . ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'badgeprivacysetting_str' ] = 'Automatically show badges I earn on my profile page' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'badgesalt' ] = 'Salt for hashing the recepient\'s email address' ;
2013-09-02 13:37:15 +08:00
$string [ 'badgesalt_desc' ] = ' Using a hash allows backpack services to confirm the badge earner without having to expose their email address . This setting should only use numbers and letters .
Note : For recipient verification purposes , please avoid changing this setting once you start issuing badges . ' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'badgesdisabled' ] = 'Badges are not enabled on this site.' ;
$string [ 'badgesearned' ] = 'Number of badges earned: {$a}' ;
$string [ 'badgesettings' ] = 'Badges settings' ;
$string [ 'badgestatus_0' ] = 'Not available to users' ;
$string [ 'badgestatus_1' ] = 'Available to users' ;
$string [ 'badgestatus_2' ] = 'Not available to users' ;
$string [ 'badgestatus_3' ] = 'Available to users' ;
$string [ 'badgestatus_4' ] = 'Archived' ;
$string [ 'badgestoearn' ] = 'Number of badges available: {$a}' ;
$string [ 'badgesview' ] = 'Course badges' ;
$string [ 'badgeurl' ] = 'Issued badge link' ;
$string [ 'bawards' ] = 'Recipients ({$a})' ;
$string [ 'bcriteria' ] = 'Criteria' ;
$string [ 'bdetails' ] = 'Edit details' ;
$string [ 'bmessage' ] = 'Message' ;
$string [ 'boverview' ] = 'Overview' ;
$string [ 'bydate' ] = ' complete by' ;
$string [ 'clearsettings' ] = 'Clear settings' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'completionnotenabled' ] = 'Course completion is not enabled for this course, so it cannot be included in badge criteria. Course completion may be enabled in the course settings.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'completioninfo' ] = 'This badge was issued for completing: ' ;
$string [ 'configenablebadges' ] = 'When enabled, this feature lets you create badges and award them to site users.' ;
$string [ 'configuremessage' ] = 'Badge message' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'connect' ] = 'Connect' ;
$string [ 'connected' ] = 'Connected' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'contact' ] = 'Contact' ;
$string [ 'contact_help' ] = 'An email address associated with the badge issuer.' ;
$string [ 'copyof' ] = 'Copy of {$a}' ;
2013-04-29 14:36:14 +12:00
$string [ 'coursebadgesdisabled' ] = 'Course badges are not enabled on this site.' ;
2013-07-02 11:42:10 +02:00
$string [ 'coursecompletion' ] = 'Users must complete this course.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'coursebadges' ] = 'Badges' ;
$string [ 'create' ] = 'New badge' ;
$string [ 'createbutton' ] = 'Create badge' ;
$string [ 'creatorbody' ] = '<p>{$a->user} has completed all badge requirements and has been awarded the badge. View issued badge at {$a->link} </p>' ;
$string [ 'creatorsubject' ] = '\'{$a}\' has been awarded!' ;
$string [ 'criteriasummary' ] = 'Criteria summary' ;
2013-07-02 11:42:10 +02:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr' ] = 'Users are awarded this badge when they complete the following requirement:' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_bydate' ] = ' by <em>{$a}</em> ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_grade' ] = ' with minimum grade of <em>{$a}</em> ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_short0' ] = 'Complete <strong>{$a}</strong> of: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_short1' ] = 'Complete <strong>{$a}</strong> of: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_short2' ] = 'Awarded by <strong>{$a}</strong> of: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_short4' ] = 'Complete the course ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_short5' ] = 'Complete <strong>{$a}</strong> of: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_short6' ] = 'Complete <strong>{$a}</strong> of: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_short1' ] = 'Complete: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_short2' ] = 'Awarded by: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_short4' ] = 'Complete the course ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_short5' ] = 'Complete: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_short6' ] = 'Complete: ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_1' ] = 'The following activity has to be completed:' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_2' ] = 'This badge has to be awarded by a user with the following role:' ;
2013-07-02 11:42:10 +02:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_4' ] = 'Users must complete the course' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_5' ] = 'The following course has to be completed:' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_single_6' ] = 'The following user profile field has to be completed:' ;
2013-07-02 11:42:10 +02:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_0' ] = 'Users are awarded this badge when they complete <strong>{$a}</strong> of the listed requirements.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_1' ] = '<strong>{$a}</strong> of the following activities are completed:' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_2' ] = 'This badge has to be awarded by the users with <strong>{$a}</strong> of the following roles:' ;
2013-07-02 11:42:10 +02:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_4' ] = 'Users must complete the course' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'criteria_descr_5' ] = '<strong>{$a}</strong> of the following courses have to be completed:' ;
$string [ 'criteria_descr_6' ] = '<strong>{$a}</strong> of the following user profile fields have to be completed:' ;
$string [ 'criteria_0' ] = 'This badge is awarded when...' ;
$string [ 'criteria_1' ] = 'Activity completion' ;
$string [ 'criteria_1_help' ] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users based on the completion of a set of activities within a course.' ;
$string [ 'criteria_2' ] = 'Manual issue by role' ;
$string [ 'criteria_2_help' ] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded manually by users who have a particular role within the site or course.' ;
$string [ 'criteria_3' ] = 'Social participation' ;
$string [ 'criteria_3_help' ] = 'Social' ;
$string [ 'criteria_4' ] = 'Course completion' ;
$string [ 'criteria_4_help' ] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users who have completed the course. This criterion can have additional parameters such as minimum grade and date of course completion.' ;
$string [ 'criteria_5' ] = 'Completing a set of courses' ;
$string [ 'criteria_5_help' ] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users who have completed a set of courses. Each course can have additional parameters such as minimum grade and date of course completion. ' ;
$string [ 'criteria_6' ] = 'Profile completion' ;
$string [ 'criteria_6_help' ] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users for completing certain fields in their profile. You can select from default and custom profile fields that are available to users. ' ;
$string [ 'criterror' ] = 'Current parameters issues' ;
2013-07-02 11:42:10 +02:00
$string [ 'criterror_help' ] = 'This fieldset shows all parameters that were initially added to this badge requirement but are no longer available. It is recommended that you un-check such parameters to make sure that users can earn this badge in the future.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'currentimage' ] = 'Current image' ;
$string [ 'currentstatus' ] = 'Current status: ' ;
$string [ 'dateawarded' ] = 'Date issued' ;
$string [ 'dateearned' ] = 'Date: {$a}' ;
$string [ 'day' ] = 'Day(s)' ;
$string [ 'deactivate' ] = 'Disable access' ;
$string [ 'deactivatesuccess' ] = 'Access to the badges was successfully disabled.' ;
$string [ 'defaultissuercontact' ] = 'Default badge issuer contact details' ;
$string [ 'defaultissuercontact_desc' ] = 'An email address associated with the badge issuer.' ;
$string [ 'defaultissuername' ] = 'Default badge issuer name' ;
$string [ 'defaultissuername_desc' ] = 'Name of the issuing agent or authority.' ;
$string [ 'delbadge' ] = 'Delete badge' ;
$string [ 'delconfirm' ] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete badge \'{$a}\'?' ;
$string [ 'delcritconfirm' ] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this criterion?' ;
$string [ 'delparamconfirm' ] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this parameter?' ;
$string [ 'description' ] = 'Description' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'disconnect' ] = 'Disconnect' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'donotaward' ] = 'Currently, this badge is not active, so it cannot be awarded to users. If you would like to award this badge, please set its status to active.' ;
$string [ 'editsettings' ] = 'Edit settings' ;
$string [ 'enablebadges' ] = 'Enable badges' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'error:backpacknotavailable' ] = 'Your site is not accessible from the Internet, so any badges issued from this site cannot be verified by external backpack services.' ;
2013-07-16 16:09:11 +12:00
$string [ 'error:backpackproblem' ] = 'There was a problem connecting to your backpack service provider. Please try again later.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'error:cannotact' ] = 'Cannot activate the badge. ' ;
$string [ 'error:cannotawardbadge' ] = 'Cannot award badge to a user.' ;
$string [ 'error:clone' ] = 'Cannot clone the badge.' ;
$string [ 'error:duplicatename' ] = 'Badge with such name already exists in the system.' ;
2013-09-02 13:37:15 +08:00
$string [ 'error:externalbadgedoesntexist' ] = 'Badge not found' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'error:invalidbadgeurl' ] = 'Invalid badge issuer URL format.' ;
$string [ 'error:invalidcriteriatype' ] = 'Invalid criteria type.' ;
$string [ 'error:invalidexpiredate' ] = 'Expiry date has to be in the future.' ;
$string [ 'error:invalidexpireperiod' ] = 'Expiry period cannot be negative or equal 0.' ;
$string [ 'error:noactivities' ] = 'There are no activities with completion criteria enabled in this course.' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'error:nocourses' ] = 'Course completion is not enabled for any of the courses in this site, so none can be displayed. Course completion may be enabled in the course settings.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'error:nogroups' ] = ' < p > There are no public collections of badges available in your backpack . </ p >
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
< p > Only public collections are shown , < a href = " http://backpack.openbadges.org " > visit your backpack </ a > to create some public collections .</ p > ' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'error:nopermissiontoview' ] = 'You have no permissions to view badge recipients' ;
$string [ 'error:nosuchbadge' ] = 'Badge with id {$a} does not exist.' ;
$string [ 'error:nosuchcourse' ] = 'Warning: This course is no longer available.' ;
$string [ 'error:nosuchfield' ] = 'Warning: This user profile field is no longer available.' ;
$string [ 'error:nosuchmod' ] = 'Warning: This activity is no longer available.' ;
$string [ 'error:nosuchrole' ] = 'Warning: This role is no longer available.' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'error:nosuchuser' ] = 'User with this email address does not have an account with the current backpack provider.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'error:notifycoursedate' ] = 'Warning: Badges associated with course and activity completions will not be issued until the course start date.' ;
$string [ 'error:parameter' ] = 'Warning: At least one parameter should be selected to ensure correct badge issuing workflow.' ;
$string [ 'error:save' ] = 'Cannot save the badge.' ;
$string [ 'evidence' ] = 'Evidence' ;
$string [ 'existingrecipients' ] = 'Existing badge recipients' ;
$string [ 'expired' ] = 'Expired' ;
$string [ 'expiredate' ] = 'This badge expires on {$a}.' ;
$string [ 'expireddate' ] = 'This badge expired on {$a}.' ;
$string [ 'expireperiod' ] = 'This badge expires {$a} day(s) after being issued.' ;
$string [ 'expireperiodh' ] = 'This badge expires {$a} hour(s) after being issued.' ;
$string [ 'expireperiodm' ] = 'This badge expires {$a} minute(s) after being issued.' ;
$string [ 'expireperiods' ] = 'This badge expires {$a} second(s) after being issued.' ;
$string [ 'expirydate' ] = 'Expiry date' ;
$string [ 'expirydate_help' ] = 'Optionally, badges can expire on a specific date, or the date can be calculated based on the date when the badge was issued to a user. ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'externalconnectto' ] = 'To display external badges you need to <a href="{$a}">connect to a backpack</a>.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'externalbadges' ] = 'My badges from other web sites' ;
$string [ 'externalbadgesp' ] = 'Badges from other web sites:' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'externalbadges_help' ] = 'This area displays badges from your external backpack.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'fixed' ] = 'Fixed date' ;
$string [ 'hidden' ] = 'Hidden' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'hiddenbadge' ] = 'Unfortunately, the badge owner has not made this information available.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'issuedbadge' ] = 'Issued badge information' ;
$string [ 'issuancedetails' ] = 'Badge expiry' ;
$string [ 'issuerdetails' ] = 'Issuer details' ;
$string [ 'issuername' ] = 'Issuer name' ;
$string [ 'issuername_help' ] = 'Name of the issuing agent or authority.' ;
$string [ 'issuerurl' ] = 'Issuer URL' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'localconnectto' ] = 'To share these badges outside this web site you need to <a href="{$a}">connect to a backpack</a>.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'localbadges' ] = 'My badges from {$a} web site' ;
$string [ 'localbadgesh' ] = 'My badges from this web site' ;
$string [ 'localbadgesh_help' ] = ' All badges earned within this web site by completing courses , course activities , and other requirements .
You can manage your badges here by making them public or private for your profile page .
You can download all of your badges or each badge separately and save them on your computer . Downloaded badges can be added to your external backpack service . ' ;
$string [ 'localbadgesp' ] = 'Badges from {$a}:' ;
$string [ 'makeprivate' ] = 'Make private' ;
$string [ 'makepublic' ] = 'Make public' ;
$string [ 'managebadges' ] = 'Manage badges' ;
$string [ 'message' ] = 'Message body' ;
$string [ 'messagebody' ] = ' < p > You have been awarded a badge " %badgename% " !</ p >
< p > More information about this badge can be found at % badgelink %.</ p >
< p > If there is no badge attached to this email , you can manage and download it from { $a } page .</ p > ' ;
$string [ 'messagesubject' ] = 'Congratulations! You just earned a badge!' ;
$string [ 'method' ] = 'This criterion is complete when...' ;
$string [ 'mingrade' ] = 'Minimum grade required' ;
$string [ 'month' ] = 'Month(s)' ;
$string [ 'mybadges' ] = 'My badges' ;
$string [ 'mybackpack' ] = 'My backpack settings' ;
$string [ 'never' ] = 'Never' ;
$string [ 'newbadge' ] = 'Add a new badge' ;
$string [ 'newimage' ] = 'New image' ;
$string [ 'noawards' ] = 'This badge has not been earned yet.' ;
$string [ 'nobackpack' ] = 'There is no backpack service connected to this account.<br/>' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'nobackpackbadges' ] = 'There are no badges in the collections you have selected. <a href="mybackpack.php">Add more collections</a>.' ;
$string [ 'nobackpackcollections' ] = 'No badge collections have been selected. <a href="mybackpack.php">Add collections</a>.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'nobadges' ] = 'There are no badges available.' ;
$string [ 'nocriteria' ] = 'Criteria for this badge have not been set up yet.' ;
$string [ 'noexpiry' ] = 'This badge does not have an expiry date.' ;
$string [ 'noparamstoadd' ] = 'There are no additional parameters available to add to this badge requirement.' ;
$string [ 'notacceptedrole' ] = ' Your current role assignment is not among the roles that can manually issue this badge .< br />
If you would like to see users who have already earned this badge , you can visit { $a } page . ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'notconnected' ] = 'Not connected' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'nothingtoadd' ] = 'There are no available criteria to add.' ;
$string [ 'notification' ] = 'Notify badge creator' ;
$string [ 'notification_help' ] = ' This setting manages notifications sent to a badge creator to let them know that the badge has been issued .
The following options are available :
* ** NEVER ** – Do not send notifications .
* ** EVERY TIME ** – Send a notification every time this badge is awarded .
* ** DAILY ** – Send notifications once a day .
* ** WEEKLY ** – Send notifications once a week .
* ** MONTHLY ** – Send notifications once a month . ' ;
$string [ 'notifydaily' ] = 'Daily' ;
$string [ 'notifyevery' ] = 'Every time' ;
$string [ 'notifymonthly' ] = 'Monthly' ;
$string [ 'notifyweekly' ] = 'Weekly' ;
$string [ 'numawards' ] = 'This badge has been issued to <a href="{$a->link}">{$a->count}</a> user(s).' ;
$string [ 'numawardstat' ] = 'This badge has been issued {$a} user(s).' ;
$string [ 'overallcrit' ] = 'of the selected criteria are complete.' ;
$string [ 'potentialrecipients' ] = 'Potential badge recipients' ;
$string [ 'recipients' ] = 'Badge recipients' ;
2013-09-02 13:41:09 +08:00
$string [ 'recipientdetails' ] = 'Recipient details' ;
$string [ 'recipientidentificationproblem' ] = 'Cannot find a recipient of this badge among the existing users.' ;
$string [ 'recipientvalidationproblem' ] = 'Current user cannot be verified as a recipient of this badge.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'relative' ] = 'Relative date' ;
$string [ 'requiredcourse' ] = 'At least one course should be added to the courseset criterion.' ;
$string [ 'reviewbadge' ] = 'Review badge criteria' ;
$string [ 'reviewconfirm' ] = ' < p > This action will perform a check if any of the users have already completed all the requirements for \ ' { $a } \ ' badge ? </ p >
< p > Would you like to proceed ? </ p > ' ;
$string [ 'save' ] = 'Save' ;
$string [ 'searchname' ] = 'Search by name' ;
2013-04-29 09:40:40 +12:00
$string [ 'selectaward' ] = 'Please select the role you would like to use to award this badge: ' ;
2013-04-16 10:47:40 +12:00
$string [ 'selectgroup_end' ] = 'Only public collections are shown, <a href="http://backpack.openbadges.org">visit your backpack</a> to create more public collections.' ;
$string [ 'selectgroup_start' ] = 'Select collections from your backpack to display on this site:' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'selecting' ] = 'With selected badges...' ;
$string [ 'setup' ] = 'Set up connection' ;
$string [ 'sitebadges' ] = 'Site badges' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'sitebadges_help' ] = ' Site badges can only be awarded to users for site - related activities . These include completing a set of courses or parts of user profiles . Site badges can also be issued manually by one user to another .
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
Badges for course - related activities must be created at the course level . Course badges can be found under Course Administration > Badges . ' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'statusmessage_0' ] = 'This badge is currently not available to users. Enable access if you want users to earn this badge. ' ;
$string [ 'statusmessage_1' ] = 'This badge is currently available to users. Disable access to make any changes. ' ;
$string [ 'statusmessage_2' ] = 'This badge is currently not available to users, and its criteria are locked. Enable access if you want users to earn this badge. ' ;
$string [ 'statusmessage_3' ] = 'This badge is currently available to users, and its criteria are locked. ' ;
2013-05-13 09:52:53 +02:00
$string [ 'statusmessage_4' ] = 'This badge is currently archived.' ;
2013-04-02 13:57:39 +13:00
$string [ 'status' ] = 'Badge status' ;
$string [ 'status_help' ] = ' Status of a badge determines its behaviour in the system :
* ** AVAILABLE ** – Means that this badge can be earned by users . While a badge is available to users , its criteria cannot be modified .
* ** NOT AVAILABLE ** – Means that this badge is not available to users and cannot be earned or manually issued . If such badge has never been issued before , its criteria can be changed .
Once a badge has been issued to at least one user , it automatically becomes ** LOCKED **. Locked badges can still be earned by users , but their criteria can no longer be changed . If you need to modify details or criteria of a locked badge , you can duplicate this badge and make all the required changes .
* Why do we lock badges ? *
We want to make sure that all users complete the same requirements to earn a badge . Currently , it is not possible to revoke badges . If we allowed badges requirements to be modified all the time , we would most likely end up with users having the same badge for meeting completely different requirements . ' ;
$string [ 'subject' ] = 'Message subject' ;
$string [ 'variablesubstitution' ] = 'Variable substitution in messages.' ;
$string [ 'variablesubstitution_help' ] = ' In a badge message , certain variables can be inserted into the subject and / or body of a message so that they will be replaced with real values when the message is sent . The variables should be inserted into the the text exactly as they are shown below . The following variables can be used :
% badgename %
: This will be replaced by the badge\ ' s full name .
% username %
: This will be replaced by the recipient\ ' s full name .
% badgelink %
: This will be replaced by the public URL with information about the issued badge . ' ;
$string [ 'viewbadge' ] = 'View issued badge' ;
$string [ 'visible' ] = 'Visible' ;
$string [ 'warnexpired' ] = ' (This badge has expired!)' ;
$string [ 'year' ] = 'Year(s)' ;