2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
< ? php //$Id$
* Library of functions and constants for blog
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/class.BlogInfo.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/class.BlogEntry.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/class.BlogFilter.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/blocklib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/pagelib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/blogpage.php' );
2006-03-13 06:05:44 +00:00
/* blog access level constant declaration */
define ( 'BLOG_USER_LEVEL' , 1 );
define ( 'BLOG_GROUP_LEVEL' , 2 );
define ( 'BLOG_COURSE_LEVEL' , 3 );
define ( 'BLOG_SITE_LEVEL' , 4 );
define ( 'BLOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL' , 5 );
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
* Definition of blogcourse page type ( blog page with course id present ) .
//not used at the moment, and may not need to be
define ( 'PAGE_BLOG_COURSE_VIEW' , 'blog_course-view' );
$BLOG_YES_NO_MODES = array ( '0' => get_string ( 'no' ),
'1' => get_string ( 'yes' ) );
//set default setting for $CFG->blog_* vars used by blog's blocks
//if they are not already. Otherwise errors are thrown
//when an attempt is made to use an empty var.
if ( empty ( $SESSION -> blog_editing_enabled )) {
$SESSION -> blog_editing_enabled = false ;
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_trackback_in ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_trackback_in = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not allow for site
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_moderation ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_moderation = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not enable blog moderation on this site
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_pingback_in ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_pingback_in = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not allow for site
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_trackback_out ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_trackback_out = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not allow for site
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_pingback_out ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_pingback_out = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not allow for site
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_moderation ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_moderation = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not turn on moderation for site
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_useweblog_rpc ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_useweblog_rpc = 0 ; //default is 0 == do not publish to weblogs.com
if ( empty ( $CFG -> blog_ratename ) ) {
$CFG -> blog_ratename = 'Rating' ; //default name for entry ratings
if ( empty ( $CFG -> blog_default_title ) ) {
$CFG -> blog_default_title = 'Moodle Blog' ; //default blog title
if ( empty ( $CFG -> blog_blogurl ) ) {
$CFG -> blog_blogurl = $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/index.php' ;
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_trackback ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_trackback = 0 ;
if ( ! ( isset ( $CFG -> blog_enable_pingback ) )) {
$CFG -> blog_enable_pingback = 0 ;
if ( empty ( $CFG -> blog_default_fetch_num_entries ) ) {
$CFG -> blog_default_fetch_num_entries = 8 ;
* blog_user_bloginfo
* returns a blogInfo object if the user has a blog in the acl table
* This function stores the currently logged in user ' s bloginfo object
* statically - do not release / unset the returned object .
* added by Daryl Hawes for moodle integration
* $userid - if no userid specified it will attempt to use the logged in user ' s id
function blog_user_bloginfo ( $userid = '' ) {
//Daryl Hawes note: not sure that this attempt at optimization is correct
// static $bloginfosingleton; //store the logged in user's bloginfo in a static var
if ( $userid == '' ) {
global $USER ;
if ( ! isset ( $USER ) || ! isset ( $USER -> id )) {
return ;
$userid = $USER -> id ;
/* if ( isset ( $USER ) && $USER -> id == $uid && ! empty ( $bloginfosingleton )) {
return $bloginfosingleton ;
} */
$thisbloginfo = new BlogInfo ( $userid );
/* if ( isset ( $USER ) && $USER -> id == $userid ) {
$bloginfosingleton = $thisbloginfo ;
} */
return $thisbloginfo ;
* Verify that a user is logged in based on the session
* @ return bool True if user has a valid login session
function blog_isLoggedIn () {
global $USER ;
if ( ! isguest () && isset ( $USER ) and isset ( $USER -> id ) and $USER -> id ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
* This function upgrades the blog ' s tables as needed .
* It ' s called from moodle / admin / index . php
function blog_upgrade_blog_db ( $continueto ) {
global $CFG , $db ;
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/version.php' ); // Get code versions
if ( empty ( $CFG -> blog_version )) { // Blog has never been installed.
$strdatabaseupgrades = get_string ( 'databaseupgrades' );
print_header ( $strdatabaseupgrades , $strdatabaseupgrades , $strdatabaseupgrades ,
'' , '' , false , ' ' , ' ' );
$db -> debug = true ;
if ( modify_database ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/db/' . $CFG -> dbtype . '.sql' )) {
$db -> debug = false ;
if ( set_config ( 'blog_version' , $blog_version )) {
notify ( get_string ( 'databasesuccess' ), 'green' );
notify ( get_string ( 'databaseupgradeblog' , 'blog' , $blog_version ));
/// Added by Daryl Hawes - since blog has to be installed the first time before blog's blocks, and on first install creating default blocks when none exist is a bad idea, just reset blocks for blog index here
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/pagelib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/blogpage.php' );
page_map_class ( PAGE_BLOG_VIEW , 'page_blog' );
// Now, create our page object.
$page = page_create_object ( PAGE_BLOG_VIEW , 0 );
// Add default blocks to the new page type
blocks_repopulate_page ( $page );
print_continue ( $continueto );
exit ;
} else {
error ( 'Upgrade of blogging system failed! (Could not update version in config table)' );
} else {
error ( 'blog tables could NOT be set up successfully!' );
if ( $blog_version > $CFG -> blog_version ) { // Upgrade tables
$strdatabaseupgrades = get_string ( 'databaseupgrades' );
print_header ( $strdatabaseupgrades , $strdatabaseupgrades , $strdatabaseupgrades );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/blog/db/' . $CFG -> dbtype . '.php' );
$db -> debug = true ;
if ( blog_upgrade ( $CFG -> blog_version )) {
$db -> debug = false ;
if ( set_config ( 'blog_version' , $blog_version )) {
notify ( get_string ( 'databasesuccess' ), 'green' );
notify ( get_string ( 'databaseupgradeblocks' , '' , $blog_version ));
print_continue ( $continueto );
exit ;
} else {
error ( 'Upgrade of blogging system failed! (Could not update version in config table)' );
} else {
$db -> debug = false ;
error ( 'Upgrade failed! See blog/version.php' );
} else if ( $blog_version < $CFG -> blog_version ) {
notify ( 'WARNING!!! The blog code you are using is OLDER than the version that made these databases! (' . $version . ' < ' . $CFG -> blog_version . ')' );
* course_has_blog_entries
* Given a course id return true if there are blog entries from any user related to that course
* $courseid - the id for the course
* Daryl Hawes note : When forum entries start using post table this function will no longer behave as expected
* Since non blog posts will be associated with this course . Perhaps moduleid or another field could be wrangled
* into identifying the type of post ?
function blog_course_has_blog_entries ( $courseid ) {
$entries = get_records ( 'post' , 'courseid' , $courseid );
if ( ! empty ( $entries ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
* Output a hidden html form used by text entry pages that require preview . php ' s functionality
function blog_print_preview_form ( $userid = 0 , $categoryelement = '<input type="hidden" name="categoryid[]">' , $return = false ) {
$returnstring = " \n " . '<div id="prev" style="visibility:hidden;z-index:-1;position:absolute;display:none;">' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<form name="prev" action="preview.php" method="post" target="preview">' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="etitle" />' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="body" />' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="extendedbody" />' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="comm" />' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="tem" />' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="' . $userid . '" />' ;
// $returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="categoryid[]" value="'. $categoryid .'" />';
$returnstring .= " \n " . $categoryelement ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '<input type="hidden" name="format" />' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '</form>' ;
$returnstring .= " \n " . '</div>' . " \n " ;
if ( $return ) {
return $returnstring ; //return the form as a string if requested
print $returnstring ; //else just print the string and exit the function
* blog_user_has_rights - returns true if user is the blog ' s owner or a moodle admin .
* @ param BlogInfo blogInfo - a BlogInfo object passed by reference . This object represents the blog being accessed .
* @ param int uid - numeric user id of the user whose rights are being tested against this blogInfo . If no uid is specified then the uid of the currently logged in user will be used .
function blog_user_has_rights ( & $bloginfo , $uid = '' ) {
global $USER ;
if ( isset ( $bloginfo ) && isset ( $bloginfo -> userid )) {
if ( $uid == '' ) {
if ( isset ( $USER ) && isset ( $USER -> id ) ) {
$uid = $USER -> id ;
if ( $uid == '' ) {
//if uid is still empty then the user is not logged in
return false ;
if ( blog_is_blog_admin ( $uid ) || isadmin ()) {
return true ;
return false ;
* Determines whether a user is an admin for a blog
* @ param int $blog_userid The id of the blog being checked
function blog_is_blog_admin ( $blog_userid ) {
global $USER ;
//moodle admins are admins
if ( isadmin ()) {
return true ;
if ( empty ( $USER ) || ! isset ( $USER -> id ) ) {
return false ;
if ( empty ( $blog_userid )) {
return true ;
// Return true if the user is an admin for this blog
if ( $blog_userid == $USER -> id ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
* Adaptation of isediting in moodlelib . php for blog module
* @ return bool
function blog_isediting () {
global $SESSION ;
if ( ! isset ( $SESSION -> blog_editing_enabled )) {
$SESSION -> blog_editing_enabled = false ;
return ( $SESSION -> blog_editing_enabled );
* Turns a php string into a string ready for insert into an rss xml feed
function blog_rss_content ( $str ) {
$str = superhtmlentities ( $str );
$content = " <![CDATA[ $str ]]> \n " ;
return $content ;
* function found when searching on problem of smart quotes
* posted at http :// daynah . php - princess . net / index . php ? p = 94
function superhtmlentities ( $text ) {
$entities = array ( 128 => 'euro' , 130 => 'sbquo' ,
131 => 'fnof' , 132 => 'bdquo' , 133 => 'hellip' ,
134 => 'dagger' , 135 => 'Dagger' , 136 => 'circ' ,
137 => 'permil' , 138 => 'Scaron' , 139 => 'lsaquo' ,
140 => 'OElig' , 145 => 'lsquo' , 146 => 'rsquo' ,
147 => 'ldquo' , 148 => 'rdquo' , 149 => 'bull' ,
150 => 'ndash' , 151 => 'mdash' , 152 => 'tilde' ,
153 => 'trade' , 154 => 'scaron' , 155 => 'rsaquo' ,
156 => 'oelig' , 159 => 'Yuml' );
$new_text = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $text ); $i ++ ) {
$num = ord ( $text { $i });
if ( array_key_exists ( $num , $entities )) {
$new_text .= '&\\' . $entities [ $num ] . ';' ;
} else if ( $num < 127 || $num > 159 ) {
$new_text .= $text { $i };
return htmlentities ( $new_text );
* blog_get_recent_entries_byrange
* not in blogInfo because entries being searched
* can be found in any number of blogs rather than just one .
* Returns specified range of entries since a given time .
* In using this function be aware for your where clause that the tables being
* read are post ( e ) and blog_categories_entries ( c ) and the returned values
* will be e .*
* @ param int $limit .
* @ param int $start .
* @ param string $where .
* @ param string $orderby .
* @ param bool $includeCategories .
* @ return BlogEntries
function blog_get_recent_entries_byrange ( $limit , $start , $where = '' , $orderby = 'lastmodified DESC' , $includeCategories = false ) {
global $CFG ;
// echo 'Debug: where clause in blog_get_recent_entries_byrange: $where<br />'; //debug
if ( $includeCategories ) {
$records = get_records_select ( 'post e, ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'blog_categories_entries c' , $where , $orderby , '*' , $start , $limit );
} else {
$records = get_records_select ( 'post' , $where , $orderby , '*' , $start , $limit );
// print_object($records); //debug
if ( empty ( $records )) {
return array ();
} else {
$blogEntries = array ();
foreach ( $records as $record ) {
$blogEntry = new BlogEntry ( $record );
//ensure that the user has rights to view this entry
if ( $blogEntry -> user_can_view () ) {
$blogEntries [] = $blogEntry ;
return $blogEntries ;
* returns a unix time stamp from year month and day
* used to get start and end dates for comparing against timestamps in databases
function blog_get_month_time ( $y , $m , $d , $firstday = true ) {
if ( ! empty ( $y ) && ! empty ( $m ) && ! empty ( $d )) {
$time = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $m , $d , $y );
} else if ( ! empty ( $y ) && ! empty ( $m ) ) {
$day = blog_mk_getLastDayofMonth ( $m , $y );
if ( $firstday ) {
$day = 1 ;
$time = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $m , $day , $y );
} else {
$time = '' ;
return $time ;
* attempting to create a method useful for a popup form on the index
* page that will allow a user to filter entries based upon date
* This function will return a list , in order , formatted as " MM-YYYY " for each year and month
* in which this blog has entries .
* @ param BlogFilter $blogFilter - a BlogFilter object with the current filter settings for this page
function blog_get_year_month_of_viewable_entries ( & $blogFilter ) {
global $_SERVER ;
$entries = $blogFilter -> get_filtered_entries ();
$datearray = array ();
$datearray [ 'm=&y=' ] = 'All Dates' ;
if ( ! empty ( $entries ) ) {
foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
if ( $entry -> user_can_view () ) {
// print_object($entry); //debug
//user is allowed to see this entry, so return its year/month information
$date = $entry -> entryLastModified ;
$truncDate = date ( " F Y " , $date ); // this will return January 2004 for the date.
$curmonth = date ( " m " , $date ); // this will return January 2004 for the date.
$curyear = date ( " Y " , $date ); // this will return January 2004 for the date.
$index = 'm=' . $curmonth . '&y=' . $curyear ;
$datearray [ $index ] = $truncDate ;
// print_object($datearray); //debug
if ( is_numeric ( $blogFilter -> startmonth ) && is_numeric ( $blogFilter -> startyear )) {
$selected = 'm=' . $blogFilter -> startmonth . '&y=' . $blogFilter -> startyear ;
} else {
$selected = '' ;
$unused = array ( 'startmonth' , 'startyear' );
$getvars = $blogFilter -> get_getvars ( $unused );
//attach a random number to the popup function's form name
//becuase there may be multiple instances of this form on each page
$self = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
$form = popup_form ( $self . $getvars . '&' , $datearray , 'blog_date_selection' . mt_rand (), $selected , '' , '' , '' , true );
return str_replace ( '<form' , '<form style="display: inline;"' , $form );
* pretty close to a direct copy of calendar / view . php calendar_course_filter_selector function
function blog_course_filter_selector ( & $blogFilter ) {
global $USER , $_SERVER ;
$getvars = $blogFilter -> get_getvars ( 'courseid' );
if ( ! isset ( $USER ) || ! isset ( $USER -> id ) ) {
return ;
if ( isguest ( $USER -> id )) {
return '' ;
if ( isadmin ( $USER -> id )) {
$courses = get_courses ( 'all' , 'c.shortname' );
} else {
$courses = get_my_courses ( $USER -> id , 'shortname' );
unset ( $courses [ 1 ]);
$courseoptions [ 1 ] = get_string ( 'fulllistofcourses' );
foreach ( $courses as $course ) {
// Verify that there are actually blog entries for this course before showing it as a selection.
if ( $entries = count_records ( 'post' , 'courseid' , $course -> id )) {
$courseoptions [ $course -> id ] = $course -> shortname ;
//if there were no courses added then simply return
if ( count ( $courseoptions ) == 1 ) {
return ;
if ( is_numeric ( $blogFilter -> courseid )) {
$selected = $blogFilter -> courseid ;
} else {
$selected = '' ;
//attach a random number to the popup function's form name
//because there may be multiple instances of this form on each page
$self = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
$form = popup_form ( $self . $getvars . '&courseid=' ,
$courseoptions , 'blog_course_selection' . mt_rand (), $selected , '' , '' , '' , true );
return str_replace ( '<form' , '<form style="display: inline;"' , $form );
* build and return list of all member blogs
* @ param stdObject $memberrecords An object of record entries as output from the get_member_list () function in BlogFilter ( -> id , -> title are the required variables ) .
* @ param int $format - 0 , 1 or 2 ; 0 = hyperlinked list of members , 1 = select element , 2 = select element wrapped in entire form
* @ param bool $return indicates whether the function should return the text
* as a string or echo it directly to the page being rendered
* @ param BlogFilter $blogFilter - a BlogFilter object with the details of the members listed in $memberrecords .
* @ param string $hyperlink This is the target link to be used - there is a sensible default for each format .
function blog_member_list ( & $blogFilter , & $memberrecords , $format = 1 , $return = true , $hyperlink = '' ) {
global $CFG , $USER ;
//echo "userid = $blogFilter->userid"; //debug
//print_object($memberrecords); //debug
$returnstring = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $memberrecords )) {
switch ( $format ) {
case '0' :
foreach ( $memberrecords as $record ) {
if ( empty ( $hyperlink )) {
$CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/index.php?userid=' . $record -> id ;
$returnstring .= '<a href="' . $hyperlink . $record -> id . '">' . stripslashes_safe ( $record -> title ) . '</a><br />' ;
break ;
case '2' :
$selected = '' ;
$options = array ( '' => 'All Member Blogs' );
$formlink = $hyperlink ; //TESTING
if ( empty ( $hyperlink )) {
$getvars = $blogFilter -> get_getvars ( 'userid' );
$self = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
$formlink = $self . $getvars . '&userid=' ;
foreach ( $memberrecords as $record ) {
$id = $record -> id ;
if ( blog_isLoggedIn () && $id == $USER -> id ) {
$optiontitle = 'My Blog' ;
} else {
$optiontitle = stripslashes_safe ( $record -> title );
$options [ $id ] = $optiontitle ; //TESTING
if ( ( $blogFilter -> userid == $record -> id ) && ( $blogFilter -> userid != 0 ) ) {
$selected = $id ;
//attach a random number to the popup function's form name
//becuase there may be multiple instances of this form on each page
$returnstring = popup_form ( $formlink ,
$options , 'blog_member_list' . mt_rand (), $selected , '' , '' , '' , true );
$returnstring = str_replace ( '<form' , '<form style="display: inline;"' , $returnstring );
break ;
case '1' :
default :
$returnstring = '<select name="userid">' ;
foreach ( $memberrecords as $record ) {
$returnstring .= '<option value="' . $record -> id . '"' ;
if ( ( $record -> id == $blogFilter -> userid ) && ( $blogFilter -> userid != 0 ) ) {
$returnstring .= ' selected' ;
$returnstring .= '>' . stripslashes_safe ( $record -> title ) . '</option>' ;
$returnstring .= '</select>' ;
break ;
if ( $return ) {
return $returnstring ;
print $returnstring ;
return ;
* @ param int courseid the selected course in popup
function blog_get_course_selection_popup ( $courseid = '' ) {
global $USER ;
if ( ! isset ( $USER ) || ! isset ( $USER -> id ) ) {
return ;
if ( isadmin () ) {
$courses = get_courses (); //show admin users all courses
} else {
$courses = get_my_courses ( $USER -> id ) ; //get_my_courses is in datalib.php
//print_object($courses); //debug
$courseoptions = array ();
foreach ( $courses as $course ) {
$courseoptions [ $course -> id ] = $course -> shortname ;
return choose_from_menu ( $courseoptions , 'course_selection' , $courseid , '' , '' , '0' , true );
* This function is in lib and not in BlogInfo because entries being searched
* might be found in any number of blogs rather than just one .
* $ @ param BlogFilter blogFilter - a BlogFilter object containing the settings for finding appropriate entries for display
function blog_print_html_formatted_entries ( & $blogFilter , $filtertype , $filterselect ) {
global $CFG , $USER ;
2006-03-13 08:46:13 +00:00
$blogpage = optional_param ( 'blogpage' , 0 , PARAM_INT );
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
$bloglimit = get_user_preferences ( 'blogpagesize' , 8 ); // expose as user pref when MyMoodle comes around
// First let's see if the batchpublish form has submitted data
$post = data_submitted ();
if ( ! empty ( $post -> batchpublish )) { //make sure we're processing the edit form here
// print_object($post); //debug
foreach ( $post as $key => $publishto ) {
if ( $key != 'batchpublish' ) {
$useridandentryid = explode ( '-' , $key );
$userid = $useridandentryid [ 0 ];
$entryid = $useridandentryid [ 1 ];
$bloginfo = new BlogInfo ( $userid );
$blogentry = $bloginfo -> get_blog_entry_by_id ( $entryid );
if ( $blogentry -> entryPublishState != $publishto ) {
if ( ! $blogentry -> set_publishstate ( $publishto )) {
echo 'Entry "' . $blogentry -> entryTitle . '" could not be published.' ;
} else {
if ( $error = $blogentry -> save ()) {
echo 'New publish setting for entry "' . $blogentry -> entryTitle . '" could not be saved. ERROR:' . $error . ':<br />' ;
$morelink = '<br /> ' ;
// show personal or general heading block as applicable
echo '<div class="headingblock header blog">' ;
//show blog title - blog tagline
print " <br /> " ; //don't print title. blog_get_title_text();
if ( $blogpage != 0 ) {
// modify the blog filter to fetch the entries we care about right now
$oldstart = $blogFilter -> fetchstart ;
$blogFilter -> fetchstart = $blogpage * $bloglimit ;
unset ( $blogFilter -> filtered_entries );
$blogEntries = $blogFilter -> get_filtered_entries ();
// show page next/previous links if applicable
print_paging_bar ( $blogFilter -> get_viewable_entry_count (), $blogpage , $bloglimit , $blogFilter -> baseurl , 'blogpage' );
print '</div>' ;
if ( isset ( $blogEntries ) ) {
if ( blog_isLoggedIn () && blog_isediting () ) {
print '<form name="batchpublishform" method="post" action="' . $blogFilter -> baseurl . '" id="batchpublishform" enctype="multipart/form-data">' ;
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $blogEntries as $blogEntry ) {
blog_print_entry ( $blogEntry , 'list' , $filtertype , $filterselect ); //print this entry.
$count ++ ;
if ( ! $count ) {
print '<br /><center>' . get_string ( 'noentriesyet' , 'blog' ) . '</center><br />' ;
if ( blog_isLoggedIn ()) {
$morelink = '<br /> ' ;
2006-03-13 06:05:44 +00:00
$morelink .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/edit.php' , get_string ( 'addnewentry' , 'blog' )) . " \n " ;
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
if ( blog_isLoggedIn () && blog_isediting () ) {
//Daryl Hawes note: localize this submit button!
print '<div align="center"><input type="submit" value="Save these publish settings" id="batchpublish" name="batchpublish" /></div>' . " \n " ;
print '</form>' . " \n " ;
//yu: testing code
if ( blog_isLoggedIn ()) {
//the user's blog is enabled and they are viewing their own blog
2006-03-13 06:05:44 +00:00
$morelink .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/edit.php' , get_string ( 'addnewentry' , 'blog' ));
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
print $morelink . '<br />' . " \n " ;
if ( $blogpage != 0 ) {
//put the blogFilter back the way we found it
$blogFilter -> fetchstart = $oldstart ;
unset ( $blogFilter -> filtered_entries );
$blogFilter -> fetch_entries ();
return ;
$output = '<br /><center>' . get_string ( 'noentriesyet' , 'blog' ) . '</center><br />' ;
$userbloginfo = blog_user_bloginfo ();
if ( blog_isLoggedIn ()) {
//the user's blog is enabled and they are viewing their own blog
2006-03-13 06:05:44 +00:00
$output .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/edit.php' , get_string ( 'addnewentry' , 'blog' ));
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
print $output ;
unset ( $blogFilter -> filtered_entries );
* What text should be displayed claiming ownership to the current blog entries ?
* @ uses $PAGE
* @ return string
function blog_get_title_text () {
global $PAGE ; //hackish
if ( isset ( $PAGE ) && isset ( $PAGE -> bloginfo )) {
$blogInfo = & $PAGE -> bloginfo ;
$title = $blogInfo -> get_blog_title ();
if ( $title != '' ) {
$displaytitle = $title ;
$tagline = $blogInfo -> get_blog_tagline ();
if ( $tagline != '' ) {
$displaytitle .= ' - ' . $tagline ;
if ( isset ( $displaytitle )) {
return $displaytitle ;
} else {
// Daryl Hawes - better wording would be good here, localize this line once the wording is selected.
return 'Combined Blog ' . get_string ( 'entries' , 'blog' ) . '<br />' ;
* blog_get_moodle_pix_path
* Returns the directory path to the current theme ' s pix folder .
* @ return string
function blog_get_moodle_pix_path (){
global $CFG , $THEME ;
if ( empty ( $THEME -> custompix )) {
return $CFG -> wwwroot . '/pix' ;
} else {
return $CFG -> themedir . current_theme () . '/pix' ;
* This function is in lib and not in BlogInfo because entries being searched
* might be found in any number of blogs rather than just one .
* This function builds an array which can be used by the included
* template file , making predefined and nicely formatted variables available
* to the template . Template creators will not need to become intimate
* with the internal objects and vars of moodle blog nor will they need to worry
* about properly formatting their data
* @ param BlogEntry blogEntry - a hopefully fully populated BlogEntry object
* @ param string viewtype Default is 'full' . If 'full' then display this blog entry
* in its complete form ( eg . archive page ) . If anything other than 'full'
* display the entry in its abbreviated format ( eg . index page )
function blog_print_entry ( & $blogEntry , $viewtype = 'full' , $filtertype , $filterselect ) {
global $CFG , $THEME , $USER ;
static $bloginfoarray ;
if ( isset ( $bloginfoarray ) && $bloginfocache [ $blogEntry -> entryuserid ]) {
$bloginfo = $bloginfocache [ $blogEntry -> entryuserid ];
} else {
$bloginfocache [ $blogEntry -> entryuserid ] = new BlogInfo ( $blogEntry -> entryuserid );
$bloginfo = $bloginfocache [ $blogEntry -> entryuserid ];
$template [ 'blogtitle' ] = $bloginfo -> blogtitle ;
$template [ 'blogtagline' ] = $bloginfo -> blogtagline ;
$template [ 'blogurl' ] = $bloginfo -> get_blogurl ();
$template [ 'body' ] = $blogEntry -> get_formatted_entry_body ();
$template [ 'countofextendedbody' ] = 0 ;
if ( $template [ 'extendedbody' ] = $blogEntry -> get_formatted_entry_extended_body ()) {
$template [ 'extendedbody' ] = $blogEntry -> get_formatted_entry_extended_body ();
$template [ 'countofextendedbody' ] = count_words ( $template -> extendedbody );
} else {
$template [ 'extendedbody' ] = '' ;
if ( $viewtype == 'full' && ! empty ( $template [ 'extendedbody' ])) {
$template [ 'body' ] .= '<hr width="80%" />' . $template [ 'extendedbody' ];
} else if ( ! empty ( $template -> extendedbody ) && $template -> countofextendedbody != 0 ) {
$template [ 'body' ] .= '<br /> <a href="' . $blogEntry -> get_entryurl () . '">' . get_string ( 'moreelipses' , 'blog' ) . ' (' . $template [ 'countofextendedbody' ] . ' words)</a>' ;
$template [ 'title' ] = '<a name="' . $blogEntry -> entryId . '"></a>' ;
//enclose the title in nolink tags so that moodle formatting doesn't autolink the text
$template [ 'title' ] .= '<span class="nolink">' . stripslashes_safe ( $blogEntry -> entryTitle );
$template [ 'title' ] .= '</span>' ;
// add editing controls if allowed
$template [ 'editbuttons' ] = $blogEntry -> get_formatted_edit_URL ( true );
$template [ 'editbuttons' ] .= $blogEntry -> get_formatted_delete_URL ( true );
$template [ 'courseid' ] = $blogEntry -> entryCourseId ;
$template [ 'userid' ] = $blogEntry -> entryuserid ;
$template [ 'authorviewurl' ] = $CFG -> wwwroot . '/user/view.php?course=1&id=' . $template [ 'userid' ];
$template [ 'moodlepix' ] = blog_get_moodle_pix_path ();
$template [ 'author' ] = $blogEntry -> entryAuthorName ;
$template [ 'lastmod' ] = $blogEntry -> formattedEntryLastModified ;
$template [ 'created' ] = $blogEntry -> formattedEntryCreated ;
$template [ 'publishtomenu' ] = $blogEntry -> get_publish_to_menu ( true , true );
$template [ 'groupid' ] = $blogEntry -> entryGroupId ;
//forum style printing of blogs
blog_print_entry_content ( $template , $blogEntry -> entryId , $filtertype , $filterselect );
//forum style printing of blogs
function blog_print_entry_content ( $template , $entryid , $filtertype = '' , $filterselect = '' ) {
global $USER , $CFG , $course , $ME ;
$stredit = get_string ( 'edit' );
$strdelete = get_string ( 'delete' );
$user = get_record ( 'user' , 'id' , $template [ 'userid' ]);
echo '<div align="center"><table cellspacing="0" class="forumpost" width="100%">' ;
echo '<tr class="header"><td class="picture left">' ;
print_user_picture ( $template [ 'userid' ], $template [ 'courseid' ], $user -> picture );
echo '</td>' ;
echo '<td class="topic starter"><div class="subject">' . $template [ 'title' ] . '</div><div class="author">' ;
$fullname = fullname ( $user , isteacher ( $template [ 'userid' ]));
$by -> name = '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' .
$user -> id . '&course=' . $course -> id . '">' . $fullname . '</a>' ;
$by -> date = $template [ 'lastmod' ];
print_string ( 'bynameondate' , 'forum' , $by );
echo '</div></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td class="left side">' ;
if ( $group = get_record ( 'groups' , 'id' , $template [ 'groupid' ])) {
print_group_picture ( $group , $course -> id , false , false , true );
} else {
echo ' ' ;
/// Actual content
echo '</td><td class="content">' . " \n " ;
// Print whole message
echo format_text ( $template [ 'body' ]);
/// Links to tags
2006-03-10 08:36:04 +00:00
if ( $blogtags = get_records_sql ( 'SELECT t.* FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'tags t, ' . $CFG -> prefix . ' blog_tag_instance ti
WHERE t . id = ti . tagid
AND ti . entryid = ' . $entryid )) {
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
echo '<p />' ;
2006-03-13 08:55:33 +00:00
print_string ( 'tags' );
echo ': ' ;
2006-03-10 06:53:01 +00:00
foreach ( $blogtags as $blogtag ) {
echo '<a href="index.php?courseid=' . $course -> id . '&filtertype=' . $filtertype . '&filterselect=' . $filterselect . '&tagid=' . $blogtag -> id . '">' . $blogtag -> text . '</a>, ' ;
/// Commands
echo '<div class="commands">' ;
if ( isset ( $USER -> id )) {
if (( $template [ 'userid' ] == $USER -> id ) or isteacher ( $course -> id )) {
echo '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/edit.php?editid=' . $entryid . '">' . $stredit . '</a>' ;
if (( $template [ 'userid' ] == $USER -> id ) or isteacher ( $course -> id )) {
echo '| <a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/edit.php?act=del&postid=' . $entryid . '">' . $strdelete . '</a>' ;
echo '</div>' ;
echo '</td></tr></table></div>' . " \n \n " ;
* Use this function to retrieve a list of publish states available for
* the currently logged in user .
* @ return array This function returns an array ideal for sending to moodles '
* choose_from_menu function .
function blog_applicable_publish_states ( $courseid = '' ) {
global $CFG ;
// everyone gets draft access
$options = array ( 'draft' => get_string ( 'publishtonoone' , 'blog' ) );
if ( is_numeric ( $courseid ) && $courseid != SITEID && $course = get_record ( 'course' , 'id' , $courseid , '' , '' , '' , '' , 'shortname' ) ) {
require_login ( $courseid );
// if we're viewing a course allow publishing to course teachers
$options [ 'teacher' ] = get_string ( 'publishtoteachers' , 'blog' , $course -> shortname );
if ( ! $CFG -> blog_enable_moderation || isadmin () || isteacher ( $courseid ) ) {
// only admins and teachers can publish to course members when moderation is enabled
$options [ 'course' ] = get_string ( 'publishtocourse' , 'blog' , $course -> shortname );
//groups not supported quite yet - pseudocode:
if ( isset ( $post -> groupid ) && $post -> groupid != '' ) {
$options [ 'group' ] = 'Fellow group members and teachers can view' ;
} */
if ( ! $CFG -> blog_enable_moderation || isadmin () || ( is_numeric ( $courseid ) && isteacher ( $courseid )) ) {
// only admins and teachers can see site and public options when moderation is enabled
$options [ 'site' ] = get_string ( 'publishtosite' , 'blog' );
$options [ 'public' ] = get_string ( 'publishtoworld' , 'blog' );
return $options ;
* blog_get_entries_by_category - not in blogInfo because entries being searched
* can be found in any number of blogs rather than just one .
* catids can be an array of category ids or a single category id
* defined as either
* $catids = array ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 );
* or
* $catids = 2 ;
* Used by rss . php
function blog_get_entries_by_category ( $catids , $courseid = 0 , $limit = 8 , $start = 0 ) {
$catsearch = ' e.id=c.entryid AND ' ; //only gets categories whose postid matches entries retrieved
if ( blog_array_count ( $catids ) > 0 ) {
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $catids as $catid ) {
$catsearch .= 'c.categoryid=' . $catid . ' ' ;
$count += 1 ;
if ( count ( $catids ) != $count ) {
$catsearch .= 'OR ' ;
} else {
$catsearch .= 'c.categoryid=' . $catids ;
$wherecourse = '' ;
if ( is_numeric ( $courseid ) && $courseid != 0 && $courseid != 1 ) {
$wherecourse = ' AND e.courseid=' . $courseid ;
$where = $catsearch . $wherecourse ;
// echo 'Debug: where clause for blog_get_entries_by_category: '. $where; //debug
return blog_get_recent_entries_byrange ( $limit , $start , $where , '' , true );
* builds calendar with links to filter entries by date
* modified by Daryl Hawes to build links even when no userid is specified
* and to return the html as a string if desired
function blog_draw_calendar ( & $blogFilter , $return = false )
global $CFG ;
// print_object($blogFilter);
if ( ! empty ( $blogFilter -> startmonth )) {
$m = $blogFilter -> startmonth ;
} else {
$m = date ( 'n' , mktime ());
$blogFilter -> startmonth = $m ;
if ( ! empty ( $blogFilter -> startyear )) {
$y = $blogFilter -> startyear ;
} else {
$y = date ( 'Y' , mktime ());
$blogFilter -> startyear = $y ;
$userid = $blogFilter -> userid ;
//create a string to represent a URL argument with userid info. If no userid then string is empty.
$useridString = '&userid=' . $userid ;
if ( $userid == 0 || $userid == '' ) {
$useridString = '' ;
// calculate the weekday the first of the month is on
$tmpd = getdate ( mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $m , 1 , $y ));
$monthname = $tmpd [ 'month' ];
$firstwday = $tmpd [ 'wday' ];
$today = date ( 'Ymd' , mktime ());
$lastday = blog_mk_getLastDayofMonth ( $m , $y );
//determine next and previous month
if (( $m - 1 ) < 1 ) { $pm = 12 ; } else { $pm = $m - 1 ; }
if (( $m + 1 ) > 12 ) { $nm = 1 ; } else { $nm = $m + 1 ; }
if ( strlen ( $pm ) == 1 ) { $pm = '0' . $pm ; };
if ( strlen ( $nm ) == 1 ) { $nm = '0' . $nm ; };
$returnstring = " \n " . '<table class="generaltable"><tr>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td style="text-align: left; width: 12%;">' . " \n " ;
$currentyear = $y ;
$currentmonth = $m ;
if (( $m - 1 ) < 1 ) {
$blogFilter -> startyear = $y - 1 ;
} else {
$blogFilter -> startyear = $y ;
$blogFilter -> startmonth = $pm ;
$self = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
$returnstring .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $self , '<<' , array ( 'startday' )) . " \n " ;
$blogFilter -> startyear = $currentyear ;
$blogFilter -> startmonth = $currentmonth ;
$returnstring .= '</td><td style="text-align: center;">' . " \n " ;
// $returnstring .= $blogFilter->get_complete_link($CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/archive.php', $monthname .' '. $y, array('startday'));
$returnstring .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $self , $monthname . ' ' . $y , array ( 'startday' ));
if (( $m + 1 ) > 12 ) {
$blogFilter -> startyear = $blogFilter -> startyear + 1 ;
} else {
$blogFilter -> startyear = $y ;
$blogFilter -> startmonth = $nm ;
$returnstring .= '</td><td style="text-align: right; width: 12%;">' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $self , '>>' , array ( 'startday' )) . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
$blogFilter -> startyear = $currentyear ;
$blogFilter -> startmonth = $currentmonth ;
$returnstring .= '<tr><td colspan="3">' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<table class="calendarmini"><thead>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<tr><td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'calsun' , 'blog' ) . '</td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'calmon' , 'blog' ) . '</td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'caltue' , 'blog' ) . '</td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'calwed' , 'blog' ) . '</td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'calthu' , 'blog' ) . '</td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'calfri' , 'blog' ) . '</td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<td width="19" align="center" class="calday">' . get_string ( 'calsat' , 'blog' ) . '</td></tr></thead><tbody>' . " \n " ;
$d = 1 ;
$wday = $firstwday ;
$firstweek = true ;
// loop through all the days of the month
while ( $d <= $lastday )
// set up blank days for first week
if ( $firstweek ) {
$returnstring .= '<tr>' . " \n " ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $firstwday ; $i ++ ) {
$returnstring .= '<td> </td>' . " \n " ;
$firstweek = false ;
// Sunday start week with <tr>
if ( $wday == 0 ) {
$returnstring .= '<tr>' . " \n " ;
$mo = $m ;
if ( $mo < 10 ) {
if ( ! preg_match ( " /0 \ d/ " , $mo )) {
$mo = '0' . $mo ;
// Look for blog entries for this day
$tstart = blog_get_month_time ( $y , $m , $d , true );
$tend = blog_get_month_time ( $y , $m , $d + 1 , false );
$where = " lastmodified >= $tstart AND lastmodified <= $tend " ;
if ( $userid != 0 && $userid != '' ) {
$where .= ' AND author = ' . $userid . ' ' ;
$count = count_records_select ( 'post' , $where );
//echo 'Where clause: '. $where .' | count:'. $count. '<br />'."\n"; //debug
$da = $d ;
if ( $da < 10 ) {
if ( ! preg_match ( " /0 \ d/ " , $da )) {
$da = " 0 " . $da ;
// check for event
$showdate = $y . $mo . $da ;
$returnstring .= '<td align=center' ;
if ( $showdate == $today ) {
$returnstring .= ' class="cal_today"' ;
if ( $wday == 6 || $wday == 0 ) {
$returnstring .= ' class="cal_weekend"' ;
$returnstring .= '>' . " \n " ;
// if entries are found, output link to that day's entries
if ( $count > 0 ) {
$blogFilter -> startday = $d ;
$returnstring .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/index.php' , $d );
} else {
$returnstring .= $d . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</td>' . " \n " ;
// Saturday end week with </tr>
if ( $wday == 6 ) {
$returnstring .= '</tr>' . " \n " ;
$wday ++ ;
$wday = $wday % 7 ;
$d ++ ;
if ( $wday != 0 ) {
for ( $i = $wday ; $i < 7 ; $i ++ ) {
$returnstring .= '<td> </td>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</tr>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</table>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</td></tr></tbody></table>' . " \n " ;
if ( $return ) {
return $returnstring ;
print $returnstring ;
// end blog_draw_calendar function
* get the last day of the month
function blog_mk_getLastDayofMonth ( $mon , $year )
for ( $tday = 28 ; $tday <= 31 ; $tday ++ )
$tdate = getdate ( mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $mon , $tday , $year ));
if ( $tdate [ 'mon' ] != $mon )
{ break ; }
$tday -- ;
return $tday ;
* blog_safeHTML
* Clean up user input ( currently unused , moodle ' s format_text () is preferable )
function blog_safeHTML ( $html , $tags = 'b|br|i|u|ul|ol|li|p|a|blockquote|em|strong' ) {
// removes all tags that are considered unsafe
// Adapted from a function posted in the comments about the strip_tags()
// function on the php.net web site.
// This function is not perfect! It can be bypassed!
// Remove any nulls from the input
$html = preg_replace ( '/\0/' , '' , $html );
// convert the ampersands to null characters (to save for later)
$html = preg_replace ( '/&/' , '\0' , $html );
// convert the sharp brackets to their html code and escape special characters such as "
$html = htmlspecialchars ( $html );
// restore the tags that are considered safe
if ( $tags ) {
// Fix start tags
$html = preg_replace ( " /<(( $tags ).*?)>/i " , '<$1>' , $html );
// Fix end tags
$html = preg_replace ( " /< \ /( $tags )>/i " , '</$1>' , $html );
// Fix quotes
$html = preg_replace ( " /"/ " , '"' , $html );
$html = addslashes ( $html );
// Don't allow, e.g. <a href="javascript:evil_code">
$html = preg_replace ( " /<( $tags )([^>]*)>/ie " , " '< $ 1' . stripslashes_safe(str_replace('javascript', 'hackerscript', ' $ 2')) .'>' " , $html );
// Don't allow, e.g. <img src="foo.gif" onmouseover="evil_javascript">
$html = preg_replace ( " /<( $tags )([^>]*)>/ie " , " '< $ 1' . stripslashes_safe(str_replace(' on', ' off', ' $ 2')) .'>' " , $html );
$html = stripslashes_safe ( $html );
// restore the ampersands
$html = preg_replace ( '/\0/' , '&' , $html );
return ( $html );
} // safeHTML
// I don't like how the PHP count() function returns 1 if
// you pass it a scalar. So this is my custom function that
// will return 0 if the argument isn't an array.
function blog_array_count ( $arr ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $arr )) {
return 0 ;
return count ( $arr );
* check_dir_exists
* Function to check if a directory exists
* and , optionally , create it
* copied from moodle / backup / lib . php
if ( ! function_exists ( 'check_dir_exists' )) {
function check_dir_exists ( $dir , $create = false ) {
global $CFG ;
$status = true ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )) {
if ( ! $create ) {
$status = false ;
} else {
umask ( 0000 );
$status = mkdir ( $dir , $CFG -> directorypermissions );
return $status ;
/////////////// Time and Date display functions ///////////////
* Returns the current time as a readable date string
* using moodle ' s chosen full date display format from admin configuration .
function blog_now () {
$strftimedaydatetime = get_string ( 'strftimedaydatetime' );
$date = userdate ( time (), $strftimedaydatetime );
return $date ;
* UNIX timestamp to a readable format .
* using moodle ' s chosen date format from admin configuration .
function blog_format_date ( $datetime ) {
$strftimedate = get_string ( 'strftimedate' );
$date = userdate ( $datetime , $strftimedate );
return $date ;
* converts unix timestamp to just a date
* using moodle ' s chosen short date format from admin configuration .
function blog_short_date ( $datetime ) {
$strftimedateshort = get_string ( 'strftimedateshort' );
$date = userdate ( $datetime , $strftimedateshort );
return $date ;
* converts unix timestamp to just a date
* using moodle ' s chosen time format from admin configuration .
function blog_short_time ( $datetime ) {
$strftimetime = get_string ( 'strftimetime' );
$time = userdate ( $datetime , $strftimedateshort );
return $time ;
/////////////// Trackback functions ///////////////
// Note: trackback specification
// http://www.movabletype.org/docs/mttrackback.html
* generate rdf for trackback autodiscovery
function blog_get_trackback_rdf_string ( $blogEntry ) {
global $CFG ;
$userid = $blogEntry -> entryuserid ;
$entryid = $blogEntry -> entryId ;
$blogInfo = new BlogInfo ( $userid );
// echo 'in blog_get_trackback_rdf_string blogEntry:<br />'."\n"; //debug
// print_object($blogEntry); //debug
$rdf = " \n " . ' <!-- //RDF for trackback autodiscovery
< rdf : RDF xmlns : rdf = " http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# "
xmlns : dc = " http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ "
xmlns : trackback = " http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/ " >
< rdf : Description
rdf : about = " '. htmlentities( $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/archive.php?userid='. $userid .'&postid='. $entryid ) .' "
dc : identifier = " '. htmlentities( $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/archive.php?userid='. $userid .'&postid='. $entryid ) .' "
dc : title = " '. $blogInfo->blogtitle .' "
trackback : ping = " ';
if ( $CFG -> slasharguments ) {
$rdf .= $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/tb.php/' . $entryid ;
} else {
$rdf .= $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/tb.php?file=/' . $entryid ;
$rdf .= ' " />
</ rdf : RDF >
--> ' . " \n " ;
unset ( $blogInfo ); //clean up after ourselves
return $rdf ;
* Send a trackback to another server
function blog_send_tb_ping ( $tb_arr ) {
// import the http class
include_once ( 'class.HttpClient.php' );
// print "debug: in blog_send_tb_ping tb_arr = <br />"; //debug
// print_object($tb_arr); //debug
// Make sure the excerpt is short enough
$body = strip_tags ( $tb_arr [ 'excerpt' ]);
$tb_arr [ 'excerpt' ] = substr ( $body , 0 , 255 ) . " ... " ;
// extract url
// $tb_url = $tb_arr['url'];
// extract url -- Daryl Hawes note: isn't this supposed to be tb_url we're extracting here?
$tb_url = $tb_arr [ 'tb_url' ];
// print "debug: tb_url:<br />"; //debug
// print_object($tb_url); //debug
// Did we get a trackback url?
if ( ! $tb_url ) {
// Couldn't find a Trackback url. Give up.
return ;
// remove it from the array
unset ( $tb_arr [ 'tb_url' ]);
// parse the TB url to get the host and path
$urlobj = parse_url ( $tb_url );
// print "debug: urlobj:<br />";
// print_object($urlobj);
// Create the http client object
$http_client = new HttpClient ( $urlobj [ 'host' ]);
$postPath = $urlobj [ 'path' ];
if ( isset ( $urlobj [ 'query' ]) ) {
$postPath = $postPath . '?' . $urlobj [ 'query' ];
// Post the data
$status = $http_client -> post ( $postPath , $tb_arr );
if ( $status == true ) {
$rsp = $http_client -> getContent ();
} else {
$rsp = get_string ( 'error' ) . ': ' . $http_client -> getError ();
return $rsp ;
* Return a list of trackbacks for a particular id
function blog_list_trackbacks ( $postid ) {
global $db , $CFG ;
//Daryl Hawes note: convert this sql statement to a moodle function call
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'blog_trackback WHERE entryid = ' . $postid ;
$res = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
//iterate results
$list = array ();
while ( ! $res -> EOF && isset ( $res -> fields ) ) {
$list [] = $res -> fields ;
$res -> MoveNext ();
return $list ;
* Return a raw count of how many trackbacks an entry has .
function blog_tb_count ( $id ) {
$list = list_trackbacks ( $id );
return array_count ( $list );
* Display HTML formatted list of trackbacks for the supplied entryid
* called from tb . php if mode == list , also called by archive . php
* @ param int id the entry in question by id
function blog_print_trackbacks_for_id ( $id ) {
global $CFG ;
$list = blog_list_trackbacks ( $id );
if ( ! blog_array_count ( $list )) {
// There are not trackbacks for this entry
// To avoid page clutter return without printing anything
return ;
if ( $CFG -> slasharguments ) {
$tburl = $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/tb.php/' . $id ;
} else {
$tburl = $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/tb.php?file=/' . $id ;
print '<div class="trackbacks">' . " \n " ;
print '<h4>' . get_string ( 'trackbacks' , 'blog' ) . '</h4>' ;
// print '<p>'. get_string('tburlis', 'blog') .':'."\n";
//print '<!--<a href="'. $tburl .'">-->'."\n";
//print $tburl;
//print '<!--</a>-->'."\n</p>";
print '<ul>' ;
if ( ! blog_array_count ( $list )) {
// No trackbacks
< li >< ? php print_string ( 'notrackbacks' , 'blog' ); ?> .</li>
< ? php
} else {
while ( list ( $row , $data ) = each ( $list )) {
$post_title = stripslashes_safe ( $data [ 'title' ]);
$excerpt = stripslashes_safe ( $data [ 'excerpt' ]);
$url = stripslashes_safe ( $data [ 'url' ]);
$blogname = stripslashes_safe ( $data [ 'blogname' ]);
$added = blog_format_date ( $data [ 'lastmodified' ]);
if ( $blogname ) {
$blogname = ' ' . get_string ( 'tbfrom' , 'blog' ) . ' ' . $blogname ;
?> <li>
< a href = " <?php echo $url ; ?> " >< ? php echo $post_title ; ?> </a>
< cite >< ? php echo $blogname ; ?> <?php echo $added; ?></cite>
< blockquote cite = " <?php echo $url ; ?> " title = " <?php print_string('tbquotedfrom', 'blog'); ?>
< ? php echo $blogname ; ?> ">
< ? php echo $excerpt ; ?>
</ blockquote >
</ li >
< ? php
// }
print '</ul></div>' . " \n " ;
* Display RSSized list
* daryl hawes note : what the heck does this do ? What is the $list var ?
* it ' s called from tb . php if mode == rss
function blog_tb_rss ( $id ) {
$list = blog_list_trackbacks ( $id );
* Fetch urls in entry and attempt to auto - discover a TB link
function blog_tb_autodiscover ( $text ) {
global $CFG ;
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/rsslib.php' ); //for rss_unhtmlentities()
include_once ( 'class.HttpClient.php' );
preg_match_all ( " /(((http(s?): \ / \ /)|(www \ .))([ \ - \ _ \ w \ . \ / \ # \ ? \ + \ & \ = \ % \ ;]+))/i " , $text , $matches );
$tb_urls = array ();
// echo "Debug: blog_tb_autodiscover - matches:<br />"; //debug
// print_object($matches[0]); //debug
foreach ( $matches [ 0 ] as $url ) {
$contents = HttpClient :: quickGet ( $url );
// echo "Debug: contents from quick get: $contents<br />"; //debug
if ( preg_match_all ( " /(<rdf:RDF.*?< \ /rdf:RDF>)/si " , $contents , $m )) {
foreach ( $m [ 0 ] as $rdf ) {
preg_match ( " /dc:identifier= \" ([^ \" ]+) \" / " , $rdf , $m2 );
if ( rss_unhtmlentities ( $m2 [ 1 ]) == $url ) {
if ( preg_match ( " /trackback:ping= \" ([^ \" ]+) \" / " , $rdf , $m3 )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $m3 [ 1 ], $tb_urls )) {
array_push ( $tb_urls , $m3 [ 1 ]);
return $tb_urls ;
function blog_tblink ( $id , $date , & $blogEntry ) {
$tblist = blog_list_trackbacks ( $id );
$count = blog_array_count ( $tblist );
$post_link = $blogEntry -> get_simple_entry_link ();
$msg = '<a href="' . $post_link . '">' . get_string ( 'trackbacks' , 'blog' ) . '(' . $count . ')</a>' ;
return $msg ;
/////////////////////// CATEGORY MANAGEMENT ////////////////////////////////////
* called by blog_category_list
* @ return string html links for each category
function blog_get_html_display_for_categories ( & $blogFilter , $shownumentries , & $records , $showseparators , $title , $section ) {
global $CFG , $editing ;
$returnstring = '' ;
if ( $showseparators ) {
//first show a separator if requested
$returnstring .= $title . '<br />' . " \n " ;
$editallowed = false ;
if ( $editing ) {
$isteacher = false ;
if ( isset ( $blogFilter -> courseid )) {
$isteacher = isteacher ( $blogFilter -> courseid );
if ( isadmin () ) {
// admin is allowed to edit any categories on the site
$editallowed = true ;
} else if ( ( $section == 'course' || $section == 'group' ) && $isteacher ) {
// teacher of course can modify course categories and group categories
$editallowed = true ;
} else if ( $section == 'personal' && blog_is_blog_admin ( $blogFilter -> userid ) ) {
// user can modify their own blog categories
$editallowed = true ;
if ( ! isset ( $records ) ) {
return ;
foreach ( $records as $record ) {
$catcount = '' ;
$categoryid = $record -> id ;
$categoryname = $record -> catname ;
if ( $shownumentries ) {
$tempfilter =& new BlogFilter ( '' , $categoryid );
$catcount = ' (' ;
$catcount .= $tempfilter -> get_filtered_entry_count ();
$catcount .= ')' ;
$blogFilter -> categoryid = $categoryid ;
$returnstring .= $blogFilter -> get_complete_link ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/index.php' , stripslashes_safe ( $categoryname ) . $catcount );
if ( $editallowed ) {
// note that only the 'act' and 'categoryid' vars are needed here because the me() function includes the
// existing query string
$returnstring .= ' <a href="' . me () . '&act=editcategory&categoryid=' . $categoryid . '">' ;
$returnstring .= '<img src="' . $CFG -> pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" alt="' . get_string ( 'edit' );
$returnstring .= '" title="' . get_string ( 'edit' ) . '" align="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" /></a>' . " \n " ;
if ( $categoryid != 1 ) { //do not remove "General" sitewide category
$returnstring .= ' <a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/admin.php?act=delcategory&categoryid=' . $categoryid ;
$returnstring .= '&userid=' . $blogFilter -> userid . '&courseid=' . $blogFilter -> courseid . '&groupid=' . $blogFilter -> groupid . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . get_string ( 'confirmcategorydelete' , 'blog' ) . '\');">' ;
$returnstring .= '<img src="' . $CFG -> pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" ALT="' . get_string ( 'delete' );
$returnstring .= '" title="' . get_string ( 'delete' ) . '" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></a>' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<br />' . " \n " ;
return $returnstring ;
function blog_get_popup_display_for_categories ( & $blogFilter , $format , $shownumentries , & $records ) {
global $CFG ;
if ( ! isset ( $records ) ) {
return ;
$returnstring = '' ;
foreach ( $records as $record ) {
if ( $format == 2 ) {
$value = $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blog/index.php?categoryid=' . $record -> id ;
$value .= '&userid=' . $blogFilter -> userid . '&courseid=' . $blogFilter -> courseid . '&groupid=' . $blogFilter -> groupid ;
} else {
$value = $record -> id ;
$returnstring .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' ;
if ( $record -> id == $blogFilter -> categoryid ) {
$returnstring .= ' selected' ;
$catcount = '' ;
$categoryid = $record -> id ;
$categoryname = $record -> catname ;
if ( $shownumentries ) {
$tempfilter =& new BlogFilter ( '' , $categoryid );
$tempfilter -> userid = $blogFilter -> userid ;
$catcount = ' (' ;
//if we had an array of blogentry objects we could avoid a database call
//and instead simply ask the blogentry objects to tell us which apply
$catcount .= $tempfilter -> get_filtered_entry_count ();
$catcount .= ')' ;
$returnstring .= '>' . " \n " . stripslashes_safe ( $categoryname ) . $catcount . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '</option>' ;
return $returnstring ;