
145 lines
6.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<?php // $Id$
$string['modulename'] = 'SCORM/AICC';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'SCORMs/AICCs';
$string['asset'] = 'Asset';
2006-09-29 06:20:53 +00:00
$string['assetlaunched'] = 'Asset - Viewed';
$string['autocontinue'] = 'Auto-Continue';
$string['browse'] = 'Preview';
$string['browsed'] = 'Browsed';
$string['browsemode'] = 'Preview Mode';
$string['chooseapacket'] = 'Choose or update a package';
2006-08-11 13:11:53 +00:00
$string['browserepository'] = 'Browse repository';
$string['completed'] = 'Completed';
$string['coursestruct'] = 'Course structure';
$string['coursepacket'] = 'Course package';
$string['entercourse'] = 'Enter course';
$string['failed'] = 'Failed';
$string['gradeaverage'] = 'Average grade';
$string['gradehighest'] = 'Highest grade';
$string['grademethod'] = 'Grading method';
2006-06-08 15:16:14 +00:00
$string['gradescoes'] = 'Learning Objects';
$string['gradesum'] = 'Sum grade';
$string['incomplete'] = 'Incomplete';
$string['next'] = 'Continue';
$string['noreports'] = 'No report to display';
$string['normal'] = 'Normal';
$string['notattempted'] = 'Not attempted';
$string['mode'] = 'Mode';
$string['organizations'] = 'Organizations';
$string['organization'] = 'Organization';
$string['passed'] = 'Passed';
$string['prev'] = 'Previous';
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['review'] = 'Review';
$string['scoes'] = 'Learning Objects';
$string['score'] = 'Score';
2006-09-24 14:20:44 +00:00
$string['scorm:viewreport'] = 'View reports';
$string['scorm:savetrack'] = 'Save tracks';
$string['scorm:viewscores'] = 'View scores';
$string['viewallreports'] = 'View reports for $a attempts';
$string['display'] = 'Display package';
$string['expcoll'] = 'Expand/Collide';
$string['exit'] = 'Exit from course';
$string['details'] = 'Track details';
$string['hidebrowse'] = 'Disable preview mode';
$string['frameheight'] = 'This preference set the default height for stage frame or window';
$string['framewidth'] = 'This preference set the default width for stage frame or window';
$string['stagesize'] = 'Stage size';
$string['width'] = 'Width';
$string['height'] = 'Height';
$string['trackingloose'] = 'WARNING: The tracking data of this package will be lost!';
2006-09-29 06:20:53 +00:00
$string['confirmloosetracks'] = 'WARNING: The package seems to be changed or modified. If the package structure is changed, some users tracks may be lost during update process.';
$string['iframe'] = 'Current window';
$string['iframedisplay'] = 'Open package in the current window';
$string['popup'] = 'New window';
$string['popupopen'] = 'Open package in a new window';
$string['totaltime'] = 'Time';
$string['noactivity'] = 'Nothing to report';
$string['firstaccess'] = 'First access';
$string['lastaccess'] = 'Last access';
$string['scormcourse'] = 'Learning Course';
2006-06-08 15:16:14 +00:00
$string['advanced'] = 'Parameters';
$string['window'] = 'Window';
$string['hidetoc'] = 'Course structure display (TOC)';
$string['hidenav'] = 'Hide navigation buttons';
$string['noprerequisites'] = 'Sorry but you don\'t reach enough prerequisites to access this learning object';
$string['element'] = 'Element';
$string['value'] = 'Value';
$string['raw'] = 'Raw score';
$string['min'] = 'Min score';
$string['max'] = 'Max score';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['time'] = 'Time';
$string['general'] = 'General data';
$string['identifier'] = 'Question Identifier';
$string['type'] = 'Type';
$string['result'] = 'Result';
$string['student_response'] = 'Response';
$string['interactions'] = 'Interactions';
$string['objectives'] = 'Objectives';
$string['othertracks'] = 'Other Tracks';
$string['directories'] = 'Show the directory links';
$string['fullscreen'] = 'Fill the whole screen';
$string['location'] = 'Show the location bar';
$string['menubar'] = 'Show the menu bar';
$string['resizable'] = 'Allow the window to be resized';
$string['scrollbars'] = 'Allow the window to be scrolled';
$string['statusbar'] = 'Show the status bar';
$string['toolbar'] = 'Show the toolbar';
$string['reviewmode'] = 'Review Mode';
$string['noscriptnoscorm'] = 'Your browser does not support javascript or it has javascript support disabled. No tracks will recorded.';
$string['maximumattempts'] = 'Number of attempts';
$string['newattempt'] = 'Start a new attempt';
$string['sided'] = 'On the left side';
$string['popupmenu'] = 'In a drop down menu';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
2006-03-07 10:03:36 +00:00
$string['attempt'] = 'attempt';
$string['attempts'] = 'attempts';
$string['nolimit'] = 'Unlimited attempts';
$string['averageattempt'] = 'Average attempts';
$string['highestattempt'] = 'Highest attempt';
$string['lastattempt'] = 'Last attempt';
$string['firstattempt'] = 'First attempt';
$string['whatgrade'] = 'Attempts grading';
2006-09-29 06:20:53 +00:00
$string['started'] = 'Started on';
$string['last'] = 'Last accessed on';
$string['title'] = 'Title';
$string['skipview'] = 'Student skip content structure page';
$string['hidereview'] = 'Hide review button';
$string['hideexit'] = 'Hide exit link';
$string['suspended'] = 'Suspended';
// Validation
2006-09-29 06:20:53 +00:00
$string['badpackage'] ='There are some problems with the given package. Check it and try again.';
$string['attr_error'] = 'Bad value for attribute ($a->attr) in tag $a->tag.';
$string['badmanifest'] ='Some manifest errors: see errors log';
$string['datadir'] = 'Filesystem Error: Can\'t create course data directory';
$string['errorlogs'] = 'Errors log';
$string['found'] = 'Manifest found';
$string['no_attributes'] = 'Tag $a->tag must have attributes';
$string['no_children'] = 'Tag $a->tag must have children';
$string['nomanifest'] = 'Manifest not found';
$string['not_corr_type'] = 'Type mismatch for tag $a->tag';
$string['missing_attribute'] = 'Missing attribute $a->attr in tag $a->tag';
$string['missing_tag'] = 'Missing tag $a->tag';
$string['packagedir'] = 'Filesystem Error: Can\'t create package directory';
$string['packagefile'] = 'No package file specified';
$string['php5'] = 'PHP 5 (DOMXML native library)';
$string['position_error'] = 'The $a->tag tag can\'t be child of $a->parent tag';
$string['regular'] = 'Regular Manifest';
$string['syntax'] = 'Syntax error';
$string['tag_error'] = 'Unknown tag ($a->tag) with this content: $a->value';
$string['too_many_attributes'] = 'Tag $a->tag has too many attributes';
$string['too_many_children'] = 'Tag $a->tag has too many children';
$string['domxml'] = 'DOMXML external library';
$string['validateascorm'] = 'Validate a package';
$string['validation'] = 'Validation result';
$string['validationtype'] = 'This preference set the DOMXML library used for validating SCORM Manifest. If you don\'t know leave the selected choice.';
$string['versionwarning'] = 'The manifest version is older than 1.3, warning at $a->tag tag';