2005-02-24 02:36:45 +00:00
<?php //$Id$
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
function mimeinfo($element, $filename) {
$mimeinfo = array (
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
'xxx' => array ('type'=>'document/unknown', 'icon'=>'unknown.gif'),
'3gp' => array ('type'=>'video/quicktime', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'ai' => array ('type'=>'application/postscript', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'aif' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-aiff', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'aiff' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-aiff', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'aifc' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-aiff', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'applescript' => array ('type'=>'text/plain', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'asc' => array ('type'=>'text/plain', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'au' => array ('type'=>'audio/au', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'avi' => array ('type'=>'video/x-ms-wm', 'icon'=>'avi.gif'),
'bmp' => array ('type'=>'image/bmp', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'cct' => array ('type'=>'shockwave/director', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'cs' => array ('type'=>'application/x-csh', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'css' => array ('type'=>'text/css', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'dv' => array ('type'=>'video/x-dv', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'doc' => array ('type'=>'application/msword', 'icon'=>'word.gif'),
'dcr' => array ('type'=>'application/x-director', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'dif' => array ('type'=>'video/x-dv', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'dir' => array ('type'=>'application/x-director', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'dxr' => array ('type'=>'application/x-director', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'eps' => array ('type'=>'application/postscript', 'icon'=>'pdf.gif'),
'gif' => array ('type'=>'image/gif', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'gtar' => array ('type'=>'application/x-gtar', 'icon'=>'zip.gif'),
'gz' => array ('type'=>'application/g-zip', 'icon'=>'zip.gif'),
'gzip' => array ('type'=>'application/g-zip', 'icon'=>'zip.gif'),
'h' => array ('type'=>'text/plain', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'hqx' => array ('type'=>'application/mac-binhex40', 'icon'=>'zip.gif'),
'html' => array ('type'=>'text/html', 'icon'=>'html.gif'),
'htm' => array ('type'=>'text/html', 'icon'=>'html.gif'),
'jpe' => array ('type'=>'image/jpeg', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'jpeg' => array ('type'=>'image/jpeg', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'jpg' => array ('type'=>'image/jpeg', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'js' => array ('type'=>'application/x-javascript', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'latex'=> array ('type'=>'application/x-latex', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'm' => array ('type'=>'text/plain', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'mov' => array ('type'=>'video/quicktime', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'movie'=> array ('type'=>'video/x-sgi-movie', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'm3u' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-mpegurl', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'mp3' => array ('type'=>'audio/mp3', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'mp4' => array ('type'=>'video/mp4', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'mpeg' => array ('type'=>'video/mpeg', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'mpe' => array ('type'=>'video/mpeg', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'mpg' => array ('type'=>'video/mpeg', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'pct' => array ('type'=>'image/pict', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'pdf' => array ('type'=>'application/pdf', 'icon'=>'pdf.gif'),
'php' => array ('type'=>'text/plain', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'pic' => array ('type'=>'image/pict', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'pict' => array ('type'=>'image/pict', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'png' => array ('type'=>'image/png', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'pps' => array ('type'=>'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'icon'=>'powerpoint.gif'),
'ppt' => array ('type'=>'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'icon'=>'powerpoint.gif'),
'ps' => array ('type'=>'application/postscript', 'icon'=>'pdf.gif'),
'qt' => array ('type'=>'video/quicktime', 'icon'=>'video.gif'),
'ra' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-realaudio', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'ram' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'rm' => array ('type'=>'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'rtf' => array ('type'=>'text/rtf', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'rtx' => array ('type'=>'text/richtext', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'sh' => array ('type'=>'application/x-sh', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'sit' => array ('type'=>'application/x-stuffit', 'icon'=>'zip.gif'),
'smi' => array ('type'=>'application/smil', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'smil' => array ('type'=>'application/smil', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'swa' => array ('type'=>'application/x-director', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'swf' => array ('type'=>'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'swfl' => array ('type'=>'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'icon'=>'flash.gif'),
'tar' => array ('type'=>'application/x-tar', 'icon'=>'zip.gif'),
'tif' => array ('type'=>'image/tiff', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'tiff' => array ('type'=>'image/tiff', 'icon'=>'image.gif'),
'tex' => array ('type'=>'application/x-tex', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'texi' => array ('type'=>'application/x-texinfo', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'texinfo' => array ('type'=>'application/x-texinfo', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'tsv' => array ('type'=>'text/tab-separated-values', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'txt' => array ('type'=>'text/plain', 'icon'=>'text.gif'),
'wav' => array ('type'=>'audio/wav', 'icon'=>'audio.gif'),
'wmv' => array ('type'=>'video/x-ms-wmv', 'icon'=>'avi.gif'),
'asf' => array ('type'=>'video/x-ms-asf', 'icon'=>'avi.gif'),
'xls' => array ('type'=>'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'icon'=>'excel.gif'),
'xml' => array ('type'=>'application/xml', 'icon'=>'xml.gif'),
'xsl' => array ('type'=>'text/xml', 'icon'=>'xml.gif'),
'zip' => array ('type'=>'application/zip', 'icon'=>'zip.gif')
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
if (eregi('\.([a-z0-9]+)$', $filename, $match)) {
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
if (isset($mimeinfo[strtolower($match[1])][$element])) {
return $mimeinfo[strtolower($match[1])][$element];
} else {
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
return $mimeinfo['xxx'][$element]; // By default
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
} else {
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
return $mimeinfo['xxx'][$element]; // By default
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
function send_file($path, $filename, $lifetime=86400 , $filter=false, $pathisstring=false) {
$mimetype = mimeinfo('type', $filename);
$lastmodified = $pathisstring ? time() : filemtime($path);
$filesize = $pathisstring ? strlen($path) : filesize($path);
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
@header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $lastmodified) .' GMT');
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
if ($lifetime > 0) {
@header('Cache-control: max-age='.$lifetime);
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
@header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $lifetime) .'GMT');
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
@header('Pragma: ');
} else {
// this part is tricky, displaying of MS Office documents in IE needs
// to store the file on disk, but no-cache may prevent it
@header('Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=10');
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
@header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .'GMT');
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
@header('Pragma: no-cache');
@header('Accept-Ranges: none'); // PDF compatibility
@header('Content-disposition: inline; filename='.$filename);
if (!$filter) {
@header('Content-length: '.$filesize);
if ($mimetype == 'text/plain') {
@header('Content-type: text/plain; charset='.get_string('thischarset')); //add encoding
} else {
@header('Content-type: '.$mimetype);
if ($pathisstring) {
echo $path;
}else {
} else { // Try to put the file through filters
2005-03-07 11:42:52 +00:00
global $course; // HACK!
2005-03-07 11:32:03 +00:00
if (!empty($course->id)) {
$courseid = $course->id;
} else {
$courseid = SITEID;
if ($mimetype == 'text/html') {
$options->noclean = true;
$text = $pathisstring ? $path : implode('', file($path));
$output = format_text($text, FORMAT_HTML, $options, $courseid);
@header('Content-length: '.strlen($output));
@header('Content-type: text/html');
echo $output;
} else if ($mimetype == 'text/plain') {
$options->newlines = false;
$options->noclean = true;
$text = htmlentities($pathisstring ? $path : implode('', file($path)));
$output = '<pre>'. format_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options, $courseid) .'</pre>';
@header('Content-length: '.strlen($output));
@header('Content-type: text/html; charset='. get_string('thischarset')); //add encoding
echo $output;
} else { // Just send it out raw
@header('Content-length: '.$filesize);
@header('Content-type: '.$mimetype);
if ($pathisstring) {
echo $path;
}else {
die; //no more chars to output!!!
2005-02-25 02:06:42 +00:00
function get_records_csv($file, $table) {
2005-02-24 02:36:45 +00:00
global $CFG, $db;
if (!$metacolumns = $db->MetaColumns($CFG->prefix . $table)) {
return false;
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00
if(!($handle = @fopen($file, 'r'))) {
2005-02-24 02:36:45 +00:00
error('get_records_csv failed to open '.$file);
$fieldnames = fgetcsv($handle, 4096);
if(empty($fieldnames)) {
return false;
$columns = array();
foreach($metacolumns as $metacolumn) {
$ord = array_search($metacolumn->name, $fieldnames);
if(is_int($ord)) {
$columns[$metacolumn->name] = $ord;
$rows = array();
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 4096)) !== false) {
$item = new stdClass;
foreach($columns as $name => $ord) {
$item->$name = $data[$ord];
$rows[] = $item;
return $rows;
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00
function put_records_csv($file, $records, $table = NULL) {
global $CFG, $db;
if(empty($records)) {
return true;
$metacolumns = NULL;
if ($table !== NULL && !$metacolumns = $db->MetaColumns($CFG->prefix . $table)) {
return false;
if(!($fp = @fopen($CFG->dataroot.'/temp/'.$file, 'w'))) {
error('put_records_csv failed to open '.$file);
2005-02-25 02:06:42 +00:00
$proto = reset($records);
if(is_object($proto)) {
$fields_records = array_keys(get_object_vars($proto));
else if(is_array($proto)) {
$fields_records = array_keys($proto);
else {
return false;
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00
if(!empty($metacolumns)) {
$fields_table = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->name;'), $metacolumns);
$fields = array_intersect($fields_records, $fields_table);
else {
$fields = $fields_records;
fwrite($fp, implode(',', $fields));
fwrite($fp, "\r\n");
foreach($records as $record) {
2005-02-25 02:06:42 +00:00
$array = (array)$record;
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00
$values = array();
foreach($fields as $field) {
2005-02-25 02:06:42 +00:00
if(strpos($array[$field], ',')) {
$values[] = '"'.str_replace('"', '\"', $array[$field]).'"';
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00
else {
2005-02-25 02:06:42 +00:00
$values[] = $array[$field];
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00
fwrite($fp, implode(',', $values)."\r\n");
return true;
2005-02-25 02:46:05 +00:00
if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
function file_get_contents($file) {
$file = file($file);
return !$file ? false : implode('', $file);
2005-02-25 01:54:06 +00:00