2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
< ? PHP // $Id$
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
// lesson.php - created with Moodle 1.2.1 (2004032500)
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'actionaftercorrectanswer' ] = 'Akce po spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> di' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'addabranchtable' ] = 'P<> idat rozcestn<74> k' ;
$string [ 'addanendofbranch' ] = 'P<> idat konec cesty' ;
$string [ 'addaquestionpage' ] = 'P<> idat str<74> nku s ot<6F> zkou' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'answer' ] = 'Odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'answersfornumerical' ] = 'Odpov<6F> di na numerick<63> ot<6F> zky by m<> l tvo<76> it p<> r nejmen<65> <6E> a nejv<6A> t<EFBFBD> <74> mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> hodnoty' ;
$string [ 'attempt' ] = 'Pokus: $a' ;
$string [ 'attempts' ] = 'Pokus<75> ' ;
$string [ 'available' ] = 'Dostupn<70> od' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'branchtable' ] = 'Rozcestn<74> k' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'canretake' ] = '$a m<> <6D> e proj<6F> t znovu' ;
$string [ 'casesensitive' ] = 'Na mal<61> ch/VELK<4C> CH z<> le<6C> <65> ' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'checkbranchtable' ] = 'Zkontrolovat rozcestn<74> k' ;
$string [ 'checknavigation' ] = 'Zkontrolovat navigaci' ;
$string [ 'checkquestion' ] = 'Zkontrolovat ot<6F> zku' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'confirmdeletionofthispage' ] = 'Potvr<76> te odstran<61> n<EFBFBD> t<> to str<74> nky' ;
$string [ 'congratulations' ] = 'Gratulujeme - dos<6F> hli jste konce p<> edn<64> <6E> ky' ;
$string [ 'continue' ] = 'Pokra<72> ovat' ;
$string [ 'deadline' ] = 'Uz<55> v<EFBFBD> rka' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'deleting' ] = 'Odstra<72> ov<6F> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'deletingpage' ] = 'Odstran<61> n<EFBFBD> str<74> nky: $a' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'description' ] = 'Popis' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'displayofgrade' ] = 'Zobrazit student<6E> m body' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'endofbranch' ] = 'Konec cesty' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'endoflesson' ] = 'Konec p<> edn<64> <6E> ky' ;
$string [ 'fileformat' ] = 'Form<72> t souboru' ;
$string [ 'firstanswershould' ] = 'Prvn<76> odpov<6F> <76> by m<> la sko<6B> it na "spr<70> vnou" str<74> nku' ;
$string [ 'gradeis' ] = 'Po<50> et bod<6F> : ' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'here' ] = 'Zde' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'importquestions' ] = 'Importovat ot<6F> zky' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'jump' ] = 'P<> ej<65> t na' ;
$string [ 'maximumnumberofanswersbranches' ] = 'Nejv<6A> t<EFBFBD> <74> mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> po<70> et odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> /cest' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'maximumnumberofattempts' ] = 'Nejv<6A> t<EFBFBD> <74> mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> po<70> et pokus<75> ' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'minimumnumberofquestions' ] = 'Nejmen<65> <6E> mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> po<70> et ot<6F> zek' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'modulename' ] = 'P<> edn<64> <6E> ka' ;
$string [ 'modulenameplural' ] = 'P<> edn<64> <6E> ky' ;
$string [ 'movepagehere' ] = 'P<> esunout str<74> nku sem' ;
$string [ 'moving' ] = 'P<> esun str<74> nky: $a' ;
$string [ 'movingtonextpage' ] = 'P<> esun na dal<61> <6C> str<74> nku' ;
$string [ 'multipleanswer' ] = 'V<> cen<65> sobn<62> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'nextpage' ] = 'Dal<61> <6C> str<74> nka' ;
$string [ 'noanswer' ] = 'Nebyla d<> na <20> <> dn<64> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'noattemptrecordsfound' ] = 'Nenalezeny <20> <> dn<64> z<> znamy o pokusech: nebodov<6F> no' ;
$string [ 'normal' ] = 'Norm<72> ln<6C> - n<> sleduj pl<70> n p<> edn<64> <6E> ky' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'notdefined' ] = 'Nen<65> definov<6F> no' ;
$string [ 'notitle' ] = 'Bez n<> zvu' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'numberofcorrectanswers' ] = 'Po<50> et spr<70> vn<76> ch odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> : $a' ;
$string [ 'numberofcorrectmatches' ] = 'Po<50> et spr<70> vn<76> ch p<> i<EFBFBD> azen<65> : $a' ;
$string [ 'numberofpagestoshow' ] = 'Po<50> et str<74> nek k zobrazen<65> :' ;
$string [ 'numberofpagesviewed' ] = 'Po<50> et prohl<68> dnut<75> ch str<74> nek: $a' ;
$string [ 'ordered' ] = 'Se<53> azeno' ;
$string [ 'outof' ] = 'maximum $a' ;
$string [ 'page' ] = 'Str<74> nka: $a' ;
$string [ 'pagecontents' ] = 'Obsah str<74> nky' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'pages' ] = 'Str<74> nky' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'pagetitle' ] = 'N<> zev str<74> nky' ;
$string [ 'pleasecheckoneanswer' ] = 'Pros<6F> m, zkontrolujte jednu odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'pleasecheckoneormoreanswers' ] = 'Pros<6F> m, zkontrolujte jednu nebo v<> ce odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'pleaseenteryouranswerinthebox' ] = 'Pros<6F> m, vlo<6C> te va<76> i odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'pleasematchtheabovepairs' ] = 'Pros<6F> m, p<> i<EFBFBD> a<EFBFBD> te odpov<6F> daj<61> c<EFBFBD> p<> ry' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'questionoption' ] = 'Volba ot<6F> zky' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'questiontype' ] = 'Typ ot<6F> zky' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'reached' ] = 'dosa<73> eno' ;
$string [ 'redisplaypage' ] = 'Znovuzobrazit str<74> nku' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'response' ] = 'Reakce' ;
$string [ 'sanitycheckfailed' ] = 'Selhala kontrola: Tento pokus byl odstran<61> n' ;
$string [ 'savepage' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it str<74> nku' ;
$string [ 'showanunansweredpage' ] = 'Uk<55> zat nezodpov<6F> zenou str<74> nku' ;
$string [ 'showanunseenpage' ] = 'Uk<55> zat neprohl<68> dnut<75> str<74> nky' ;
$string [ 'singleanswer' ] = 'Jedin<69> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'thatsthecorrectanswer' ] = 'To je spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'thatsthewronganswer' ] = 'To je <20> patn<74> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'thefollowingpagesjumptothispage' ] = 'N<> sleduj<75> c<EFBFBD> str<74> nky odkazuj<75> na tuto str<74> nku' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'thispage' ] = 'Tato str<74> nka' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'useeditor' ] = 'Pou<6F> <75> t editor' ;
$string [ 'usemaximum' ] = 'Pou<6F> <75> t maximum' ;
$string [ 'usemean' ] = 'Pou<6F> <75> t st<73> edn<64> hodnotu' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'youhaveseen' ] = 'N<> kter<65> ze str<74> nek t<> to p<> edn<64> <6E> ky jste ji<6A> vid<69> li.<br />Chcete za<7A> <61> t na posledn<64> str<74> nce, kterou jste nav<61> t<EFBFBD> vili?' ;
$string [ 'youranswer' ] = 'Va<56> e odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2004-04-27 17:49:20 +00:00
$string [ 'yourcurrentgradeis' ] = 'St<53> vaj<61> c<EFBFBD> po<70> et bod<6F> : $a' ;
$string [ 'youshouldview' ] = 'M<> li byste vid<69> t: $a' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00