$string['casesensitive']='This entry is case sensitive';
$string['categorydeleted']='Category deleted';
$string['categoryview']='Browse by category';
$string['cnfallowcomments']='Define if a glossary will accept comments on entries by default';
$string['cnfallowdupentries']='Define if a glossary will allows duplicated entries by default';
$string['cnfapprovalstatus']='Define the approval status by default of an entry posted by a student';
$string['cnfcasesensitive']='Define if an entry, when linked, is case sensitive by default';
$string['cnfdefaulthook']='Select the default selection to show when the glossary is first viewed';
$string['cnfdefaultmode']='Select the default frame to show when the glossary is first viewed.';
$string['cnffullmatch']='Define if an entry, when linked, should match the case in the target text by default';
$string['cnflinkentry']='Define if an entry should be automatically linked by default';
$string['cnflinkglossaries']='Define if a glossary should be automatically linked by default';
$string['cnfrelatedview']='Select the display format to be used for automatic linking and entry view.';
$string['cnfshowgroup']='Specify if the group break should be shown or not.';
$string['cnfsortkey']='Select the sorting key by default.';
$string['cnfsortorder']='Select the sorting order by default.';
$string['cnfstudentcanpost']='Define if the students can or cannot post entries by default';
$string['commentdeleted']='The comment has been deleted.';
$string['commentson']='Comments on';
$string['commentupdated']='The comment has been updated.';
$string['configenablerssfeeds']='This switch will enable the possibility of RSS feeds for all glosaries. You will still need to turn feeds on manually in the settings for each glossary.';
$string['currentglossary']='Current glossary';
$string['dateview']='Browse by date';
$string['defaultapproval']='Approved by default';
$string['deleteentry']='Delete entry';
$string['deletingcomment']='Deleting comment';
$string['deletingnoneemptycategory']='Deleting this category will not delete the entries it contains - they will be marked as uncategorised.';
$string['displayformat']='Display format';
$string['displayformatcontinuous']='Continuous without author';
$string['explainexport']='Click on the button below to export glossary entries.<br />You can import it anytime you wish in this or other course.<p>Please note that attachments (e.g. images) and authors are not exported.</p>';
$string['explainimport']='You must specify the file to import and define the criteria of the process.<p>Submit your request and review the results.</p>';
$string['explainspecial']='Shows entries that do not begin with a letter';