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<?php // $Id$
$CFG->enrol_localcoursefield = 'idnumber';
class enrolment_plugin extends enrolment_base {
var $log;
/// Leave get_teacher_courses() function unchanged for the time being
/// Leave cron() function unchanged
/// Overide the base get_student_courses() function
function get_student_courses(&$user) {
global $CFG;
parent::get_student_courses($user); // populate known enrolments
$this->get_user_courses($user, 'student');
return parent::get_student_courses($user);
/// Overide the base get_teacher_courses() function
function get_teacher_courses(&$user) {
global $CFG;
parent::get_teacher_courses($user); // populate known enrolments
$this->get_user_courses($user, 'teacher');
return parent::get_teacher_courses($user);
/// Overide the base get_student_courses() function
function get_user_courses(&$user, $type) {
global $CFG;
if(!isset($type) || !($type =='student' || $type =='teacher' )){
error("Bad call to get_user_courses()!");
// Connect to the external database
$ldap_connection = $this->enrol_ldap_connect();
if (!$ldap_connection) {
error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url");
return false;
// we are connected OK, continue...
/// Find a record in the external database that matches the local course field and local user field
/// to the respective remote fields
$enrolments = $this->find_ext_enrolments( $ldap_connection,
$user->idnumber ,
foreach ($enrolments as $enrol){
$course_ext_id = $enrol[$CFG->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber][0];
error_log("The course external id is invalid!\n");
continue; // next; skip this one!
// create the course ir required
$course_obj = get_record( 'course',
$course_ext_id );
if (empty($course_obj)){ // course doesn't exist
if($CFG->enrol_ldap_autocreate){ // autocreate
error_log("CREATE User $user->username enrolled to a nonexistant course $course_ext_id \n");
$newcourseid = $this->create_course($enrol);
$course_obj = get_record( 'course',
} else {
error_log("User $user->username enrolled to a nonexistant course $course_ext_id \n");
} else { // the course object exists before we call...
if ($courseobj->visible==0) {
// non-visible courses don't show up in the enrolled
// array, so we should skip them --
// deal with enrolment in the moodle db
if (!empty($course_obj)) { // does course exist now?
unset($user->{$type}[$course_obj->id]); // remove from old list
} else {
if ($type === 'student') { // enrol
error_log("Enrolling student $user->id ($user->username) in course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname) ");
if (! enrol_student($user->id, $course_obj->id, NULL,NULL, 'ldap')){
error_log("Failed to enrol student $user->id ($user->username) into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)");
} else if ($type === 'teacher') {
error_log("Enrolling teacher $user->id ($user->username) in course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)");
add_teacher($user->id, $course_obj->id, NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,'ldap');
// ok, if there's any thing still left in the $user->student or $user->teacher
// array, those are old enrolments that we want to remove (or are they?)
$courses = array_keys($user->{$type});
foreach ($courses as $courseid){
// get the record if it's ldap
$rec = get_record('user_' . $type . 's', 'userid', $user->id, 'course', $courseid, 'enrol', 'ldap');
if(!empty($rec)){ // this was a legacy
if ($type === 'student') { // enrol
unenrol_student($user->id, $courseid);
} else if ($type === 'teacher') {
remove_teacher($user->id, $courseid);
return true;
/// sync enrolments with ldap, create courses if required.
function sync_enrolments($type, $enrol) {
global $CFG;
if(!isset($type) || !($type =='student' || $type =='teacher' )){
error("Bad call to get_all_courses()!");
$table = array( 'teacher' => 'user_teachers',
'student' => 'user_students');
// Connect to the external database
$ldap_connection = $this->enrol_ldap_connect();
if (!$ldap_connection) {
error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url");
return false;
// we are connected OK, continue...
//get all contexts and look for first matching user
$ldap_contexts = explode(";",$CFG->{'enrol_ldap_'.$type.'_contexts'});
// get all the fields we will want for the potential course creation
// as they are light. don't get membership -- potentially a lot of data.
$ldap_fields_wanted = array( 'dn', $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_fullname)){
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_fullname);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_shortname)){
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_shortname);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_summary)){
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_summary);
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->{'enrol_ldap_'.$type.'_memberattribute'});
// define the search pattern
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_objectclass)){
} else {
// first, pack the sortorder...
foreach ($ldap_contexts as $context) {
$context == trim($context);
if ($CFG->enrol_ldap_search_sub){
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection,
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection,
// check and push results
$records = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection,$ldap_result);
// ldap libraries return an odd array, really. fix it:
for ($c=0;$c<$records['count'];$c++) {
array_push($flat_records, $records["$c"]);
// free mem -- is there a leak?
$records=0; $ldap_result=0;
if (count($flat_records)) {
foreach($flat_records as $course){
$idnumber = $course{$CFG->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber}[0];
print "== Synching $idnumber\n";
// does the course exist in moodle already?
$course_obj = false;
$course_obj = get_record( 'course',
$idnumber );
if (!is_object($course_obj)) {
// ok, now then let's create it!
print "Creating Course $idnumber...";
$newcourseid = $this->create_course($course, true); // we are skipping fix_course_sortorder()
$course_obj = get_record( 'course', 'id', $newcourseid);
if (is_object($course_obj)) {
print "OK!\n";
} else {
print "failed\n";
// enrol&unenrol if required
if($enrol && is_object($course_obj)){
// pull the ldap membership into a nice array
// this is an odd array -- mix of hash and array --
if(!empty($course{ strtolower($CFG->{'enrol_ldap_'.$type.'_memberattribute'} ) })){ // may have no membership!
$ldapmembers = $course{ strtolower($CFG->{'enrol_ldap_'.$type.'_memberattribute'} ) };
unset($ldapmembers{'count'}); // remove oddity ;)
// prune old ldap enrolments
// hopefully they'll fit in the max buffer size for the RDBMS
$sql = ' SELECT enr.userid AS user, 1
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . $table{$type} . ' enr ' .
' JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user usr ON ' .
" WHERE course=$course_obj->id
AND enrol='ldap' ";
if (!empty($ldapmembers)) {
$sql .= 'AND usr.idnumber NOT IN (\''. join('\',\'', $ldapmembers).'\')';
} else {
print ("Empty enrolment for $course_obj->shortname \n");
$todelete = get_records_sql($sql);
foreach ($todelete as $member) {
$member = $member->{'user'};
if (unenrol_student($member, $course_obj->id)){
print "Unenrolled $type $member into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
} else {
print "Failed to unenrol $type $member into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
} else {
if (remove_teacher($member, $course_obj->id)){
print "Unenrolled $type $member into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
} else {
print "Failed to unenrol $type $member into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
// insert current enrolments
// bad we can't do INSERT IGNORE with postgres...
foreach ($ldapmembers as $ldapmember) {
$sql = 'SELECT id,1 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user '
." WHERE idnumber='$ldapmember'";
$member = get_record_sql($sql);
// print "sql: $sql \nidnumber = $ldapmember \n" . var_dump($member);
$member = $member->id;
print "Could not find user $ldapmember, skipping\n";
if (!get_record($table{$type}, 'course', $course_obj->id,
'userid', $member, 'enrol', 'ldap')){
if($type === 'student'){
if (enrol_student($member, $course_obj->id, NULL,NULL, 'ldap')){
print "Enrolled $type $member ($ldapmember) into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
} else {
print "Failed to enrol $type $member ($ldapmember) into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
} else { // teacher
if (add_teacher($member, $course_obj->id, NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,'ldap')){
print "Enrolled $type $member ($ldapmember) into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
} else {
print "Failed to enrol $type $member ($ldapmember) into course $course_obj->id ($course_obj->shortname)\n";
// we are done now, a bit of housekeeping
return true;
/// Override the base print_entry() function
function print_entry($course) {
global $CFG;
if (! empty($CFG->enrol_allowinternal) ) {
} else {
notice(get_string("enrolmentnointernal"), $CFG->wwwroot);
/// Override the base check_entry() function
function check_entry($form, $course) {
global $CFG;
if (! empty($CFG->enrol_allowinternal) ) {
parent::check_entry($form, $course);
/// Overide the get_access_icons() function
function get_access_icons($course) {
/// Overrise the base config_form() function
function config_form($frm) {
global $CFG;
/// Override the base process_config() function
function process_config($config) {
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_host_url, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_host_url', $config->enrol_ldap_host_url);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_version, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_version', $config->enrol_ldap_version);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_bind_dn, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_bind_dn', $config->enrol_ldap_bind_dn);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_bind_pw, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_bind_pw', $config->enrol_ldap_bind_pw);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_student_contexts, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_student_contexts', $config->enrol_ldap_student_contexts);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_student_memberattribute, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_student_memberattribute', $config->enrol_ldap_student_memberattribute);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_teacher_contexts, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_teacher_contexts', $config->enrol_ldap_teacher_contexts);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_teacher_memberattribute, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_teacher_memberattribute', $config->enrol_ldap_teacher_memberattribute);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_objectclass, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_objectclass', $config->enrol_ldap_objectclass);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_category, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_category', $config->enrol_ldap_category);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_template, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_template', $config->enrol_ldap_template);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_course_fullname, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_course_fullname', $config->enrol_ldap_course_fullname);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_course_shortname, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_course_shortname', $config->enrol_ldap_course_shortname);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_course_summary, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_course_summary', $config->enrol_ldap_course_summary);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_course_idnumber', $config->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber);
optional_variable($config->enrol_localcoursefield, '');
set_config('enrol_localcoursefield', $config->enrol_localcoursefield);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_user_memberfield, '');
set_config('enrol_ldap_user_memberfield', $config->enrol_ldap_user_memberfield);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_search_sub, '0');
set_config('enrol_ldap_search_sub', $config->enrol_ldap_search_sub);
optional_variable($config->enrol_ldap_autocreate, '0');
set_config('enrol_ldap_autocreate', $config->enrol_ldap_autocreate);
if (!isset($config->enrol_allowinternal)) {
$config->enrol_allowinternal = '';
set_config('enrol_allowinternal', $config->enrol_allowinternal);
return true;
function enrol_ldap_connect(){
/// connects to ldap-server
global $CFG;
$result = ldap_connect($CFG->enrol_ldap_host_url);
if ($result) {
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_version)) {
ldap_set_option($result, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $CFG->enrol_ldap_version);
return $result;
} else {
error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->enrol_ldap_host_url");
return false;
function enrol_ldap_bind($ldap_connection){
/// makes bind to ldap for searching users
/// uses ldap_bind_dn or anonymous bind
global $CFG;
if ( ! empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_bind_dn) ){
//bind with search-user
if (!ldap_bind($ldap_connection, $CFG->enrol_ldap_bind_dn,$CFG->enrol_ldap_bind_dn)){
error("Error: could not bind ldap with ldap_bind_dn/pw");
return false;
} else {
//bind anonymously
if ( !ldap_bind($ldap_connection)){
error("Error: could not bind ldap anonymously");
return false;
return true;
function find_ext_enrolments ($ldap_connection, $memberuid, $type){
/// type is teacher or student
/// return multidimentional array array with of courses (at least dn and idnumber)
global $CFG;
//default return value
$courses = array();
//get all contexts and look for first matching user
$ldap_contexts = explode(";",$CFG->{'enrol_ldap_'.$type.'_contexts'});
// get all the fields we will want for the potential course creation
// as they are light. don't get membership -- potentially a lot of data.
$ldap_fields_wanted = array( 'dn', $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_fullname)){
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_fullname);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_shortname)){
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_shortname);
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_summary)){
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $CFG->enrol_ldap_course_summary);
// define the search pattern
$ldap_search_pattern = "(".$CFG->{'enrol_ldap_'.$type.'_memberattribute'}."=".$memberuid.")";
if (!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_objectclass)){
foreach ($ldap_contexts as $context) {
$context == trim($context);
if (empty($context)) {
continue; // next;
if ($CFG->enrol_ldap_search_sub){
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection,
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection,
// check and push results
$records = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection,$ldap_result);
// ldap libraries return an odd array, really. fix it:
for ($c=0;$c<$records['count'];$c++) {
array_push($flat_records, $records["$c"]);
if (count($flat_records)) {
$courses = array_merge($courses, $flat_records);
return $courses;
// will create the moodle course from the template
// course_ext is an array as obtained from ldap -- flattened somewhat
// NOTE: if you pass true for $skip_fix_course_sortorder
// you will want to call fix_course_sortorder() after your are done
// with course creation
function create_course ($course_ext,$skip_fix_course_sortorder=0){
global $CFG;
// set defaults
$course = NULL;
$course->student = 'Student';
$course->students = 'Students';
$course->teacher = 'Teacher';
$course->teachers = 'Teachers';
$course->format = 'topics';
$course->blockinfo = blocks_get_default_blocks();
// override defaults with template course
$course = get_record("course", 'shortname', $CFG->enrol_ldap_template);
unset($course->id); // so we are clear to reinsert the record
// override with required ext data
$course->idnumber = $course_ext[$CFG->enrol_ldap_course_idnumber][0];
$course->fullname = $course_ext[$CFG->enrol_ldap_course_fullname][0];
$course->shortname = $course_ext[$CFG->enrol_ldap_course_shortname][0];
if ( empty($course->idnumber)
|| empty($course->fullname)
|| empty($course->shortname) ) {
// we are in trouble!
error_log("Cannot create course: missing required data from the LDAP record!");
error_log(var_export($course, true));
return false;
if(!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_course_summary)){ // optional
$course->summary = $course_ext->{$CFG->enrol_ldap_course_summary}[0];
if(!empty($CFG->enrol_ldap_category)){ // optional ... but ensure it is set!
$course->category = $CFG->enrol_ldap_category;
if ($course->category == 0){ // must be avoided as it'll break moodle
$course->category = 1; // the misc 'catch-all' category
// define the sortorder (yuck)
$sort = get_record_sql('SELECT MAX(sortorder) AS max, 1 FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course WHERE category=' . $course->category);
$sort = $sort->max;
$course->sortorder = $sort;
// override with local data
$course->startdate = time();
$course->timecreated = time();
$course->visible = 1;
// store it and log
if ($newcourseid = insert_record("course", $course)) { // Set up new course
$section = NULL;
$section->course = $newcourseid; // Create a default section.
$section->section = 0;
$section->id = insert_record("course_sections", $section);
add_to_log($newcourseid, "course", "new", "view.php?id=$newcourseid", "enrol/ldap auto-creation");
} else {
error_log("Could not create new course from LDAP from DN:" . $course_ext['dn']);
error("Serious Error! Could not create the new course!");
return false;
return $newcourseid;
} // end of class