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synced 2025-03-07 01:10:02 +01:00
197 lines
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197 lines
12 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// survey.php - created with Moodle (2003011200)
$string['actual'] = "Aktu<EFBFBD>lis";
$string['actualclass'] = "Aktu<EFBFBD>lis oszt<7A>ly";
$string['actualstudent'] = "Aktu<EFBFBD>lis \$a";
$string['allquestions'] = "Minden k<>rd<72>s sorrendben, minden di<64>k";
$string['allscales'] = "Minden sk<73>la, minden di<64>k";
$string['alreadysubmitted'] = "M<EFBFBD>r elk<6C>ldte ezt a k<>rd<72><64>vet";
$string['analysisof'] = "\$a elemz<6D>se";
$string['attls1'] = "M<EFBFBD>sok mondanival<61>j<EFBFBD>nak <20>rt<72>kel<65>s<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>l az <20>rvek min<69>s<EFBFBD>g<EFBFBD>t veszem figyelembe, <20>s nem azt, hogy ki monja.";
$string['attls10'] = "Fontos sz<73>momra, hogy egy elemz<6D>sn<73>l annyira objekt<6B>v maradjak, amennyire csak lehets<74>ges.";
$string['attls10short'] = "objekt<EFBFBD>vnak maradni";
$string['attls11'] = "Ink<EFBFBD>bb egy<67>tt pr<70>b<EFBFBD>lok gondolkodni az emberekkel, <20>s nem vittakozni.";
$string['attls11short'] = "egy<EFBFBD>tt gondolkodni";
$string['attls12'] = "Az <20>rvek <20>rt<72>kel<65>s<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>l vannak bizonyos krit<69>riumaim.";
$string['attls12short'] = "<EFBFBD>rt<EFBFBD>kel<EFBFBD>s krit<69>riumokkal";
$string['attls13'] = "Val<EFBFBD>sz<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>leg ink<6E>bb meg<65>rteni pr<70>b<EFBFBD>lom m<>sok v<>lem<65>ny<6E>t, mint <20>rt<72>kelni.";
$string['attls13short'] = "meg<EFBFBD>rt<EFBFBD>s k<>s<EFBFBD>rlete";
$string['attls14'] = "Megpr<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>lom megmutatni m<>sok gondolkod<6F>s<EFBFBD>nak gyenges<65>g<EFBFBD>t, hogy seg<65>tsem <20>ket v<>lem<65>ny<6E>k tiszt<7A>nl<6E>t<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>ban.";
$string['attls14short'] = "gyenges<EFBFBD>gek megmutat<61>sa";
$string['attls15'] = "Hajlamos vagyok k<>tekedni vitathat<61> k<>rd<72>sek megbesz<73>l<EFBFBD>sekor, hogy l<>ssam, mi<6D>rt <20>gy gondolkodnak, ahogy.";
$string['attls15short'] = "k<EFBFBD>teked<EFBFBD>s";
$string['attls16'] = "Az elemz<6D>si m<>dszeremet 'pr<70>bat<61>telnek' lehetne nevezni, mert nagyon el<65>vigy<67>zatosan figyelembe veszek minden bizony<6E>t<EFBFBD>kot.";
$string['attls16short'] = "pr<EFBFBD>bat<EFBFBD>telnek";
$string['attls17'] = "Probl<EFBFBD>mamegold<EFBFBD>s sor<6F>n t<>bbre <20>rt<72>kelem a logik<69>t <20>s az <20>szt saj<61>t egy<67>ni szempontjaimn<6D>l.";
$string['attls17short'] = "a logik<69>t tartom a legt<67>bbre";
$string['attls18'] = "Az eny<6E>mt<6D>l k<>l<EFBFBD>nb<6E>z<EFBFBD> v<>lem<65>nyekre emp<6D>ti<74>n kereszt<7A>l nyerhetek r<>l<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>st.";
$string['attls18short'] = "emp<EFBFBD>tia";
$string['attls19'] = "When I encounter people whose opinions seem alien to me, I make a deliberate effort to 'extend' myself into that person, to try to see how they could have those opinions.";
$string['attls19short'] = "make effort to extend";
$string['attls1short'] = "focus quality of argument";
$string['attls2'] = "I like playing devil's advocate - arguing the opposite of what someone is saying.";
$string['attls20'] = "I spend time figuring out what's 'wrong' with things. For example, I'll look for something in a literary interpretation that isn't argued well enough.";
$string['attls20short'] = "mi a rossz?";
$string['attls2short'] = "play devil's advocate";
$string['attls3'] = "I like to understand where other people are 'coming from', what experiences have led them to feel the way they do.";
$string['attls3short'] = "where people come from";
$string['attls4'] = "The most important part of my education has been learning to understand people who are very different to me.";
$string['attls4short'] = "understand different people";
$string['attls5'] = "I feel that the best way for me to achieve my own identity is to interact with a variety of other people.";
$string['attls5short'] = "interact with variety";
$string['attls6'] = "I enjoy hearing the opinions of people who come from backgrounds different to mine - it helps me to understand how the same things can be seen in such different ways.";
$string['attls6short'] = "enjoy hearing opinions";
$string['attls7'] = "I find that I can strengthen my own position through arguing with someone who disagrees with me.";
$string['attls7short'] = "strengthen by argue";
$string['attls8'] = "I am always interested in knowing why people say and believe the things they do.";
$string['attls8short'] = "know why people do";
$string['attls9'] = "I often find myself arguing with the authors of books that I read, trying to logically figure out why they're wrong.";
$string['attls9short'] = "argue with authors";
$string['attlsintro'] = "The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us evaluate your attitudes towards thinking and learning.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.";
$string['attlsm1'] = "Attitudes Towards Thinking and Learning";
$string['attlsm2'] = "Connected Learning";
$string['attlsm3'] = "Separate Learning";
$string['attlsmintro'] = "In discussion ...";
$string['attlsname'] = "ATTLS (20 item version)";
$string['clicktocontinue'] = "Click here to continue";
$string['clicktocontinuecheck'] = "Click here to check and continue";
$string['colles1'] = "my learning focuses on issues that interest me.";
$string['colles10'] = "I ask other students to explain their ideas.";
$string['colles10short'] = "I ask for explanations";
$string['colles11'] = "other students ask me to explain my ideas.";
$string['colles11short'] = "I'm asked to explain";
$string['colles12'] = "other students respond to my ideas.";
$string['colles12short'] = "students respond to me";
$string['colles13'] = "the tutor stimulates my thinking.";
$string['colles13short'] = "tutor stimulates thinking";
$string['colles14'] = "the tutor encourages me to participate.";
$string['colles14short'] = "tutor encourages me";
$string['colles15'] = "the tutor models good discourse.";
$string['colles15short'] = "tutor models discourse";
$string['colles16'] = "the tutor models critical self-reflection.";
$string['colles16short'] = "tutor models self-reflection";
$string['colles17'] = "other students encourage my participation.";
$string['colles17short'] = "A tanul<75>k b<>tor<6F>tanak";
$string['colles18'] = "other students praise my contribution.";
$string['colles18short'] = "A tanul<75>k dics<63>rnek";
$string['colles19'] = "other students value my contribution.";
$string['colles19short'] = "students value me";
$string['colles1short'] = "focus on interesting issues";
$string['colles2'] = "what I learn is important for my professional practice.";
$string['colles20'] = "other students empathise with my struggle to learn.";
$string['colles20short'] = "students empathise";
$string['colles21'] = "I make good sense of other students' messages.";
$string['colles21short'] = "I understand other students";
$string['colles22'] = "other students make good sense of my messages.";
$string['colles22short'] = "students understand me";
$string['colles23'] = "I make good sense of the tutor's messages.";
$string['colles23short'] = "I understand the tutor";
$string['colles24'] = "the tutor makes good sense of my messages.";
$string['colles24short'] = "tutor understands me";
$string['colles2short'] = "important to my practice";
$string['colles3'] = "I learn how to improve my professional practice.";
$string['colles3short'] = "improve my practice";
$string['colles4'] = "what I learn connects well with my professional practice.";
$string['colles4short'] = "connects with my practice";
$string['colles5'] = "I think critically about how I learn.";
$string['colles5short'] = "I'm critical of my learning";
$string['colles6'] = "I think critically about my own ideas.";
$string['colles6short'] = "I'm critical of my own ideas";
$string['colles7'] = "I think critically about other students' ideas.";
$string['colles7short'] = "I'm critical of other students";
$string['colles8'] = "I think critically about ideas in the readings.";
$string['colles8short'] = "I'm critical of readings";
$string['colles9'] = "I explain my ideas to other students.";
$string['colles9short'] = "I explain my ideas";
$string['collesaintro'] = "The purpose of this survey is to help us understand how well the online delivery of this unit enabled you to learn.
Each one of the 24 statements below asks about your experience in this unit.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.
Your carefully considered responses will help us improve the way this unit is presented online in the future.
Thanks very much.";
$string['collesaname'] = "COLLES (Actual)";
$string['collesapintro'] = "The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us understand how well the online delivery of this unit enabled you to learn.
Each one of the 24 statements below asks you to compare your <B>preferred</B> (ideal) and <B>actual</B> experience in this unit.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.
Your carefully considered responses will help us improve the way this unit is presented online in the future.
Thanks very much.";
$string['collesapname'] = "COLLES (Preferred and Actual)";
$string['collesm1'] = "Relevance";
$string['collesm1short'] = "Relevance";
$string['collesm2'] = "Reflective Thinking";
$string['collesm2short'] = "Reflective Thinking";
$string['collesm3'] = "Interactivity";
$string['collesm3short'] = "Interactivity";
$string['collesm4'] = "Tutor Support";
$string['collesm4short'] = "Tutor Support";
$string['collesm5'] = "Peer Support";
$string['collesm5short'] = "Peer Support";
$string['collesm6'] = "Interpretation";
$string['collesm6short'] = "Interpretation";
$string['collesmintro'] = "In this online unit...";
$string['collespintro'] = "The purpose of this survey is to help us understand what you value in an online learning experience.
Each one of the 24 statements below asks about your <B>preferred</B> (ideal) experience in this unit.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.
Your carefully considered responses will help us improve the way this unit is presented online in the future.
Thanks very much.";
$string['collespname'] = "COLLES (Preferred)";
$string['done'] = "K<EFBFBD>sz";
$string['download'] = "Let<EFBFBD>lt<EFBFBD>s";
$string['downloadexcel'] = "Adatok let<65>lt<6C>se Excel munkalapk<70>nt";
$string['downloadinfo'] = "A k<>rd<72><64>v <20>sszes nyers adat<61>t let<65>ltheti Excel, SPSS, vagy m<>s program sz<73>m<EFBFBD>ra megfelel<65> form<72>tumban.";
$string['downloadtext'] = "Adatok let<65>lt<6C>se egyzser<65> sz<73>veges f<>jlk<6C>nt";
$string['editingasurvey'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v szerkeszt<7A>se";
$string['helpsurveys'] = "K<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>nb<EFBFBD>z<EFBFBD> t<>pus<75> k<>rd<72><64>vek s<>g<EFBFBD>ja";
$string['howlong'] = "Mennyi ideig tartott a k<>rd<72><64>v kit<69>lt<6C>se?";
$string['howlongoptions'] = "1 perc,1-2 perc,2-3 perc,3-4 perc,4-5-perc,5-10 perc,t<>bb mint 10 perc alatt";
$string['ifoundthat'] = "Ezt tal<61>ltam";
$string['introtext'] = "Bevezet<EFBFBD> sz<73>veg";
$string['ipreferthat'] = "Ink<EFBFBD>bb ezt szerten<65>m";
$string['modulename'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v";
$string['name'] = "N<EFBFBD>v";
$string['newsurveyresponses'] = "<EFBFBD>j k<>rd<72><64>v v<>laszok";
$string['nobodyyet'] = "Senki nem t<>lt<6C>tte m<>g ki a k<>rd<72><64>vet";
$string['notdone'] = "M<EFBFBD>g nincs k<>sz";
$string['notes'] = "Szem<EFBFBD>lyes elemz<6D>se <20>s megjegyz<79>sei";
$string['othercomments'] = "Van egy<67>b megjegyz<79>se?";
$string['peoplecompleted'] = "Eddig \$a szem<65>ly t<>lt<6C>tte ki a k<>rd<72><64>vet";
$string['preferred'] = "K<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>nt";
$string['preferredclass'] = "K<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>nt oszt<7A>ly";
$string['preferredstudent'] = "K<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>nt \$a";
$string['question'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD>s";
$string['questions'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD>sek";
$string['questionsnotanswered'] = "Valamelyik t<>bbsz<73>r<EFBFBD>s v<>laszt<7A>s k<>rd<72>s nem lett megv<67>laszolva.";
$string['report'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v jelent<6E>s";
$string['savednotes'] = "A szavazatai elment<6E>se megt<67>rt<72>nt";
$string['scaleagree5'] = "Nagyon nem <20>rt egyet,Ink<6E>bb nem <20>rt egyet,Semleges,Ink<6E>bb egyet<65>rt,Teljesen egyet<65>rt";
$string['scales'] = "Sk<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>k";
$string['scaletimes5'] = "Szinte soha,Ritk<74>n,N<>ha,Gyakran,Majdnem mindig";
$string['seemoredetail'] = "A r<>szletek<65>rt kattintson ide";
$string['selectedquestions'] = "Egy sk<73>l<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>l v<>lasztott k<>rd<72>sek, minden tanul<75>";
$string['summary'] = "<EFBFBD>sszegz<EFBFBD>s";
$string['surveycompleted'] = "Kit<EFBFBD>lt<EFBFBD>tte ezt a k<>rd<72><64>vet. Az al<61>bbi <20>bra mutatja v<>laszainak <20>sszegz<67>s<EFBFBD>t, <20>sszevetve a kurzus<75>tlaggal.";
$string['surveyname'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v neve";
$string['surveysaved'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v mentve";
$string['surveytype'] = "K<EFBFBD>rd<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>v t<>pus";
$string['thanksforanswers'] = "K<EFBFBD>sz<EFBFBD>nj<EFBFBD>k a v<>laszait \$a";
$string['time'] = "Id<EFBFBD>";
$string['viewsurveyresponses'] = "\$a v<>laszainak megtekint<6E>se";