2011-06-07 17:28:51 +08:00
< ? php
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* External notes API
* @ package moodlecore
* @ subpackage notes
* @ copyright 2011 Moodle Pty Ltd ( http :// moodle . com )
* @ license http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once ( " $CFG->libdir /externallib.php " );
class moodle_notes_external extends external_api {
* Returns description of method parameters
* @ return external_function_parameters
public static function create_notes_parameters () {
return new external_function_parameters (
array (
'notes' => new external_multiple_structure (
new external_single_structure (
array (
'userid' => new external_value ( PARAM_INT , 'id of the user the note is about' ),
'publishstate' => new external_value ( PARAM_ALPHA , '\'personal\', \'course\' or \'site\'' ),
'courseid' => new external_value ( PARAM_INT , 'course id of the note (in Moodle a note can only be created into a course, even for site and personal notes)' ),
'text' => new external_value ( PARAM_RAW , 'the text of the message - text or HTML' ),
'format' => new external_value ( PARAM_ALPHA , '\'text\' or \'html\'' , VALUE_DEFAULT , 'text' ),
'clientnoteid' => new external_value ( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT , 'your own client id for the note. If this id is provided, the fail message id will be returned to you' , VALUE_OPTIONAL ),
* Create notes about some users
* Note : code should be matching the / notes / edit . php checks
* and the / user / addnote . php checks . ( they are similar cheks )
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* @ param array $notes An array of notes to create .
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* @ return array ( success infos and fail infos )
public static function create_notes ( $notes = array ()) {
global $CFG , $DB ;
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . " /notes/lib.php " );
$params = self :: validate_parameters ( self :: create_notes_parameters (), array ( 'notes' => $notes ));
//check if note system is enabled
if ( ! $CFG -> enablenotes ) {
throw new moodle_exception ( 'notesdisabled' , 'notes' );
//retrieve all courses
$courseids = array ();
foreach ( $params [ 'notes' ] as $note ) {
$courseids [] = $note [ 'courseid' ];
$courses = $DB -> get_records_list ( " course " , " id " , $courseids );
//retrieve all users of the notes
$userids = array ();
foreach ( $params [ 'notes' ] as $note ) {
$userids [] = $note [ 'userid' ];
list ( $sqluserids , $sqlparams ) = $DB -> get_in_or_equal ( $userids , SQL_PARAMS_NAMED , 'userid_' );
$users = $DB -> get_records_select ( " user " , " id " . $sqluserids . " AND deleted = 0 " , $sqlparams );
$resultnotes = array ();
foreach ( $params [ 'notes' ] as $note ) {
$success = true ;
$resultnote = array (); //the infos about the success of the operation
//check the course exists
if ( empty ( $courses [ $note [ 'courseid' ]])) {
$success = false ;
$errormessage = get_string ( 'invalidcourseid' , 'notes' , $note [ 'courseid' ]);
} else {
// Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function
$context = get_context_instance ( CONTEXT_COURSE , $note [ 'courseid' ]);
self :: validate_context ( $context );
require_capability ( 'moodle/notes:manage' , $context );
//check the user exists
if ( empty ( $users [ $note [ 'userid' ]])) {
$success = false ;
$errormessage = get_string ( 'invaliduserid' , 'notes' , $note [ 'userid' ]);
//build the resultnote
if ( isset ( $note [ 'clientnoteid' ])) {
$resultnote [ 'clientnoteid' ] = $note [ 'clientnoteid' ];
if ( $success ) {
//now we can create the note
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$dbnote = new stdClass ;
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$dbnote -> courseid = $note [ 'courseid' ];
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$dbnote -> userid = $note [ 'userid' ];
//clean param text and set format accordingly
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switch ( strtolower ( $note [ 'format' ])) {
case 'html' :
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$dbnote -> content = clean_param ( $note [ 'text' ], PARAM_CLEANHTML );
$dbnote -> format = FORMAT_HTML ;
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break ;
case 'text' :
default :
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$dbnote -> content = clean_param ( $note [ 'text' ], PARAM_TEXT );
$dbnote -> format = FORMAT_PLAIN ;
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break ;
//get the state ('personal', 'course', 'site')
switch ( $note [ 'publishstate' ]) {
case 'personal' :
$dbnote -> publishstate = NOTES_STATE_DRAFT ;
break ;
case 'course' :
$dbnote -> publishstate = NOTES_STATE_PUBLIC ;
break ;
case 'site' :
$dbnote -> publishstate = NOTES_STATE_SITE ;
$dbnote -> courseid = SITEID ;
break ;
default :
break ;
//TODO: performance improvement - if possible create a bulk functions for saving multiple notes at once
if ( note_save ( $dbnote )) { //note_save attribut an id in case of success
add_to_log ( $dbnote -> courseid , 'notes' , 'add' ,
'index.php?course=' . $dbnote -> courseid . '&user=' . $dbnote -> userid
. '#note-' . $dbnote -> id , 'add note' );
$success = $dbnote -> id ;
$resultnote [ 'noteid' ] = $success ;
} else {
$resultnote [ 'noteid' ] = - 1 ;
$resultnote [ 'errormessage' ] = $errormessage ;
$resultnotes [] = $resultnote ;
return $resultnotes ;
* Returns description of method result value
* @ return external_description
public static function create_notes_returns () {
return new external_multiple_structure (
2011-06-08 10:11:51 +08:00
new external_single_structure (
array (
'clientnoteid' => new external_value ( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT , 'your own id for the note' , VALUE_OPTIONAL ),
'noteid' => new external_value ( PARAM_INT , 'test this to know if it success: id of the created note when successed, -1 when failed' ),
'errormessage' => new external_value ( PARAM_TEXT , 'error message - if failed' , VALUE_OPTIONAL )
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2011-06-07 17:28:51 +08:00