2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
< ? php
* Builtin functions
* @ package Less
* @ subpackage function
* @ see http :// lesscss . org / functions /
class Less_Functions {
public $env ;
public $currentFileInfo ;
function __construct ( $env , $currentFileInfo = null ){
$this -> env = $env ;
$this -> currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo ;
* @ param string $op
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public static function operate ( $op , $a , $b ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
switch ( $op ) {
case '+' : return $a + $b ;
case '-' : return $a - $b ;
case '*' : return $a * $b ;
case '/' : return $a / $b ;
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public static function clamp ( $val , $max = 1 ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return min ( max ( $val , 0 ), $max );
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public static function fround ( $value ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
if ( $value === 0 ){
return $value ;
if ( Less_Parser :: $options [ 'numPrecision' ] ){
$p = pow ( 10 , Less_Parser :: $options [ 'numPrecision' ]);
return round ( $value * $p ) / $p ;
return $value ;
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public static function number ( $n ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
if ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
return floatval ( $n -> unit -> is ( '%' ) ? $n -> value / 100 : $n -> value );
} else if ( is_numeric ( $n )) {
return $n ;
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( " color functions take numbers as parameters " );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public static function scaled ( $n , $size = 255 ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
if ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $n -> unit -> is ( '%' ) ){
return ( float ) $n -> value * $size / 100 ;
} else {
return Less_Functions :: number ( $n );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function rgb ( $r = null , $g = null , $b = null ){
if ( is_null ( $r ) || is_null ( $g ) || is_null ( $b )) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( " rgb expects three parameters " );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> rgba ( $r , $g , $b , 1.0 );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function rgba ( $r = null , $g = null , $b = null , $a = null ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$rgb = array ( $r , $g , $b );
$rgb = array_map ( array ( 'Less_Functions' , 'scaled' ), $rgb );
$a = self :: number ( $a );
return new Less_Tree_Color ( $rgb , $a );
public function hsl ( $h , $s , $l ){
return $this -> hsla ( $h , $s , $l , 1.0 );
public function hsla ( $h , $s , $l , $a ){
$h = fmod ( self :: number ( $h ), 360 ) / 360 ; // Classic % operator will change float to int
$s = self :: clamp ( self :: number ( $s ));
$l = self :: clamp ( self :: number ( $l ));
$a = self :: clamp ( self :: number ( $a ));
$m2 = $l <= 0.5 ? $l * ( $s + 1 ) : $l + $s - $l * $s ;
$m1 = $l * 2 - $m2 ;
return $this -> rgba ( self :: hsla_hue ( $h + 1 / 3 , $m1 , $m2 ) * 255 ,
self :: hsla_hue ( $h , $m1 , $m2 ) * 255 ,
self :: hsla_hue ( $h - 1 / 3 , $m1 , $m2 ) * 255 ,
$a );
* @ param double $h
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public function hsla_hue ( $h , $m1 , $m2 ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$h = $h < 0 ? $h + 1 : ( $h > 1 ? $h - 1 : $h );
if ( $h * 6 < 1 ) return $m1 + ( $m2 - $m1 ) * $h * 6 ;
else if ( $h * 2 < 1 ) return $m2 ;
else if ( $h * 3 < 2 ) return $m1 + ( $m2 - $m1 ) * ( 2 / 3 - $h ) * 6 ;
else return $m1 ;
public function hsv ( $h , $s , $v ) {
return $this -> hsva ( $h , $s , $v , 1.0 );
* @ param double $a
public function hsva ( $h , $s , $v , $a ) {
$h = (( Less_Functions :: number ( $h ) % 360 ) / 360 ) * 360 ;
$s = Less_Functions :: number ( $s );
$v = Less_Functions :: number ( $v );
$a = Less_Functions :: number ( $a );
$i = floor (( $h / 60 ) % 6 );
$f = ( $h / 60 ) - $i ;
$vs = array ( $v ,
$v * ( 1 - $s ),
$v * ( 1 - $f * $s ),
$v * ( 1 - ( 1 - $f ) * $s ));
$perm = array ( array ( 0 , 3 , 1 ),
array ( 2 , 0 , 1 ),
array ( 1 , 0 , 3 ),
array ( 1 , 2 , 0 ),
array ( 3 , 1 , 0 ),
array ( 0 , 1 , 2 ));
return $this -> rgba ( $vs [ $perm [ $i ][ 0 ]] * 255 ,
$vs [ $perm [ $i ][ 1 ]] * 255 ,
$vs [ $perm [ $i ][ 2 ]] * 255 ,
$a );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function hue ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to hue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$c = $color -> toHSL ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $c [ 'h' ]));
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function saturation ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to saturation must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$c = $color -> toHSL ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $c [ 's' ] * 100 ), '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function lightness ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to lightness must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$c = $color -> toHSL ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $c [ 'l' ] * 100 ), '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function hsvhue ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to hsvhue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsv = $color -> toHSV ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $hsv [ 'h' ]) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function hsvsaturation ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to hsvsaturation must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsv = $color -> toHSV ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $hsv [ 's' ] * 100 ), '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function hsvvalue ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to hsvvalue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsv = $color -> toHSV ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $hsv [ 'v' ] * 100 ), '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function red ( $color = null ) {
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to red must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $color -> rgb [ 0 ] );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function green ( $color = null ) {
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to green must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $color -> rgb [ 1 ] );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function blue ( $color = null ) {
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to blue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $color -> rgb [ 2 ] );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function alpha ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to alpha must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$c = $color -> toHSL ();
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $c [ 'a' ]);
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function luma ( $color = null ) {
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to luma must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $color -> luma () * $color -> alpha * 100 ), '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function luminance ( $color = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to luminance must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$luminance =
( 0.2126 * $color -> rgb [ 0 ] / 255 )
+ ( 0.7152 * $color -> rgb [ 1 ] / 255 )
+ ( 0.0722 * $color -> rgb [ 2 ] / 255 );
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( Less_Parser :: round ( $luminance * $color -> alpha * 100 ), '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function saturate ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
// filter: saturate(3.2);
// should be kept as is, so check for color
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return null ;
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to saturate must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to saturate must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 's' ] += $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 's' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 's' ]);
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
* @ param Less_Tree_Dimension $amount
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function desaturate ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to desaturate must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to desaturate must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 's' ] -= $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 's' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 's' ]);
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function lighten ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to lighten must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to lighten must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 'l' ] += $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 'l' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 'l' ]);
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function darken ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to darken must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to darken must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 'l' ] -= $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 'l' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 'l' ]);
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function fadein ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to fadein must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to fadein must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 'a' ] += $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 'a' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 'a' ]);
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function fadeout ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to fadeout must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to fadeout must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 'a' ] -= $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 'a' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 'a' ]);
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function fade ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to fade must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to fade must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hsl [ 'a' ] = $amount -> value / 100 ;
$hsl [ 'a' ] = self :: clamp ( $hsl [ 'a' ]);
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function spin ( $color = null , $amount = null ){
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to spin must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to spin must be a number' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$hsl = $color -> toHSL ();
$hue = fmod ( $hsl [ 'h' ] + $amount -> value , 360 );
$hsl [ 'h' ] = $hue < 0 ? 360 + $hue : $hue ;
return $this -> hsla ( $hsl [ 'h' ], $hsl [ 's' ], $hsl [ 'l' ], $hsl [ 'a' ]);
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, and Chris Eppstein
// http://sass-lang.com
* @ param Less_Tree_Color $color1
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function mix ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null , $weight = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to mix must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to mix must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
if ( ! $weight ) {
$weight = new Less_Tree_Dimension ( '50' , '%' );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $weight instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The third argument to contrast must be a percentage' . ( $weight instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$p = $weight -> value / 100.0 ;
$w = $p * 2 - 1 ;
$hsl1 = $color1 -> toHSL ();
$hsl2 = $color2 -> toHSL ();
$a = $hsl1 [ 'a' ] - $hsl2 [ 'a' ];
$w1 = (((( $w * $a ) == - 1 ) ? $w : ( $w + $a ) / ( 1 + $w * $a )) + 1 ) / 2 ;
$w2 = 1 - $w1 ;
$rgb = array ( $color1 -> rgb [ 0 ] * $w1 + $color2 -> rgb [ 0 ] * $w2 ,
$color1 -> rgb [ 1 ] * $w1 + $color2 -> rgb [ 1 ] * $w2 ,
$color1 -> rgb [ 2 ] * $w1 + $color2 -> rgb [ 2 ] * $w2 );
$alpha = $color1 -> alpha * $p + $color2 -> alpha * ( 1 - $p );
return new Less_Tree_Color ( $rgb , $alpha );
public function greyscale ( $color ){
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
return $this -> desaturate ( $color , new Less_Tree_Dimension ( 100 , '%' ));
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
public function contrast ( $color , $dark = null , $light = null , $threshold = null ){
// filter: contrast(3.2);
// should be kept as is, so check for color
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return null ;
if ( ! $light ){
$light = $this -> rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 1.0 );
if ( ! $dark ){
$dark = $this -> rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $dark instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to contrast must be a color' . ( $dark instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
if ( ! $light instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The third argument to contrast must be a color' . ( $light instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
//Figure out which is actually light and dark!
if ( $dark -> luma () > $light -> luma () ){
$t = $light ;
$light = $dark ;
$dark = $t ;
if ( ! $threshold ){
$threshold = 0.43 ;
} else {
$threshold = Less_Functions :: number ( $threshold );
if ( $color -> luma () < $threshold ){
return $light ;
} else {
return $dark ;
public function e ( $str ){
if ( is_string ( $str ) ){
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( $str );
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( $str instanceof Less_Tree_JavaScript ? $str -> expression : $str -> value );
public function escape ( $str ){
$revert = array ( '%21' => '!' , '%2A' => '*' , '%27' => " ' " , '%3F' => '?' , '%26' => '&' , '%2C' => ',' , '%2F' => '/' , '%40' => '@' , '%2B' => '+' , '%24' => '$' );
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( strtr ( rawurlencode ( $str -> value ), $revert ));
* todo : This function will need some additional work to make it work the same as less . js
public function replace ( $string , $pattern , $replacement , $flags = null ){
$result = $string -> value ;
$expr = '/' . str_replace ( '/' , '\\/' , $pattern -> value ) . '/' ;
if ( $flags && $flags -> value ){
$expr .= self :: replace_flags ( $flags -> value );
$result = preg_replace ( $expr , $replacement -> value , $result );
if ( property_exists ( $string , 'quote' ) ){
return new Less_Tree_Quoted ( $string -> quote , $result , $string -> escaped );
return new Less_Tree_Quoted ( '' , $result );
public static function replace_flags ( $flags ){
$flags = str_split ( $flags , 1 );
$new_flags = '' ;
foreach ( $flags as $flag ){
switch ( $flag ){
case 'e' :
case 'g' :
break ;
default :
$new_flags .= $flag ;
break ;
return $new_flags ;
public function _percent (){
$string = func_get_arg ( 0 );
$args = func_get_args ();
array_shift ( $args );
$result = $string -> value ;
foreach ( $args as $arg ){
if ( preg_match ( '/%[sda]/i' , $result , $token ) ){
$token = $token [ 0 ];
$value = stristr ( $token , 's' ) ? $arg -> value : $arg -> toCSS ();
$value = preg_match ( '/[A-Z]$/' , $token ) ? urlencode ( $value ) : $value ;
$result = preg_replace ( '/%[sda]/i' , $value , $result , 1 );
$result = str_replace ( '%%' , '%' , $result );
return new Less_Tree_Quoted ( $string -> quote , $result , $string -> escaped );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function unit ( $val , $unit = null ) {
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
if ( ! ( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to unit must be a number' . ( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Operation ? '. Have you forgotten parenthesis?' : '.' ) );
if ( $unit ){
if ( $unit instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ){
$unit = $unit -> value ;
} else {
$unit = $unit -> toCSS ();
} else {
$unit = " " ;
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $val -> value , $unit );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
public function convert ( $val , $unit ){
return $val -> convertTo ( $unit -> value );
public function round ( $n , $f = false ) {
$fraction = 0 ;
if ( $f !== false ){
$fraction = $f -> value ;
return $this -> _math ( 'Less_Parser::round' , null , $n , $fraction );
public function pi (){
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( M_PI );
public function mod ( $a , $b ) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $a -> value % $b -> value , $a -> unit );
public function pow ( $x , $y ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $x ) && is_numeric ( $y ) ){
$x = new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $x );
$y = new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $y );
} elseif ( ! ( $x instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) || ! ( $y instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'Arguments must be numbers' );
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( pow ( $x -> value , $y -> value ), $x -> unit );
// var mathFunctions = [{name:"ce ...
public function ceil ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'ceil' , null , $n ); }
public function floor ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'floor' , null , $n ); }
public function sqrt ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'sqrt' , null , $n ); }
public function abs ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'abs' , null , $n ); }
public function tan ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'tan' , '' , $n ); }
public function sin ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'sin' , '' , $n ); }
public function cos ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'cos' , '' , $n ); }
public function atan ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'atan' , 'rad' , $n ); }
public function asin ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'asin' , 'rad' , $n ); }
public function acos ( $n ){ return $this -> _math ( 'acos' , 'rad' , $n ); }
private function _math () {
$args = func_get_args ();
$fn = array_shift ( $args );
$unit = array_shift ( $args );
if ( $args [ 0 ] instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) {
if ( $unit === null ){
$unit = $args [ 0 ] -> unit ;
} else {
$args [ 0 ] = $args [ 0 ] -> unify ();
$args [ 0 ] = ( float ) $args [ 0 ] -> value ;
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( call_user_func_array ( $fn , $args ), $unit );
} else if ( is_numeric ( $args [ 0 ])) {
return call_user_func_array ( $fn , $args );
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( " math functions take numbers as parameters " );
* @ param boolean $isMin
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
private function _minmax ( $isMin , $args ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$arg_count = count ( $args );
if ( $arg_count < 1 ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'one or more arguments required' );
$j = null ;
$unitClone = null ;
$unitStatic = null ;
$order = array (); // elems only contains original argument values.
$values = array (); // key is the unit.toString() for unified tree.Dimension values,
// value is the index into the order array.
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $arg_count ; $i ++ ){
$current = $args [ $i ];
if ( ! ( $current instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ){
if ( is_array ( $args [ $i ] -> value ) ){
$args [] = $args [ $i ] -> value ;
continue ;
if ( $current -> unit -> toString () === '' && ! $unitClone ){
$temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $current -> value , $unitClone );
$currentUnified = $temp -> unify ();
} else {
$currentUnified = $current -> unify ();
if ( $currentUnified -> unit -> toString () === " " && ! $unitStatic ){
$unit = $unitStatic ;
} else {
$unit = $currentUnified -> unit -> toString ();
if ( $unit !== '' && ! $unitStatic || $unit !== '' && $order [ 0 ] -> unify () -> unit -> toString () === " " ){
$unitStatic = $unit ;
if ( $unit != '' && ! $unitClone ){
$unitClone = $current -> unit -> toString ();
if ( isset ( $values [ '' ]) && $unit !== '' && $unit === $unitStatic ){
$j = $values [ '' ];
} elseif ( isset ( $values [ $unit ]) ){
$j = $values [ $unit ];
} else {
if ( $unitStatic && $unit !== $unitStatic ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'incompatible types' );
$values [ $unit ] = count ( $order );
$order [] = $current ;
continue ;
if ( $order [ $j ] -> unit -> toString () === " " && $unitClone ){
$temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $order [ $j ] -> value , $unitClone );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
$referenceUnified = $temp -> unify ();
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
} else {
$referenceUnified = $order [ $j ] -> unify ();
if ( ( $isMin && $currentUnified -> value < $referenceUnified -> value ) || ( ! $isMin && $currentUnified -> value > $referenceUnified -> value ) ){
$order [ $j ] = $current ;
if ( count ( $order ) == 1 ){
return $order [ 0 ];
$args = array ();
foreach ( $order as $a ){
$args [] = $a -> toCSS ( $this -> env );
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( ( $isMin ? 'min(' : 'max(' ) . implode ( Less_Environment :: $_outputMap [ ',' ], $args ) . ')' );
public function min (){
$args = func_get_args ();
return $this -> _minmax ( true , $args );
public function max (){
$args = func_get_args ();
return $this -> _minmax ( false , $args );
public function getunit ( $n ){
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( $n -> unit );
public function argb ( $color ) {
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to argb must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( $color -> toARGB ());
public function percentage ( $n ) {
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $n -> value * 100 , '%' );
public function color ( $n ) {
if ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted ){
$colorCandidate = $n -> value ;
$returnColor = Less_Tree_Color :: fromKeyword ( $colorCandidate );
if ( $returnColor ){
return $returnColor ;
if ( preg_match ( '/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/' , $colorCandidate ) ){
return new Less_Tree_Color ( substr ( $colorCandidate , 1 ));
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( " argument must be a color keyword or 3/6 digit hex e.g. #FFF " );
} else {
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( " argument must be a string " );
public function iscolor ( $n ) {
return $this -> _isa ( $n , 'Less_Tree_Color' );
public function isnumber ( $n ) {
return $this -> _isa ( $n , 'Less_Tree_Dimension' );
public function isstring ( $n ) {
return $this -> _isa ( $n , 'Less_Tree_Quoted' );
public function iskeyword ( $n ) {
return $this -> _isa ( $n , 'Less_Tree_Keyword' );
public function isurl ( $n ) {
return $this -> _isa ( $n , 'Less_Tree_Url' );
public function ispixel ( $n ) {
return $this -> isunit ( $n , 'px' );
public function ispercentage ( $n ) {
return $this -> isunit ( $n , '%' );
public function isem ( $n ) {
return $this -> isunit ( $n , 'em' );
* @ param string $unit
public function isunit ( $n , $unit ){
return ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) && $n -> unit -> is ( ( property_exists ( $unit , 'value' ) ? $unit -> value : $unit ) ) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword ( 'true' ) : new Less_Tree_Keyword ( 'false' );
* @ param string $type
private function _isa ( $n , $type ) {
return is_a ( $n , $type ) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword ( 'true' ) : new Less_Tree_Keyword ( 'false' );
public function tint ( $color , $amount ) {
return $this -> mix ( $this -> rgb ( 255 , 255 , 255 ), $color , $amount );
public function shade ( $color , $amount ) {
return $this -> mix ( $this -> rgb ( 0 , 0 , 0 ), $color , $amount );
public function extract ( $values , $index ){
$index = ( int ) $index -> value - 1 ; // (1-based index)
// handle non-array values as an array of length 1
// return 'undefined' if index is invalid
if ( property_exists ( $values , 'value' ) && is_array ( $values -> value ) ){
if ( isset ( $values -> value [ $index ]) ){
return $values -> value [ $index ];
return null ;
} elseif ( ( int ) $index === 0 ){
return $values ;
return null ;
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public function length ( $values ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$n = ( property_exists ( $values , 'value' ) && is_array ( $values -> value )) ? count ( $values -> value ) : 1 ;
return new Less_Tree_Dimension ( $n );
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public function datauri ( $mimetypeNode , $filePathNode = null ) {
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$filePath = ( $filePathNode ? $filePathNode -> value : null );
$mimetype = $mimetypeNode -> value ;
$args = 2 ;
if ( ! $filePath ){
$filePath = $mimetype ;
$args = 1 ;
$filePath = str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , $filePath );
if ( Less_Environment :: isPathRelative ( $filePath ) ){
if ( Less_Parser :: $options [ 'relativeUrls' ] ){
$temp = $this -> currentFileInfo [ 'currentDirectory' ];
} else {
$temp = $this -> currentFileInfo [ 'entryPath' ];
if ( ! empty ( $temp ) ){
$filePath = Less_Environment :: normalizePath ( rtrim ( $temp , '/' ) . '/' . $filePath );
// detect the mimetype if not given
if ( $args < 2 ){
/* incomplete
$mime = require ( 'mime' );
mimetype = mime . lookup ( path );
// use base 64 unless it's an ASCII or UTF-8 format
var charset = mime . charsets . lookup ( mimetype );
useBase64 = [ 'US-ASCII' , 'UTF-8' ] . indexOf ( charset ) < 0 ;
if ( useBase64 ) mimetype += ';base64' ;
$mimetype = Less_Mime :: lookup ( $filePath );
$charset = Less_Mime :: charsets_lookup ( $mimetype );
$useBase64 = ! in_array ( $charset , array ( 'US-ASCII' , 'UTF-8' ));
if ( $useBase64 ){ $mimetype .= ';base64' ; }
} else {
$useBase64 = preg_match ( '/;base64$/' , $mimetype );
if ( file_exists ( $filePath ) ){
$buf = @ file_get_contents ( $filePath );
} else {
$buf = false ;
// IE8 cannot handle a data-uri larger than 32KB. If this is exceeded
// and the --ieCompat flag is enabled, return a normal url() instead.
$fileSizeInKB = round ( strlen ( $buf ) / 1024 );
if ( $fileSizeInKB >= $DATA_URI_MAX_KB ){
$url = new Less_Tree_Url ( ( $filePathNode ? $filePathNode : $mimetypeNode ), $this -> currentFileInfo );
return $url -> compile ( $this );
if ( $buf ){
$buf = $useBase64 ? base64_encode ( $buf ) : rawurlencode ( $buf );
$filePath = '"data:' . $mimetype . ',' . $buf . '"' ;
return new Less_Tree_Url ( new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( $filePath ) );
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public function svggradient ( $direction ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
$throw_message = 'svg-gradient expects direction, start_color [start_position], [color position,]..., end_color [end_position]' ;
$arguments = func_get_args ();
if ( count ( $arguments ) < 3 ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( $throw_message );
$stops = array_slice ( $arguments , 1 );
$gradientType = 'linear' ;
$rectangleDimension = 'x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1"' ;
$useBase64 = true ;
$directionValue = $direction -> toCSS ();
switch ( $directionValue ){
case " to bottom " :
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%"' ;
break ;
case " to right " :
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%"' ;
break ;
case " to bottom right " :
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%"' ;
break ;
case " to top right " :
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="100%" x2="100%" y2="0%"' ;
break ;
case " ellipse " :
case " ellipse at center " :
$gradientType = " radial " ;
$gradientDirectionSvg = 'cx="50%" cy="50%" r="75%"' ;
$rectangleDimension = 'x="-50" y="-50" width="101" height="101"' ;
break ;
default :
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( " svg-gradient direction must be 'to bottom', 'to right', 'to bottom right', 'to top right' or 'ellipse at center' " );
$returner = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' .
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1 1" preserveAspectRatio="none">' .
'<' . $gradientType . 'Gradient id="gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" ' . $gradientDirectionSvg . '>' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $stops ); $i ++ ){
if ( is_object ( $stops [ $i ]) && property_exists ( $stops [ $i ], 'value' ) ){
$color = $stops [ $i ] -> value [ 0 ];
$position = $stops [ $i ] -> value [ 1 ];
} else {
$color = $stops [ $i ];
$position = null ;
if ( ! ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) || ( ! (( $i === 0 || $i + 1 === count ( $stops )) && $position === null ) && ! ( $position instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension )) ){
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( $throw_message );
if ( $position ){
$positionValue = $position -> toCSS ();
} elseif ( $i === 0 ){
$positionValue = '0%' ;
} else {
$positionValue = '100%' ;
$alpha = $color -> alpha ;
$returner .= '<stop offset="' . $positionValue . '" stop-color="' . $color -> toRGB () . '"' . ( $alpha < 1 ? ' stop-opacity="' . $alpha . '"' : '' ) . '/>' ;
$returner .= '</' . $gradientType . 'Gradient><rect ' . $rectangleDimension . ' fill="url(#gradient)" /></svg>' ;
if ( $useBase64 ){
$returner = " 'data:image/svg+xml;base64, " . base64_encode ( $returner ) . " ' " ;
} else {
$returner = " 'data:image/svg+xml, " . $returner . " ' " ;
return new Less_Tree_URL ( new Less_Tree_Anonymous ( $returner ) );
* Php version of javascript ' s `encodeURIComponent` function
* @ param string $string The string to encode
* @ return string The encoded string
public static function encodeURIComponent ( $string ){
$revert = array ( '%21' => '!' , '%2A' => '*' , '%27' => " ' " , '%28' => '(' , '%29' => ')' );
return strtr ( rawurlencode ( $string ), $revert );
// Color Blending
// ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1
public function colorBlend ( $mode , $color1 , $color2 ){
$ab = $color1 -> alpha ; // backdrop
$as = $color2 -> alpha ; // source
$r = array (); // result
$ar = $as + $ab * ( 1 - $as );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 3 ; $i ++ ){
$cb = $color1 -> rgb [ $i ] / 255 ;
$cs = $color2 -> rgb [ $i ] / 255 ;
$cr = call_user_func ( $mode , $cb , $cs );
if ( $ar ){
$cr = ( $as * $cs + $ab * ( $cb - $as * ( $cb + $cs - $cr ))) / $ar ;
$r [ $i ] = $cr * 255 ;
return new Less_Tree_Color ( $r , $ar );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function multiply ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to multiply must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to multiply must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendMultiply' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendMultiply ( $cb , $cs ){
return $cb * $cs ;
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function screen ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to screen must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to screen must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendScreen' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendScreen ( $cb , $cs ){
return $cb + $cs - $cb * $cs ;
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function overlay ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to overlay must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to overlay must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendOverlay' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendOverlay ( $cb , $cs ){
$cb *= 2 ;
return ( $cb <= 1 )
? $this -> colorBlendMultiply ( $cb , $cs )
: $this -> colorBlendScreen ( $cb - 1 , $cs );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function softlight ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to softlight must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to softlight must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendSoftlight' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendSoftlight ( $cb , $cs ){
$d = 1 ;
$e = $cb ;
if ( $cs > 0.5 ){
$e = 1 ;
$d = ( $cb > 0.25 ) ? sqrt ( $cb )
: (( 16 * $cb - 12 ) * $cb + 4 ) * $cb ;
return $cb - ( 1 - 2 * $cs ) * $e * ( $d - $cb );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function hardlight ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to hardlight must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to hardlight must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendHardlight' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendHardlight ( $cb , $cs ){
return $this -> colorBlendOverlay ( $cs , $cb );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function difference ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ) {
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to difference must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to difference must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendDifference' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendDifference ( $cb , $cs ){
return abs ( $cb - $cs );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function exclusion ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to exclusion must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to exclusion must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendExclusion' ), $color1 , $color2 );
private function colorBlendExclusion ( $cb , $cs ){
return $cb + $cs - 2 * $cb * $cs ;
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function average ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to average must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to average must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendAverage' ), $color1 , $color2 );
// non-w3c functions:
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public function colorBlendAverage ( $cb , $cs ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return ( $cb + $cs ) / 2 ;
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
public function negation ( $color1 = null , $color2 = null ){
if ( ! $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The first argument to negation must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
if ( ! $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) {
2016-03-18 15:41:22 +08:00
throw new Less_Exception_Compiler ( 'The second argument to negation must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) );
2015-09-30 12:37:41 +08:00
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return $this -> colorBlend ( array ( $this , 'colorBlendNegation' ), $color1 , $color2 );
2015-03-24 11:01:13 +08:00
public function colorBlendNegation ( $cb , $cs ){
2014-02-19 17:02:11 +08:00
return 1 - abs ( $cb + $cs - 1 );
// ~ End of Color Blending