$string['coursepublished']='This course has been published successfully on \'{$a}\', although it sill needs to be approved by the hub administrator before it will appear in the course listing.';
$string['demourl_help']='Enter the demo URL of your course. By default it is the URL of your course. The demo url is displayed as a link in a search result.';
$string['detectednotexistingpublication']='{$a->hubname} is listing a course that does not exist anymore. Alert this hub administrator that the publication number {$a->id} should be removed.';
$string['errorcourseinfo']='An error occurred when retrieving course metadata from the hub ({$a}). Please try again to retrieve the course metadata from the hub by reloading this page later. Otherwise you can decide to continue the registration process with the following default metadata. ';
$string['errorcoursepublish']='An error occurred during the course publication ({$a}). Please try again later.';
$string['errorhublisting']='An error occurred when retrieving the hub listing from Moodle.org, please try again later. ({$a})';
$string['errorlangnotrecognized']='The provided language code is unknown by Moodle. Please contact {$a}';
$string['errorregistration']='An error occurred during registration, please try again later. ({$a})';
$string['errorunpublishcourses']='Due to an unexpected error, the courses could not be deleted on the hub. Try again later (recommended) or contact the hub administrator.';
$string['existingscreenshotnumber']='{$a} existing screenshots. You will be able to see these screenshots on this page, only once the hub administrator enables your course.';
$string['forceunregisterconfirmation']='Your site can not reach {$a}. This hub could be temporarily down. Unless you are sure you want to continue to remove registration locally, please cancel and try again later.';
$string['geolocation_help']='In future we may provide location-based searching. If you want to specify the location for your course use a latitude/longitude value here (eg: -31.947884,115.871285). One way to find this is to use Google Maps.';
$string['imageurl_help']='This image will be displayed on the hub. This image must be available from the hub at any moment. The image should have a maximum size of {$a->width} X {$a->height}';
$string['moodleorgregistrationdetail']='The main community hub is called MOOCH, at hub.moodle.org. By registering your site with MOOCH you will contribute to the statistics of the worldwide Moodle community. You can also join a low-volume mailing list providing early notifications of security fixes and new releases of Moodle.';
$string['notregisteredonhub']='Your administrator needs to register this site with at least one hub before you can publish a course. Contact your site administrator.';
$string['privacy_help']='The hub may want to display a list of registered sites. If it does then you can choose whether or not you want to appear on that list.';
$string['publisheremail_help']='The publisher email address allows the hub administrator to alert the publisher about any changes to the status of the published course.';
$string['publishername_help']='The publisher is the person or organisation that is the official publisher of the course. Unless you are publishing it on behalf of someone else, it will usually be you.';
$string['registrationconfirmedon']='You are now registered on the hub {$a}. You are now able to publish courses to this hub, using the "Publish" link in course administration menus';
$string['selecthubinfo']='A community hub is a server that lists courses. You can only publish your courses on hubs that this Moodle site is registered with. If the hub you want is not listed below, please contact your site administrator.';
$string['sendfollowinginfo_help']='The following information will be sent to contribute to overall statistics only. It will not be made public on any site listing.';
$string['sharepublication_help']='Uploading this course to a community hub server will enable people to download it and install it on their own Moodle sites.';
$string['sitegeolocation_help']='In future we may provide location-based searching in the hubs. If you want to specify the location for your site use a latitude/longitude value here (eg: -31.947884,115.871285). One way to find this is to use Google Maps.';
$string['siteemail_help']='You need to provide an email address so the admin can contact you if necessary. This will not be used for any other purpose.';
$string['siteregistrationcontact_help']='If you allow it, other people may be able to contact you via a contact form on the hub. They will never be able to see your email address.';
$string['siteurl_help']='The URL is the address of this site. If privacy settings allow people to see site addresses then this is the URL that will be used.';
$string['tags_help']='Tags help to further categorise your course and help it to be found. Please use simple, maningful words and separate them with a comma. Example: math, algebra, geometry';
$string['unregisterconfirmation']='You are about to unregister this site from the hub {$a}. Once you disconnect from it, you will not be able to manage any courses you left there. Are you sure you want to unregister?';
$string['unregistrationerror']='An error occurred when the site tried to unregister from the hub: {$a}';
$string['urlalreadyregistered']='Your site seems to be already registered on {$a}, which means something has gone wrong. Please contact the hub administrator to reset your registration so you can try again.';
$string['xmlrpcdisabledcommunity']='The XML-RPC extension is not enabled on the server. You can not search and download courses.';
$string['xmlrpcdisabledpublish']='The XML-RPC extension is not enabled on the server. You can not publish courses or manage published courses.';
$string['xmlrpcdisabledregistration']='The XML-RPC extension is not enabled on the server. You will not be able to unregister or update your registration until you enable it.';