Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
<?php // $Id$
// //
// //
// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment //
// //
// //
2006-03-22 08:32:54 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1990-onwards Moodle Pty Ltd //
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// //
// //
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // course
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
2006-03-22 08:32:54 +00:00
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
add_to_log($course->id, "data", "view all", "index.php?id=$course->id", "");
$strweek = get_string('week');
$strtopic = get_string('topic');
$strname = get_string('name');
$strdata = get_string('modulename','data');
2006-10-08 19:45:29 +00:00
print_header_simple($strdata, '', $strdata, '', '', true, "", navmenu($course));
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
if (! $datas = get_all_instances_in_course("data", $course)) {
2006-03-22 08:32:54 +00:00
notice("There are no databases", "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id");
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
$timenow = time();
$strname = get_string('name');
$strweek = get_string('week');
$strtopic = get_string('topic');
$strdescription = get_string("description");
2006-04-11 12:37:29 +00:00
$strentries = get_string('entries', 'data');
2006-03-27 05:20:50 +00:00
$strnumnotapproved = get_string('numnotapproved', 'data');
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
if ($course->format == 'weeks') {
2006-04-11 12:37:29 +00:00
$table->head = array ($strweek, $strname, $strdescription, $strentries, $strnumnotapproved);
2006-03-27 05:20:50 +00:00
$table->align = array ('center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center');
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
} else if ($course->format == 'topics') {
2006-04-11 12:37:29 +00:00
$table->head = array ($strtopic, $strname, $strdescription, $strentries, $strnumnotapproved);
2006-03-27 05:20:50 +00:00
$table->align = array ('center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center');
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
} else {
2006-04-11 12:37:29 +00:00
$table->head = array ($strname, $strdescription, $strentries, $strnumnotapproved);
2006-03-27 05:28:26 +00:00
$table->align = array ('center', 'center', 'center', 'center');
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
2006-04-05 01:38:06 +00:00
$rss = (!empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds) && !empty($CFG->data_enablerssfeeds));
if ($rss) {
array_push($table->head, 'RSS');
array_push($table->align, 'center');
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
$currentgroup = get_current_group($course->id);
2006-08-30 08:43:17 +00:00
if ($currentgroup and has_capability('mod/data:manageentries', $context)) {
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
$group = get_record("groups", "id", $currentgroup);
$groupname = " ($group->name)";
} else {
$groupname = "";
$currentsection = "";
foreach ($datas as $data) {
$printsection = "";
//Calculate the href
if (!$data->visible) {
//Show dimmed if the mod is hidden
$link = "<a class=\"dimmed\" href=\"view.php?id=$data->coursemodule\">".format_string($data->name,true)."</a>";
} else {
//Show normal if the mod is visible
$link = "<a href=\"view.php?id=$data->coursemodule\">".format_string($data->name,true)."</a>";
2006-03-27 05:28:26 +00:00
$numrecords = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT( FROM '.$CFG->prefix.
'data_records r WHERE r.dataid ='.$data->id);
if ($data->approval == 1) {
$numunapprovedrecords = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT( FROM '.$CFG->prefix.
'data_records r WHERE r.dataid ='.$data->id.
' AND r.approved <> 1');
} else {
2006-04-20 07:55:07 +00:00
$numunapprovedrecords = '-';
2006-03-27 05:28:26 +00:00
2006-04-05 01:38:06 +00:00
$rsslink = '';
if ($rss && $data->rssarticles > 0) {
$rsslink = rss_get_link($course->id, $USER->id, 'data', $data->id, 'RSS');
2006-03-27 05:28:26 +00:00
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
if ($course->format == 'weeks' or $course->format == 'topics') {
2006-03-27 05:28:26 +00:00
if ($data->section !== $currentsection) {
if ($data->section) {
$printsection = $data->section;
if ($currentsection !== '') {
$table->data[] = 'hr';
$currentsection = $data->section;
2006-03-27 05:20:50 +00:00
2006-04-05 01:38:06 +00:00
$row = array ($printsection, $link, $data->intro, $numrecords, $numunapprovedrecords);
2006-03-27 05:28:26 +00:00
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
} else {
2006-04-05 01:38:06 +00:00
$row = array ($link, $data->intro, $numrecords, $numunapprovedrecords);
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
2006-04-05 01:38:06 +00:00
if ($rss) {
array_push($row, $rsslink);
$table->data[] = $row;
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
echo "<br />";