$string['configenablerssfeeds']='This switch will enable the possibility of RSS feeds for all forums. You will still need to turn feeds on manually in the settings for each forum.';
$string['configlongpost']='Any post over this length (not including HTML) is considered long.';
$string['configmanydiscussions']='Maximum number of discussions shown in a forum per page';
$string['configmaxbytes']='Default maximum size for all forum attachments on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)';
$string['configshortpost']='Any post under this length (not including HTML) is considered short.';
$string['couldnotadd']='Could not add your post due to an unknown error';
$string['couldnotdeleteratings']='Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already rated it';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies']='Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['couldnotupdate']='Could not update your post due to an unknown error';
$string['deleteddiscussion']='The discussion topic has been deleted';
$string['deletedpost']='The post has been deleted';
$string['deletesure']='Are you sure you want to delete this post?';
$string['discussionmoved']='This discussion has been moved to \'$a\'.';
$string['discussionsstartedby']='Discussions started by $a';
$string['discussionsstartedbyrecent']='Discussions recently started by $a';
$string['discussthistopic']='Discuss this topic';
$string['eachuserforum']='Each person posts one discussion';
$string['emptymessage']='Something was wrong with your post. Perhaps you left it blank, or the attachment was too big. Your changes have NOT been saved.';
$string['everyonecanchoose']='Everyone can choose to be subscribed';
$string['everyoneissubscribed']='Everyone is subscribed to this forum';
$string['forcesubscribe']='Force everyone to be subscribed';
$string['forcesubscribeq']='Force everyone to be subscribed?';
$string['forumintro']='Forum introduction';
$string['forumname']='Forum name';
$string['forumtype']='Forum type';
$string['generalforum']='Standard forum for general use';
$string['generalforums']='General forums';
$string['inforum']='in $a';
$string['intronews']='General news and announcements';
$string['introsocial']='An open forum for chatting about anything you want to';
$string['introteacher']='A forum for teacher-only notes and discussion';