$string['assessmentmadebythe']='Assessment made by the $a';
$string['assessmentofthissubmission']='Assessment of this submission';
$string['atthisstageyou']='At this stage you have completed an assessment.<br />You may want to revise your work in the light of that assessment.<br /> If you do that please remember to also revise your assessment.<br /> You can do this by clicking on the Re-assess link given below.';
$string['awaitingassessmentbythe']='Awaiting Assessment by the $a';
$string['awaitingfeedbackfromthe']='Awaiting Feedback from the $a';
$string['confirmdeletionofthisitem']='Confirm Deletion of this $a';
$string['deadlineis']='The Deadline is $a';
$string['descriptionofexercise']='In an Exercise Assignment the description of the exercise or task to be done by the $a is put into a Word document or HTML file. This file is uploaded into the exercise before the assignment is opened up to the $a. It is also possible to create a set of variants on the same exercise or task, again as Word documents or HTML files, and upload these into the exercise before it is opened up to the $a.';
$string['detailsofassessment']='Details of Assessment';
$string['displayoffinalgrades']='Display of Final Grades';
$string['doubleupload']='Warning: this submission has probably been sent twice. Go to the Administration page, check for two submissions from this user within a short time period. Delete one of these submissions before proceeding.';
$string['noteonstudentassessments']='{Grade from student / Grading Grade from teacher}';
$string['notgraded']='Not Graded';
$string['notitlegiven']='No Title Given';
$string['nowpleasemakeyourownassessment']='Now Please make your own Assessment of the Piece of Work from $a. <br />Note that the Assessment Form is initially given the same grades as the <br />Student\'s Form. You should make any amendments you think necessary and then <br />click on one of the buttons at the foot of the page.';
$string['numberofassessmentelements']='Number of Comments, Assessment Elements, Grade Bands, Criterion Statments or Categories in a Rubric';
$string['numberofentries']='Number of Entries';
$string['numberofnegativeresponses']='Number of Negative Responses';
$string['phase2']='Allow $a Assessments and Submissions';
$string['phase3']='Stop $a Assessments and Submissions';
$string['phase4']='Show Overall Grades and League Table';
$string['pleasegradetheassessment']='Please Grade the Assessment of this Piece of Work by $a';
$string['pleasesubmityourwork']='Please submit your Work using this Form';
$string['pleaseusethisform']='Please complete this form when you have <br />finished the instructions in the exercise shown below.';
$string['pleaseviewtheexercise']='Please view the exercise given below by clicking on it\'s title.<br />You should follow the instructions in this exercise. <br/>When you are happy that you have completed the exercise<br /> successfully you should click on Assess (or Re-assess) link to the <br />right of the title. When you have done this assessment you will be <br />shown further instructions on what happens next.';
$string['reasonforadjustment']='Reason for Adjustment';
$string['resubmissionfor']='Resubmission for $a';
$string['resubmitnote']='* means that the $a is allowed to redo this submission. <br /> This flag can be given to any submission by re-assessing it and clicking <br />on the <b>Allow $a to Re-submit</b> button. <br />The student can resubmit when this flag is present on <b>any</b> of their submissions.';
$string['savedok']='Saved OK';
$string['saveentries']='Save Entries';
$string['savemyassessment']='Save my Assessment';
$string['saveweights']='Save Weights';
$string['scale10']='Score out of 10';
$string['scale100']='Score out of 100';
$string['scale20']='Score out of 20';
$string['scalecorrect']='2 point Correct/Incorrect scale';
$string['scaleexcellent4']='4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale';
$string['scaleexcellent5']='5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale';
$string['scaleexcellent7']='7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale';
$string['scalegood3']='3 point Good/Poor scale';
$string['scalepresent']='2 point Present/Absent scale';
$string['theexerciseandthesubmissionby']='The Exercise and the Submission by $a';
$string['thegradeis']='The Grade is $a';
$string['thereisfeedbackfromthe']='There is feedback from the $a';
$string['thisisaresubmission']='This is a Re-submission by $a.<br />Your assessment of their previous submission is shown. <br />After looking at the new submission, please Amend this assessment<br /> and click on one of the buttons at the foot of the page.';
$string['warningonamendingelements']='WARNING: There are submitted assessments. <br />Do NOT change the number of elements, the scale types or the element weights.';