2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ )) . '/config.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/lib/statslib.php' );
if ( empty ( $CFG -> enablestats )) {
error ( " Stats is not enabled. " );
$courseid = required_param ( 'course' , PARAM_INT );
$report = optional_param ( 'report' , 0 , PARAM_INT );
$time = optional_param ( 'time' , 0 , PARAM_INT );
$mode = optional_param ( 'mode' , STATS_MODE_GENERAL , PARAM_INT );
$userid = optional_param ( 'userid' , 0 , PARAM_INT );
if ( $report == STATS_REPORT_USER_LOGINS ) {
$courseid = SITEID ; //override
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
if ( $mode == STATS_MODE_RANKED ) {
redirect ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/admin/reports.php?time=' . $time );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
if ( ! $course = get_record ( " course " , " id " , $courseid )) {
error ( " That's an invalid course id " );
if ( ! empty ( $userid )) {
if ( ! $user = get_record ( 'user' , 'id' , $userid )) {
error ( " That's an invalid user id " );
require_login ();
if ( ! isteacher ( $course -> id )) {
error ( " You need to be a teacher to use this page " );
2005-09-28 06:07:40 +00:00
stats_check_uptodate ( $course -> id );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$strheader = get_string ( 'stats' );
$strnav = (( $course -> id != SITEID ) ? '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $courseid . '">' . $course -> shortname . '</a> -> ' : '' ) . $strheader ;
$reportoptions = stats_get_report_options ( $courseid , $mode );
$courses = get_courses ( 'all' , 'c.shortname' , 'c.id,c.shortname,c.fullname' );
$courseoptions = array ();
foreach ( $courses as $c ) {
if ( isteacher ( $c -> id )) {
$courseoptions [ $c -> id ] = $c -> shortname ;
$tableprefix = $CFG -> prefix . 'stats_' ;
if ( $mode == STATS_MODE_DETAILED ) {
$tableprefix = $CFG -> prefix . 'stats_user_' ;
$earliestday = get_field_sql ( 'SELECT timeend FROM ' . $tableprefix . 'daily ORDER BY timeend LIMIT 1' );
$earliestweek = get_field_sql ( 'SELECT timeend FROM ' . $tableprefix . 'weekly ORDER BY timeend LIMIT 1' );
$earliestmonth = get_field_sql ( 'SELECT timeend FROM ' . $tableprefix . 'monthly ORDER BY timeend LIMIT 1' );
if ( empty ( $earliestday )) $earliestday = time ();
if ( empty ( $earliestweek )) $earliestweek = time ();
if ( empty ( $earliestmonth )) $earliestmonth = time ();
$now = stats_get_base_daily ();
$lastweekend = stats_get_base_weekly ();
$lastmonthend = stats_get_base_monthly ();
$timeoptions = stats_get_time_options ( $now , $lastweekend , $lastmonthend , $earliestday , $earliestweek , $earliestmonth );
if ( empty ( $timeoptions )) {
error ( get_string ( 'nostatstodisplay' ), $CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $course -> id );
$options = array ();
$options [ STATS_MODE_GENERAL ] = get_string ( 'statsmodegeneral' );
$options [ STATS_MODE_DETAILED ] = get_string ( 'statsmodedetailed' );
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
if ( isadmin ()) {
$options [ STATS_MODE_RANKED ] = get_string ( 'reports' );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$menu = choose_from_menu ( $options , 'mode' , $mode , '' , 'this.form.submit();' , 0 , true );
$menu = '<form action="stats.php" method="post">' . " \n "
. '<input type="hidden" name="course" value="' . $course -> id . '" />' . " \n "
. '<input type="hidden" name="time" value="' . $time . '" />' . " \n "
. $menu . " \n " . '</form>' ;
print_header ( $strheader , $strheader , $strnav , '' , '' , true , ' ' , $menu );
echo '<form action="stats.php" method="post">' . " \n "
. '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $mode . '" />' . " \n " ;
$table -> width = '*' ;
if ( $mode == STATS_MODE_DETAILED ) {
if ( ! empty ( $time )) {
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
$param = stats_get_parameters ( $time , null , $course -> id , $mode ); // we only care about the table and the time string.
2005-10-27 22:14:53 +00:00
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT s.userid,s.roleid,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.idnumber FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'stats_user_' . $param -> table . ' s JOIN ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'user u ON u.id = s.userid '
2005-10-13 03:16:11 +00:00
. 'WHERE courseid = ' . $course -> id . ' AND timeend >= ' . $param -> timeafter . (( ! empty ( $param -> stattype )) ? ' AND stattype = \'' . $param -> stattype . '\'' : '' );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
if ( ! isadmin ()) {
2005-10-11 01:20:37 +00:00
$sql .= ' AND (s.roleid = 1 OR s.userid = ' . $USER -> id . " ) " ;
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
2005-10-11 01:20:37 +00:00
$sql .= " ORDER BY s.roleid " ;
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
} else {
2005-10-27 22:14:53 +00:00
$sql = 'SELECT s.userid,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.idnumber,1 AS roleid FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'user_students s JOIN ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'user u ON u.id = s.userid WHERE course = ' . $course -> id ;
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$us = get_records_sql ( $sql );
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
$admins = get_admins ();
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
foreach ( $us as $u ) {
$role = $course -> student ;
if ( $u -> roleid == 2 ) {
$role = $course -> teacher ;
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
if ( array_key_exists ( $u -> userid , $admins )) {
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$role = get_string ( 'admin' );
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
$users [ $u -> userid ] = $role . ' - ' . fullname ( $u , true );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
if ( empty ( $time )) {
if ( isadmin ()) {
2005-10-27 22:14:53 +00:00
$sql = 'SELECT t.userid,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.idnumber,1 AS roleid FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'user_teachers t JOIN ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'user u ON u.id = t.userid WHERE course = ' . $course -> id ;
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$moreusers = get_records_sql ( $sql );
foreach ( $moreusers as $u ) {
$users [ $u -> userid ] = $course -> teacher . ' - ' . fullname ( $u , true );
} else {
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
$users [ $USER -> id ] = $course -> teacher . ' - ' . fullname ( $USER , true );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
// make sure we sort so teachers are at the top.
if ( strcmp ( $course -> student , $course -> teacher ) < 0 ) {
arsort ( $users );
} else {
asort ( $users );
$table -> align = array ( 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' );
$table -> data [] = array ( get_string ( 'course' ), choose_from_menu ( $courseoptions , 'course' , $course -> id , '' , '' , '' , true ),
get_string ( 'users' ), choose_from_menu ( $users , 'userid' , $userid , '' , '' , '' , true ),
get_string ( 'statsreporttype' ), choose_from_menu ( $reportoptions , 'report' , $report , '' , '' , '' , true ),
get_string ( 'statstimeperiod' ), choose_from_menu ( $timeoptions , 'time' , $time , '' , '' , '' , true ),
'<input type="submit" value="' . get_string ( 'view' ) . '" />' ) ;
} else {
$table -> align = array ( 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' , 'left' );
$table -> data [] = array ( get_string ( 'course' ), choose_from_menu ( $courseoptions , 'course' , $course -> id , '' , '' , '' , true ),
get_string ( 'statsreporttype' ), choose_from_menu ( $reportoptions , 'report' , $report , '' , '' , '' , true ),
get_string ( 'statstimeperiod' ), choose_from_menu ( $timeoptions , 'time' , $time , '' , '' , '' , true ),
'<input type="submit" value="' . get_string ( 'view' ) . '" />' ) ;
print_table ( $table );
echo '</form>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $report ) && ! empty ( $time )) {
if ( $report == STATS_REPORT_LOGINS && $course -> id != SITEID ) {
error ( " This type of report is only available for the site course " );
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
$param = stats_get_parameters ( $time , $report , $course -> id , $mode );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
if ( $mode == STATS_MODE_DETAILED ) {
$param -> table = 'user_' . $param -> table ;
2005-10-13 03:16:11 +00:00
$sql = 'SELECT timeend,' . $param -> fields . ' FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'stats_' . $param -> table . ' WHERE '
. (( $course -> id == SITEID ) ? '' : ' courseid = ' . $course -> id . ' AND ' )
. (( ! empty ( $userid )) ? ' userid = ' . $userid . ' AND ' : '' )
. (( ! empty ( $param -> stattype )) ? ' stattype = \'' . $param -> stattype . '\' AND ' : '' )
. ' timeend >= ' . $param -> timeafter
. $param -> extras
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
. ' ORDER BY timeend DESC' ;
2005-10-13 03:16:11 +00:00
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$stats = get_records_sql ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $stats )) {
error ( get_string ( 'statsnodata' . (( ! empty ( $user )) ? 'user' : '' )), $CFG -> wwwroot . '/stats/index.php?course=' . $course -> id . '&mode=' . $mode . '&time=' . $time );
$stats = stats_fix_zeros ( $stats , $param -> timeafter , $param -> table ,( ! empty ( $param -> line2 )));
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
print_heading ( $course -> shortname . ' - ' . get_string ( 'statsreport' . $report ) . (( ! empty ( $user )) ? ' ' . get_string ( 'statsreportforuser' ) . ' ' . fullname ( $user , true ) : '' ));
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
if ( empty ( $CFG -> gdversion )) {
echo " ( " . get_string ( " gdneed " ) . " ) " ;
} else {
if ( $mode == STATS_MODE_DETAILED ) {
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
echo '<center><img src="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/statsgraph.php?mode=' . $mode . '&course=' . $course -> id . '&time=' . $time . '&report=' . $report . '&userid=' . $userid . '" /></center>' ;
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
} else {
2005-10-16 20:55:40 +00:00
echo '<center><img src="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/statsgraph.php?mode=' . $mode . '&course=' . $course -> id . '&time=' . $time . '&report=' . $report . '" /></center>' ;
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
$table = new object ();
$table -> align = array ( 'left' , 'center' , 'center' , 'center' );
$param -> table = str_replace ( 'user_' , '' , $param -> table );
$table -> head = array ( get_string ( 'periodending' , 'moodle' , $param -> table ), $param -> line1 );
if ( ! empty ( $param -> line2 )) {
$table -> head [] = $param -> line2 ;
$table -> head [] = get_string ( 'logs' );
foreach ( $stats as $stat ) {
2005-10-28 01:36:59 +00:00
$a = array ( userdate ( $stat -> timeend , get_string ( 'strftimedate' ), $CFG -> timezone ), $stat -> line1 );
2005-09-01 04:14:31 +00:00
if ( isset ( $stat -> line2 )) {
$a [] = $stat -> line2 ;
if ( empty ( $CFG -> loglifetime ) || ( $stat -> timeend - ( 60 * 60 * 24 )) >= ( time () - 60 * 60 * 24 * $CFG -> loglifetime )) {
$a [] = '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/log.php?id=' . $course -> id . '&chooselog=1&showusers=1&showcourses=1&user=' . $userid . '&date=' . usergetmidnight ( $stat -> timeend - ( 60 * 60 * 24 )) . '">' . get_string ( 'course' ) . ' ' . get_string ( 'logs' ) . '</a> ' ;
$table -> data [] = $a ;
print_table ( $table );
print_footer ();