$string['choosereadme']='<div class="clearfix"> <div class="theme_screenshot"> <h2 style="padding-top:0.5em;">Brick</h2> <img src="brick/pix/screenshot.png" /> <h3>Theme Discussion Forum:</h3> <p><a href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=46">http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=46</a></p> <h3>Theme Documentation:</h3> <p><a href="http://docs.moodle.org/en/Themes">http://docs.moodle.org/en/Themes</a></p> <h3>Theme Credits</h3> <p><a href="http://docs.moodle.org/en/Theme_credits">http://docs.moodle.org/en/Theme_credits</a></p> <h3>Report a bug:</h3> <p><a href="http://tracker.moodle.org">http://tracker.moodle.org</a></p> </div> <div class="theme_description"> <h2>About</h2> <p>Brick is a two-column, fluid-width theme for Moodle 2.0. You can change the theme colour scheme via the theme settings page.</p> <h2>Tweaks</h2> <p>This theme is built upon both Base and Canvas, two parent themes included in the Moodle core. If you wish to modify aspects of this theme beyond the settings offered, we advise creating a new theme that uses this theme, Base, and Canvas all as parents. This will ensure updates to any of those themes in the core will find their way into your new theme.</p> <h2>Credits</h2> <p>This theme was coded and is maintained by John Stabinger of NewSchool Learning. He can be contacted by email at contact@newschoollearning.com. </p> <h2>License</h2> <p>This, and all other themes included in the Moodle core, are licensed under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">GNU General Public License</a>.</p> </div> </div>';
$string['logodesc']='Change the logo of this theme by entering the URL to a new one (i.e., http://www.somesite/animage.png). As a reference, the default logo is 265px wide by 60px high. A transparent PNG will work best.';