interesante</a> para ayudar a la traducción de todos los archivos
de ayuda de Moodle. ¡Échale un vistazo!.</dd>
<dt> Fallos arreglados</dt>
<li> El valor del día en las fechas se presenta ahora
correctamente en los servidores Windows (<abbrtitle="Ejemplo">Ej.</abbr>,
en los envíos a foros, listas semanales, etc.)</li>
<li> config-dist.php y README.txt están ahora en formato
DOS para facilitar a los usuarios de Windows el comenzar (Los usuarios
de Unix no se ven afectados).</li>
<lilang="en"> Added a workaround (and new config switch in
config-dist.php) for some systems which have buggy referer
variables. This should help those people getting "stuck" on a
form during setup.</li>
<li> Al salir, ahora se va a la página principal y limpia
la sesión completamente.</li>
<li> La zonas horarias ahora tienen un rango entre -13 y 13 horas
(para el ahorro de luz solar).</li>
<li> En los mensajes de correo electrónico ahora la
codificación de caracteres se ajusta al idioma legido.</li>
<li> Las fotos de los usuarios ahora se suben aunque los otros
campos contengan errores.</li>
<li> Ya no se puede hacer clic para ver las fotos en su
máximo tamaño en el perfil de usuario.</li>
<li> El largo listado de usuarios ahora tiene un pequeño
aviso al pie sobre la desinscripción automática.</li>
<li> Los botones para desuscribirse y cambiar la contraseña
están ocultos para los invitados.</li>
<li> Se ha arrglado un problema ocasional que ocruría al
enviar sus tareas algunas veces los alumnos y se presentaban con el
propietario cambiado.</li>
<li> Los gr´ficos de accesos del usuario ahora son
más rápidos, limpios y traducibles.</li>
<li> Se han arreglado algunos errores de presentación de
los cursos el las divisiones por categoría de la página
<li> Las cuentas del administrador y de invitado ahora funcionan
siempre, incluso cuando está activada la autenticación
<li> Ahora hay una ligere mayor seguridad al escribir/leer
archivos (ahora revisa los scritps inscrustados).</li>
<li> Ahora el mismo usuario puede ser borrado más de una
vez (crear, borrar, recrear, borrar causaba error).</li>
<li> El editor de idiomas ahora funciona con idiomas <span
lang="en">multibyte</span> (Gracias, Mits)</li>
<hrtitle="línea divisoria."><!-- Desde aquí falta por traducir al español, no olvides eliminar el <div> que marca el cambio de idioma que hay a continuación -->
<h3> New in Moodle (14th November, 2002) : </h3>
<dlstyle="padding-left: 3em;">
<dt> Bug fix for no-name forums.</dt>
<dd> New sites created with had some forums appearing with no
names (for example the News forum on the home page). A workaround
is to add a new activity to that section (all the names will be
refreshed), but this release will fix it too. </dd>
<dt> New languages!</dt>
<dd> Catalan and Spanish (Spain) translations have arrived!</dd>
<dt> Some display improvements for old Netscape browsers (headers and
<dt> Guest language now ALWAYS the same as the current site language</dt>
<dt> "Recent Activity" can now be disabled completely if desired </dt>
<dt> For very large classes (larger than 500) participant list is not
<hrtitle="línea divisoria.">
<h3> New in Moodle (11th November, 2002) : </h3>
<dlstyle="padding-left: 3em;">
<dt> Course formatting improvements </dt>
<dd> The weekly and topic formats now have an extra "general" area up
the top where "general" activities are listed - these are things that
apply throughout the course, not just to one particular topic or week.
This general area is not shown if it is completely empty.</dd>
<dt> Popup "jump" menu. </dt>
<dd> You can now jump from one activity directly to any other using a
popup menu in the upper-right corner of the page</dd>
<dt> Speed improvements </dt>
<dd> Course activity details are now cached for each course, which
greatly reduces the amount of database access required to display the
course page. On heavily accessed systems this should improve speed.</dd>
<dt> Languages </dt>
<dd> Surveys are now completely translatable.</dd>
<dt> Admin improvements </dt>
<dd> Paging was added to the user admin page, so that the admin can
now browse large numbers of users. </dd>
<dt> Fixes and tweaks </dt>
<dd> Various other small improvements to formatting</dd>
<hrtitle="línea divisoria.">
<h3> New in Moodle (6th November, 2002) : </h3>
<dlstyle="padding-left: 3em;">
<dt> New assignment type: offline assignments </dt>
<dd> In addition to "upload a file" assignments, you can now have
"offline" assignments. These don't require the student to do anything
online. They are useful for grading activities that are not on in
Moodle, and a also useful for adding "manual" columns to the grade
<dt> Languages </dt>
<dd> Spanish (Mexican) has been added to the distribution. Other
languages have various improvements.</dd>
<dt> SMTP authentication </dt>
<dd> SMTP mail now supports SMTP username and password if needed</dd>
<dt> Documentation </dt>
<dd> Some parts rewritten, and documentation cleaned up (upgrade info
now part of main docs)</dd>
<dt> Other fixes </dt>
<li>Better checking on teachers using "loginas" to stop them
roaming other courses as a student</li>
<li>While using "loginas", teachers can return to their own
identity using a link in the footer</li>
<li>Some strings fixed in assignments, journals, and forums.</li>
<li>Guest language is now the same as the site</li>
<hrtitle="línea divisoria.">
<h3> New in Moodle 1.0.6 (26th October, 2002) : </h3>
<dlstyle="padding-left: 3em;">
<dt> New feature - WYSIWYG Text editing! </dt>
<dd> A WYSIWYG text editor has been added to many of the forms in
Moodle. These are currently only visible when using Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later - other browsers see the normal
forms exactly as before.</dd>
<dt> New feature - Quiz module! </dt>
<dd> Finally, the most requested new module is here! Multiple choice,
short answer, and true-false questions with automatic marking,
multiple attempts, teacher regrading and many other features. Questions
are stored in a categorised database, and may be "published" to other
<dt> New feature - Grade manager! </dt>
<dd> A new tool has been added for teachers to see all grades for a
course on one page. You can also download/export grades as a
tab-separated text file or an Excel Spreadsheet. In future more
features will be added to this page like sorting, manual columns
and calculations, but it's still pretty useful right now.</dd>
<dt> New feature - LDAP authentication! </dt>
<dd> Moodle can now authenticate against external directories that use
the LDAP protocol (including Novell etc). Many thanks to Petri
Asikainen for developing this authentication plug-in!</dd>
<dt> New feature - New smilies </dt>
<dd> Many new smilies have been added, and are now also accessible
using a GUI in the text editor.</dd>
<dt> Improved text editing </dt>
<dd> You can now include all major HTML tags in all texts. This is
now safe because of newly added functionality that strips all
Javascript and faulty tags from texts before they can cause
security or display problems.</dd>
<dt> Languages </dt>
<dd> German and Italian have been added! Many thanks to the
translators (see the credits).</dd>
<dt> Reading module => Resource module </dt>
<dd> After much thought and a vote of support (21 "yes" to 6 "no") on
the "Using Moodle" web site I changed the name of the "reading"
module to "resource" (at the code level and also the language
packs). It was better to do this earlier than later. This more
generic name will be more meaningful to more people and opens the way to
some real development on a resource library. But I don't want to
ever change a module name again! :-) If you have any hard-coded
URLs pointing to readings that you don't want to break, you can add a
line like this to your Apache httpd.conf to redirect them: