2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
< ? php
global $CFG ;
//initialize config vars for rss_client block if missing
if ( empty ( $CFG -> block_rss_client_submitters ) ) {
2004-12-31 03:38:22 +00:00
$CFG -> block_rss_client_submitters = 1 ; //default to admin only
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
if ( empty ( $CFG -> block_rss_client_num_entries ) ) {
$CFG -> block_rss_client_num_entries = 5 ; //default to 5 entries per block
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
if ( empty ( $CFG -> block_rss_timeout ) ) {
$CFG -> block_rss_timeout = 30 ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
* Determines whether or not to get a news feed remotely or from cache and reads it into a string
* @ param int rssid - id of feed in blog_rss table
* @ param string url - url of remote feed
* @ param string type - either 'A' or 'R' where A is an atom feed and R is either rss or rdf
* @ return Atom | MagpieRSS | null This function returns an Atom object in the case of an Atom feed , a MagpieRSS object in the case of an RDF / RSS feed or null if there was an error loading the remote feed .
* NOTE that this function requires allow_url_fopen be On in your php . ini file
* ( it may be off for security by your web host )
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
function rss_get_feed ( $rssid , $url , $type ) {
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
global $CFG ;
$writetofile = false ;
$urlfailurestring = 'Failed to open remote feed at: ' . $url . '<br /> allow_url_fopen needs to be On in the php.ini file for this file wrapper call to work. Please refer to <a href="http://us2.php.net/filesystem">http://us2.php.net/filesystem</a>' ;
$filefailurestring = 'Could not open the file located at: ' ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
$secs = $CFG -> block_rss_timeout * 60 ;
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
// If moodle dataroot cache folder is missing create it
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
if ( ! file_exists ( $CFG -> dataroot . '/cache/' )) {
mkdir ( $CFG -> dataroot . '/cache' );
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
// If moodle dataroot cache/rsscache folder is missing create it
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
if ( ! file_exists ( $CFG -> dataroot . '/cache/rsscache/' )) {
mkdir ( $CFG -> dataroot . '/cache/rsscache' );
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
$file = $CFG -> dataroot . '/cache/rsscache/' . $rssid . '.xml' ;
// echo "file = ". $file; //debug
//if feed in cache
if ( file_exists ( $file )) {
//check age of cache file
// echo "file exists $file"; //debug
if ( $CFG -> debug ){
$data = stat ( $file );
} else {
$data = @ stat ( $file );
$now = time ();
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
if (( $now - $data [ 10 ]) > $secs ) {
// The cached file has expired. Attempt to read fresh from source
$xml = load_feed_from_url ( $url );
if ( $xml ) {
$writetofile = true ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
} else {
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
// Failed to load remote feed. Since the file exists attempt to read from cache
if ( $CFG -> debug ) {
print $urlfailurestring ;
$xml = load_feed_from_file ( $file );
if ( ! $xml ) {
// Failed to load from cache as well!
if ( $CFG -> debug ) {
print $filefailurestring . $file ;
return ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
} else {
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
// Cached file has not expired. Attempt to read from cached file.
$xml = load_feed_from_file ( $file );
if ( ! $xml ) {
// Failed to load from cache, attempt to read from source
if ( $CFG -> debug ) {
print $filefailurestring . $file ;
$xml = load_feed_from_url ( $url );
if ( $xml ) {
// success
$writetofile = true ;
} else {
// Failed to read from source as well!
if ( $CFG -> debug ) {
print $urlfailurestring ;
return ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
} else {
// No cached fil at all, read from source
$xml = load_feed_from_url ( $url );
if ( $xml ) {
$writetofile = true ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
} else {
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
// Failed to read from source url!
if ( $CFG -> debug ) {
print $urlfailurestring ;
return ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
//print_object($xml); //debug
if ( $CFG -> debug ){
$xmlstr = implode ( ' ' , $xml );
} else {
$xmlstr = @ implode ( ' ' , $xml );
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
if ( $writetofile && ! empty ( $xmlstr ) ) { //write file to cache
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
// jlb: adding file:/ to the start of the file name fixed
// some caching problems that I was experiencing.
//$file="file:/" + $file;
file_put_contents ( $file , $xmlstr );
if ( $type == 'A' ) {
//note: Atom is being modified by a working group
include_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/rss/class.Atom.php' );
$atom = new Atom ( $xmlstr );
$atom -> channel = $atom -> feed ;
$atom -> items = $atom -> entries ;
$atom -> channel [ 'description' ] = $atom -> channel [ 'tagline' ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $atom -> items ); $i ++ ) {
$atom -> items [ $i ][ 'description' ] = $atom -> items [ $i ][ 'content' ];
return $atom ;
} else {
include_once ( $CFG -> dirroot . '/rss/class.RSS.php' );
$rss = new MagpieRSS ( $xmlstr );
return $rss ;
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
* @ param string $file The path to the cached feed to load
function load_feed_from_file ( $file ) {
global $CFG ;
// echo "read from cache"; //debug
//read in from cache
if ( $CFG -> debug ){
$xml = file ( $file );
} else {
$xml = @ file ( $file );
return $xml ;
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
* @ param string $url The url of the remote news feed to load
function load_feed_from_url ( $url ) {
global $CFG ;
// echo "read from original"; //debug
//read from source
if ( $CFG -> debug ){
$xml = file ( $url );
} else {
$xml = @ file ( $url );
return $xml ;
* @ param int $rssid .
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
function rss_display_feeds ( $rssid = 'none' ) {
global $db , $USER , $CFG , $THEME ;
global $blogid ; //hackish, but if there is a blogid it would be good to preserve it
$closeTable = false ;
//Daryl Hawes note: convert this sql statement to a moodle function call
if ( $rssid != 'none' ){
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'block_rss_client WHERE id=' . $rssid ;
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG -> prefix . 'block_rss_client' ;
$res = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
// print_object($res); //debug
if ( $res -> fields ){
$closeTable = true ;
< table width = " 100% " >
< tr bgcolor = " <?php echo $THEME->cellheading ;?> " class = " forumpostheadertopic " >
< td >< ? php print_string ( 'block_rss_feed' , 'block_rss_client' ); ?> </td>
< td >< ? php print_string ( 'edit' ); ?> </td>
< td >< ? php print_string ( 'delete' ); ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ?
if ( isset ( $res ) && $res -> fields ){
while ( ! $res -> EOF ) {
$editString = ' ' ;
$deleteString = ' ' ;
if ( $res -> fields [ 'userid' ] == $USER -> id || isadmin ()){
$editString = '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blocks/rss_client/block_rss_client_action.php?act=rss_edit&rssid=' . $res -> fields [ 'id' ] . '&blogid=' . $blogid . '">' ;
$editString .= '<img src="' . $CFG -> pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" alt="' . get_string ( 'edit' );
$editString .= '" title="' . get_string ( 'edit' ) . '" align="absmiddle" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\" /></a>' ;
$deleteString = '<a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blocks/rss_client/block_rss_client_action.php?act=delfeed&rssid=' . $res -> fields [ 'id' ];
$deleteString .= '&blogid=' . $blogid . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . get_string ( 'block_rss_delete_feed_confirm' , 'block_rss_client' ) . '\');">' ;
$deleteString .= '<img src="' . $CFG -> pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" alt="' . get_string ( 'delete' );
$deleteString .= '" title="' . get_string ( 'delete' ) . '" align="absmiddle" border=\"0\" /></a>' ;
print '<tr bgcolor="' . $THEME -> cellcontent . '" class="forumpostmessage"><td><strong><a href="' . $CFG -> wwwroot . '/blocks/rss_client/block_rss_client_action.php?act=view&rssid=' ;
print $res -> fields [ 'id' ] . '&blogid=' . $blogid . '">' . $res -> fields [ 'title' ] . '</a></strong><br />' . " \n " ;
print $res -> fields [ 'description' ] . ' <br />' . " \n " ;
print $res -> fields [ 'url' ] . ' <a href="' . $res -> fields [ 'url' ] . '" target=_new><img src="' . $CFG -> pixpath . '/blog/xml.gif" border="0" /></a>' . " \n " ;
print '<a href="http://feeds.archive.org/validator/check?url=' . $res -> fields [ 'url' ] . '">(Validate)</a>' ;
print '</td><td align="center">' . $editString . '</td>' . " \n " ;
print '<td align=\"center\">' . $deleteString . '</td>' . " \n " ;
print '</tr>' . " \n " ;
$res -> MoveNext ();
if ( $closeTable ){
print '</table>' . " \n " ;
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
* @ param string $act .
* @ param string $url .
* @ param int $rssid .
* @ param string $rsstype .
* @ param bool $printnow .
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
function rss_get_form ( $act , $url , $rssid , $rsstype , $printnow = true ) {
global $USER , $CFG , $_SERVER , $blockid , $blockaction ;
global $blogid ; //hackish, but if there is a blogid it would be good to preserve it
$returnstring = '<table><tr><td valign=\"top\">' ;
if ( $act == 'rss_edit' ) {
$returnstring .= get_string ( 'edit' );
} else {
$returnstring .= get_string ( 'block_rss_add_new' , 'block_rss_client' );
$returnstring .= ' ' . get_string ( 'block_rss_feed' , 'block_rss_client' );
$returnstring .= '</td></tr><tr><td>' ;
$returnstring .= '<form action="' . $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '" method=POST name="block_rss">' ;
$returnstring .= 'URL: <input type="text" size="32" maxlength="128" name="url" value="' ;
if ( $act == 'rss_edit' ) {
$returnstring .= $url ;
$returnstring .= ' " /><br /><select name= " rsstype " ><option value= " R " >RSS/RDF</option>
< option value = " A " ' ;
if ( $act == 'rss_edit' and $rsstype == 'A' ) {
$returnstring .= ' selected' ;
$returnstring .= '>Atom</option></select>' ;
$returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="act" value="' ;
if ( $act == 'rss_edit' ) {
$returnstring .= 'updfeed' ;
} else {
$returnstring .= 'addfeed' ;
$returnstring .= '" />' ;
if ( $act == 'rss_edit' ) {
$returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="rssid" value="' . $rssid . '" />' . " \n " ;
$returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="blogid" value="' . $blogid . '" />' ;
$returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="user" value="' . $USER -> id . '" />' ;
$returnstring .= '<input type="submit" value="' ;
if ( $act == 'rss_edit' ) {
$returnstring .= get_string ( 'update' );
} else {
$returnstring .= get_string ( 'add' );
$returnstring .= '" /> </form>' ;
$returnstring .= '<ul>' . get_string ( 'block_rss_find_more_feeds' , 'block_rss_client' );
// removed as this is possibly out of place here
// $returnstring .= '<li><a href="http://www.syndic8.com" target="_new">syndic8</a> <li><a href="http://www.newsisfree.com" target="_new">NewsIsFree</A>';
$returnstring .= '</ul>' ;
$returnstring .= '</td></tr></table>' ;
if ( $printnow ){
print $returnstring ;
return $returnstring ;
* added by Daryl Hawes for rss / atom feeds
* found at http :// us4 . php . net / manual / en / function . fwrite . php
* added check for moodle debug option . if off then use '@' to suppress error / warning messages
2004-12-30 18:08:38 +00:00
* @ param string $filename .
* @ param string $content .
2004-12-17 02:45:21 +00:00
if ( ! function_exists ( 'file_put_contents' )){
function file_put_contents ( $filename , $content ) {
global $CFG ;
$nr_of_bytes = 0 ;
if ( $CFG -> debug ){
if (( $file = fopen ( $filename , 'w+' )) === false ) return false ;
} else {
if (( $file = @ fopen ( $filename , 'w+' )) === false ) return false ;
if ( $CFG -> debug ){
if ( $nr_of_bytes = fwrite ( $file , $content , strlen ( $content )) === false ) return false ;
} else {
if ( $nr_of_bytes = @ fwrite ( $file , $content , strlen ( $content )) === false ) return false ;
fclose ( $file );
return $nr_of_bytes ;