$string['disabledpage']='This page is currently not available.';
$string['doesnotexist']='This page does not yet exist, please click on the edit Button if you would like to create it.';
$string['downloadaszip']='Downloadable zip archive';
$string['downloadtimes']='Downloaded $a times';
$string['dwnlnofiles']='No files uploaded yet.';
$string['dwnlsection']='Download section';
$string['editform1']='Try not to worry too much about formatting, it can always be improved later.';
$string['editform2']='Please write sensibly, and remember that all editing is logged.';
$string['editthispage']='Edit this page';
$string['emptypage']='Empty page';
$string['errorbinandtxt']='Flag error: Page of type BIN and TXT';
$string['errorhtml']='Page of type HTML';
$string['errornotype']='Flag error: Neither BIN nor TXT';
$string['errororreason']='Error or reason';
$string['errorroandwr']='Flag error: Page is Writeable and Read only';
$string['errorsize']='Page size bigger than 64k';
$string['errversionsave']='Sorry, while you edited this page someone else did already save a changed version. Please go back to the previous screen and copy your changes to your computers clipboard to insert it again after you reload the edit screen.';
$string['nocandidatestoremove']='No candidate pages to remove, choose \'$a\' to show all pages.';
$string['nochangestorevert']='No changes to revert.';
$string['nohtml']='No HTML';
$string['nolinksfound']='No links found on page.';
$string['noregexp']='This must be a fixed string (you cannot use * or regex), at best use the attackers` IP address or host name, but do not include the port number (because it increased with every http access).';
$string['notadministratewiki']='You are not allowed to administrate this wiki !';
$string['nothingtostrip']='There are no pages with more than one version.';
$string['nowikicreated']='No entries have been created for this wiki.';
$string['orphanedpage']='Orphaned page';
$string['orphanedpages']='Orphaned pages';
$string['otherwikis']='Other Wikis';
$string['pageactions']='Page actions';
$string['pageindex']='Page Index';
$string['pageinfo']='Page information';
$string['pagename']='Page name';
$string['pagenamechoice']='- or -';
$string['pageslinkingto']='Pages linking to this page';
$string['removenotice']='Note that only unreferenced pages will be listed here. And because the ewiki engine itself does only limited testing if a page is referenced it may miss some of them here.<br />If you however empty a page first, it will get listed here too. Various other database diagnostics are made as well.';
$string['removepagecheck']='Are you sure that you want to delete these pages ?';