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<?PHP // gift2
// version 1.0 BETA 2
/// GIFT: General Import Format Template
/// The GIFT format is a quick, easy to use method for teachers
/// writing questions as a text file. It supports true-false,
/// short answer and multiple-choice questions, as well as insertion
/// of a blank line for the missing word format. Below are examples
/// of the following question types: multiple choice, missing word,
/// true-false and short-answer.
/// Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{~Grant ~Jefferson =no one}
/// Grant is {~buried =entombed ~living} in Grant's tomb.
/// Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.{FALSE}
/// Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{=no one =nobody}
/// Optional question names are enclosed in double colon(::).
/// Answer feedback is indicated with hash mark (#).
/// Percentage answer weights immediately follow the tilde (for multiple
/// choice) or equal sign (for short answer), and are enclosed
/// in percent signs (% %).
/// ::Grant's Tomb::Grant is {
/// ~buried#No one is buried there.
/// =entombed#Right answer!
/// ~living#We hope not!
/// } in Grant's tomb.
/// Difficult question.{~wrong answer#comment on wrong answer
/// ~%50%half credit answer =full credit answer#well done!}
/// ::Jesus' hometown:: Jesus Christ was from {
/// =Nazareth#Yes! That's right!
/// =%75%Nazereth#Right, but misspelled.
/// =%25%Bethlehem#He was born here, but not raised here.}
/// This filter was written through the collaboration of numerous
/// members of the Moodle community. It was originally based on
/// the missingword format. In July 2003, Thomas Robb wrote the
/// original code for the percentage answer weight parser and comment
/// insertion. Paul Tsuchido Shew rewrote the filter in December 2003
/// incorporating community suggestions for a more robust question format,
/// and adding the question name parser, additional question types
/// and other features.
// Based on format.php, included by ../../import.php
class quiz_file_format extends quiz_default_format {
function answerweightparser(&$answer) {
$answer = substr($answer, 1); // removes initial %
$end_position = strpos($answer, "%");
$answer_weight = substr($answer, 0, $end_position); // gets weight as integer
$answer_weight = $answer_weight/100; // converts to percent
$answer = substr($answer, $end_position+1); // cleans up answer
/// To enable multiple answers (if fractional answer weights are assigned)
/// uncomment the following three lines.
/// if ($answer_weight > 0 and $answer_weight <> 1){
/// $question->single = 0; // ok many good answers
/// }
return $answer_weight;
function commentparser(&$answer) {
//Answer Comment parser
if (strpos($answer,"#") > 0){
$hashpos = strpos($answer,"#");
$comment = addslashes(substr($answer, $hashpos+1));
$answer = substr($answer, 0, $hashpos);
} else {
$comment = " ";
return $comment;
function readquestion($lines) {
/// Given an array of lines known to define a question in this format, this function
/// converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle.
$question = NULL;
$comment = NULL;
$answer_weight_regex = "^%\-*([0-9]{1,2})\.?([0-9]*)%";
$text = implode(" ", $lines);
/// QUESTION NAME parser
$text = trim($text);
if (substr($text, 0, 2) == "::") {
$text = substr($text, 2);
$namefinish = strpos($text, "::");
if ($namefinish === false) {
$question->name = false;
// name will be assigned after processing question text below
} else {
$question->name = addslashes(trim(substr($text, 0, $namefinish)));
$text = substr($text, $namefinish+2); // Remove name from text
} else {
$question->name = false;
/// FIND ANSWER section
$answerstart = strpos($text, "{");
if ($answerstart === false) {
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>$text<P>Could not find a {";
return false;
$answerfinish = strpos($text, "}");
if ($answerfinish === false) {
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>$text<P>Could not find a }";
return false;
$answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart;
$answertext = trim(substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1));
/// SAVE QUESTION TEXT without answer, inserting "_____" as necessary
if (substr($text, -1) == "}") {
/// no blank line if answers follow question, outside of closing punctuation
$question->questiontext = addslashes(substr_replace($text, "", $answerstart, $answerlength+1));
} else {
/// inserts blank line for missing word format
$question->questiontext = addslashes(substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength+1));
/// set question name if not already set
if ($question->name === false) {
$question->name = $question->questiontext;
// Only Multiple-choice questions contain tilde ~
if (strstr($answertext, "~") !== FALSE) { // tilde conditional
$answertext = str_replace("=", "~=", $answertext);
$answers = explode("~", $answertext);
if (isset($answers[0])) {
$answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
if (empty($answers[0])) {
$countanswers = count($answers);
if ($countanswers < 2) { // MC $countanswers conditional
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>Found tilde, but " . $countanswers . " answers in $answertext";
return false;
} else { // MC $countanswers conditional
$question->qtype = MULTICHOICE;
$question->single = 1; // Only one answer allowed by default
foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
$answer = trim($answer);
// determine answer weight
if ($answer[0] == "=") {
$answer_weight = 1;
$answer = substr($answer, 1);
} elseif (ereg($answer_weight_regex, $answer)) { // check for properly formatted answer weight
$answer_weight = $this->answerweightparser($answer);
} else { //default, i.e., wrong anwer
$answer_weight = 0;
$question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight;
$comment = $this->commentparser($answer); // commentparser also cleans up $answer
$question->feedback[$key] = $comment;
$question->answer[$key] = addslashes($answer);
} // end foreach answer
$question->defaultgrade = 1;
$question->image = ""; // No images with this format
return $question;
} // end MC $countanswers conditional
/// Otherwise, begin parsing other question-types
} else { // tilde conditional
/// TRUEFALSE Question
$TF_check = $answertext;
if (strpos($answertext,"#") > 0){
// strip comments to check for TrueFalse question
$TF_check = trim(substr($answertext, 0, strpos($answertext,"#")));
if (($TF_check == "T") // TrueFalse/ShortAnswer QuestionType conditional
OR ($TF_check == "TRUE")
OR ($TF_check == "F")
OR ($TF_check == "FALSE")) {
$answer = $answertext;
$question->qtype = TRUEFALSE;
$comment = $this->commentparser($answer); // commentparser also cleans up $answer
if ($answer == "T" OR $answer == "TRUE") {
$question->answer = 1;
$question->feedbackfalse = $comment; //feedback if answer is wrong
} else {
$question->answer = 0;
$question->feedbacktrue = $comment; //feedback if answer is wrong
} else { // TrueFalse/ShortAnswer QuestionType conditional
/// SHORTANSWER Question
$answers = explode("=", $answertext);
if (isset($answers[0])) {
$answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
if (empty($answers[0])) {
if (count($answers) == 0) {
/// invalid question
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>Found equals=, but no answers in $answertext";
return false;
} else {
$question->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
$question->usecase = 0; // Ignore case
foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
$answer = trim($answer);
// Answer Weight
if (ereg($answer_weight_regex, $answer)) { // check for properly formatted answer weight
$answer_weight = $this->answerweightparser($answer);
} else { //default, i.e., full-credit anwer
$answer_weight = 1;
$question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight;
$comment = $this->commentparser($answer); //commentparser also cleans up $answer
$question->feedback[$key] = $comment;
$question->answer[$key] = addslashes($answer);
} // end foreach
} // end ount($answers) conditional
} // end TrueFalse/ShortAnswer QuestionType conditional
$question->defaultgrade = 1;
$question->image = ""; // No images with this format
return $question;
} // end tilde conditional
} // end function readquestion($lines)