Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
< ? php // $Id$
// //
// //
// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment //
// //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2005 Martin Dougiamas //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// //
// //
require_once ( '../../config.php' );
require_once ( 'lib.php' );
require_once ( $CFG -> libdir . '/blocklib.php' );
require_login ();
$id = optional_param ( 'id' , 0 , PARAM_INT ); // course module id
$d = optional_param ( 'd' , 0 , PARAM_INT ); // database id
$mode = optional_param ( 'mode' , '' , PARAM_ALPHA );
if ( $id ) {
if ( ! $cm = get_record ( 'course_modules' , 'id' , $id )) {
error ( 'Course Module ID was incorrect' );
if ( ! $course = get_record ( 'course' , 'id' , $cm -> course )) {
error ( 'Course is misconfigured' );
if ( ! $data = get_record ( 'data' , 'id' , $cm -> instance )) {
error ( 'Course module is incorrect' );
} else {
if ( ! $data = get_record ( 'data' , 'id' , $d )) {
error ( 'Data ID is incorrect' );
if ( ! $course = get_record ( 'course' , 'id' , $data -> course )) {
error ( 'Course is misconfigured' );
if ( ! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance ( 'data' , $data -> id , $course -> id )) {
error ( 'Course Module ID was incorrect' );
if ( ! isteacheredit ( $course -> id )){
error ( get_string ( 'noaccess' , 'data' ));
if ( isteacher ( $course -> id )) {
if ( ! count_records ( 'data_fields' , 'dataid' , $data -> id )) { // Brand new database!
redirect ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/mod/data/fields.php?d=' . $data -> id ); // Redirect to field entry
add_to_log ( $course -> id , 'data' , 'view' , " view.php?id= $cm->id " , $data -> id , $cm -> id );
/// Print the page header
2006-02-03 08:11:36 +00:00
$strdata = get_string ( 'modulenameplural' , 'data' );
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
2006-02-03 08:11:36 +00:00
print_header_simple ( $data -> name , " " , " <a href='index.php?id= $course->id '> $strdata </a> -> $data->name " , " " , " " , true , " " , navmenu ( $course ));
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
print_heading ( format_string ( $data -> name ));
///processing submitted data, i.e updating form
2006-02-21 02:02:24 +00:00
if (( $mytemplate = data_submitted ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '/mod/data/templates.php' )) && confirm_sesskey ()){
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
//generate default template
if ( ! empty ( $mytemplate -> defaultform )){
data_generate_default_form ( $data -> id , $mode );
else if ( ! empty ( $mytemplate -> allforms )){ //generate all default templates
data_generate_default_form ( $data -> id , 'singletemplate' );
data_generate_default_form ( $data -> id , 'listtemplate' );
data_generate_default_form ( $data -> id , 'addtemplate' );
data_generate_default_form ( $data -> id , 'rsstemplate' );
else {
$newtemplate -> id = $data -> id ;
$newtemplate -> { $mode } = $mytemplate -> template ;
if ( isset ( $mytemplate -> listtemplateheader )){
$newtemplate -> listtemplateheader = $mytemplate -> listtemplateheader ;
if ( isset ( $mytemplate -> listtemplatefooter )){
$newtemplate -> listtemplatefooter = $mytemplate -> listtemplatefooter ;
//check for multiple tags, only need to check for add template
if ( $mode != 'addtemplate' or data_tags_check ( $data -> id , $newtemplate -> { $mode })){
update_record ( 'data' , $newtemplate );
/// Print the tabs
$currenttab = 'templates' ;
include ( 'tabs.php' );
/// Print the browsing interface
echo '<div align="center">' . get_string ( 'header' . $mode , 'data' ) . '</div><br />' ;
2006-02-20 02:15:45 +00:00
echo '<form name="tempform" action="templates.php?d=' . $data -> id . '&mode=' . $mode . '" method="post">' ;
echo '<input name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey () . '" type="hidden" />' ;
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
//print button to autogen all forms, if all templates are empty
$data = get_record ( 'data' , 'id' , $d ); //reload because of possible updates so far!
if ( empty ( $data -> addtemplate ) and empty ( $data -> singletemplate ) and empty ( $data -> listtemplate ) and empty ( $data -> rsstemplate )){
echo '<div align="center"><input type="submit" name="allforms" value="' . get_string ( 'autogenallforms' , 'data' ) . '" /></div>' ;
print_simple_box_start ( 'center' , '80%' );
echo '<table><tr><td colspan="2">' ;
///add all the available fields for this data
echo get_string ( 'availabletags' , 'data' );
helpbutton ( 'tags' , get_string ( 'tags' , 'data' ), 'data' );
echo '</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">' ;
echo '<select name="fields1[]" size="10" onclick="insertAtCursor(document.tempform.template, this.options[selectedIndex].value)">' ; //the insertAtCursor thing only works when editting in plain text =(
if ( $fields = get_records ( 'data_fields' , 'dataid' , $data -> id )){
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
2006-02-09 04:44:56 +00:00
echo '<option value="[[' . $field -> name . ']]">' . $field -> name . ' (' . $field -> type . ')</option>' ;
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
//print special tags
echo '<option value="##edit##">##Edit##</option>' ;
echo '<option value="##more##">##More##</option>' ;
echo '<option value="##delete##">##Delete##</option>' ;
2006-02-06 05:24:02 +00:00
echo '<option value="##approve##">##Approve##</option>' ;
2006-02-14 03:17:21 +00:00
echo '<option value="##comment##">##Comments##</option>' ;
Finally, we have an early version good enough for everyone to
start banging on to help us polish it up and find bugs.
Please take a look and file bugs in the bug tracker under "Database module".
We urgently need
- new icons for existing field types
- testing on PostgreSQL install
Coming soon (?):
- Many more field types: calculation, checkbox, relation, date, datetime,
time, email, group, list, user, number, richtext
(Please let us know if you are interested in developing any of these)
- A way to save and restore "presets", which are field/template sets
- Backup/Restore support
- Groups Support
- RSS support
Many thanks to Yu for all the hard work under my whip.
2005-12-02 07:50:26 +00:00
echo '</select>' ;
///add the HTML editor(s)
echo '</td><td>' ;
$usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor ();
if ( $mode == 'listtemplate' ){
echo '<div align="center">' . get_string ( 'header' , 'data' ) . '</div>' ;
print_textarea ( $usehtmleditor , 10 , 72 , 0 , 0 , 'listtemplateheader' , $data -> listtemplateheader );
if ( $mode == 'listtemplate' ){
echo '<div align="center">' . get_string ( 'multientry' , 'data' ) . '</div>' ;
print_textarea ( $usehtmleditor , 20 , 72 , 0 , 0 , 'template' , $data -> { $mode });
if ( $mode == 'listtemplate' ){
echo '<div align="center">' . get_string ( 'footer' , 'data' ) . '</div>' ;
print_textarea ( $usehtmleditor , 10 , 72 , 0 , 0 , 'listtemplatefooter' , $data -> listtemplatefooter );
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2">' ;
echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string ( 'savetemplate' , 'data' ) . '" /> ' ;
if ( ! $data -> { $mode }){
echo '<input type="submit" name="defaultform" value="' . get_string ( 'generatedefault' , 'data' ) . '" />' ;
echo '</td></tr></table>' ;
print_simple_box_end ();
echo '</form>' ;
if ( $usehtmleditor ) {
use_html_editor ( 'template' );
if ( $mode == 'listtemplate' ){
use_html_editor ( 'listtemplateheader' );
use_html_editor ( 'listtemplatefooter' );
/// Finish the page
print_footer ( $course );