
189 lines
9.5 KiB
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2004-09-12 13:21:01 +00:00
<?php // $Id$
// wiki.php - created with Moodle 1.4 alpha (2004081900)
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['action'] = '-- Action --';
$string['administration'] = 'Administration';
$string['allowremovepages'] = 'Allow \'remove pages\'';
$string['allowrevertchanges'] = 'Allow \'revert mass changes\'';
$string['allowsetpage'] = 'Allow \'set page flags\'';
$string['allowstrippages'] = 'Allow \'strip pages\'';
2004-08-26 14:38:27 +00:00
$string['attachments'] = 'This page has attachments';
$string['author'] = 'Author';
$string['authorfieldpattern'] = 'Author field pattern';
$string['authorfieldpatternerror'] = 'Please enter an author.';
$string['backlinks'] = 'Referring links';
$string['binimgtoolarge'] = 'Image file is too large!';
$string['binnoimg'] = 'This is an inacceptable file format!';
$string['browse'] = 'Browse';
$string['canceledit'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cannotchangepage'] = 'This page cannot be changed.';
$string['changes'] = '$a changes';
$string['changesfield'] = 'Within how many hours from the last change';
$string['changesfielderror'] = 'Please enter a correct hour count.';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['checklinks'] = 'Check links';
$string['checklinkscheck'] = 'Are you sure that you want to check the links on this page:';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['checklinksnotice'] = 'Please be patient when this page is working.';
$string['chooseadministration'] = '-- Administration --';
$string['chooseafile'] = 'Choose/upload initial page';
$string['choosewikilinks'] = '-- Choose Wiki Links --';
$string['comment'] = 'Comment';
$string['contentsize'] = 'Content size';
$string['created'] = 'Created';
$string['deletemewikiword'] = 'DeleteMe';
$string['deletemewikiwordfound'] = '$a found on page';
$string['deletepage'] = 'Delete page';
$string['deleteversions'] = 'Delete how many last versions';
$string['deleteversionserror'] = 'Please enter a correct version count.';
$string['diff'] = 'Diff';
$string['differences'] = 'Differences between version $a->new_ver and $a->old_ver of $a->pagename.';
$string['disablecamel'] = 'Disable CamelCase linking';
$string['disabledpage'] = 'This page is currently not available.';
$string['doesnotexist'] = 'This page does not yet exist, please click on the edit Button if you would like to create it.';
$string['downloadaszip'] = 'Downloadable zip archive';
$string['downloadtimes'] = 'Downloaded $a times';
$string['dwnlnofiles'] = 'No files uploaded yet.';
$string['dwnlsection'] = 'Download section';
$string['editform1'] = 'Try not to worry too much about formatting, it can always be improved later.';
$string['editform2'] = 'Please write sensibly, and remember that all editing is logged.';
$string['editthispage'] = 'Edit this page';
$string['emptypage'] = 'Empty page';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['errorbinandtxt'] = 'Flag error: Page of type BIN and TXT';
$string['errorhtml'] = 'Page of type HTML';
$string['errornotype'] = 'Flag error: Neither BIN nor TXT';
$string['errororreason'] = 'Error or reason';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['errorroandwr'] = 'Flag error: Page is Writeable and Read only';
$string['errorsize'] = 'Page size bigger than 64k';
$string['errversionsave'] = 'Sorry, while you edited this page someone else did already save a changed version. Please go back to the previous screen and copy your changes to your computers clipboard to insert it again after you reload the edit screen.';
$string['ewikiacceptbinary'] = 'Allow binary files';
$string['ewikiprinttitle'] = 'Print wiki name on every page';
$string['export'] = 'Export';
$string['exportformats'] = 'Export formats';
$string['exportsuccessful'] = 'Export successful.';
$string['exportto'] = 'Export to';
$string['fetchback'] = 'Fetch-back';
$string['file'] = 'File';
$string['filedownload'] = 'File Download';
$string['fileisoftype'] = 'File is of type';
$string['filtername'] = 'Wiki Page Auto-linking';
$string['flagbin'] = 'BIN';
$string['flaghtm'] = 'HTM';
$string['flagoff'] = 'OFF';
$string['flagro'] = 'RO';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['flags'] = 'Flags';
$string['flagsset'] = 'Flags changed';
$string['flagtxt'] = 'TXT';
$string['flagwr'] = 'WR';
$string['for'] = 'for';
$string['forbidden'] = 'You are not authorized to access this page.';
$string['groups'] = 'Groups';
$string['hits'] = '$a hits';
$string['howtooperate'] = 'How to operate';
$string['howtowiki'] = 'How to wiki';
$string['html'] = 'HTML-Format';
$string['htmlmode'] = 'HTML Mode';
$string['htmlonly'] = 'HTML only';
$string['index'] = 'Index';
2004-08-26 14:38:27 +00:00
$string['infoaboutpage'] = 'History for:';
$string['initialcontent'] = 'Choose an Initial Page';
$string['invalidroot'] = 'You are not authorized to access the current root page so no sitemap can be created.';
$string['lastchanged'] = 'Last changed on $a';
$string['lastmodified'] = 'Last modification';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['linkdead'] = 'DEAD';
$string['linkok'] = 'OK';
$string['linkschecked'] = 'Links checked';
$string['listall'] = 'List all';
$string['listcandidates'] = 'List candidates';
$string['meta'] = 'Meta data';
$string['moduledirectory'] = 'Module Directory';
$string['modulename'] = 'Wiki';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Wikis';
$string['mostoftenchangedpages'] = 'Most often changed pages';
$string['mostvisitedpages'] = 'Most visited pages';
$string['newestpages'] = 'Newest pages';
$string['noadministrationaction'] = 'No administration action given.';
$string['nocandidatestoremove'] = 'No candidate pages to remove, choose \'$a\' to show all pages.';
$string['nochangestorevert'] = 'No changes to revert.';
$string['nohtml'] = 'No HTML';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['nolinksfound'] = 'No links found on page.';
$string['noregexp'] = 'This must be a fixed string (you cannot use * or regex), at best use the attackers` IP address or host name, but do not include the port number (because it increased with every http access).';
$string['notadministratewiki'] = 'You are not allowed to administrate this wiki !';
$string['nothingtostrip'] = 'There are no pages with more than one version.';
$string['nowikicreated'] = 'No entries have been created for this wiki.';
$string['of'] = 'of';
$string['offline'] = 'OFFLINE';
$string['optional'] = 'Optional';
$string['orphanedpage'] = 'Orphaned page';
$string['orphanedpages'] = 'Orphaned pages';
$string['otherwikis'] = 'Other Wikis';
$string['ownerunknown'] = 'unknown';
$string['pageactions'] = 'Page actions';
$string['pageindex'] = 'Page Index';
$string['pageinfo'] = 'Page information';
$string['pagename'] = 'Page name';
$string['pagenamechoice'] = '- or -';
$string['pageslinkingto'] = 'Pages linking to this page';
$string['pagesremoved'] = 'Pages removed.';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['pagesreverted'] = 'Changes reverted';
$string['pagesstripped'] = 'Pages stripped.';
$string['plaintext'] = 'Plain Text';
$string['preview'] = 'Preview';
$string['readonly'] = 'Read only page';
$string['refs'] = 'References';
2004-09-12 13:21:01 +00:00
$string['removenotice'] = 'Note that only unreferenced pages will be listed here. And because the ewiki engine itself does only limited testing if a page is referenced it may miss some of them here.<br />If you however empty a page first, it will get listed here too. Various other database diagnostics are made as well.';
$string['removepagecheck'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete these pages ?';
$string['removepages'] = 'Remove pages';
$string['removeselectedpages'] = 'Remove selected pages';
$string['revertallsince'] = 'Version diving, also delete changes made after';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['revertchanges'] = 'Revert changes';
$string['revertlastonly'] = 'Only, if it was the last change';
$string['revertpages'] = 'Revert mass changes';
$string['revertpagescheck'] = 'Do you really want to revert the following changes:';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['revertthe'] = 'Version diving, but only purge the affected one';
$string['safehtml'] = 'Safe HTML';
$string['save'] = 'Save';
$string['searchwiki'] = 'Search Wiki';
$string['setpageflags'] = 'Set page flags';
$string['sitemap'] = 'Sitemap';
$string['smfor'] = 'Sitemap for';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['strippagecheck'] = 'Are you sure that you want to strip old versions from these pages:';
$string['strippages'] = 'Strip pages';
$string['studentadminoptions'] = 'Student admin options';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['submit'] = 'Submit';
$string['tabattachments'] = 'Attachments';
$string['tabedit'] = 'Edit';
2004-08-26 14:38:27 +00:00
$string['tabinfo'] = 'History';
$string['tablinks'] = 'Links';
$string['tabview'] = 'View';
$string['thanksforcontribution'] = 'Thank you for your contribution.';
$string['thispageisntlinkedfromanywhereelse'] = 'This page isn\'t linked from anywhere else.';
$string['updatedpages'] = 'Updated pages';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['uplerror'] = 'We are sorry, but something went wrong during the file upload.';
$string['uplinsect'] = 'Upload into';
$string['uplnewnam'] = 'Save with different filename';
$string['upload0'] = 'Use this form to upload an arbitrary binary file into the wiki:';
2004-06-02 12:44:04 +00:00
$string['uploadedon'] = 'Uploaded on';
$string['uploadpicturebutton'] = 'Upload';
$string['uplok'] = 'Your file was uploaded correctly.';
$string['version'] = 'Version';
$string['versionrangetoobig'] = 'You cannot delete all versions of a page! The last version should remain.';
$string['versions'] = 'Versions';
$string['versionstodelete'] = 'Version(s) to delete';
$string['viewpage'] = 'View Page';
$string['viewsmfor'] = 'View sitemap for';
$string['wantedpages'] = 'Wanted pages';
$string['wikidefaultpagename'] = 'WikiIndex';
$string['wikiexport'] = 'Export pages';
$string['wikiexportcomment'] = 'Here you can configure the export to your needs.';
$string['wikilinkoptions'] = 'Wiki auto-linking options';
$string['wikilinks'] = 'Wiki Links';
$string['wikiname'] = 'Page Name';
$string['wikistartederror'] = 'Wiki already has entries - can\'t change.';
$string['wikitype'] = 'Type';
$string['wikiusage'] = 'Wiki usage';
$string['withbinaries'] = 'Include binary content';
$string['withvirtualpages'] = 'Include Wiki-Links';
$string['wrongversionrange'] = '$a is not a correct range!';
2004-08-26 14:38:27 +00:00