$string['areyousuretorestorethisinfo']="Later in this process you will have a choice of adding this backup to an existing course or creating a completely new course.";
$string['assignstudentsnote']="Note: it may not be necessary to use this page, since it is possible for students to enrol themselves in this course.";
$string['assignstudentspass']="All you may need to do is notify your students of the enrolment key for this course, which is currently set to: '\$a'";
$string['backupcoursefileshelp']="If enabled then course files will be included in automated backups";
$string['backupfailed']="Some of your courses weren't saved!!";
$string['backupincludemoduleshelp']="Choose whether you want to include course modules, with or without user data, in automated backups";
$string['backupkeephelp']="How many recent backups for each course do you want to keep? (older ones will be deleted automatically)";
$string['backuplogshelp']="If enabled, then course logs will be included in automated backups";
$string['backupnoneusersinfo']="Notice: You have selected to backup \"none\" users, so all the modules backup have been switched to \"without user data\" mode. Please note that the \"exercise\" and \"workshop\" modules aren't compatible with this type of backup, so they have been deactivated completely.";
$string['backupsavetohelp']="Full path to the directory where you want to save the backup files<br />(leave blank to save in its course default dir)";
$string['backuptakealook']="Please take a look to your backup logs in:
$string['backupuserfileshelp']="Choose whether user files (eg profile images) should be included in automated backups";
$string['backupusershelp']="Select whether you want to include all the users in the server or only the needed users for each course";
$string['backupversion']="Backup Version";
$string['blockconfiga']="Configuring a \$a block";
$string['blockconfigbad']="This block has not been implemented correctly and thus cannot provide a configuration interface.";
$string['blockdeleteconfirm']="You are about to completely delete the block '\$a'. This will completely delete everything in the database associated with this block. Are you SURE you want to continue?";
$string['blockdeletefiles']="All data associated with the block '\$a->block' has been deleted from the database. To complete the deletion (and prevent the block re-installing itself), you should now delete this directory from your server: \$a->directory";
$string['blocksetup']="Setting up block tables";
$string['blocksuccess']="\$a tables have been set up correctly";
$string['clambroken']="Your administrator has enabled virus checking for file uploads but has misconfigured something.<br />Your file upload was NOT successful. Your administrator has been emailed to notify them so they can fix it.<br />Maybe try uploading this file later.";
$string['clamdeletedfile']="The file has been deleted";
$string['clamdeletedfilefailed']="The file could not be deleted";
$string['clamemailsubject']="\$a :: Clam AV notification";
$string['clamfailed']="Clam AV has failed to run. The return error message was \$a. Here is the output from Clam:";
$string['clamlost']="Moodle is configured to run clam on file upload, but the path supplied to Clam AV, \$a, is invalid.";
$string['clamlostandactinglikevirus']="In addition, moodle is configured so that if clam fails to run, files are treated like viruses. This essentially means that no student can upload a file successfully until you fix this.";
$string['clammovedfile']="The file has been moved to your specified quarantine directory, the new location is \$a";
$string['clammovedfilebasic']="The file has been moved to a quarantine directory.";
$string['clamquarantinedirfailed']="Could not move the file into your specified quarantine directory, \$a. You need to fix this as files are being deleted if they're found to be infected.";
$string['clamunknownerror']="There was an unknown error with clam.";
$string['cleaningtempdata']="Cleaning temp data";
$string['comparelanguage']="Compare and edit current language";
$string['configallowunenroll']="If this is set 'Yes', then students are allowed to unenroll themselves from courses whenever they like. Otherwise they are not allowed, and this process will be solely controlled by the teachers and administrators.";
$string['configallusersaresitestudents']="For activities on the front page of the site, should ALL users be considered as students? If you answer \"Yes\", then any confirmed user account will be allowed to participate as a student in those activities. If you answer \"No\", then only users who are already a participant in at least one course will be able to take part in those front page activities. Only admins and specially assigned teachers can act as teachers for these front page activities.";
$string['configautologinguests']="Should visitors be logged in as guests automatically when entering courses with guest access?";
$string['configcachetext']="For larger sites or sites that use text filters, this setting can really speed things up. Copies of texts will be retained in their processed form for the time specified here. Setting this too small may actually slow things down slightly, but setting it too large may mean texts take too long to refresh (with new links, for example).";
$string['configclamactlikevirus']="Treat files like viruses";
$string['configclamdonothing']="Treat files as OK";
$string['configclamfailureonupload']="If you have configured clam to scan uploaded files, but it is configured incorrectly or fails to run for some unknown reason, how should it behave? If you choose 'Treat files like viruses', they'll be moved into the quarantine area, or deleted. If you choose 'Treat files as OK', the files will be moved to the desination directory like normal. Either way, admins will be alerted that clam has failed. If you choose 'Treat files like viruses' and for some reason clam fails to run (usually because you have entered an invalid pathtoclam), ALL files that are uploaded will be moved to the given quarantine area, or deleted. Be careful with this setting.";
$string['configcountry']="If you set a country here, then this country will be selected by default on new user accounts. To force users to choose a country, just leave this unset.";
$string['configdbsessions']="If enabled, this setting will use the database to store information about current sessions. This is especially useful for large/busy sites or sites built on cluster of servers. For most sites this should probably be left disabled so that the server disk is used instead. Note that changing this setting now will log out all current users (including you).";
$string['configdebug']="If you turn this on, then PHP's error_reporting will be increased so that more warnings are printed. This is only useful for developers.";
$string['configdeleteunconfirmed']="If you are using email authentication, this is the period within which a response will be accepted from users. After this period, old unconfirmed accounts are deleted.";
$string['configdigestmailtime']="People who choose to have emails sent to them in digest form will be emailed the digest daily. This setting controls which time of day the daily mail will be sent (the next cron that runs after this hour will send it).";
$string['configdisplayloginfailures']="This will display information to selected users about previous failed logins.";
$string['configenablerssfeeds']="This switch will enable RSS feeds from across the site. To actually see any change you will need to enable RSS feeds in the individual modules too - go to the Modules settings under Admin Configuration.";
$string['configenablerssfeedsdisabled']=" It is not available because RSS feeds are disabled in all the Site. To enable them, go to the Variables settings under Admin Configuration.";
$string['configerrorlevel']="Choose the amount of PHP warnings that you want to be displayed. Normal is usually the best choice.";
$string['configextendedusernamechars']="Enable this setting to allow students to use any characters in their usernames (note this does not affect their actual names). The default is \"false\" which restricts usernames to be alphanumeric characters only";
$string['configfilteruploadedfiles']="Enabling this setting will cause Moodle to process all uploaded HTML and text files with the filters before displaying them.";
$string['configforcelogin']="Normally, the front page of the site and the course listings (but not courses) can be read by people without logging in to the site. If you want to force people to log in before they do ANYTHING on the site, then you should enable this setting.";
$string['configforceloginforprofiles']="Enable this setting to force people to login as a real (non-guest) account before being allowed to see the user profile pages. By default this is disabled (\"false\") so that prospective students can read about the teachers of each course, but this also means that web search engines can see them.";
$string['configframename']="If you are embedding Moodle within a web frame, then put the name of this frame here. Otherwise this value should remain as '_top'";
$string['configfullnamedisplay']="This defines how names are shown when they are displayed in full. For most mono-lingual sites the most efficient setting is the default \"Given names + Surname\", but you may choose to hide surnames altogether, or to leave it up to the current language pack to decide (some languages have different conventions).";
$string['configgdversion']="Indicate the version of GD that is installed. The version shown by default is the one that has been auto-detected. Don't change this unless you really know what you're doing.";
$string['confightmleditor']="Choose whether or not to allow use of the embedded HTML text editor. Even if you choose allow, this editor will only appear when the user is using a compatible web browser. Users can also choose not to use it.";
$string['configidnumber']="This option specifies whether (a) Users are not be asked for an ID number at all, (b) Users are asked for an ID number but can leave it blank or (c) Users are asked for an ID Number and cannot leave it blank. If given the User's ID number is displayed in their Profile.";
$string['configintro']="On this page you can specify a number of configuration variables that help make Moodle work properly on your server. Don't worry too much about it - the defaults will usually work fine and you can always come back to this page later and change these settings.";
$string['configintroadmin']="On this page you should configure your main administrator account which will have complete control over the site. Make sure you give it a secure username and password as well as a valid email address. You can create more admin accounts later on.";
$string['configintrosite']="This page allows you to configure the front page and name of this new site. You can come back here later to change these settings any time using the 'Site Settings' link on the home page.";
$string['configlang']="Choose a default language for the whole site. Users can override this setting later.";
$string['configlangdir']="Most languages are printed left-to-right, but some, like Arabic and Hebrew, are printed right-to-left.";
$string['configlanglist']="Leave this blank to allow users to choose from any language you have in this installation of Moodle. However, you can shorten the language menu by entering a comma-separated list of language codes that you want. For example: en,es_es,fr,it";
$string['configlangmenu']="Choose whether or not you want to display the general-purpose language menu on the home page, login page etc. This does not affect the user's ability to set the preferred language in their own profile.";
$string['configlocale']="Choose a sitewide locale - this will affect the format and language of dates. You need to have this locale data installed on your operating system. (eg en_US or es_ES). If you don't know what to choose leave it blank.";
$string['configloginhttps']="Turning this on will make Moodle use a secure https connection just for the login page (providing a secure login), and then afterwards revert back to the normal http URL for general speed. CAUTION: this setting REQUIRES https to be specifically enabled on the web server - if it is not then YOU COULD LOCK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR SITE.";
$string['configloglifetime']="This specifies the length of time you want to keep logs about user activity. Logs that are older than this age are automatically deleted. It is best to keep logs as long as possible, in case you need them, but if you have a very busy server and are experiencing performance problems, then you may want to lower the log lifetime.";
$string['configlongtimenosee']="If students haven't logged in for a very long time, then they are automatically unsubscribed from courses. This parameter specifies that time limit.";
$string['configmaxbytes']="This specifies a maximum size that uploaded files can be throughout the whole site. This setting is limited by the PHP setting upload_max_filesize and the Apache setting LimitRequestBody. In turn, maxbytes limits the range of sizes that can be chosen at course level or module level.";
$string['configmaxeditingtime']="This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, journal feedback etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value.";
$string['confignoreplyaddress']="Emails are sometimes sent out on behalf of a user (eg forum posts). The email address you specify here will be used as the \"From\" address in those cases when the recipients should not be able to reply directly to the user (eg when a user chooses to keep their address private).";
$string['confignotifyloginfailures']="If login failures have been recorded, email notifications can be sent out. Who should see these notifications?";
$string['confignotifyloginthreshold']="If notifications about failed logins are active, how many failed login attempts by one user or one IP address is it worth notifying about?";
$string['configopentogoogle']="If you enable this setting, then Google will be allowed to enter your site as a Guest. In addition, people coming in to your site via a Google search will automatically be logged in as a Guest. Note that this only provides transparent access to courses that already allow guest access.";
$string['configpathtoclam']="Path to clam AV. Probably something like /usr/bin/clamscan or /usr/bin/clamdscan. You need this in order for clam AV to run.";
$string['configproxyhost']="If this <b>server</b> needs to use a proxy computer (eg a firewall) to access the Internet, then provide the proxy hostname and port here. Otherwise leave it blank.";
$string['configquarantinedir']="If you want clam AV to move infected files to a quarantine directory, enter it here. It must be writable by the webserver. If you leave this blank, or if you enter a directory that doesn't exit or isn't writable, infected files will be deleted. Do not include a trailing slash.";
$string['configrunclamonupload']="Run clam AV on file upload? You will need a correct path in pathtoclam for this to work. (Clam AV is a free virus scanner that you can get from http://www.clamav.net/)";
$string['configsecureforms']="Moodle can use an additional level of security when accepting data from web forms. If this is enabled, then the browser's HTTP_REFERER variable is checked against the current form address. In a very few cases this can cause problems if the user is using a firewall (eg Zonealarm) configured to strip HTTP_REFERER from their web traffic. Symptoms are getting 'stuck' on a form. If your users are having problems with the login page (for example) you might want to disable this setting, although it might leave your site more open to brute-force password attacks. If in doubt, leave this set to 'Yes'.";
$string['configsessioncookie']="This setting customises the name of the cookie used for Moodle sessions. This is optional, and only useful to avoid cookies being confused when there is more than one copy of Moodle running within the same web site.";
$string['configsessiontimeout']="If people logged in to this site are idle for a long time (without loading pages) then they are automatically logged out (their session is ended). This variable specifies how long this time should be.";
$string['configshowsiteparticipantslist']="All of these site students and site teachers will be listed on the site participants list. Who shall be allowed to see this site participants list?";
$string['configsitepolicy']="If you have a site policy that all users must see and agree to before using this site, then specify the URL to it here, otherwise leave this field blank. The URL can point to anywhere - one convenient place would be a file in the site files. eg http://yoursite/file.php/1/policy.html";
$string['configslasharguments']="Files (images, uploads etc) are provided via a script using 'slash arguments' (the second option here). This method allows files to be more easily cached in web browsers, proxy servers etc. Unfortunately, some PHP servers don't allow this method, so if you have trouble viewing uploaded files or images (eg user pictures), set this variable to the first option";
$string['configsmtphosts']="Give the full name of one or more local SMTP servers that Moodle should use to send mail (eg 'mail.a.com' or 'mail.a.com;mail.b.com'). If you leave it blank, Moodle will use the PHP default method of sending mail.";
$string['configsmtpuser']="If you have specified an SMTP server above, and the server requires authentication, then enter the username and password here.";
$string['configteacherassignteachers']="Should ordinary teachers be allowed to assign other teachers within courses they teach? If 'No', then only course creators and admins can assign teachers.";
$string['configtimezone']="You can set the default timezone here. This is the only the DEFAULT timezone for displaying dates - each user can override this by setting their own in their profile. \"Server time\" here will make Moodle default to the server's operating system setting, but \"Server time\" in the user profile will make the user default to this timezone setting.";
$string['configunzip']="Indicate the location of your unzip program (Unix only, optional). If specified, this will be used to unpack zip archives on the server. If you leave this blank, then Moodle will use internal routines.";
$string['configwarning']="Be careful modifying these settings - strange values could cause problems.";
$string['configzip']="Indicate the location of your zip program (Unix only, optional). If specified, this will be used to create zip archives on the server. If you leave this blank, then Moodle will use internal routines.";
$string['defaultcoursesummary']="Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about";
$string['deletecategorycheck']="Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete this category <b>'\$a'</b>?<br />This will move all courses into the parent category if there is one, or into Miscellaneous.";
$string['displayingfirst']="Only the first \$a->count \$a->things are displayed";
$string['duplicatinga']="Duplicating: \$a";
$string['duplicatingain']="Duplicating \$a->what in \$a->in";
$string['edhelpbgcolor']="Define editarea's background-color.<br />Valid values are for example: #ffffff or white";
$string['edhelpcleanword']="This setting enables or disables Word specific format filtering.";
$string['edhelpenablespelling']="Enable or disable spellchecking. When enabled, <strong>aspell</strong> must be installed on the server.";
$string['edhelpfontfamily']="The font-family property is a list of font family names and/or generic family names. Family names must be seperated with comma.";
$string['edhelpfontlist']="Define the fonts used on editors dropdown menu.";
$string['edhelpfontsize']="The default font-size sets the size of a font. <br />Valid values are for example: medium, large, smaller, larger, 10pt, 11px.";
$string['editlock']="This value cannot be edited!";
$string['emaildisableclick']="Click here to disable all email from being sent to this address";
$string['emailenableclick']="Click here to re-enable all email being sent to this address";
$string['emailnotallowed']="Email addresses in these domains are not allowed (\$a)";
$string['emailonlyallowed']="This email is not one of those that are allowed (\$a)";
$string['enrolledincourse']="Enrolled in course \"\$a\"";
$string['enrolledincoursenot']="Not enrolled in course \"\$a\"";
$string['enrollfirst']="You have to enroll in one of the courses before you can use the site activities";
$string['enrolmentconfirmation']="You are about to enroll yourself as a member of this course.<br />Are you sure you wish to do this?";
$string['enrolmentnew']="New enrolment in \$a";
$string['enrolmentnewuser']="\$a->user has enrolled in course \"\$a->course\"";
$string['enrolmentnointernal']="Manual enrolments are currently not enabled";
$string['enrolmentnotyet']="Sorry, you can not access this course until <br /> \$a";
$string['enrolperiod']="Enrolment period";
$string['errortoomanylogins']="Sorry, you have exceeded the allowed number of login attempts. Restart your browser.";
$string['errorwhenconfirming']="You are not confirmed yet because an error occurred. If you clicked on a link in an email to get here, make sure that the line in your email wasn't broken or wrapped. You may have to use cut and paste to reconstruct the link properly.";
$string['executeat']="Execute at";
$string['existingadmins']="Existing admins";
$string['existingcourse']="Existing course";
$string['existingcourseadding']="Existing course, adding data to it";
$string['existingcoursedeleting']="Existing course, deleting it first";
$string['markedthistopic']="This topic is highlighted as the current topic";
$string['moduledeleteconfirm']="You are about to completely delete the module '\$a'. This will completely delete everything in the database associated with this activity module. Are you SURE you want to continue?";
$string['moduledeletefiles']="All data associated with the module '\$a->module' has been deleted from the database. To complete the deletion (and prevent the module re-installing itself), you should now delete this directory from your server: \$a->directory";
$string['moodleversion']="Moodle Version";
$string['movefull']="Move \$a to this location";
$string['mustchangepassword']="The new password must be different than the current one";
$string['neverdeletelogs']="Never delete logs";
$string['nocoursesfound']="No courses were found with the words '\$a'";
$string['noexistingadmins']="No existing admins, this is a serious error and you should never have seen this message.";
$string['nofilesselected']="No files have been selected to restore";
$string['nomorecourses']="No more matching courses could be found";
$string['nomoreidnumber']="Not using an idnumber to avoid collisions";
$string['noteuserschangednonetocourse']="Note: course users need to be restored when restoring user data. This setting has been changed for you.";
$string['noticenewerbackup']="This backup file has been created with Moodle \$a->backuprelease (\$a->backupversion) and it's newer than your currently installed Moodle \$a->serverrelease (\$a->serverversion). This could cause some inconsistencies because backwards compatibility of backup files cannot be guaranteed.";
$string['pageheaderconfigablock']="Configuring a block in %fullname%";
$string['pathnotexists']="Path doesn't exist in your server!";
$string['pathslasherror']="Path can't end with a slash!!";
$string['paymentinstant']="Use the button below to pay and be enrolled within minutes!";
$string['paymentrequired']="This course requires a payment for entry.";
$string['paymentsorry']="Thank you for your payment! Unfortunately your payment has not yet been fully processed, and you are not yet registered to enter the course \"\$a->fullname\". Please try continuing to the course in a few seconds, but if you continue to have trouble then please alert the \$a->teacher or the site administrator";
$string['paymentthanks']="Thank you for your payment! You are now enrolled in your course:<br />\"\$a\"";
$string['phpinfo']="PHP info";
$string['policyagree']="You must agree to this policy to continue using this site. Do you agree?";
$string['searchhelp']="You can search for multiple words at once.<br /><br />word : find any match of this word within the text.<br />+word : only exact matching words will be found.<br />-word : don't include results containing this word.";
$string['selectednowmove']="\$a files selected for moving. Now go to the destination and press 'Move files to here'";
$string['shortnametaken']="Short name is already used for another course (\$a)";
$string['showall']="Show all \$a";
$string['showallusers']="Show all users";
$string['showgrades']="Show grades";
$string['showreports']="Show activity reports";
$string['showsettings']="Show settings";
$string['sincelast']=" since last login";
$string['siteerrors']="Site errors";
$string['sitefiles']="Site files";
$string['sitepartlist0']="You must be a site teacher to be allowed to see the site participants list";
$string['sitepartlist1']="You must be a teacher to be allowed to see the site participants list";
$string['sitesection']="Include a topic section";
$string['siteteachers']="Site teachers";
$string['sortby']="Sort by";
$string['specifyname']="You must specify a name.";
$string['uploadfailednotrecovering']="Your file upload has failed because there was a problem with one of the files, \$a->name.<br/> Here is a log of the problems:<br />\$a->problem<br />Not recovering.";
$string['uploadfilelog']="Upload log for file \$a";
$string['uploadedfileto']="Uploaded \$a->file to \$a->directory";
$string['uploadedfiletoobig']="Sorry, but that file is too big (limit is \$a bytes)";
$string['uploadformlimit']="Uploaded file exceeded the maximum size limit set by the form";
$string['uploadnofilefound']="No file was found - are you sure you selected one to upload?";
$string['uploadnotallowed']="Uploads are not allowed";
$string['uploadoldfilesdeleted']="The old file(s) in your upload area have been deleted";
$string['uploadpartialfile']="File was only partially uploaded";
$string['uploadproblem']="An unknown problem occurred while uploading the file '\$a' (perhaps it was too large?)";
$string['uploadrenamedchars']="File was renamed from \$a->oldname to \$a->newname because of invalid characters.";
$string['uploadrenamedcollision']="File was renamed from \$a->oldname to \$a->newname because there was a filename conflict.";
$string['uploadserverlimit']="Uploaded file exceeded the maximum size limit set by the server";
$string['uploadusers']="Upload users";
$string['userconfirmed']="Confirmed \$a";
$string['userdata']="User Data";
$string['userfiles']="User Files";
$string['userlist']="User list";
$string['usernotconfirmed']="Could not confirm \$a";
$string['virusfound']="Attention administrator! Clam AV has found a virus in a file uploaded by \$a->user for the course \$a->course. Here is the output of clamscan:";
$string['virusfounduser']="The file you have uploaded, \$a->filename, has been scanned by a virus checker and found to be infected! Your file upload was NOT successful.";
$string['virusfoundlater']="A file you uploaded on \$a->date with the filename \$a->filename for the course \$a->course has since been found to contain a virus. Here is a summary of what has happened to your file:
$string['virusfoundlateradmin']="Attention administrator! A file that was uploaded on \$a->date with the filename \$a->filename for the course \$a->course by the user \$a->user has since been found to contain a virus. Here is a summary of what has happened to the file:
$string['virusfoundlateradminnolog']="Attention administrator! A file that was uploaded with the filename \$a->filename has since been found to contain a virus. Moodle was unable to resolve this file back to the user that originally uploaded it.
$string['virusplaceholder']="This file that has been uploaded was found to contain a virus and has been moved or delted and the user notified.";
$string['weekhide']="Hide this week from \$a";
$string['weekshow']="Show this week to \$a";
$string['whattocallzip']="What do you want to call the zip file?";
$string['withoutuserdata']="without user data";
$string['withuserdata']="with user data";
$string['writingcategoriesandquestions']="Writing categories and questions";
$string['htmleditordisabled']='Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> profilinizdeki zengin metin edit<69>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> kapatt<74>n<EFBFBD>z';
$string['htmleditordisabledadmin']='Y<>netici bu sitedeki zengin metin edit<69>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> kapatm<74><6D>t<EFBFBD>r';
$string['htmleditordisabledbrowser']='Internet Explorer 5.5 ve yukar<61>s<EFBFBD> olmad<61><64><EFBFBD> i<>in zengin metin edit<69>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> kullanamazs<7A>n<EFBFBD>z';
$string['htmlformat']='Kolay HTML format<61>';
$string['icqnumber']='ICQ numaras<61>';
$string['idnumber']='ID numaras<61>';
$string['inactive']='Etkin de<64>il';
$string['include']='Dahil et';
$string['includeallusers']='T<>m kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61> dahil et';
$string['includecoursefiles']='Ders dosyalar<61>n<EFBFBD> dahil et';
$string['includecourseusers']='Ders kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61>n<EFBFBD> dahil et';
$string['included']='Dahil edildi';
$string['includelogentries']='Kay<61>t girdilerini dahil et';
$string['includemodules']='Mod<6F>lleri dahil et';