$string['addingquestions']='This side of the page is where you manage your database of questions. Questions are stored in categories to help you keep them organised, and can be used by any quiz in your course or even other courses if you choose to \'publish\' them. <br /><br />After you select or create a question category you will be able to create or edit questions. You can select any of these questions to add to your quiz over on the other side of this page.';
$string['addquestions']='Add questions';
$string['addquestionstoquiz']='Add questions to current quiz';
$string['addrandom']='Add $a random questions';
$string['addrandom1']=' << Add ';
$string['addrandom2']='random questions ';
$string['addselectedtoquiz']='Add selected to quiz';
$string['addtoquiz']='Add to quiz';
$string['affectedstudents']='Affected $a';
$string['aiken']='Aiken format';
$string['allattempts']='All attempts';
$string['allowreview']='Allow review';
$string['alreadysubmitted']='It is likely that you have already submitted this attempt';
$string['alternativeunits']='Alternative Units';
$string['alwaysavailable']='Always available';
$string['analysisoptions']='Analysis options';
$string['analysistitle']='Item Analysis Table';
$string['answerhowmany']='One or multiple answers?';
$string['calculatedquestion']='Calculated Question not supported at line $a. The question will be ignored';
$string['caseno']='No, case is unimportant';
$string['casesensitive']='Case sensitivity';
$string['caseyes']='Yes, case must match';
$string['categoryadded']='The category \'$a\' was added';
$string['categorydeleted']='The category \'$a\' was deleted';
$string['categoryinfo']='Category info';
$string['categorymove']='The category \'$a->name\' contains $a->count questions (some of them may be old, hidden, questions that are still in use in some existing quizzes).<br />Please choose another category to move them to.';
$string['categorymoveto']='Move them to this category';
$string['categorynoedit']='You do not have editing privileges in the category \'$a\'.';
$string['categoryupdated']='The category was successfully updated';
$string['confirmclose']='You are about to close this attempt. Once you close the attempt you will no longer be able to change your answers.';
$string['confirmserverdelete']='Are you sure you want to remove the server <b>$a</b> from the list?';
$string['confirmstartattempt']='The Quiz has a time limit. Are you sure that you wish to start?';
$string['confirmstartnolimit']='This quiz is limited to $a attempts. Accessing the quiz will be counted as an attempt. Do you wish to proceed?';
$string['confirmstartlimit']='This quiz has a time limit and is limited to $a attempts. Accessing the quiz will be counted as an attempt. Do you wish to proceed?';
$string['containercategorycreated']='This category has been created to store all the original categories moved to site level due to the causes specified below.';
$string['continueattemptquiz']='Continue the last attempt';
$string['copyingfrom']='Creating a copy of the question \'$a\'';
$string['fractionsaddwrong']='The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%%<br />Instead, they add up to $a%%<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';
$string['fractionsnomax']='One of the answers should be 100%%, so that it is<br />possible to get a full grade for this question.<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';
$string['functiontakesatleasttwo']='The function $a must have at least two arguments';
$string['functiontakesnoargs']='The function $a does not take any arguments';
$string['functiontakesonearg']='The function $a must have exactly one argument';
$string['functiontakesoneortwoargs']='The function $a must have either one or two arguments';
$string['functiontakestwoargs']='The function $a must have exactly two arguments';
$string['generatevalue']='Generate a new value between';
$string['gift']='GIFT format';
$string['gradeaverage']='Average grade';
$string['gradehighest']='Highest grade';
$string['grademethod']='Grading method';
$string['gradingdetails']='Marks for this submission: $a->raw/$a->max. ';
$string['gradingdetailsadjustment']='With previous penalties this gives <strong>$a->cur/$a->max</strong>. ';
$string['gradingdetailspenalty']='This submission attracted a penalty of $a. ';
$string['gradingdetailszeropenalty']='You were not penalized for this submission. ';
$string['newattemptfail']='Error: Could not start a new attempt at the quiz';
$string['newcategory1']='a literal from a new set of literals that may also be used by other questions in this category';
$string['newcategory2']='a file from a new set of files that may also be used by other questions in this category';
$string['newcategory3']='a link from a new set of links that may also be used by other questions in this category';
$string['newlocal1']='a literal from a new set of literals that will only be used by this question';
$string['newlocal2']='a file from a new set of files that will only be used by this question';
$string['newlocal3']='a link from a new set of links that will only be used by this question';
$string['noanswers']='No answers were selected!';
$string['noattempts']='No attempts have been made on this quiz';
$string['noattemptstoshow']='There are no attempts to show';
$string['noconnection']='There is currently no connection to a web service that can process this question. Please contact your administrator';
$string['nodataset']='nothing - it is not a wild card';
$string['nomoreattempts']='No more attempts are allowed';
$string['nopossibledatasets']='No possible datasets';
$string['noquestionintext']='The question text does not contain any embedded questions';
$string['noquestions']='No questions have been added yet';
$string['noquestionsfound']='No questions found';
$string['noresponse']='No Response';
$string['noreview']='You are not allowed to review this quiz';
$string['noreviewuntil']='You are not allowed to review this quiz until $a';
$string['noscript']='JavaScript must be enabled to continue!';
$string['notavailable']='Sorry, this quiz is not available';
$string['notavailabletostudents']='Note: This quiz is not currently available to your students';
$string['notenoughanswers']='This type of question requires at least $a answers';
$string['notenoughsubquestions']='Not enough sub-questions have been defined!<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';
$string['notimedependentitems']='Time dependent items are not currently supported by the quiz module. As a work around, set a time limit for the whole quiz. Do you wish to choose a different item (or use the current item regardless)?';
$string['questioninuse']='The question \'$a->questionname\' is currently being used in: <br />$a->quiznames<br />The question will not be deleted from these quizzes but only from the category list.';
$string['questionname']='Question name';
$string['questionnametoolong']='Question name too long at line $a (255 char. max). It has been truncated.';
$string['questionsinuse']='(* Questions marked by an asterisk are already in use in some quizzes. These question will not be deleted from these quizzes but only from the category list.)';
$string['questionsperpage']='Questions per page';
$string['questiontype']='Question type $a';
$string['questiontypesetupoptions']='Setup options for question types:';
$string['quizavailable']='The quiz is available until: $a';
$string['quizclose']='Close the quiz';
$string['quizclosed']='This quiz closed on $a';
$string['quizcloses']='Quiz closes';
$string['quiznotavailable']='The quiz will not be available until: $a';
$string['quizopen']='Open the quiz';
$string['quizopens']='Quiz opens';
$string['quiztimelimit']='Time limit: $a';
$string['quiztimer']='Quiz Timer';
$string['pleaseclose']='Your request has been processed. You can now close this window';
$string['random']='Random Question';
$string['randomcreate']='Create Random Questions';
$string['serverinuse']='The server that you are about to delete is the last $a server and there are already questions which will not work any more if you delete this server.';
$string['serverurl']='Server URL';
$string['shortanswer']='Short Answer';
$string['showall']='Show all questions on one page';
$string['showbreaks']='Show page breaks';
$string['showcorrectanswer']='In feedback, show correct answers?';
$string['showdetailedmarks']='Show mark details';
$string['showfeedback']='After answering, show feedback?';
$string['showhidden']='Also show old questions';
$string['shownoattempts']='Show students with no attempts';
$string['shownoattemptsonly']='Show only students with no attempts';
$string['subneterror']='Sorry, this quiz has been locked so that it is only accessible from certain locations. Currently your computer is not one of those allowed to use this quiz.';
$string['subnetnotice']='This quiz has been locked so that it is only accessible from certain locations. Your computer is not on an allowed subnet. As teacher you are allowed to preview anyway.';
$string['substitutedby']='will be substituted by';
$string['uniform']='decimals, from a uniform distribution';
$string['unknowntype']='Question type not supported at line $a. The question will be ignored';
$string['unusedcategorydeleted']='This category has been deleted because, after deleting the course, their questions weren\'t used in the server anymore.';
$string['unsupportedformulafunction']='The function $a is not supported';
$string['upgradesure']='<div style=\"color: red;\">In particular the quiz module will perform an extensive change of the quiz tables and this upgrade has not yet been sufficiently tested. You are very strongly urged to backup your database tables before proceeding.</div>';
$string['usedcategorymoved']='This category has been moved to site level because, after deleting the course, their questions were in use by other quizzes in the server.';