Some fixes to user policies (removed some which are no longer relevant)

This commit is contained in:
moodler 2006-09-14 13:54:21 +00:00
parent de2ded1a43
commit 10e17638da
2 changed files with 23 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ $ADMIN->add('users', new admin_externalpage('userauthentication', get_string('au
// "userpolicies" settingpage
$temp = new admin_settingpage('userpolicies', get_string('userpolicies', 'admin'));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('autologinguests', get_string('autologinguests', 'admin'), get_string('configautologinguests', 'admin'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configmultiselect('hiddenuserfields', get_string('hiddenuserfields', 'admin'), get_string('confighiddenuserfields', 'admin'), array(), array('none' => get_string('none'),
'description' => get_string('description'),
'city' => get_string('city'),
'country' => get_string('country'),
'webpage' => get_string('webpage'),
'icqnumber' => get_string('icqnumber'),
'skypeid' => get_string('skypeid'),
'yahooid' => get_string('yahooid'),
'aimid' => get_string('aimid'),
'msnid' => get_string('msnid'),
'lastaccess' => get_string('lastaccess'))));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('allusersaresitestudents', get_string('allusersaresitestudents', 'admin'), get_string('configallusersaresitestudents','admin'), 1));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_special_adminseesall());
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID);
if (!$guestrole = get_guest_role()) {
@ -31,6 +17,24 @@ $temp->add(new admin_setting_configselect('notloggedinroleid', get_string('notlo
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configselect('defaultuserroleid', get_string('defaultuserroleid', 'admin'),
get_string('configdefaultuserroleid', 'admin'), $guestrole->id, get_assignable_roles($context)));
//$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('autologinguests', get_string('autologinguests', 'admin'), get_string('configautologinguests', 'admin'), 0));
//$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('allusersaresitestudents', get_string('allusersaresitestudents', 'admin'), get_string('configallusersaresitestudents','admin'), 1));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configmultiselect('hiddenuserfields', get_string('hiddenuserfields', 'admin'),
get_string('confighiddenuserfields', 'admin'), array(),
array('none' => get_string('none'),
'description' => get_string('description'),
'city' => get_string('city'),
'country' => get_string('country'),
'webpage' => get_string('webpage'),
'icqnumber' => get_string('icqnumber'),
'skypeid' => get_string('skypeid'),
'yahooid' => get_string('yahooid'),
'aimid' => get_string('aimid'),
'msnid' => get_string('msnid'),
'lastaccess' => get_string('lastaccess'))));
//$temp->add(new admin_setting_special_adminseesall());
$ADMIN->add('users', $temp);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ $string['mymoodle'] = 'My Moodle';
$string['locationsettings'] = 'Location settings';
$string['languagesettings'] = 'Language settings';
$string['themesettings'] = 'Theme settings';
$string['notloggedinroleid'] = 'Role for visitors';
$string['defaultuserroleid'] = 'Default role for all users';
$string['hiddenuserfields'] = 'Hide user fields';
$string['htmleditor'] = 'HTML Editor';
$string['misc'] = 'Miscellaneous';
@ -182,6 +185,8 @@ $string['configstatsuserthreshold'] = 'If you enter a non-zero, non numeric val
$string['configteacherassignteachers'] = 'Should ordinary teachers be allowed to assign other teachers within courses they teach? If \'No\', then only course creators and admins can assign teachers.';
$string['configthemelist'] = 'Leave this blank to allow any valid theme to be used. If you want to shorten the theme menu, you can specify a comma-separated list of names here (Don\'t use spaces!).
For example: standard,orangewhite.';
$string['confignotloggedinroleid'] = 'Users who are not logged in to the site will be treated as if they have this role granted to them at the site context. Guest is almost always what you want here, but you might want to create roles that are less or more restrictive. Things like creating posts still require the user to log in properly.';
$string['configdefaultuserroleid'] = 'All logged in users will be given the capabilities of the role you specify here, at the site level, in ADDITION to any other roles they may have been given. The default is the Guest role. Note that this will not conflict with other roles they have, it just ensures that all users can do something useful at the site level (eg read forum discussions, resources, etc).';
$string['configtimezone'] = 'You can set the default timezone here. This is the only the DEFAULT timezone for displaying dates - each user can override this by setting their own in their profile. \"Server time\" here will make Moodle default to the server\'s operating system setting, but \"Server time\" in the user profile will make the user default to this timezone setting. Cronjobs that depend on a time of day to run will use this timezone.';
$string['configunzip'] = 'Indicate the location of your unzip program (Unix only, optional). If specified, this will be used to unpack zip archives on the server. If you leave this blank, then Moodle will use internal routines.';
$string['configvariables'] = 'Variables';