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synced 2025-01-17 21:49:15 +01:00
MDL-68972 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix)
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,16 +31,14 @@ $string['aria:footermessage'] = "Browse for content on MoodleNet";
$string['browsecontentmoodlenet'] = "Or browse for content on MoodleNet";
$string['clearsearch'] = "Clear search";
$string['connectandbrowse'] = "Connect to and browse:";
$string['defaultmoodlenet'] = "Default MoodleNet URL";
$string['defaultmoodlenet'] = 'MoodleNet URL';
$string['defaultmoodlenet_desc'] = "The URL to either Moodle HQ's MoodleNet instance, or your preferred instance.";
$string['defaultmoodlenetname'] = "MoodleNet instance name";
$string['defaultmoodlenetname_desc'] = 'The name of either Moodle HQ\'s MoodleNet instance or your preferred MoodleNet instance to browse on.';
$string['defaultmoodlenetname_desc'] = 'The name of the MoodleNet instance available via the activity chooser.';
$string['enablemoodlenet'] = 'Enable MoodleNet integration';
$string['enablemoodlenet_desc'] = 'Enabling the integration allows users with the capability to create and manage activities to
browse MoodleNet from the activity chooser and import MoodleNet resources into their course. It also allows users with the
capability to restore backups, to push backup files from MoodleNet into Moodle.';
$string['enablemoodlenet_desc'] = 'If enabled, a user with the capability to create and manage activities can browse MoodleNet via the activity chooser and import MoodleNet resources into their course. In addition, a user with the capability to restore backups can select a backup file on MoodleNet and restore it into Moodle.';
$string['errorduringdownload'] = 'An error occurred while downloading the file: {$a}';
$string['forminfo'] = "It will be automatically saved on your moodle profile.";
$string['forminfo'] = 'Your MoodleNet profile will be automatically saved in your profile on this site.';
$string['footermessage'] = "Or browse for content on";
$string['instancedescription'] = "MoodleNet is an open social media platform for educators, with a focus on the collaborative curation of collections of open resources. ";
$string['instanceplaceholder'] = '@yourprofile@moodle.net';
@ -48,15 +46,14 @@ $string['inputhelp'] = 'Or if you have a MoodleNet account already, enter your M
$string['invalidmoodlenetprofile'] = '$userprofile is not correctly formatted';
$string['importconfirm'] = 'You are about to import the content "{$a->resourcename} ({$a->resourcetype})" into the course "{$a->coursename}". Are you sure you want to continue?';
$string['importconfirmnocourse'] = 'You are about to import the content "{$a->resourcename} ({$a->resourcetype})" into your site. Are you sure you want to continue?';
$string['importformatselectguidingtext'] = 'In which format would you like this content "{$a->name} ({$a->type})" to be added to your course?';
$string['importformatselectguidingtext'] = 'In which format would you like the content "{$a->name} ({$a->type})" to be added to your course?';
$string['importformatselectheader'] = 'Choose the content display format';
$string['missinginvalidpostdata'] = 'The resource information from MoodleNet is either missing, or is in an incorrect format.
If this happens repeatedly, please contact the site administrator.';
$string['mnetprofile'] = 'MoodleNet profile';
$string['mnetprofiledesc'] = '<p>Enter in your MoodleNet profile details here to be redirected to your profile while visiting MoodleNet.</p>';
$string['mnetprofiledesc'] = '<p>Enter your MoodleNet profile details here to be redirected to your profile while visiting MoodleNet.</p>';
$string['moodlenetsettings'] = 'MoodleNet settings';
$string['moodlenetnotenabled'] = 'The MoodleNet integration must be enabled before resource imports can be processed.
To enable this feature, see the \'enablemoodlenet\' setting.';
$string['moodlenetnotenabled'] = 'The MoodleNet integration must be enabled in Site administration / MoodleNet before resource imports can be processed.';
$string['notification'] = 'You are about to import the content "{$a->name} ({$a->type})" into your site. Select the course in which it should be added, or <a href="{$a->cancellink}">cancel</a>.';
$string['searchcourses'] = "Search courses";
$string['selectpagetitle'] = 'Select page';
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $string['editor:cancellabel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['editor:changefile'] = 'Change file';
$string['editor:changelanguage'] = 'Change language to :language?';
$string['editor:changelibrary'] = 'Change content type?';
$string['editor:changelogdescription'] = 'Some licenses require that changes made to the original work, or derivatives are logged and displayed. You may log your changes here for licensing reasons or just to allow yourself and others to keep track of the changes made to this content.';
$string['editor:changelogdescription'] = 'Some licences require that changes made to the original work, or derivatives are logged and displayed. You may log your changes here for licensing reasons or just to allow yourself and others to keep track of the changes made to this content.';
$string['editor:close'] = 'Close';
$string['editor:commonfields'] = 'Text overrides and translations';
$string['editor:commonfieldsdescription'] = 'Here you can edit settings or translate texts used in this content.';
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ $string['editor:contenttypeinstallbuttonlabel'] = 'Install';
$string['editor:contenttypeinstallerror'] = ':contentType could not be installed. Contact your administrator.';
$string['editor:contenttypeinstallsuccess'] = ':contentType successfully installed!';
$string['editor:contenttypeinstallingbuttonlabel'] = 'Installing';
$string['editor:contenttypelicensepaneltitle'] = 'License';
$string['editor:contenttypelicensepaneltitle'] = 'Licence';
$string['editor:contenttypenotinstalled'] = 'Content type not installed';
$string['editor:contenttypenotinstalleddesc'] = 'You do not have permission to install content types.';
$string['editor:contenttypeowner'] = 'By :owner';
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ $string['cronremotepassword'] = 'Cron password for remote access';
$string['cronwarning'] = 'The <a href="{$a->url}">admin/cron.php script</a> has not been run for {$a->actual} and should run every {$a->expected}.';
$string['cronwarningcli'] = 'The <code>admin/cli/cron.php</code> script has not been run for {$a->actual} and should run every {$a->expected}.';
$string['cronwarningnever'] = 'The <code>admin/cli/cron.php</code> script has never been run and should run every {$a->expected}.';
$string['cronwarningneverweb'] = 'The <a href="{$a->url}">admin/cron.php script</a> script has never been run and should run every {$a->expected}.';
$string['cronwarningneverweb'] = 'The <a href="{$a->url}">admin/cron.php script</a> has never been run and should run every {$a->expected}.';
$string['ctyperequired'] = 'The ctype PHP extension is now required by Moodle, in order to improve site performance and to offer multilingual compatibility.';
$string['curlsecurityallowedport'] = 'cURL allowed ports list';
$string['curlsecurityallowedportsyntax'] = 'List of port numbers that cURL can connect to. Valid entries are integer numbers only. Put each entry on a new line. If left empty, then all ports are allowed. If set, in almost all cases, both 443 and 80 should be specified for cURL to connect to standard HTTPS and HTTP ports.';
@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ $string['enablerssfeeds'] = 'Enable RSS feeds';
$string['enablesearchareas'] = 'Enable search areas';
$string['enablestats'] = 'Enable statistics';
$string['enabletrusttext'] = 'Enable trusted content';
$string['enableuserfeedback'] = 'Enable feedback about Moodle';
$string['enableuserfeedback_desc'] = 'If enabled, a \'Give feedback\' link is displayed in a Dashboard alert and in the footer for users to give feedback about the Moodle LMS to Moodle HQ. The Dashboard alert also has a \'Remind me later\' option.';
$string['enableuserfeedback'] = 'Enable feedback about this software';
$string['enableuserfeedback_desc'] = 'If enabled, a \'Give feedback about this software\' link is displayed in a Dashboard alert and in the footer for users to give feedback about Moodle to Moodle HQ. The Dashboard alert also has a \'Remind me later\' option.';
$string['enablewebservices'] = 'Enable web services';
$string['enablewsdocumentation'] = 'Web services documentation';
$string['enrolinstancedefaults'] = 'Enrolment instance defaults';
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:files:contenthash'] = 'A hash of the file\'s content';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:filename'] = 'The name of the file in its file area';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:filepath'] = 'The path to the file in its file area';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:filesize'] = 'The size of the file';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:license'] = 'The license of the file\'s content';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:license'] = 'The licence of the file\'s content';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:mimetype'] = 'The MIME type of the file';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:source'] = 'The source of the file';
$string['privacy:metadata:files:timecreated'] = 'The time when the file was created';
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $string['addedandupdatedsp'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library and updated {$a
$string['addedandupdatedss'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library and updated {$a->%old} old one.';
$string['addednewlibraries'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries.';
$string['addednewlibrary'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library.';
$string['additionallicenseinfo'] = 'Any additional information about the license';
$string['additionallicenseinfo'] = 'Any additional information about the licence';
$string['atto_h5p'] = 'Insert H5P button';
$string['atto_h5p_description'] = 'The Insert H5P button in the Atto editor enables users to insert H5P content by either entering a URL or embed code, or by uploading an H5P file.';
$string['author'] = 'Author';
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ $string['invalidsemanticstype'] = 'H5P internal error: unknown content type "{$a
$string['invalidstring'] = 'Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics. (value: "{$a->%value}", regexp: "{$a->%regexp}")';
$string['librarydirectoryerror'] = 'Library directory name must match machineName or machineName-majorVersion.minorVersion (from library.json). (Directory: {$a->%directoryName} , machineName: {$a->%machineName}, majorVersion: {$a->%majorVersion}, minorVersion: {$a->%minorVersion})';
$string['librariesmanagerdescription'] = '<p>H5P enables users to create interactive content by providing a range of content types.</p><p>To ensure that only trusted H5P content types are used on your site, you need to <i>either</i></p><ul><li>Upload H5P content types from h5p.org <i>or</i></li><li>Enable the scheduled task \'Download available H5P content types from h5p.org\'</li></ul><p>Note that users will only be able to use the H5P content types which are installed on your site.</p>';
$string['license'] = 'License';
$string['license'] = 'Licence';
$string['licenseCC010'] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication';
$string['licenseCC010U'] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal';
$string['licenseCC10'] = '1.0 Generic';
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ $string['licenseV1'] = 'Version 1';
$string['licenseV2'] = 'Version 2';
$string['licenseV3'] = 'Version 3';
$string['licensee'] = 'Licensee';
$string['licenseextras'] = 'License extras';
$string['licenseversion'] = 'License version';
$string['licenseextras'] = 'Licence extras';
$string['licenseversion'] = 'Licence version';
$string['lockh5pdeploy'] = 'This H5P content cannot be accessed because it is being deployed. Please try again later.';
$string['missingcontentfolder'] = 'A valid content folder is missing';
$string['missingcoreversion'] = 'The system was unable to install the {$a->%component} component from the package, as it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version {$a->%current}, whereas the required version is {$a->%required} or higher. Please upgrade and then try again.';
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ $string['clialreadyconfigured'] = 'The configuration file config.php already exi
$string['clialreadyinstalled'] = 'The configuration file config.php already exists. Please use admin/cli/install_database.php to upgrade Moodle for this site.';
$string['cliinstallfinished'] = 'Installation completed successfully.';
$string['cliinstallheader'] = 'Moodle {$a} command line installation program';
$string['climustagreelicense'] = 'In non interactive mode you must agree to license by specifying --agree-license option';
$string['climustagreelicense'] = 'In non-interactive mode you must agree to the licence by specifying --agree-license option';
$string['cliskipdatabase'] = 'Skipping database installation.';
$string['clitablesexist'] = 'Database tables already present; CLI installation cannot continue.';
$string['compatibilitysettings'] = 'Checking your PHP settings ...';
@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ $string['bycourseorder'] = 'By course order';
$string['byname'] = 'by {$a}';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
$string['cachecontrols'] = 'Cache controls';
$string['calltofeedback'] = 'Moodle HQ would like your feedback on the Moodle LMS.';
$string['calltofeedback_give'] = 'Give feedback';
$string['calltofeedback'] = 'The creators of this software would like your feedback.';
$string['calltofeedback_give'] = 'Give feedback about this software';
$string['calltofeedback_remind'] = 'Remind me later';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ $string['advanced_dlg:'] = '';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_author'] = 'Author';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_general'] = 'About';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_help'] = 'Help';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_license'] = 'License';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_license'] = 'Licence';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_loaded'] = 'Loaded plugins';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_plugin'] = 'Plugin';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_plugins'] = 'Plugins';
@ -53,9 +53,8 @@ $string['attempts_report'] = 'Attempts report';
$string['attempts_none'] = 'This user has no attempts to display.';
$string['choice'] = 'Choice';
$string['completion'] = 'Completion';
$string['contentbank'] = 'more information about the content bank';
$string['contentbank_help'] = 'Within the content bank you can create and store contents using several authoring
tools which includes an integrated H5P packacge creator.';
$string['contentbank'] = 'More information about the content bank';
$string['contentbank_help'] = 'In the content bank you can create and store content using several authoring tools, including an integrated H5P creator.';
$string['correct_answer'] = 'Correct answer';
$string['deleteallattempts'] = 'Delete all H5P attempts';
$string['displayexport'] = 'Allow download';
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $string['flickr_public:view'] = 'Use Flickr public repository in file picker';
$string['fulltext'] = 'Full text';
$string['information'] = '<div>Get a <a href="http://www.flickr.com/services/api/keys/">Flickr API Key</a> for your Moodle site. </div>';
$string['invalidemail'] = 'Invalid email account for flickr';
$string['license'] = 'License';
$string['license'] = 'Licence';
$string['modification'] = 'I want to be able to modify the images';
$string['notitle'] = 'notitle';
$string['nullphotolist'] = 'There are no photos in this account';
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
$string['configplugin'] = 'Merlot.org configuration';
$string['licensekey'] = 'License key';
$string['licensekey'] = 'Licence key';
$string['pluginname_help'] = 'Merlot.org';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Merlot.org';
$string['merlot:view'] = 'View the Merlot repository';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user