From 1b18e3328e665cc7fc9a1f4b6bb9f706aadc7752 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Angelia Dela Cruz <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 18:11:17 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] MDL-79015 mod_lesson: Behat coverage for lesson with access

 .../behat/lesson_restrict_access.feature      | 52 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 mod/lesson/tests/behat/lesson_restrict_access.feature

diff --git a/mod/lesson/tests/behat/lesson_restrict_access.feature b/mod/lesson/tests/behat/lesson_restrict_access.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d402e7682ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/lesson/tests/behat/lesson_restrict_access.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+@mod @mod_lesson
+Feature: Lesson activity access can be restricted
+  In order to restrict access to lesson activity
+  As a teacher
+  I need to set the lesson activity restriction
+  Background:
+    Given the following "users" exist:
+      | username | firstname | lastname | email                |
+      | teacher1 | Teacher   | 1        | |
+      | student1 | Student   | 1        | |
+      | student2 | Student   | 2        | |
+    And the following "courses" exist:
+      | fullname | shortname | category |
+      | Course 1 | C1        | 0        |
+    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+      | user     | course | role           |
+      | teacher1 | C1     | editingteacher |
+      | student1 | C1     | student        |
+      | student2 | C1     | student        |
+    And the following "groups" exist:
+      | name    | course | idnumber |
+      | Group 1 | C1     | G1       |
+      | Group 2 | C1     | G2       |
+    And the following "group members" exist:
+      | user     | group   |
+      | student1 | G1      |
+      | student2 | G2      |
+    And the following "activities" exist:
+      | activity   | name        | course | groupmode |
+      | lesson     | Test lesson | C1     | 1         |
+  @javascript
+  Scenario Outline: Restrict lesson activity access by group
+    # Set lesson activity access by group
+    # Restrict lesson activity access by group as teacher
+    Given I am on the "Test lesson" "lesson activity editing" page logged in as teacher1
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I click on "Add restriction..." "button"
+    And I click on "Group" "button" in the "Add restriction..." "dialogue"
+    # Set only Group 1 can access activity
+    And I set the field "Group" in the "Restrict access" "fieldset" to "Group 1"
+    And I click on "Displayed if student doesn't meet this condition" "button"
+    And I press "Save and return to course"
+    # Confirm that student1 can see lesson but student2 can't
+    When I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as <user>
+    Then I <visibility> "Test lesson"
+    Examples:
+      | user     | visibility     |
+      | student1 | should see     |
+      | student2 | should not see |