diff --git a/admin/tool/mobile/lang/en/tool_mobile.php b/admin/tool/mobile/lang/en/tool_mobile.php index 40b198598ea..bdab272efc4 100644 --- a/admin/tool/mobile/lang/en/tool_mobile.php +++ b/admin/tool/mobile/lang/en/tool_mobile.php @@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ $string['smartappbanners'] = 'Smart App Banners (iOS only)'; $string['pluginnotenabledorconfigured'] = 'Plugin not enabled or configured.'; $string['remoteaddons'] = 'Remote add-ons'; $string['typeoflogin'] = 'Type of login'; -$string['typeoflogin_desc'] = 'Choose the type of login.'; +$string['typeoflogin_desc'] = 'If the site uses a SSO authentication method, then select via a browser window or via an embedded browser. An embedded browser provides a better user experience, though it doesn\'t work with all SSO plugins. If using SSO, autologinguests should be disabled.'; diff --git a/lang/en/backup.php b/lang/en/backup.php index a418396dae1..3f230e30f63 100644 --- a/lang/en/backup.php +++ b/lang/en/backup.php @@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ $string['restoringcourseshortname'] = 'restoring'; $string['restorerolemappings'] = 'Restore role mappings'; $string['rootenrolmanual'] = 'Restore as manual enrolments'; $string['rootsettingenrolments'] = 'Include enrolment methods'; -$string['rootsettingenrolments_always'] = 'Yes always'; +$string['rootsettingenrolments_always'] = 'Yes, always'; $string['rootsettingenrolments_never'] = 'No, restore users as manual enrolments'; -$string['rootsettingenrolments_withusers'] = 'Yes but only if users are included'; +$string['rootsettingenrolments_withusers'] = 'Yes, but only if users are included'; $string['rootsettings'] = 'Backup settings'; $string['rootsettingusers'] = 'Include enrolled users'; $string['rootsettinganonymize'] = 'Anonymize user information'; diff --git a/lang/en/install.php b/lang/en/install.php index 547e9c184a3..fa6709d49fb 100644 --- a/lang/en/install.php +++ b/lang/en/install.php @@ -218,10 +218,9 @@ $string['pathswrongadmindir'] = 'Admin directory does not exist'; $string['pgsqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP has not been properly configured with the PGSQL extension so that it can communicate with PostgreSQL. Please check your php.ini file or recompile PHP.'; $string['phpextension'] = '{$a} PHP extension'; $string['phpversion'] = 'PHP version'; -$string['phpversionhelp'] = '
Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.3.0 or 5.1.0 (5.0.x has a number of known problems).
-You are currently running version {$a}
-You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP!
-(In case of 5.0.x you could also downgrade to 4.4.x version)
Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 5.6.5 (7.x has some engine limitations).
+You are currently running version {$a}.
+You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP.
'; $string['releasenoteslink'] = 'For information about this version of Moodle, please see the release notes at {$a}'; $string['safemode'] = 'Safe mode'; $string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle may have trouble with safe mode on'; diff --git a/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php b/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php index 8b4ae9e349a..9a4e07c6c34 100644 --- a/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php +++ b/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/assignment/view'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Assignments'; $string['moreusers'] = '{$a} more...'; $string['multipleteams'] = 'Member of more than one group'; -$string['multipleteams_desc'] = 'The assignment requires submission in groups. You are a member of more than one group. To be able to submit you must be member of exactly one group so that your submission can be mapped correctly to your group. Please contact your teacher to update your group membership.'; +$string['multipleteams_desc'] = 'The assignment requires submission in groups. You are a member of more than one group. To be able to submit you must be a member of only one group. Please contact your teacher to change your group membership.'; $string['multipleteamsgrader'] = 'Member of more than one group, so unable to make submissions.'; $string['mysubmission'] = 'My submission: '; $string['newsubmissions'] = 'Assignments submitted';