diff --git a/install/lang/lv/admin.php b/install/lang/lv/admin.php index b6b50901f04..37500793f3f 100644 --- a/install/lang/lv/admin.php +++ b/install/lang/lv/admin.php @@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ $string['cliincorrectvalueretry'] = 'Nepareiza vērtība, lūdzu, mēģiniet vē $string['clitypevalue'] = 'veida vērtība'; $string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'nepieciešams instalēt/iespējot'; $string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'nepieciešama versija {$a->needed}, bet jūs izmantojat versiju {$a->current}'; +$string['upgradekeyset'] = 'Jaunināšanas atslēga (lai to neiestatītu, atstājiet tukšu)'; diff --git a/install/lang/my/install.php b/install/lang/my/install.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..67938fd6a96 --- /dev/null +++ b/install/lang/my/install.php @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +. + +/** + * Automatically generated strings for Moodle installer + * + * Do not edit this file manually! It contains just a subset of strings + * needed during the very first steps of installation. This file was + * generated automatically by export-installer.php (which is part of AMOS + * {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Languages/AMOS}) using the + * list of strings defined in /install/stringnames.txt. + * + * @package installer + * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later + */ + +defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); + +$string['memorylimithelp'] = '
The PHP memory limit for your server is currently set to {$a}.
+ +This may cause Moodle to have memory problems later on, especially + if you have a lot of modules enabled and/or a lot of users.
+ +We recommend that you configure PHP with a higher limit if possible, like 40M. + There are several ways of doing this that you can try:
++php_value memory_limit 40M
However, on some servers this will prevent all PHP pages from working + (you will see errors when you look at pages) so you\'ll have to remove the .htaccess file.
A directory where Moodle will store all file content uploaded by users.
+This directory should be both readable and writeable by the web server user (usually \'www-data\', \'nobody\', or \'apache\').
+It must not be directly accessible over the web.
+If the directory does not currently exist, the installation process will attempt to create it.
'; +$string['pathssubdirroot'] = 'The full path to the directory containing the Moodle code.
'; +$string['pathssubwwwroot'] = 'The full address where Moodle will be accessed i.e. the address that users will enter into the address bar of their browser to access Moodle.
+It is not possible to access Moodle using multiple addresses. If your site is accessible via multiple addresses then choose the easiest one and set up a permanent redirect for each of the other addresses.
+If your site is accessible both from the Internet, and from an internal network (sometimes called an Intranet), then use the public address here.
+If the current address is not correct, please change the URL in your browser\'s address bar and restart the installation.
'; +$string['phpversionhelp'] = 'Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 5.6.5 or 7.1 (7.0.x has some engine limitations).
+You are currently running version {$a}.
+You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP.
'; +$string['welcomep10'] = '{$a->installername} ({$a->installerversion})';