MDL-22060 fixed $a in string to match new rules

 REM fixed $a[] in [deleteuserrecord,core_mnet]
 REM fixed $a[] in [enrollingincourse,core_mnet]
 REM fixed $a[] in [noipmatch,core_mnet]
 REM fixed $a[] in [nonmatchingcert,core_mnet]
 REM fixed $a[] in [ssl_acl_allow,core_mnet]
 REM fixed $a[] in [ssl_acl_deny,core_mnet]
This commit is contained in:
Petr Skoda 2010-04-11 17:08:08 +00:00
parent c0fb582d26
commit 29218f369e
3 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if (!empty($action) and confirm_sesskey()) {
case "delete":
$DB->delete_records('mnet_sso_access_control', array('id'=>$id));
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('deleteuserrecord', 'mnet', array($idrec->username, $mnethosts[$idrec->mnet_host_id])));
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('deleteuserrecord', 'mnet', array('user'=>$idrec->username, 'host'=>$mnethosts[$idrec->mnet_host_id])));
case "acl":
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ if (!empty($action) and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (mnet_update_sso_access_control($idrec->username, $idrec->mnet_host_id, $accessctrl)) {
if ($accessctrl == 'allow') {
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_allow','mnet', array($idrec->username, $mnethosts[$idrec->mnet_host_id])));
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_allow','mnet', array('uset'=>$idrec->username, 'host'=>$mnethosts[$idrec->mnet_host_id])));
} elseif ($accessctrl == 'deny') {
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_deny','mnet', array($idrec->username, $mnethosts[$idrec->mnet_host_id])));
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_deny','mnet', array('user'=>$idrec->username, 'host'=>$mnethosts[$idrec->mnet_host_id])));
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ if ($form = data_submitted() and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!empty($username)) {
if (mnet_update_sso_access_control($username, $form->mnet_host_id, $form->accessctrl)) {
if ($form->accessctrl == 'allow') {
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_allow','mnet', array($username, $mnethosts[$form->mnet_host_id])));
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_allow','mnet', array('user'=>$username, 'host'=>$mnethosts[$form->mnet_host_id])));
} elseif ($form->accessctrl == 'deny') {
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_deny','mnet', array($username, $mnethosts[$form->mnet_host_id])));
redirect('access_control.php', get_string('ssl_acl_deny','mnet', array('user'=>$username, 'host'=>$mnethosts[$form->mnet_host_id])));

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ $string['deleteaserver'] = 'Deleting a Server';
$string['deletehost'] = 'Delete host';
$string['deletekeycheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to delete this key?';
$string['deleteoutoftime'] = 'Your 60-second window for deleting this key has expired. Please start again.';
$string['deleteuserrecord'] = 'SSO ACL: delete record for user \'{$a}[0]\' from {$a}[1].';
$string['deleteuserrecord'] = 'SSO ACL: delete record for user \'{$a->user}\' from {$a->host}.';
$string['deletewrongkeyvalue'] = 'An error has occurred. If you were not trying to delete your server\'s SSL key, it is possible you have been the subject of a malicious attack. No action has been taken.';
$string['deny'] = 'Deny';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ $string['enrolcourseenrol_desc'] = 'Enrol/unenrol users from this course using M
methods if the remote hosts allows them. Such enrolments are listed under
<em>Other enrolled users</em>';
$string['enrolcourses_desc'] = 'Courses offered for remote enrolment by this host.';
$string['enrollingincourse'] = 'Enrolling in course {$a}[0] on host {$a}[1]<br />';
$string['enrollingincourse'] = 'Enrolling in course {$a->course} on host {$a->host}<br />';
$string['enrolments'] = 'enrolments';
$string['enterausername'] = 'Please enter a username, or a list of usernames separated by commas.';
$string['error7020'] = 'This error normally occurs if the remote site has created a record for you with the wrong wwwroot, for example, instead of You should contact the administrator of the remote site with your wwwroot (as specified in config.php) asking her to update her record for your host.';
@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ $string['noaclentries'] = 'No entries in the SSO access control list';
$string['noaddressforhost'] = 'Sorry, but that hostname ({$a}) could not be resolved!';
$string['nocurl'] = 'PHP cURL library is not installed';
$string['nohostid'] = 'This page requires a Host ID, which should be an integer.';
$string['noipmatch'] = 'The remote machine\'s address: <br /><em>{$a}[0]</em><br />does not match the one on record:<br /><em>{$a}[1]</em>.';
$string['noipmatch'] = 'The remote machine\'s address: <br /><em>{$a->remote}</em><br />does not match the one on record:<br /><em>{$a->record}</em>.';
$string['nolocaluser'] = 'No local record exists for remote user, and it could not be created, as this host will not auto create users. Please contact your administrator!';
$string['nomodifyacl'] = 'You are not permitted to modify the MNET access control list.';
$string['nonmatchingcert'] = 'The subject of the certificate: <br /><em>{$a}[0]</em><br />does not match the host it came from:<br /><em>{$a}[1]</em>.';
$string['nonmatchingcert'] = 'The subject of the certificate: <br /><em>{$a->subject}</em><br />does not match the host it came from:<br /><em>{$a->host}</em>.';
$string['nopubkey'] = 'There was a problem retrieving the public key.<br />Maybe the host does not allow Moodle Networking or the key is invalid.';
$string['nosite'] = 'Could not find site-level course';
$string['nosuchfile'] = 'The file/function {$a} does not exist.';
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ $string['serviceswesubscribeto'] = 'Services on {$a} that we subscribe to.';
$string['settings'] = 'Settings';
$string['showlocal'] = 'Show local users';
$string['showremote'] = 'Show remote users';
$string['ssl_acl_allow'] = 'SSO ACL: Allow user {$a}[0] from {$a}[1]';
$string['ssl_acl_deny'] = 'SSO ACL: Deny user {$a}[0] from {$a}[1]';
$string['ssl_acl_allow'] = 'SSO ACL: Allow user {$a->user} from {$a->host}';
$string['ssl_acl_deny'] = 'SSO ACL: Deny user {$a->user} from {$a->host}';
$string['ssoaccesscontrol'] = 'SSO Access Control';
$string['ssoacldescr'] = 'Use this page to grant/deny access to specific users from remote Moodle Network hosts. This is functional when you are offering SSO services to remote users. To control your <em>local</em> users\' ability to roam to other Moodle Network hosts, use the roles system to grant them the <em>mnetlogintoremote</em> capability.';
$string['ssoaclneeds'] = 'For this functionality to work, you must have Moodle Networking On, plus the Moodle Network authentication plugin enabled with auto-add users enabled .';

View File

@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ class mnet_peer {
$this->error[] = array('code' => 3, 'text' => get_string("nonmatchingcert", 'mnet', array('','')));
return false;
} elseif (array_key_exists('subjectAltName', $credentials['subject']) && $credentials['subject']['subjectAltName'] != $this->wwwroot) {
$a[] = $credentials['subject']['subjectAltName'];
$a[] = $this->wwwroot;
$a['subject'] = $credentials['subject']['subjectAltName'];
$a['host'] = $this->wwwroot;
$this->error[] = array('code' => 5, 'text' => get_string("nonmatchingcert", 'mnet', $a));
return false;
} elseif ($credentials['subject']['CN'] != $this->wwwroot) {
$a[] = $credentials['subject']['CN'];
$a[] = $this->wwwroot;
$a['subject'] = $credentials['subject']['CN'];
$a['host'] = $this->wwwroot;
$this->error[] = array('code' => 4, 'text' => get_string("nonmatchingcert", 'mnet', $a));
return false;
} else {