Merge branch 'MDL-62149-master' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Nicols 2018-05-02 07:39:30 +08:00
commit 2a17a616a3
5 changed files with 503 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -966,6 +966,7 @@ class edit_renderer extends \plugin_renderer_base {
$question = $structure->get_question_in_slot($slotnumber);
$slot = $structure->get_slot_by_number($slotnumber);
$slottags = $structure->get_slot_tags_for_slot_id($slot->id);
$editurl = new \moodle_url('/mod/quiz/editrandom.php',
array('returnurl' => $pageurl->out_as_local_url(), 'slotid' => $slot->id));
@ -980,13 +981,19 @@ class edit_renderer extends \plugin_renderer_base {
'class' => 'icon activityicon', 'alt' => ' ', 'role' => 'presentation'));
$editicon = $this->pix_icon('t/edit', $configuretitle, 'moodle', array('title' => ''));
$qbankurlparams = array(
'cmid' => $structure->get_cmid(),
'cat' => $question->category . ',' . $question->contextid,
'recurse' => !empty($question->questiontext)
foreach ($slottags as $index => $slottag) {
$qbankurlparams["qtagids[{$index}]"] = $slottag->tagid;
// If this is a random question, display a link to show the questions
// selected from in the question bank.
$qbankurl = new \moodle_url('/question/edit.php', array(
'cmid' => $structure->get_cmid(),
'cat' => $question->category . ',' . $question->contextid,
'recurse' => !empty($question->questiontext)));
$qbankurl = new \moodle_url('/question/edit.php', $qbankurlparams);
$qbanklink = ' ' . \html_writer::link($qbankurl,
get_string('seequestions', 'quiz'), array('class' => 'mod_quiz_random_qbank_link'));

View File

@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ class structure {
/** @var bool caches the results of can_be_edited. */
protected $canbeedited = null;
/** @var bool tracks whether tags have been loaded */
protected $hasloadedtags = false;
* @var \stdClass[] the tags for slots. Indexed by slot id.
protected $slottags = array();
* Create an instance of this class representing an empty quiz.
* @return structure
@ -1053,4 +1061,28 @@ class structure {
$DB->delete_records('quiz_sections', array('id' => $sectionid));
* Set up this class with the slot tags for each of the slots.
protected function populate_slot_tags() {
$slotids = array_keys($this->slots);
$this->slottags = quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids($slotids);
* Retrieve the list of slot tags for the given slot id.
* @param int $slotid The id for the slot
* @return \stdClass[] The list of slot tag records
public function get_slot_tags_for_slot_id($slotid) {
if (!$this->hasloadedtags) {
// Lazy load the tags just in case they are never required.
$this->hasloadedtags = true;
return isset($this->slottags[$slotid]) ? $this->slottags[$slotid] : [];

View File

@ -2431,6 +2431,80 @@ function quiz_is_overriden_calendar_event(\calendar_event $event) {
return $DB->record_exists('quiz_overrides', $overrideparams);
* Retrieves tag information for the given list of quiz slot ids.
* Currently the only slots that have tags are random question slots.
* Example:
* If we have 3 slots with id 1, 2, and 3. The first slot has two tags, the second
* has one tag, and the third has zero tags. The return structure will look like:
* [
* 1 => [
* { ...tag data... },
* { ...tag data... },
* ],
* 2 => [
* { ...tag data... }
* ],
* 3 => []
* ]
* @param int[] $slotids The list of id for the quiz slots.
* @return array[] List of quiz_slot_tags records indexed by slot id.
function quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids($slotids) {
global $DB;
if (empty($slotids)) {
return [];
$slottags = $DB->get_records_list('quiz_slot_tags', 'slotid', $slotids);
$tagsbyid = core_tag_tag::get_bulk(array_filter(array_column($slottags, 'tagid')), 'id, name');
$tagsbyname = false; // It will be loaded later if required.
$emptytagids = array_reduce($slotids, function($carry, $slotid) {
$carry[$slotid] = [];
return $carry;
}, []);
return array_reduce(
function($carry, $slottag) use ($slottags, $tagsbyid, $tagsbyname) {
if (isset($tagsbyid[$slottag->tagid])) {
// Make sure that we're returning the most updated tag name.
$slottag->tagname = $tagsbyid[$slottag->tagid]->name;
} else {
if ($tagsbyname === false) {
// We were hoping that this query could be avoided, but life
// showed its other side to us!
$tagcollid = core_tag_area::get_collection('core', 'question');
$tagsbyname = core_tag_tag::get_by_name_bulk(
array_column($slottags, 'tagname'),
'id, name'
if (isset($tagsbyname[$slottag->tagname])) {
// Make sure that we're returning the current tag id that matches
// the given tag name.
$slottag->tagid = $tagsbyname[$slottag->tagname]->id;
} else {
// The tag does not exist anymore (neither the tag id nor the tag name
// matches an existing tag).
// We still need to include this row in the result as some callers might
// be interested in these rows. An example is the editing forms that still
// need to display tag names even if they don't exist anymore.
$slottag->tagid = null;
$carry[$slottag->slotid][] = $slottag;
return $carry;
* Retrieves tag information for the given quiz slot.
* A quiz slot have some tags if and only if it is representing a random question by tags.
@ -2439,37 +2513,8 @@ function quiz_is_overriden_calendar_event(\calendar_event $event) {
* @return stdClass[] List of quiz_slot_tags records.
function quiz_retrieve_slot_tags($slotid) {
global $DB;
$slottags = $DB->get_records('quiz_slot_tags', ['slotid' => $slotid]);
$tagsbyid = core_tag_tag::get_bulk(array_filter(array_column($slottags, 'tagid')), 'id, name');
$tagcollid = core_tag_area::get_collection('core', 'question');
$tagsbyname = false; // It will be loaded later if required.
foreach ($slottags as $slottag) {
if (isset($tagsbyid[$slottag->tagid])) {
$slottag->tagname = $tagsbyid[$slottag->tagid]->name; // Make sure that we're returning the most updated tag name.
} else {
if ($tagsbyname === false) {
// We were hoping that this query could be avoided, but life showed its other side to us!
$tagsbyname = core_tag_tag::get_by_name_bulk($tagcollid, array_column($slottags, 'tagname'), 'id, name');
if (isset($tagsbyname[$slottag->tagname])) {
$slottag->tagid = $tagsbyname[$slottag->tagname]->id; // Make sure that we're returning the current tag id
// that matches the given tag name.
} else {
$slottag->tagid = null; // The tag does not exist anymore (neither the tag id nor the tag name
// matches an existing tag).
// We still need to include this row in the result as some callers might
// be interested in these rows. An example is the editing forms that still
// need to display tag names even if they don't exist anymore.
return $slottags;
$slottags = quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids([$slotid]);
return $slottags[$slotid];

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@ -585,4 +585,244 @@ class mod_quiz_locallib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
$this->assertEquals([], $tagids, '', 0.0, 10, true);
* Data provider for the get_random_question_summaries test.
public function get_quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids_test_cases() {
return [
'no questions' => [
'questioncount' => 0,
'randomquestioncount' => 0,
'randomquestiontags' => [],
'unusedtags' => [],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => []
'only regular questions' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 0,
'randomquestiontags' => [],
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => []
'only random questions 1' => [
'questioncount' => 0,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo'],
1 => []
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => ['foo'],
2 => []
'only random questions 2' => [
'questioncount' => 0,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo', 'bop'],
1 => ['bar']
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => ['foo', 'bop'],
2 => ['bar']
'only random questions 3' => [
'questioncount' => 0,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo', 'bop'],
1 => ['bar', 'foo']
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => ['foo', 'bop'],
2 => ['bar', 'foo']
'combination of questions 1' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo'],
1 => []
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => ['foo'],
4 => []
'combination of questions 2' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo', 'bop'],
1 => ['bar']
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => ['foo', 'bop'],
4 => ['bar']
'combination of questions 3' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo', 'bop'],
1 => ['bar', 'foo']
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => ['foo', 'bop'],
4 => ['bar', 'foo']
'load from name 1' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo'],
1 => []
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [3],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => ['foo'],
4 => []
'load from name 2' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo', 'bop'],
1 => ['bar']
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [3],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => ['foo', 'bop'],
4 => ['bar']
'load from name 3' => [
'questioncount' => 2,
'randomquestioncount' => 2,
'randomquestiontags' => [
0 => ['foo', 'bop'],
1 => ['bar', 'foo']
'unusedtags' => ['unused1', 'unused2'],
'removeslottagids' => [3],
'expected' => [
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => ['foo', 'bop'],
4 => ['bar', 'foo']
* Test the quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids function with various parameter
* combinations.
* @dataProvider get_quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids_test_cases()
* @param int $questioncount The number of regular questions to create
* @param int $randomquestioncount The number of random questions to create
* @param array $randomquestiontags The tags for the random questions
* @param string[] $unusedtags Additional tags to create to populate the DB with data
* @param int[] $removeslottagids Slot numbers to remove tag ids for
* @param array $expected The expected output of tag names indexed by slot number
public function test_quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids_combinations(
) {
global $DB;
list($quiz, $tags) = $this->setup_quiz_and_tags(
$slots = $DB->get_records('quiz_slots', ['quizid' => $quiz->id]);
$slotids = [];
$slotsbynumber = [];
foreach ($slots as $slot) {
$slotids[] = $slot->id;
$slotsbynumber[$slot->slot] = $slot;
if (!empty($removeslottagids)) {
// The slots to remove are the slot numbers not the slot id so we need
// to get the ids for the DB call.
$idstonull = array_map(function($slot) use ($slotsbynumber) {
return $slotsbynumber[$slot]->id;
}, $removeslottagids);
list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($idstonull);
// Null out the tagid column to force the code to look up the tag by name.
$DB->set_field_select('quiz_slot_tags', 'tagid', null, "slotid {$sql}", $params);
$slottagsbyslotids = quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids($slotids);
// Convert the result into an associative array of slotid => [... tag names..]
// to make it easier to compare.
$actual = array_map(function($slottags) {
$names = array_map(function($slottag) {
return $slottag->tagname;
}, $slottags);
// Make sure the names are sorted for comparison.
return $names;
}, $slottagsbyslotids);
$formattedexptected = [];
// The expected values are indexed by slot number rather than id so let
// convert it to use the id so that we can compare the results.
foreach ($expected as $slot => $tagnames) {
$slotid = $slotsbynumber[$slot]->id;
$formattedexptected[$slotid] = $tagnames;
$this->assertEquals($formattedexptected, $actual);

View File

@ -889,4 +889,148 @@ class mod_quiz_structure_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
$structure = \mod_quiz\structure::create_for_quiz($quizobj);
$this->assertEquals(0, $structure->is_question_dependent_on_previous_slot(2));
* Data provider for the get_slot_tags_for_slot test.
public function get_slot_tags_for_slot_test_cases() {
return [
'incorrect slot id' => [
'layout' => [
['TF1', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF2', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF3', 1, 'truefalse']
'tagnames' => [
'slotnumber' => null,
'expected' => []
'no tags' => [
'layout' => [
['TF1', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF2', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF3', 1, 'truefalse']
'tagnames' => [
'slotnumber' => 2,
'expected' => []
'one tag 1' => [
'layout' => [
['TF1', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF2', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF3', 1, 'truefalse']
'tagnames' => [
'slotnumber' => 1,
'expected' => ['foo']
'one tag 2' => [
'layout' => [
['TF1', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF2', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF3', 1, 'truefalse']
'tagnames' => [
'slotnumber' => 2,
'expected' => ['bar']
'multiple tags 1' => [
'layout' => [
['TF1', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF2', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF3', 1, 'truefalse']
'tagnames' => [
['foo', 'bar'],
'slotnumber' => 1,
'expected' => ['foo', 'bar']
'multiple tags 2' => [
'layout' => [
['TF1', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF2', 1, 'truefalse'],
['TF3', 1, 'truefalse']
'tagnames' => [
['foo', 'bar'],
['bar', 'baz'],
'slotnumber' => 2,
'expected' => ['bar', 'baz']
* @dataProvider get_slot_tags_for_slot_test_cases()
* @param array $layout Quiz layout for create_test_quiz function
* @param array $tagnames Tags to create for each question slot
* @param int $slotnumber The slot number to select tags from
* @param string[] $expected The tags expected for the given $slotnumber
public function test_get_slot_tags_for_slot($layout, $tagnames, $slotnumber, $expected) {
global $DB;
$quiz = $this->create_test_quiz($layout);
$structure = \mod_quiz\structure::create_for_quiz($quiz);
$collid = core_tag_area::get_collection('core', 'question');
$slottagrecords = [];
if (is_null($slotnumber)) {
// Null slot number means to create a non-existent slot id.
$slot = $structure->get_last_slot();
$slotid = $slot->id + 100;
} else {
$slot = $structure->get_slot_by_number($slotnumber);
$slotid = $slot->id;
foreach ($tagnames as $index => $slottagnames) {
$tagslotnumber = $index + 1;
$tagslotid = $structure->get_slot_id_for_slot($tagslotnumber);
$tags = core_tag_tag::create_if_missing($collid, $slottagnames);
$records = array_map(function($tag) use ($tagslotid) {
return (object) [
'slotid' => $tagslotid,
'tagid' => $tag->id,
'tagname' => $tag->name
}, array_values($tags));
$slottagrecords = array_merge($slottagrecords, $records);
$DB->insert_records('quiz_slot_tags', $slottagrecords);
$actualslottags = $structure->get_slot_tags_for_slot_id($slotid);
$actual = array_map(function($slottag) {
return $slottag->tagname;
}, $actualslottags);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);