added some strings for lang management

This commit is contained in:
toyomoyo 2006-01-06 02:15:07 +00:00
parent 1a71d8074c
commit 2e7efb7b39

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ $string['blockmultiple'] = 'Multiple';
$string['cachetext'] = 'Text cache lifetime';
$string['calendarsettings'] = 'Calendar';
$string['change'] = 'change';
$string['changesitelang'] = 'Change site language';
$string['configallowcoursethemes'] = 'If you enable this, then courses will be allowed to set their own themes. Course themes override all other theme choices (site, user, or session themes)';
$string['configallowemailaddresses'] = 'If you want to restrict all new email addresses to particular domains, then list them here separated by spaces. All other domains will be rejected. eg <strong></strong>';
$string['configallowobjectembed'] = 'As a default security measure, normal users are not allowed to embed multimedia (like Flash) within texts using explicit EMBED and OBJECT tags in their HTML (although it can still be done safely using the mediaplugins filter). If you wish to allow these tags then enable this option.';
@ -123,7 +124,9 @@ $string['confirmation'] = 'Confirmation';
$string['confirminstall'] = 'You are about to install language pack ($a), are you sure?';
$string['cronwarning'] = 'The <a href=\"cron.php\">cron.php maintenance script</a> has not been run for at least 24 hours. <br />The <a href=\"../doc/?frame=install.html&amp;sub=cron\">installation documentation</a> explains how you can automate this.';
$string['density'] = 'Density';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['edithelpdocs'] = 'Edit help documents';
$string['editlang'] = '<b>Edit</b>';
$string['editstrings'] = 'Edit strings';
$string['filterall'] = 'Filter all strings';
$string['filtermatchoneperpage'] = 'Filter match once per page';
@ -142,13 +145,17 @@ $string['importtimezones'] = 'Update complete list of timezones';
$string['importtimezonescount'] = '$a->count entries imported from $a->source';
$string['importtimezonesfailed'] = 'No sources found! (Bad news)';
$string['incompatibleblocks'] = 'Incompatible Blocks';
$string['install'] = 'Install';
$string['install'] = 'Install Selected Language Pack';
$string['installedlangs'] = 'Installed Language Packs';
$string['lang16notify'] = 'Moodle 1.6 and above allows you to install and update language packs directly from by following the link below';
$string['langimport'] = 'Language Import Utility';
$string['langimportsuccess'] = 'Language Pack successfully upgraded';
$string['langpackremoved'] = 'Language Pack uninstallation completed';
$string['langpackupdated'] = 'Language Pack $a Updated';
$string['langupdatecomplete'] = 'Language Pack Update Completed';
$string['latexpreamble'] = 'LaTeX Preamble';
$string['latexsettings'] = 'LaTeX Renderer Settings';
$string['managelang'] = '<b>Manage</b>';
$string['mediapluginavi'] = 'Enable .avi filter';
$string['mediapluginflv'] = 'Enable .flv filter';
$string['mediapluginmov'] = 'Enable .mov filter';
@ -156,11 +163,14 @@ $string['mediapluginmp3'] = 'Enable .mp3 filter';
$string['mediapluginmpg'] = 'Enable .mpg filter';
$string['mediapluginswf'] = 'Enable .swf filter';
$string['mediapluginwmv'] = 'Enable .wmv filter';
$string['nolangupdateneeded'] = 'All your language packs are up to date, no update is needed';
$string['optionalmaintenancemessage'] = 'Optional maintenance messsage';
$string['pathdvips'] = 'Path of <i>dvips</i> binary';
$string['pathconvert'] = 'Path of <i>convert</i> binary';
$string['pathlatex'] = 'Path of <i>latex</i> binary';
$string['pleaseregister'] = 'Please register your site to remove this button';
$string['remotelangnotavailable'] = 'Because Moodle can not connect to, we are unable to do language pack installation automatically. Please download the appropriate zip file(s) from the list below, copy them to your $a directory and unzip them manually.';
$string['sitelangchanged'] = 'Site language setting changed successfully';
$string['sitemaintenance'] = 'The site is undergoing maintenance and is currently not available';
$string['sitemaintenancemode'] = 'Maintenance mode';
$string['sitemaintenanceoff'] = 'Maintenance mode has been disabled and the site is running normally again';
@ -176,7 +186,8 @@ $string['therewereerrors'] = 'There were errors in your data';
$string['timezoneforced'] = 'This is forced by the site administrator';
$string['timezoneisforcedto'] = 'Force all users to use';
$string['timezonenotforced'] = 'Users can choose their own timezone';
$string['uninstall'] = 'Uninstall';
$string['updatelangs'] = 'Update Language Packs';
$string['uninstall'] = 'Uninstall Seleted Language Pack';
$string['uninstallconfirm'] = 'You are about to completely uninstall Language Pack $a, are you sure?';
$string['upgradeforumread'] = 'A new feature has been added in Moodle 1.5 to track read/unread forum posts.<br />To use this functionality you need to <a href=\"$a\">update your tables</a>.';
$string['upgradeforumreadinfo'] = 'A new feature has been added in Moodle 1.5 to track read/unread forum posts. To use this functionality you need to update your tables with all the tracking information for existing posts. Depending on the size of your site this can take a long time (hours) and can be quite taxing on the database, so it\'s best to do it during a quiet period. However, your site will continue functioning during this upgrade and users won\'t be affected. Once you start this process you should let it finish (keep your browser window open). However, if you stop the process by closing the window: don\'t worry, you can start over.<br /><br />Do you want to start the upgrading process now?';