From 37eeba778fdec5aca5c91ab4caea147ccf64cc89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: michaelpenne Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 20:35:45 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] report displays statistics regarding users attempts for a particular lesson. If a student has attempted a lesson, a link will appear when you edit the lesson to view statistics. This feature works best with the newest version of lesson because lesson now retains more information regarding how the user answered a given question. Old lesson attempts will not display correctly. --- mod/lesson/report.php | 841 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 841 insertions(+) create mode 100644 mod/lesson/report.php diff --git a/mod/lesson/report.php b/mod/lesson/report.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..728fdc91800 --- /dev/null +++ b/mod/lesson/report.php @@ -0,0 +1,841 @@ +course)) { + error('Course is misconfigured'); + } + + if (! $lesson = get_record('lesson', 'id', $cm->instance)) { + error('Course module is incorrect'); + } + + if (! $attempts = get_records('lesson_attempts', 'lessonid', $lesson->id, 'timeseen')) { + error('Could not find any attempts for this lesson'); + } + + if (! $students = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.* + FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, + {$CFG->prefix}lesson_attempts a + WHERE a.lessonid = '$lesson->id' and + = a.userid + ORDER BY u.lastname")) { + error("Error: could not find users"); + } + + + if (! $grades = get_records('lesson_grades', 'lessonid', $lesson->id, 'completed')) { + $grades = array(); + } + +// make sure people are where they should be + require_login($course->id); + + if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) { + error("Must be teacher to view Reports"); + } + +/// Print the page header + $strlessons = get_string('modulenameplural', 'lesson'); + + if ($course->category) { + $navigation = ''. $course->shortname .' ->'; + } + $button = '
'. + ''. + ''. + '
'; + + print_header($course->shortname .': '. $lesson->name, $course->fullname, + "$navigation id>$strlessons -> id\">$lesson->name + -> id\">".get_string("report", "lesson")."", + '', '', true, $button, + navmenu($course, $cm)); + + print_heading(get_string("lesson", "lesson", $lesson->name), "center", 5); + + // navigational links + $detaillink = "id&action=detail\">".get_string("detailedstats", "lesson").""; + $overviewlink = "id\">".get_string("overview", "lesson").""; + print_heading($overviewlink."   ".$detaillink); + + + /************************************************************************** + this action is for default view and overview view + **************************************************************************/ + if (empty($action) || $action == 'view') { + $studentdata = array(); + + // build an array for output + foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { + // if the user is not in the array or if the retry number is not in the sub array, add the data for that try. + if (!array_key_exists($attempt->userid, $studentdata) || !array_key_exists($attempt->retry, $studentdata[$attempt->userid])) { + // restore/setup defaults + $n = 0; + $timeend = NULL; + $usergrade = NULL; + + // search for the grade record for this try. if not there, the nulls defined above will be used. + foreach($grades as $grade) { + // check to see if the grade matches the correct user + if ($grade->userid == $attempt->userid) { + // see if n is = to the retry + if ($n == $attempt->retry) { + // get grade info + $timeend = $grade->completed; + $usergrade = $grade->grade; + break; + } + $n++; // if not equal, then increment n + } + } + // build up the array. + // this array represents each student and all of their tries at the lesson + $studentdata[$attempt->userid][$attempt->retry] = array( "timestart" => $attempt->timeseen, + "timeend" => $timeend, + "grade" => $usergrade, + "try" => $attempt->retry, + "userid" => $attempt->userid); + } + } + // set all the stats variables to 0 + $numofattempts = 0; + $avescore = 0; + $avetime = 0; + $highscore = 0; + $lowscore = 1000000000000; // silly, but should work + $hightime = 0; + $lowtime = 1000000000000; // :) + + // set up the table object + $table->head = array(get_string('studentname', 'lesson', $course->student), get_string('attempts', 'lesson'), get_string('highscore', 'lesson')); + $table->align = array("center", "left", "left"); + $table->wrap = array("nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap"); + $table->width = "90%"; + $table->size = array("*", "70%", "*"); + + // print out the $studentdata array + // going through each student that has attempted the lesson, so, each student should have something to be displayed + foreach ($students as $student) { + // check to see if the student has attempts to print out + if (array_key_exists($student->id, $studentdata)) { + // set/reset some variables + $attempts = array(); + // gather the data for each user attempt + $bestgrade = 0; + $bestgradefound = false; + // $tries holds all the tries/retries a student has done + $tries = $studentdata[$student->id]; + $studentname = "{$student->lastname}, $student->firstname"; + foreach ($tries as $try) { + // start of the longest link i have ever made ;) + // link looks intense, but saves me from having to recalc all these numbers on detailed view of each try + // and I dont have to pass 4 hidden vars per attempt which im sure helps to speed up .... something!? + + // start to build up a big javascript action link. What the link does is set a hidden form variable + // userid to the userid which was clicked, and sets hidden form variables try, timetotake, completed, and grade + $temp = ""; + + $temp .= $try["grade"]."%"; + $bestgradefound = true; + if ($try["grade"] > $bestgrade) { + $bestgrade = $try["grade"]; + } + $temp .= " ".userdate($try["timestart"]); + $temp .= ", (".format_time($timetotake).")"; + } else { + // this is what the link does/looks like when the user has not completed the try + $temp .= "document.forms['overview'].elements['timetotake'].value = '-1'; ". + "document.forms['overview'].elements['completed'].value = '-1'; ". + "document.forms['overview'].elements['grade'].value = '-1'; ". + "document.overview.submit();\">"; + + $temp .= get_string("notcompleted", "lesson"); + $temp .= " ".userdate($try["timestart"]); + $timetotake = NULL; + } + // build up the attempts array + $attempts[] = $temp; + + // run these lines for the stats only if the user finnished the lesson + if ($try["grade"] != NULL) { + $numofattempts++; + $avescore += $try["grade"]; + $avetime += $timetotake; + if ($try["grade"] > $highscore) { + $highscore = $try["grade"]; + } + if ($try["grade"] < $lowscore) { + $lowscore = $try["grade"]; + } + if ($timetotake > $hightime) { + $hightime = $timetotake; + } + if ($timetotake < $lowtime) { + $lowtime = $timetotake; + } + } + } + // get line breaks in after each attempt + $attempts = implode("
\n", $attempts); + // add it to the table data[] object + $table->data[] = array($studentname, $attempts, $bestgrade."%"); + } + } + + // this is the form and the hidden values that get changed when a try link is clicked + echo "
id&action=detail\" method=\"post\">"; + echo ""; + echo ""; + echo ""; + echo ""; + echo ""; + print_table($table); + echo "
"; + + // some stat calculations + $avescore = format_float($avescore/$numofattempts, 2, ".", ","); + $avetime = format_float($avetime/$numofattempts, 2, ".", ","); + $avetime = format_time($avetime); + $hightime = format_time($hightime); + $lowtime = format_time($lowtime); + + // output the stats + print_heading(get_string('lessonstats', 'lesson')); + $stattable->head = array(get_string('averagescore', 'lesson'), get_string('averagetime', 'lesson'), + get_string('highscore', 'lesson'), get_string('lowscore', 'lesson'), + get_string('hightime', 'lesson'), get_string('lowtime', 'lesson')); + $stattable->align = array("center", "center", "center", "center", "center", "center"); + $stattable->wrap = array("nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap"); + $stattable->width = "90%"; + $stattable->size = array("*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*"); + $stattable->data[] = array($avescore, $avetime, $highscore, $lowscore, $hightime, $lowtime); + + print_table($stattable); +} + /************************************************************************** + this action is for a student detailed view and for the general detailed view + + General flow of this section of the code + 1. Generate a object which holds values for the statistics for each question/answer + 2. Cycle through all the pages to create a object. Foreach page, see if the student actually answered + the page. Then process the page appropriatly. Display all info about the question, + Highlight correct answers, show how the user answered the question, and display statistics + about each page + 3. Print out info about the try (if needed) + 4. Print out the object which contains all the try info + + **************************************************************************/ + else if ($action == 'detail') { + optional_variable($userid); // if empty, then will display the general detailed view + optional_variable($try); + + if (! $lessonpages = get_records("lesson_pages", "lessonid", $lesson->id)) { + error("Could not find Lesson Pages"); + } + if (! $pageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "prevpageid", 0)) { + error("Could not find first page"); + } + if (!empty($userid)) { + // print out users name + $headingobject->lastname = $students[$userid]->lastname; + $headingobject->firstname = $students[$userid]->firstname; + $headingobject->attempt = $try + 1; + print_heading(get_string("studentattemptlesson", "lesson", $headingobject)); + } + + // now gather the stats into an object + $firstpageid = $pageid; + while ($pageid != 0) { // EOL + $page = $lessonpages[$pageid]; + + if ($allanswers = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND pageid = $page->id", "timeseen")) { + // get them ready for processing + foreach ($allanswers as $singleanswer) { + // ordering them like this, will help to find the single attempt record that we want to keep. + $orderedanswers[$singleanswer->userid][$singleanswer->retry][] = $singleanswer; + } + // this is foreach user and for each try for that user, keep one attempt record + foreach ($orderedanswers as $orderedanswer) { + foreach($orderedanswer as $tries) { + if(count($tries) > $lesson->maxattempts) { // if there are more tries than the max that is allowed, grab the last "legal" attempt + $temp = $tries[$lesson->maxattempts - 1]; + } else { + // else, user attempted the question less than the max, so grab the last one + $temp = end($tries); + } + // page interpretation + // depending on the page type, process stat info for that page + switch ($page->qtype) { + case LESSON_MULTICHOICE: + case LESSON_TRUEFALSE: + if ($page->qoption) { + $userresponse = explode(",", $temp->useranswer); + foreach ($userresponse as $response) { + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid][$response])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid][$response]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid][$response] = 1; + } + } + } else { + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid][$temp->answerid])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid][$temp->answerid]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid][$temp->answerid] = 1; + } + } + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"] = 1; + } + break; + case LESSON_SHORTANSWER: + case LESSON_NUMERICAL: + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid][$temp->useranswer])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid][$temp->useranswer]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid][$temp->useranswer] = 1; + } + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"] = 1; + } + break; + case LESSON_MATCHING: + if ($temp->correct) { + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid]["correct"])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["correct"]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["correct"] = 1; + } + } + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"])) { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"]++; + } else { + $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"] = 1; + } + break; + case LESSON_ESSAY: + $essayinfo = unserialize($temp->useranswer); + if ($essayinfo->graded) { + if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid])) { + $essaystats = $pagestats[$temp->pageid]; + $essaystats->totalscore += $essayinfo->score; + $essaystats->total++; + $pagestats[$temp->pageid] = $essaystats; + } else { + $essaystats->totalscore = $essayinfo->score; + $essaystats->total = 1; + $pagestats[$temp->pageid] = $essaystats; + } + } + break; + } + } + } + + } else { + // no one answered yet... + } + unset($orderedanswers); + $pageid = $page->nextpageid; + } + + $answerpages = array(); + $answerpage = ""; + $pageid = $firstpageid; + // cycle through all the pages + // foreach page, add to the $answerpages[] array all the data that is needed + // from the question, the users attempt, and the statistics + // grayout pages that the user did not answer and Branch, end of branch, cluster + // and end of cluster pages + while ($pageid != 0) { // EOL + $page = $lessonpages[$pageid]; + unset($answerpage); + unset($data); + unset($answerdata); + + $answerpage->title = $page->title; + $answerpage->contents = $page->contents; + + // get the page qtype + switch ($page->qtype) { + case LESSON_ESSAY : + case LESSON_MATCHING : + case LESSON_TRUEFALSE : + case LESSON_NUMERICAL : + $answerpage->qtype = $LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE[$page->qtype]; + $answerpage->grayout = 0; + break; + case LESSON_SHORTANSWER : + $answerpage->qtype = $LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE[$page->qtype]; + if ($page->qoption) { + $answerpage->qtype .= " - ".get_string("casesensitive", "lesson"); + } + $answerpage->grayout = 0; + break; + case LESSON_MULTICHOICE : + $answerpage->qtype = $LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE[$page->qtype]; + if ($page->qoption) { + $answerpage->qtype .= " - ".get_string("multianswer", "lesson"); + } + $answerpage->grayout = 0; + break; + case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE : + $answerpage->qtype = get_string("branchtable", "lesson"); + $answerpage->grayout = 1; + break; + case LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH : + $answerpage->qtype = get_string("endofbranch", "lesson"); + $answerpage->grayout = 1; + break; + case LESSON_CLUSTER : + $answerpage->qtype = get_string("clustertitle", "lesson"); + $answerpage->grayout = 1; + break; + case LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER : + $answerpage->qtype = get_string("endofclustertitle", "lesson"); + $answerpage->grayout = 1; + break; + } + + + unset($answerdata); + if (empty($userid)) { + // there is no userid, so set these vars and display stats. + $answerpage->grayout = 0; + $useranswer = NULL; + $answerdata->score = NULL; + $answerdata->response = NULL; + } elseif ($useranswers = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", + "lessonid = $lesson->id AND userid = $userid AND retry = $try AND pageid = $page->id", "timeseen")) { + // get the user's answer for this page + // need to find the right one + $i = 0; + foreach ($useranswers as $userattempt) { + $useranswer = $userattempt; + $i++; + if ($lesson->maxattempts == $i) { + break; // reached maxattempts, break out + } + } + } else { + // user did not answer this page, gray it out and set some nulls + $answerpage->grayout = 1; + $useranswer = NULL; + $answerdata->score = NULL; + $answerdata->response = NULL; + + } + + // build up the answer data + if ($answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $page->id, "id")) { + $i = 0; + $n = 0; + // go through each answer and display it properly with statistics, highlight if correct answer, + // and display what the user entered + foreach ($answers as $answer) { + switch ($page->qtype) { + case LESSON_MULTICHOICE: + case LESSON_TRUEFALSE: + if ($page->qoption) { + $userresponse = explode(",", $useranswer->useranswer); + if (in_array($answer->id, $userresponse)) { + // make checked + $data = ""; + if (!isset($answerdata->response)) { + if ($answer->response == NULL) { + if ($useranswer->correct) { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); + } + } else { + $answerdata->response = $answer->response; + } + } + if (!isset($answerdata->score)) { + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; + } elseif ($useranswer->correct) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("receivedcredit", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); + } + } + } else { + // unchecked + $data = ""; + } + if (($answer->score > 0 && $lesson->custom) || (lesson_iscorrect($page->id, $answer->jumpto) && !$lesson->custom)) { + $data .= "$answer->answer"; + } else { + $data .= $answer->answer; + } + } else { + if ($answer->id == $useranswer->answerid) { + // make checked + $data = ""; + if ($answer->response == NULL) { + if ($useranswer->correct) { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); + } + } else { + $answerdata->response = $answer->response; + } + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; + } elseif ($useranswer->correct) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("receivedcredit", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); + } + } else { + // unchecked + $data = ""; + } + if (($answer->score > 0 && $lesson->custom) || (lesson_iscorrect($page->id, $answer->jumpto) && !$lesson->custom)) { + $data .= "$answer->answer"; + } else { + $data .= $answer->answer; + } + } + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id][$answer->id])) { + $percent = $pagestats[$page->id][$answer->id] / $pagestats[$page->id]["total"] * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent .= "% ".get_string("checkedthisone", "lesson"); + } else { + $percent = get_string("noonecheckedthis", "lesson"); + } + + $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, $percent); + break; + case LESSON_SHORTANSWER: + case LESSON_NUMERICAL: + if ($useranswer == NULL && $i == 0) { + // I have the $i == 0 because it is easier to blast through it all at once. + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id])) { + $stats = $pagestats[$page->id]; + $total = $stats["total"]; + unset($stats["total"]); + foreach ($stats as $valentered => $ntimes) { + $data = ""; + $percent = $ntimes / $total * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent .= "% ".get_string("enteredthis", "lesson"); + $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, $percent); + } + } else { + $answerdata->answers[] = array(get_string("nooneansweredthisquestion", "lesson"), " "); + } + $i++; + } else if ($answer->answer == $useranswer->useranswer && $useranswer != NULL) { + // get in here when a user answer matches one of the answers to the page + $data = "useranswer\">"; + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id][$answer->answer])) { + $percent = $pagestats[$page->id][$answer->answer] / $pagestats[$page->id]["total"] * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent .= "% ".get_string("enteredthis", "lesson"); + } else { + $percent = get_string("nooneenteredthis", "lesson"); + } + $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, $percent); + + if ($answer->response == NULL) { + if ($useranswer->correct) { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); + } + } else { + $answerdata->response = $answer->response; + } + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; + } elseif ($useranswer->correct) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("receivedcredit", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); + } + } elseif ($answer == end($answers) && !isset($answerdata) && $useranswer != NULL) { + // get in here when what the user entered is not one of the answers + $data = "useranswer\">"; + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id][$answer->answer])) { + $percent = $pagestats[$page->id][$answer->answer] / $pagestats[$page->id]["total"] * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent .= "% ".get_string("enteredthis", "lesson"); + } else { + $percent = get_string("nooneenteredthis", "lesson"); + } + $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, $percent); + + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": 0"; + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); + } + } + break; + case LESSON_MATCHING: + if ($n == 0 && $useranswer->correct) { + if ($answer->response == NULL && $useranswer != NULL) { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->response = $answer->response; + } + } elseif ($n == 1 && !$useranswer->correct) { + if ($answer->response == NULL && $useranswer != NULL) { + $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->response = $answer->response; + } + } elseif ($n > 1) { + if ($n == 2 && $useranswer->correct && $useranswer != NULL) { + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("receivedcredit", "lesson"); + } + } elseif ($n == 3 && !$useranswer->correct && $useranswer != NULL) { + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); + } + } + $data = ""; + if ($useranswer != NULL) { + $userresponse = explode(",", $useranswer->useranswer); + $data .= ""; + } else { + $data .= ""; + } + + if ($n == 2) { + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id])) { + $percent = $pagestats[$page->id]["correct"] / $pagestats[$page->id]["total"] * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent .= "% ".get_string("answeredcorrectly", "lesson"); + } else { + $percent = get_string("nooneansweredthisquestion", "lesson"); + } + } else { + $percent = ""; + } + + $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, $percent); + $i++; + } + $n++; + break; + case LESSON_ESSAY : + if ($useranswer != NULL) { + $essayinfo = unserialize($useranswer->useranswer); + if ($essayinfo->response == NULL) { + $answerdata->response = get_string("nocommentyet", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->response = $essayinfo->response; + } + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id])) { + $percent = $pagestats[$page->id]->totalscore / $pagestats[$page->id]->total * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent = get_string("averagescore", "lesson").": ". $percent ."%"; + } else { + // dont think this should ever be reached.... + $percent = get_string("nooneansweredthisquestion", "lesson"); + } + if ($essayinfo->graded) { + if ($lesson->custom) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$essayinfo->score; + } elseif ($essayinfo->score) { + $answerdata->score = get_string("receivedcredit", "lesson"); + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); + } + } else { + $answerdata->score = get_string("havenotgradedyet", "lesson"); + } + } else { + $essayinfo->answer = get_string("didnotanswerquestion", "lesson"); + } + + if (isset($pagestats[$page->id])) { + $percent = $pagestats[$page->id]->totalscore / $pagestats[$page->id]->total * 100; + $percent = round($percent, 2); + $percent = get_string("averagescore", "lesson").": ". $percent ."%"; + } else { + // dont think this should ever be reached.... + $percent = get_string("nooneansweredthisquestion", "lesson"); + } + $answerdata->answers[] = array($essayinfo->answer, $percent); + break; + case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE : + $data = "id\" value=\"$answer->answer\" disabled=\"disabled\"> "; + $data .= get_string("jumptsto", "lesson").": "; + if ($answer->jumpto == 0) { + $data .= get_string("thispage", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { + $data .= get_string("nextpage", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_EOL) { + $data .= get_string("endoflesson", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { + $data .= get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) { + $data .= get_string("previouspage", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) { + $data .= get_string("randompageinbranch", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) { + $data .= get_string("randombranch", "lesson"); + } elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) { + $data .= get_string("clusterjump", "lesson"); + } else { + $data .= $lessonpages[$answer->jumpto]->title." 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