
This commit is contained in:
toyomoyo 2006-03-14 04:23:00 +00:00
parent 54bf5de8d2
commit 3a90f3896a
4 changed files with 5 additions and 434 deletions

View File

@ -171,158 +171,6 @@ class BlogEntry {
return true;
* get_formatted_entry_link
* @return string Permalink URL wrapped in an HTML link
function get_formatted_entry_link() {
// removed the word 'permalink' and replaced with 'Read More' to
// further eliminate jargon from moodle blog
// Daryl Hawes note: must localize this line now
$str = '<a href="'. $this->get_entryurl() .'">Read More</a>';
return $str;
* get_simple_entry_link - Just the link, with no extra html.
* @return string Returns just a URL with no HTML.
* (Daryl Hawes note: this function moved to class.Blogentry from lib.php)
function get_simple_entry_link() {
$str = htmlspecialchars( $this->get_entryurl() );
return $str;
* get_blog_this_URL added by Daryl Hawes for moodle integration
* @param bool $showImage If true then the return string is an HTML image tag
* If false then the return string is an HTML text link
* @uses $CFG
* @return string An HTML image tag or text link depending upon $showImage argument
function get_blog_this_URL($showImage=false) {
$str = '';
global $CFG;
//ensure user is logged in and that they have a blog to edit
if ( !isguest() && blog_isLoggedIn() ) {
$blogThisString = '';
if ($showImage) {
$blogThisString = '<img src="'. $CFG->pixpath .'/blog/blog.gif" alt="'. get_string('blogthis', 'blog');
$blogThisString .= '!" title="'. get_string('blogthis', 'blog') .'!" border="0" align="middle" />';
} else {
$blogThisString = get_string('blogthis', 'blog');
if (!$showImage) {
$str .= '(';
$str .= '<a href="'. $this->get_entryblogthisurl() .'">'. $blogThisString .'</a>';
if (!$showImage) {
$str .= ')';
return $str;
* get_formatted_edit_URL added by Daryl Hawes for moodle integration
* An empty string is returned if the user is a guest, the user is not logged in,
* or the user is not currently editing their blog page (turn editing on button)
* we will only show edit link if the entry is in draft status or the user is an admin
* note: teacher should not be allowed to edit or delete - only demote back to draft
* @param bool $showImage If false a text link is printed. If true a linked edit icon is printed.
* @uses $USER
* @uses $CFG
* @todo get_formatted_delete_URL and get_formatted_edit_URL should be merged into a single function
function get_formatted_edit_URL($showImage=false) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$str = '';
if ( !isguest() && blog_isLoggedIn() && blog_isediting() && blog_is_blog_admin($this->entryuserid)
&& (!$CFG->blog_enable_moderation || isadmin() || $blogEntry->entryPublishState == 'draft') ) {
$str = '<div class="blogedit">';
//check if user is in blog's acl
//instead of creating a new BlogInfo object might a BlogInfo pointer in BlogEntry constructor be better? Does php have singleton objects? if not then a bloginfo reference as an argument to the constructor of BlogEntry would be a good idea. (The only problem here is in pages with multiple bloginfo objects represented - aggregate pages.)
$bloginfo = new BlogInfo($this->entryuserid);
//if so then show them an edit link
if (blog_user_has_rights($bloginfo)) {
$editString = '';
if ($showImage) {
$editString = '<img src="'. $CFG->pixpath .'/t/edit.gif" alt="'. get_string('edit');
$editString .= '" title="'. get_string('edit') .'" align="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" />';
} else {
$editString = get_string('edit');
if (!$showImage) {
$str .= '(';
$str .= '<a title="'. get_string('edit') .'" href="'. $this->get_entryediturl() .'">'. $editString .'</a>';
if (!$showImage) {
$str .= ')';
$str .= '</div>';
unset($blogInfo); //clean up after ourselves
return $str;
* get_formatted_delete_URL added by Daryl Hawes for moodle integration
* An empty string is returned if the user is a guest, the user is not logged in,
* or the user is not currently editing their blog page (turn editing on button)
* we will only show edit link if the entry is in draft status or the user is an admin
* note: teacher should not be allowed to edit or delete - only demote back to draft
* @uses $USER
* @uses $CFG
* @param bool $showImage If false a text link is printed. If true a linked delete icon is printed.
* @todo get_formatted_delete_URL and get_formatted_edit_URL should be merged into a single function
function get_formatted_delete_URL($showImage=false) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$str = '';
if ( !isguest() && blog_isLoggedIn() && blog_isediting() && blog_is_blog_admin($this->entryuserid)
&& (!$CFG->blog_enable_moderation || isadmin() || $blogEntry->entryPublishState == 'draft') ) {
$str = '<div class="blogdelete">';
//check if user is in blog's acl
//instead of creating a new BlogInfo object might a BlogInfo pointer in BlogEntry constructor be better? Does php have singleton objects? if not then a bloginfo reference as an argument to the constructor of BlogEntry would be a good idea.
$bloginfo =& new BlogInfo($this->entryuserid);
//if so then show them an edit link
if (blog_user_has_rights($bloginfo)) {
$deleteString = '';
if ($showImage) {
$deleteString = '<img src="'. $CFG->pixpath .'/t/delete.gif" alt="'. get_string('delete');
$deleteString .= '" title="'. get_string('delete') .'" align="absmiddle" border="0" />';
} else {
$deleteString = get_string('delete');
if (!$showImage) {
$str .= '(';
$str .= '<a title="'. get_string('delete') .'" href="'. $this->get_entrydeleteurl() .'">'. $deleteString .'</a>';
if (!$showImage) {
$str .= ')';
$str .= '</div>';
unset($blogInfo); //clean up after ourselves
return $str;
* get_formatted_entry_body
* getter for ->entryBody.
@ -426,42 +274,6 @@ class BlogEntry {
return $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/archive.php?userid='. $this->entryuserid .'&amp;postid='. $this->entryId;
* The url of the news feed containing this item. Uses global admin config to determin what feed type to point to.
* @return string
function get_entryfeedurl() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/rss.php?userid='. $this->entryuserid;
* @return string
function get_entryediturl() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/edit.php?userid='. $this->entryuserid .'&amp;editid='. $this->entryId;
* @return string
function get_entrydeleteurl() {
global $CFG;
return 'javascript:del(\''. $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/\', '. $this->entryId .', '. $this->entryuserid .')';
* @return string
function get_entryblogthisurl() {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot .'/blog/blogthis.php?userid='. $this->entryuserid .'&amp;act=use&amp;postid='. $this->entryId;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
@ -490,54 +302,6 @@ class BlogEntry {
return false;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param int $courseid The course by id that this entry should be associated with.
function set_courseid($courseid) {
$this->entryCourseId = $courseid;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param int $groupid The groupid that this entry should be associated with.
function set_groupid($groupid) {
$this->entryGroupId = $groupid;
* BlogEntry setters do not save to the database.
* To save changes call the BlogEntry->save() function when ready.
* @param array $catids An array of category ids to associate this entry with.
function set_categoryids($catids) {
$this->entryCategoryIds = $catids;
if (!empty($this->entryCategoryIds)) {
if (!is_array($this->entryCategoryIds)) {
$this->entryCategoryIds = array($this->entryCategoryIds);
$this->entryCategoryIds = array_unique($this->entryCategoryIds);
// now populate the entryCategories array
if (!empty($this->entryCategoryIds)) {
foreach ($this->entryCategoryIds as $categoryid) {
if (! $currcat = get_record('blog_categories', 'id', $categoryid)) {
print 'Could not find category id '. $categoryid ."\n";
$this->entryCategories[$categoryid] = '';
} else {
$this->entryCategories[$categoryid] = $currcat->catname;
* This function will determine if the user is logged in and
@ -595,20 +359,7 @@ class BlogEntry {
if ( ! $uid == '' && ! isguest() ) {
return true;
} else if ($this->entryPublishState == 'course') {
//there is a courseid and the user is a member of that course
if ( isset($this->entryCourseId) && (isteacher($this->entryCourseId, $uid) || isstudent($this->entryCourseId, $uid) ) ) {
return true;
} else if ($this->entryPublishState == 'teacher') {
if ( isset($this->entryCourseId) && isteacher($this->entryCourseId, $uid) ) {
return true;
} else if ($this->entryPublishState == 'group') {
if ( isset($this->entryGroupId) && ismember($this->entryGroupId, $uid) ) {
return true;
//nothing qualified - the user requesting access is not allowed to view this entry!
return false;

View File

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ class BlogFilter {
$this->blogtitle = &$this->blogInfo->blogtitle;
$this->blogtagline = &$this->blogInfo->blogtagline;
$this->blogtheme = $this->blogInfo->get_blog_theme();
if (!is_numeric($courseid) || $courseid == 0 || $courseid == 1) {
@ -203,17 +202,6 @@ class BlogFilter {
//still no entries - they must all be filtered away or there simply are none. return null.
return NULL;
function get_bloginfo() {
//returns blog entries based on current filters as stored by but not created by this class
if (!empty($this->blogInfo) ) {
return $this->blogInfo;
return NULL;
* Using the member variables build a where clause and sql statment
@ -363,92 +351,6 @@ class BlogFilter {
return $this->filtered_entries;
* get_where_clause
* This function will take all of this BlogFilter's instance variables and
* calculate the proper sql string needed to fetch the appropriate entries.
* fields are referred to as e.* in the post table
* and c.* if they are in the blog_categories_entries table
* @return string The where clause for searching using this filter's settings
function get_where_clause() {
$hascats = false;
$where = '';
if ( !empty($this->categoryid) ) {
$hascats = true;
if ($this->is_userid_valid()) {
$where .= 'e.userid='. $this->userid;
if ($this->is_courseid_valid()) {
if ($where != '') {
$where .= ' AND ';
$where .= 'e.courseid='. $this->courseid;
if ($this->is_userid_valid() && $this->is_postid_valid()) {
// a blog and a specific entry in that blog were specified. our mission is clear
if ($where != '') {
$where .= ' AND ';
$where .= ''. $this->postid .' ';
} else {
// we do not have a specific post id, so get all posts that match additional criteria if present
if ($hascats) {
if ($where != '') {
$where .= ' AND ';
// where the discovered post id matches the categories_entries table entryid and the catid matches
$where .= ' = c.entryid AND c.categoryid='. $this->categoryid;
if ( !empty($this->tstart) && !empty($this->tend) ) {
if ($where != '') {
$where .= ' AND ';
$where .= 'e.lastmodified >= '. $this->tstart .' AND e.lastmodified <= '. $this->tend;
$keywords = $this->keywords;
if (!empty($keywords) && count($keywords) > 0) {
if (!empty($keywords['body'])) {
if ($where != '') {
$where .= ' AND ';
$where .= "(e.body LIKE '%". $keywords['body'] ."%' OR e.extendedbody LIKE '%". $keywords['body'] ."%') ";
if (!empty($keywords['body'])) {
if ($where != '') {
$where .= ' AND ';
$where .= "(e.title LIKE '%". $keywords['title'] ."%') ";
return $where;
* get the count of entries in db without applying full filtering
function get_entry_count($where='', $hascats=false) {
global $CFG;
$sql = 'post e';
if ($hascats) {
$sql .= ', '. $CFG->prefix .'blog_categories_entries c ';
if (empty($where)) {
$where = $this->get_where_clause();
return count_records_select($sql, $where);
* get the count of viewable entries, easiest way is to count fetch_entries
* this is used for print_paging_bar
@ -463,7 +365,7 @@ class BlogFilter {
function get_filtered_entry_count() {
global $CFG;
//might need to use a count_records_sql.
$entries = $this->get_filtered_entries();
return count($entries);
@ -492,7 +394,7 @@ class BlogFilter {
$link .= $linktext . '</a>';
return $link;
* The unused param is defined as either
* <code>
@ -514,7 +416,7 @@ class BlogFilter {
$unused = array($unused);
if (!in_array('startmonth', $unused)) {
$getargs .= '&amp;m=' . $this->startmonth;
$getargs .= '&amp;m=' . $this->startmonth;
if (!in_array('startday', $unused)) {
$getargs .= '&amp;d=' . $this->startday;
@ -542,70 +444,6 @@ class BlogFilter {
return $getargs;
function is_userid_valid() {
if (is_numeric($this->userid) && $this->userid != 0 && $this->userid != '') {
return true;
return false;
function is_groupid_valid() {
if (is_numeric($this->groupid) && $this->groupid != 0 && $this->groupid != '') {
return true;
return false;
function is_courseid_valid() {
if (is_numeric($this->courseid) && $this->courseid != 0 && $this->courseid != '') {
return true;
return false;
function is_postid_valid() {
if (is_numeric($this->postid) && $this->postid != 0 && $this->postid != '') {
return true;
return false;
* get_member_list
* @param string $sort
* @param int $limitnum
* @return object containing records with ->id and ->title of member blogs
function get_member_list($sort='', $limitnum='') {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($this->memberlist)) {
return $this->memberlist;
//temporarily change $this->fetchstart to unlimit the entries from db and fetch
$oldstart = $this->fetchstart;
$this->fetchstart = '';
$entries = $this->fetch_entries();
$this->fetchstart = $oldstart;
$records = array();
$bids = array();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if (!in_array($entry->entryuserid, $bids)) {
$bids[$entry->entryuserid] = $entry->entryuserid;
foreach ($bids as $bid) {
$thisrecord->id = $bid;
$thisrecord->title = get_user_preferences('blogtitle', $CFG->blog_default_title, $bid);
$records[] = $thisrecord;
$this->memberlist = $records;
return $records;
} //end class BlogFilter

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ if ($usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor()) {
if (($post = data_submitted( get_referer() )) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!empty($post->editform)) { //make sure we're processing the edit form here
print_object($post); //debug
//print_object($post); //debug
///these varaibles needs to be changed because of the javascript hack
@ -306,8 +306,6 @@ function do_update(&$post, &$bloginfo) {
$blogentry->set_publishstate($post->publishstate); //we don't care about the return value here
if ( !$error = $blogentry->save() ) {
// echo 'Debug: do_update in edit.php calling do_pings<br />'."\n"; //debug

View File

@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ function blog_print_preview_form($userid=0, $categoryelement='<input type="hidde
$returnstring .= "\n".'<form name="prev" action="preview.php" method="post" target="preview">';
$returnstring .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="etitle" />';
$returnstring .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="body" />';
$returnstring .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="extendedbody" />';
$returnstring .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="comm" />';
$returnstring .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="tem" />';
$returnstring .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="'. $userid .'" />';
@ -772,27 +771,12 @@ function blog_print_entry(&$blogEntry, $viewtype='full', $filtertype, $filtersel
$template['body'] = $blogEntry->get_formatted_entry_body();
$template['countofextendedbody'] = 0;
if ($template['extendedbody'] = $blogEntry->get_formatted_entry_extended_body()) {
$template['extendedbody'] = $blogEntry->get_formatted_entry_extended_body();
$template['countofextendedbody'] = count_words($template->extendedbody);
} else {
$template['extendedbody'] = '';
if ($viewtype=='full' && !empty($template['extendedbody'])) {
$template['body'] .= '<hr width="80%" />' . $template['extendedbody'];
} else if ( !empty($template->extendedbody) && $template->countofextendedbody != 0) {
$template['body'] .= '<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="'. $blogEntry->get_entryurl() .'">'. get_string('moreelipses', 'blog') .' ('. $template['countofextendedbody'] .' words)</a>';
$template['title'] = '<a name="'. $blogEntry->entryId .'"></a>';
//enclose the title in nolink tags so that moodle formatting doesn't autolink the text
$template['title'] .= '<span class="nolink">'. stripslashes_safe($blogEntry->entryTitle);
$template['title'] .= '</span>';
// add editing controls if allowed
$template['editbuttons'] = $blogEntry->get_formatted_edit_URL(true);
$template['editbuttons'] .= $blogEntry->get_formatted_delete_URL(true);
$template['courseid'] = $blogEntry->entryCourseId;
$template['userid'] = $blogEntry->entryuserid;
$template['authorviewurl'] = $CFG->wwwroot .'/user/view.php?course=1&amp;id='. $template['userid'];