Merge branch 'MDL-69266-master' of

This commit is contained in:
Jun Pataleta 2020-10-16 10:09:47 +08:00
commit 3ae9f39c5c
6 changed files with 84 additions and 10 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -171,7 +171,19 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, keys
// Get the clone of the drag.
var hiddenDrag = thisQ.getDragClone(unplacedDrag);
if (hiddenDrag.length) {
if (unplacedDrag.hasClass('infinite')) {
var noOfDrags = thisQ.noOfDropsInGroup(thisQ.getGroup(unplacedDrag));
var cloneDrags = thisQ.getInfiniteDragClones(unplacedDrag, false);
if (cloneDrags.length < noOfDrags) {
var cloneDrag = unplacedDrag.clone();
} else {
} else {
// Send the drag to drop.
thisQ.sendDragToDrop(thisQ.getUnplacedChoice(thisQ.getGroup(input), choice), drop);
@ -251,7 +263,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, keys
this.getRoot().find('' + this.getGroup(drag)).not('.beingdragged').each(function(i, dropNode) {
var drop = $(dropNode);
if (thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop)) {
if (thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop) && !thisQ.isDragSameAsDrop(drag, drop)) {
} else {
@ -286,7 +298,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, keys
root.find('' + this.getGroup(drag)).not('.beingdragged').each(function(i, placedNode) {
var placedDrag = $(placedNode);
if (!thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, placedDrag)) {
if (!thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, placedDrag) || thisQ.isDragSameAsDrop(drag, placedDrag)) {
// Not this placed drag.
return true;
@ -700,6 +712,17 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, keys
return this.getRoot().find('' + this.getGroup(drag) + '.place' + currentPlace);
* Check that the drag is drop to it's clone.
* @param {jQuery} drag The drag.
* @param {jQuery} drop The drop.
* @returns {boolean}
DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.isDragSameAsDrop = function(drag, drop) {
return this.getChoice(drag) === this.getChoice(drop) && this.getGroup(drag) === this.getGroup(drop);
* Singleton that tracks all the DragDropToTextQuestions on this page, and deals
* with event dispatching.
@ -758,6 +781,8 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, keys
* @param {jQuery} element Element to bind the event
addEventHandlersToDrag: function(element) {
// Unbind all the mousedown and touchstart events to prevent double binding.
element.unbind('mousedown touchstart');
element.on('mousedown touchstart', questionManager.handleDragStart);

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class behat_qtype_ddwtos extends behat_base {
* @return string the xpath expression.
protected function drag_xpath($dragitem) {
return '//span[contains(@class, "draghome") and contains(., "' . $this->escape($dragitem) .
'") and not(contains(@class, "dragplaceholder"))]';
return '//div[@class="answercontainer"]//span[contains(@class, "draghome") and contains(., "' .
$this->escape($dragitem) . '") and not(contains(@class, "dragplaceholder"))]';
@ -86,4 +86,15 @@ class behat_qtype_ddwtos extends behat_base {
* Check that the given drag exist in drag home area
* @param string $dragitem the text of the drag item.
* @Given /^I should see "(?P<drag_item>[^"]*)" in the home area of drag and drop into text question$/
public function i_should_see_drag_in_the_home_area($dragitem) {
$this->ensure_element_exists($this->drag_xpath($dragitem), 'xpath_element');

View File

@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ Feature: Preview a drag-drop into text question
| contextlevel | reference | name |
| Course | C1 | Test questions |
And the following "questions" exist:
| questioncategory | qtype | name | template |
| Test questions | ddwtos | Drag to text | fox |
| questioncategory | qtype | name | template |
| Test questions | ddwtos | Drag to text | fox |
| Test questions | ddwtos | Drag to text infinite | infinite |
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I navigate to "Question bank" in current page administration
@ -79,3 +80,16 @@ Feature: Preview a drag-drop into text question
Then the state of "The" question is shown as "Correct"
And I should see "Mark 1.00 out of 1.00"
And I switch to the main window
Scenario: Preview a infinite question.
When I choose "Preview" action for "Drag to text infinite" in the question bank
And I switch to "questionpreview" window
# Increase window size.
# Keep window large else drag will scroll the window to find element.
And I change window size to "medium"
And I press "Fill in correct responses"
Then I should see "Option1" in the home area of drag and drop into text question
And I should see "Option2" in the home area of drag and drop into text question
And I should see "Option3" in the home area of drag and drop into text question
And I switch to the main window

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class qtype_ddwtos_test_helper extends question_test_helper {
public function get_test_questions() {
return array('fox', 'maths', 'oddgroups', 'missingchoiceno');
return array('fox', 'maths', 'oddgroups', 'missingchoiceno', 'infinite');
@ -186,4 +186,28 @@ class qtype_ddwtos_test_helper extends question_test_helper {
return $dd;
* This is a simple question with infinite mode.
* @return stdClass data to create a ddwtos question.
public function get_ddwtos_question_form_data_infinite() {
$fromform = new stdClass();
$fromform->name = 'Drag-and-drop infinite question';
$fromform->questiontext = ['text' => 'One [[1]] Two [[2]] Three [[3]]', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML];
$fromform->defaultmark = 1.0;
$fromform->generalfeedback = ['text' => 'This is general feedback', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML];
$fromform->choices = [
['answer' => 'Option1', 'choicegroup' => '1', 'infinite' => true],
['answer' => 'Option2', 'choicegroup' => '1', 'infinite' => true],
['answer' => 'Option3', 'choicegroup' => '1', 'infinite' => true]
$fromform->shownumcorrect = 0;
$fromform->penalty = 0.3333333;
return $fromform;